Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2606 You punish me

Chapter 2606 You punish me

Daguang is dead.

He died gloriously. In order to allow everyone to safely evacuate to the pass, he has done what he should do. He has always thought that as an Eighth Route Army soldier, he should have, at least he should have this awareness of sacrificing himself for everyone.

He did it.And well done.

Shen Wanxi's expression suddenly became blurred again.Why are things like this?It's all because of him!
Hu Dahai's eyes were bloodshot, and swelling veins could be seen all over his neck around his eyes. He was like a wild beast, trying to eat Shen Wanxi.

"Why don't you listen? Why?" Hu Dahai roared loudly.

"I..." Shen Wanxi was a little sad, his eyes were dull, he didn't know how to explain it at all!
Why don't you go out?
The gate of Yangchengguan was closed at this time, and no one knew how important this person was to them and how important it was to Yang Fei. When it comes to sadness, no one is more sad than Yang Fei, right?
The soldiers looked at Daguang's body. He was no longer human, and he no longer knew how many people looked at him in this world.

Close the door, there are only more than 30 people left at this time, go out, so many people have died, if there is a war tomorrow, can we still survive?
No one knows, no one knows, everyone panics, everyone is angry!
It's okay not to let Yang Fei know about this matter. Yang Fei and Han Qing rushed over when they heard the gunshots. They were supposed to let everyone have a good night's rest. Why?Already like this?

Wait until they reach Yangcheng Pass.

A soldier was stunned when he saw Yang Fei, and then hurriedly chased after Shen Wanxi, "Head, Head Yang is here!"

Hearing Yang Fei's arrival, Shen Wanxi shivered subconsciously, then slowly stood up, Hu Dahai leaned against the wall angrily.

At this time, it was snowing heavily, and there was no tension and excitement in the pass.

"What's wrong?" Yang Fei asked, seeing everyone's scars, Yang Fei suddenly frowned, "You guys went out?"

Shen Wanxi didn't speak, and Hu Dahai didn't speak either. They were probably the only ones who could explain to Yang Fei.

All the soldiers were silent, and they didn't know what to say.

Those who can survive are probably luck, and those who cannot survive will become fate.

"Who is talking to me!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he pushed Shen Wanxi away, and then saw a corpse lying on the ground.

The corpse was beyond recognition, and he couldn't figure out who this person was for a long time.

Han Qing went over, took a look, and then covered his nose. He came to Yang Fei nervously, "Sir..."

"Oh?" Yang Fei asked.

"This..." Han Qing was speechless.

"What's wrong? Tell me!" Yang Fei shouted.

Han Qing looked at Yang Fei, only his mouth was moving, but he couldn't hear his voice. Yang Fei, who was in a hurry, walked up to Da Guang's body, and then looked at it with wide eyes.

Han Qing hurried over, "Sir, let's go!"

"Get out of the way!" Yang Fei pushed Han Qing, and then looked at. Hu Dahai looked not far away, and did not dare to speak, but suddenly heard a "plop", and Shen Wanxi knelt down!
"Yang Fei... I... It's all me, I'm not human!" Shen Wanxi cried out with snot and tears.

At this time, how could Yang Fei fail to recognize Daguang, his figure and figure had already blurred his impression, and Yang Fei suddenly understood.

Why did they hide from himself like this.

However, Yang Fei couldn't get angry at this time, couldn't act wildly, and there were many things he couldn't do.

He stood up and looked at Shen Wanxi, "Old Shen, what are you doing?"

Shen Wanxi cried, "Yang Fei, it's my fault, Daguang him... Daguang him..."

"Daguang sacrificed, I saw it!" Yang Fei said, he looked around, and then asked, "Is there only so few people left?"

Yes, more than 30 people are standing here, who dares to run away at this time?

"Yang Fei, it's me. I didn't obey your orders, and then let Da Guang take people to harass me without authorization. I don't listen to persuasion, and the consequences of not listening to persuasion... Yang Fei, punish me! Punish me!" Shen Wanxi shouted.

Seeing the flying like this, Han Qing knew in his heart how Yang Fei was feeling at the moment, but he was able to maintain restraint and keep such calm, he was really touched.

"Old Shen, it's okay, Yangcheng Pass is still here, we can't live without you here!" Yang Fei said, "Da Guang sacrificed, and the sacrifice was worth it. He should let you understand that devils are actually harder to fight. They are more powerful than you imagined." It's much more difficult, why did they catch you so unprepared?" Yang Fei asked.

Shen Wanxi lowered her head and kept crying.

Yang Fei looked at Hu Dahai with his head, "Old Hu, tell me!"

Hu Dahai walked up to Yang Fei, and said, "Yang Fei, I'm also to blame for this matter. I couldn't stop him. Shen Wanxi made the decision and asked Da Guang to take people to harass him. As a result, he was ambushed by devils. The slow slopes on the left and right sides of Yangcheng Pass know, right? The devils were there to lie in ambush until Daguang came back with someone, and in the end, he fell into Takako’s arms. I am responsible for this matter, and I ask you to punish me!” Hu Dahai said .

"Now is not the time to talk about punishment. I believe you should understand that it is worth sacrificing your comrades in exchange for your correct judgment on the current situation!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he looked at Shen Wanxi on the ground, "Don't cry Stand up, so many soldiers are looking at you, do you want me to help you up yourself?" After speaking, Yang Fei asked the surrounding soldiers to help Shen Wanxi up.

"Old Yang, should punish me. There are no rules in front of the enemy, this is not acceptable!"

"No? It's fine if you know it, but at this time, I won't punish you. With such anger, you have to kill more devils tomorrow. You know, it's tomorrow! If you miss here tomorrow, the entire base area will be destroyed." Then you get implicated, do you understand?" Yang Fei asked.

Shen Wanxi nodded vigorously, "But... there are only so few soldiers left... We..."

"Don't worry about this, old Shen, don't worry, I'll go back now and send another fifty soldiers, don't worry about it!" Yang Fei patted Shen Wanxi on the shoulder, did he forgive him?

Shen Wanxi wasn't sure, he really didn't know.

"Let's go?" After Yang Fei finished speaking, Han Qing followed him and left.

Yang Fei didn't want to leave, but he couldn't bear it psychologically. He couldn't bear his ruthlessness, and his ignorance of pretending to be happy.

When he really went back, his body suddenly went limp.

Yang Fei is not a heartless person.

Han Qing understood that Yang Fei's mood was really too bad.

He sat on the ground, unable to get up for a long time, he went to help, but Yang Fei waved his hand, "It's okay, you go back first!"

At this moment, how could Han Qing leave? He was standing behind Yang Fei, with heavy snow falling on his body. The poignant beauty made his loneliness so perfect.

Yang Fei didn't howl or cry, his tears might have been drained when he beat the devils many years ago.

For this kind of loneliness without tears, Han Qing stood behind him, motionless.

Until Wang Wei found him.

"Yang Fei! I've heard about it, so..." Before Wang Wei could finish speaking, Yang Fei smiled, "It's okay, political commissar, how many of our comrades have been sacrificed for this march!"

"Yang Fei, if you can think like this, I'm very satisfied. Lin Zhonghu sent someone here just now, come and take a look!" Wang Wei said.

Yang Fei followed Wang Wei to a room and saw Ming Zi.

Ming Zi sat on the chair with Erlang legs crossed. When he saw Yang Fei, he didn't stand up either, and took a sip of tea from the teacup.

"Brother Mingzi, are you here?" Yang Fei asked politely.

"Captain Yang!" After speaking, Ming Zi put his legs down, "Tell me about the battle just now, what happened, our elder brother Lin Zhonghu must ask me to ask!"

Yang Fei smiled, then sat down, "Brother Mingzi, I'm really sorry, I made you laugh just now, we were ambushed by devils, that's why..."

"I know this. We are right behind the devils, and we didn't fight the devils on the hillside. I'm afraid those who went out are all dead!" Mingzi said.

Hearing this, Yang Fei was moved in his heart, yes, at these times, there is their help everywhere, without their help, how could they go so smoothly?
"Then...Brother Mingzi, thank Brother Lin for me, and I, Yang Fei, will repay him with all my heart!" Yang Fei said.

"Don't say these high-sounding words, what did I want to ask just now?" Ming Zi looked at Yang Fei and asked.

"I know!" Yang Fei said, "I didn't tell them in person that they couldn't go out. Commander Shen made the decision on his own. However, at this time, we can't change generals, otherwise, it will really disturb everyone. Military spirit!" Yang Fei looked at him and said.

"I understand what you mean, Commander Yang, our eldest brother asked me to come, just to tell you that if you let them go out to fight, we will withdraw. If you can understand such a simple strategy , we are desperate!" After saying the name, he stood up and prepared to go back.

Yang Fei hurriedly called out, "Brother Mingzi!"

Akiko looked back at him calmly, "Oh? What's wrong?"

"You mean, tomorrow our brothers will go back to help us guard the Yangcheng Pass?" Yang Fei asked.

"That's right, except for a hundred brothers in Lannuya, the rest of us are near Yangcheng Pass. At the critical moment, we will take action! Don't worry, don't look at us as bandits. In this battle, we will We are also patriotic, a large part of the reason why we become bandits is that we really can’t survive, even more so when the devils come!” Mingzi said, “So, Commander Yang, since you are the supreme commander here now , we have the right and the obligation to remind you that now is an extraordinary period, and it is the common interest of both of us to fight devils!"

"Brother Mingzi, don't worry, I, Yang Fei, have nothing to say about fighting devils!" Yang Fei said.

"That's good, I can go back and do business with our elder brother!" After saying that, Ming Zi went out and left.

Wang Wei looked at Yang Fei and asked, "How do you deal with Shen Wanxi?"

"I..." Yang Fei hesitated to speak, "Forget it, he is the head of the regiment, and he should have his motives for doing this. Although he failed, I believe that in the next battle, he will No more mistakes!"

Yang Fei's words made Wang Wei nod his head, and he agreed, "You are right just now. Changing generals before the battle is a big taboo for military strategists. I am also very pleased that you can do this. I believe that the brigade commander will also Very happy!"

"I don't know how the brigade commander is doing now!" Said Li Jiguang, but Yang Fei was worried about him again.

"Yang Fei, take a good rest, tomorrow will be a big battle!" Wang Wei said.

"Okay, then I'll go!" After saying that, Yang Fei left.


Xiaoyinpo, Pinggu was very happy.

Ben Dao said happily, "Mr. Pinggu, this battle has made the Eighth Route Army overwhelmed. There are not many of them in the first place. It seems that with only one bombardment tomorrow, Yangcheng Pass is bound to be won!"

"Mr. Bendao, I didn't expect that the Eighth Route Army was really fooled. I thought that the Eighth Route Army would be a coward, but I didn't expect, I didn't expect that the Eighth Route Army could do this, and it made me somewhat comforted!"

Pinggu said with a smile.

"Shao Zuo Pinggu was far-sighted, and almost wiped out the Eighth Route Army with tactics. It seems that tomorrow we will be the first to take down Yangchengguan!" Ben Dao said.

"By the way, what did you just say? There is still the Eighth Route Army on the gentle slope?" Pinggu asked.

"Yes, otherwise, we would wipe out more Eighth Route Army. Since we don't know how many people are still on the hillside, we retreated!" Ben Dao said.

"How is it possible, our people have been there all the time, why didn't we know that there is the Eighth Route Army?" Pinggu became puzzled, "So, we still have to bomb the mountain first tomorrow!" Pinggu nodded, concluding his thoughts .

"Master Pinggu, I think that there won't be too many Eighth Route Army on the hillside. If they stick to Yangcheng Pass, it will mean that the eastern frontier will be cut off, and the commander will be able to enter the land of no one. In this way, we will wipe out the Eighth Route Army." , even faster!" Ben Dao said.

"Then, in this way, the Eighth Route Army will defend Yangcheng Pass to the death. The battle we fought today will indeed increase the Eighth Route Army's troops at Yangcheng Pass. They will surely die here, hahahaha!" Pinggu laughed.

"It's very possible!" Ben Dao said, "According to the Eighth Route Army's strategy, they will teach the guards of Yangcheng Pass a lesson and then dismiss them. In this way, the army's morale will be in turmoil. Mr. Pinggu, I congratulate you first, Yangcheng Pass , has been taken down!"

Pinggu pursed his lips, then waved his hands, "Mr. Bendao, as soldiers of the empire, we should be loyal to the empire. This is our duty. If, as you said, bombing Yangcheng Pass tomorrow, it will become the top priority." Heavy!" Pinggu was actually very happy in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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