Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2607 We Are All Brothers

Chapter 2607 We Are All Brothers
"Yes!" Motoshima said, "I hope we are all right!"

"Then what do you mean, let's start firing tomorrow? How about blowing open Yangcheng Pass and forcing them to surrender?" Pinggu asked.

"I don't think the Eighth Route Army will surrender easily, even if they fight to the last person, there are really too few people in the Eighth Route Army who surrendered!" Ben Dao said, "I think the bombing of Yangcheng Pass will start tomorrow morning. Let's take them out first." The main force will be restrained and leave a space for the commander, this will be perfect!"

"That's right!" Pinggu nodded, "Mr. Bendao, it seems that you should study psychology to understand the Eighth Route Army's mind!"

"Haha!" Ben Dao also laughed happily.


After Ming Zi went back, Lin Zhonghu found out.

Ming Zi asked, "Brother, according to Yang Fei, Shen Wanxi from Yangcheng Pass made his own claim. Tell me, is it true?"

"It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. I just want to see Yang Fei's attitude! They have suffered a heavy loss this time. At a critical moment, someone made a mistake. This is absolutely not allowed!" Lin Zhonghu said. "It looks like we're going to leave here tomorrow. We beat the devil here, and the devil's artillery will bomb here tomorrow. Tell the brothers, we can walk to the top of the mountain with our backs against the wind, and we can survive this day safely!"

"Brother, I got it!" Ming Zi said.

"Also, you just said, who is the dead person?" Lin Zhonghu asked again.

"I found out that the person who died was Da Guang, a battalion commander of Shen Wanxi, but I also heard that Da Guang and Yang Fei were still very close. Da Guang died, but I was in Yang Fei I didn't see any disappointment on my face!" Ming Zi said.

"This is what makes a big deal!" Lin Zhonghu looked at Mingzi, "Those who can learn to endure are great people, I am ashamed of myself!"

"Brother, why bother talking about yourself like that, then Yang Fei is just pretending!" Ming Zi said bluntly.

"Whether it's pretending or not, Yang Fei's ability to forbear it is enough to show how high Yang Fei's forbearance is." Lin Zhonghu said with admiration.

Mingzi still didn't understand, but he didn't care, as long as Lin Zhonghu had a high status in his heart.

At the top of the mountain, Lin Zhonghu looked in the direction of Xiaoyinpo. Mingzi didn't understand. He sat beside Lin Zhonghu, and then asked in a low voice, "Brother, why do you keep looking at that place?"

"I was thinking, if the devils showed off the cannons tomorrow, how many shots would blow up Yangchengguan?" Lin Zhonghu said calmly.

"I think there are at most three guns. The Yangcheng Pass was a pass a long time ago. It has been in disrepair for a long time and is very old." Mingzi said.

"Twenty or thirty people! Then how can Shen Wanxi hold on?" Lin Zhonghu shook his head.

"Forget it! Big brother, tomorrow, we can help fight for a while, and we will defend them to the death? I think we should accumulate strength, and then fight guerrillas with the devils. The Eighth Route Army can't escape, but we can!" Mingzi said. .

"Let's see the situation tomorrow. I don't want to see the Eighth Route Army fail, but I have to protect the lives of my brothers!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"That's right, brother, go and have a rest, it's so late!" Ming Zi said.

"Go ahead, I'm thinking about it!" Lin Zhonghu said.

Who can sleep peacefully this night?Everyone is preoccupied.

Shen Wanxi, in particular, was deeply caught in self-blame.

Hu Dahai didn't say a word to him again.

He went to check the trenches himself, and then looked at the cave, but he didn't find anything, so he went back.

It was impossible for him to fall asleep this night, so what could he do to restore everyone's morale?This is what he should do!
He thought of it, let himself die again, only in this way, everyone will not have resentment in their hearts, and everyone can see his positive image in their hearts.

He checked the terrain again. What should he do if the Yangcheng Pass is blasted and the devils charge over?
He has two machine guns here, one on the left and the other on the right. When the devils charge up, the machine guns will be able to drive the devils away!

that's it!
Shen Wanxi touched the cold machine gun, he really has no face to only know everyone anymore!
At this time, Hu Dahai also came out. When he saw Shen Wanxi, he turned his head and left.

Shen Wanxi hurriedly called out, "Old Hu!"

Hu Dahai stopped.

Shen Wanxi walked over slowly.

"Old Hu, I know you hate me in your heart!" Shen Wanxi said immediately, "I'm not a human being, I know I'm not a thing, I'm self-willed, this is what you said about me, I remember, I can discuss it with you something?"

Hu Dahai turned his head slowly and did not speak, just waiting for him to speak.

"Tomorrow's battle should be even fiercer. I've thought about it. In Yangcheng Pass, there are heavy machine guns on the east and west sides. We don't fight, we can only defend, and fight back." Shen Wanxi said.

"What else? What else do you want to say?" Hu Dahai asked.

"If I die tomorrow too! You will continue to be the commander. If you die too, then the battalion commander, the battalion commander is dead, the company commander, the company commander is dead, and the platoon leader is dead. The one who has been in the army for the longest time!" Shen Wanxi said, "At this time, I know you think I'm talking nonsense, and you can't sleep, are you worried about tomorrow's affairs?"

"Old Shen, before you did yours and I did mine, I didn't feel how disgusting what you did at all, but since I became your deputy head, I discovered that it is very possible for me to be with you. You are not from the same way!" Hu Dahai said, "As for Daguang's death, do you think Yang Fei will be fine if he doesn't say anything? You should know best what he was thinking. He wanted to kill you at that time!"

Hu Dahai looked at Shen Wanxi, "But he endured it, he really endured it, why did he restrain it?"

Shen Wanxi shook her head.

"It's not that he is unfeeling, but that he also regards you as a brother. He doesn't want to lose two brothers at the same time. Old Shen, the two of us and Yang Fei have climbed snow-capped mountains and crossed grasslands together, and we have been fighting devils for so many years. You should understand that while he cares about Daguang, he also cares about you, although he hates you and his words are not nice, but this is a brother!" Hu Dahai patted Shen Wanxi on the shoulder.

"Tomorrow is going to be a decisive battle. Although we don't know what kind of battle it is, we understand that whether we can see the two of us again is still unknown! Therefore, you can fight your battle with peace of mind. I hate you for a while. , But, the lives of the remaining brothers tomorrow will be in your hands! Do you understand?" Hu Dahai turned around and left after speaking.

Shen Wanxi looked at his back and nodded, "I understand!"

It snowed all night.

When I got up the next day, there was another thick layer of snow on the ground, and the last heat of the not-so-hot stove was tight.

On this day, everyone has devoted themselves to the most tense moment.

Everyone knew in their hearts that after a night of safety, it would be different on this day.

Everyone is making the most intense preparations.

At this time, Junyi Yoshikawa was about to reach the base of the Eighth Route Army. He ordered everyone to stop, and then a devil ran over.

"Commander Yoshikawa, I got the latest telegram. Yesterday, Shao Zuo Pinggu lured the Eighth Route Army out of the customs, and then wiped out more than [-] members of the Eighth Route Army!" After the devil finished speaking, Yoshikawa Junyi smiled.

"As expected of being my right-hand man!" Yoshikawa was obviously very happy.

Si Ye was also very happy about this news. Seeing Yoshikawa like this, he said, "Commander, in this way, Yangcheng Pass is bound to be won. Now we can concentrate all our forces to hunt down the Eighth Route Army! We have won! "

Yoshikawa bared his teeth, and he looked at Si Ye with a smile, "You're right, we don't lack food, grass and ammunition now, if we fight a few more battles with the Eighth Route Army, they will lose, but I don't want to wait!", Yoshikawa looked After a while, "Tell Mr. Pinggu that an attack will be launched on the Eighth Route Army in two hours!"

Si Ye said, "Commander, yes, I believe we will hear the good news from Mr. Pinggu soon!"

"That's a must!" Junyi Yoshikawa looked very confident.

The news reached Pinggu's ears.

Pinggu smiled, "Honjima-kun, look, what did the commander say in the telegram?"

Ben Dao took the telegram, then looked at Pinggu with a smile, "Mr. Pinggu, it seems that the commander values ​​you very much!"

Pinggu said proudly, "Of course, I remember the commander said to me, that is to say, in marching and fighting, the final battle must be the tactics. Only the undefeated tactics can have eternal victory. This sentence, I also tell you Bendao Lord, our soldiers of the Great Japanese Kingdom are like this, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid!”

"Okay, I see, Mr. Pinggu, after two hours, it will be up to us!" Ben Dao said.

"Of course, now, Mr. Bendao, go and prepare the artillery, two hours is enough!" Pinggu said.

No one is willing to take this responsibility, but for Pinggu, winning the Yangcheng Pass is inevitable.

Yang Fei was also the first to know about Junyi Yoshikawa's arrival.

The tree on Lannuya was pushed down by Dongdong with very little strength, and then he ran down and said out of breath, "Uncle, the devil is here!"

Yang Fei stroked his head, "Okay Dongdong, uncle knows, you should go back now, grandma should miss you!"

Dongdong nodded, but shook his head again, "I think I can still help you!"

"Help me?" Yang Fei shook his head, "No need, leave this place to uncle!"

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly asked Han Qing to tell Shen Wanxi that he would deploy here quickly.

Li Mobai and Deng Qi had already made preparations. On the flat wasteland, they were hiding and almost no one could be seen.

But Shen Wanxi learned of this situation and immediately ordered, "Everyone, hide in the cave for me! Anyone who doesn't want to die hides in there!"

More than 30 people hid in the narrow cave, and they looked at each other, "Commander, the devil is about to attack!"

"Of course, the devils have arrived. The devils in Xiaoyinpo are about to go crazy now. Didn't you see that they had fired their cannons just now?" Shen Wanxi said.

"Captain, how should we fight?"

No one is sure about this matter, so Shen Wanxi said, "Listen to my order in a while, move out the two machine guns for me, fight, definitely fight, if Yangcheng Pass can't be guarded, the base area can't be guarded. There are folks who don’t want their folks to die, cheer me up, and everyone, aim and shoot me in the trenches, the enemy’s firepower should not be weak, but you all have to cheer up to 100 million points , things that cannot be helped, don’t think too much now, and don’t think too much about the bandits, they will help us, we are more than 30 people!”

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the devils couldn't hold back if they didn't bomb Yangcheng Pass.

Hu Dahai looked at Shen Wanxi, and said, "Old Shen, let me go out, I'll go and see what the devils are doing, if they dare to fire shells at us, they will be finished!"

"Old Hu, don't mess around, sit down for me, everyone here, save that breath for me until the end, we want to see victory!" Shen Wanxi said.

If the enemy doesn't move, they won't move either. Whoever moves first will suffer greatly.

With more than 30 people, it seems that it is really too difficult to defend this checkpoint, but this is exactly what Yang Fei thought, the devils really came from these two places.

"Old Shen, let me go out! Look, it's been more than an hour. What are the devils doing? If the devils are attacking us, wouldn't we be defenseless?" Hu Dahai asked road.

"No!" Shen Wanxi just wouldn't let him go, and with the lessons learned from the past, he couldn't easily let him go at this juncture.

"I promise, I will be fine, I will quietly see what the devil is doing, no one is watching the situation outside, this is not right!" After finishing speaking, Hu Dahai ran out alone!

Shen Wanxi couldn't stop him, and hurriedly shouted, "Go, protect the deputy head, you must protect him well, don't let him get into trouble!"

A soldier quickly followed Hu Dahai and ran out!
Hu Dahai climbed up the tower, and then looked at, the artillery was lined up in formation, so majestic!
"Deputy commander, what we see here is like this, the devils don't attack, why is that?" asked the soldier.

"There are only two reasons. First, the devils did not arrive on time and did not receive the order to attack. Second, the devils in the wasteland to the east were not fully in place. They wanted to do both!" Hu Dahai said.

"Ah?" The soldier frowned, "When will that devil fight? I'm really suffocating in my heart!"

"Don't go back if you're angry! Remember, we can't act rashly now! Yangcheng Gate can't be defended, but even though the gate is gone, we still have to guard this small highland. Look, there is a flat plain ahead, actually Even if the devils attack, they won't be affected, although we only have thirty or so people, this is enough!" Hu Dahai said.

"We can fight one hundred!" The soldier became excited.

"That's what it means, hold on, you must hold on!" Hu Dahai's hand was firmly grasping the crenel.

(End of this chapter)

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