Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2608 Tranquility before the battle

Chapter 2608 Tranquility before the battle
In the last 2 minutes of the two hours, Hu Dahai personally saw that the artillerymen of the Devils were standing on both sides.

Hu Dahai saw that the devil was about to open fire, so he immediately shouted, "I said, everyone should be mentally prepared, the devil is going to attack, everyone retreat to the cave."

As soon as they finished speaking, they quickly retreated into the cave.

Just when their front feet had just reached the entrance of the cave, a shell exploded, and all of a sudden bricks and rubble were blown up above Yangcheng Pass.

The explosion was a firearm that was more powerful than the mortars of their long swords.

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, more bombs exploded at Yangcheng Pass!

Seeing Hu Dahai's return, Shen Wanxi felt relieved, and then said, "Listen guys, after this round of explosions is over, everyone must find a way to get in place, we can't wait, and we don't have to wait!"

However, the explosion made every warrior in the cave deaf and dumb.

Shen Wanxi shouted loudly, "Everyone listen, wait until this round of explosion is over, and one squad will go out to check the situation. If the devils attack, we must stick to our posts no matter what. , did you hear that?"

The big guys quickly became enthusiastic, "I heard it!"

"Everyone, don't mind this. It's the Chinese New Year. You have to listen to it anyway, don't you?" Shen Wanxi was doing the mobilization meeting.

This kind of noise is actually a bit big, no one knows, but this kind of optimism is especially important here in the Eighth Route Army.

The first round of artillery fire lasted for 10 minutes. During these 10 minutes, everyone seemed to be walking around the edge of the ghost gate a few times.

Hu Dahai led the people out in person, and found that Yangcheng Pass was closed at this time, and there were broken bricks and tiles everywhere, and there was no life at all.

He ran to the rubble by himself and looked down, but the devil didn't move.

"Damn it, these devils have blown up a round, and they will blow up again!" Seeing the devils reloading the bombs below, he turned to look at the soldiers, "Pay attention, see clearly, these devils will blow up again!" Here we are, this time, we will go back to the cave, and everyone will come out after this round is over!"

After speaking, everyone quickly withdrew into the cave.

Shen Wanxi frowned, "The devils are done blowing up, and they will continue to blow up. It seems that the devils are burning too much money!"

"Old Shen, no matter what, we still can't go out now, let's see how many rounds the devil will bomb us!" Hu Dahai said.

"That's right, we can't afford to suffer!" Shen Wanxi said.

After 3 minutes, the sound of gunfire continued.

However, what puzzled everyone was that the sound was not like it was just now.

It seemed that the voice was coming from next door to them.

They were surprised.

Hu Dahai frowned, "It's strange, the devils didn't bomb our place, but started bombing elsewhere. Could it be... have other friendly troops been discovered?"

"Friendly army?" Shen Wanxi asked, but then they understood, "Could this be a bandit?"

At this point, everyone nodded, "That's right, aren't there bandits on the hillside near us? Could it be that they were exposed?"

"Don't worry about it! I'll go and have a look!" After speaking, Hu Dahai rushed out of the cave alone.

The outside of the cave was in a mess. He stepped on the rubble and ran to the already dilapidated Yangcheng Pass. Sure enough, the artillery fire hit the hillside on the left. Several trees on the hill were blown up and down, and then burned into flames!

Seeing this, Hu Dahai's heart turned cold, and then he sighed and said, "The bandits are over!"

Where can they go?Can only die quietly on the top of the mountain!
Back in the cave, Hu Dahai said sadly, "Old Shen, the bandits are probably finished this time. The mountain on the east side was blown up by the devils and there are only a few stones left. If you want to survive, you must have God's blessing!"

"You mean, these devils discovered the bandits?" Having said this, Shen Wanxi's back couldn't help but shudder.

"We only have NO.30 people left, but no matter what, we have to guard!" Hu Dahai said, "Other than that, I'm afraid we are alone and helpless!"

"Where's Yang Fei? He promised to assign us No. 50 people?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"I don't know, I'm afraid it's too late. I'm afraid it's time to employ people on the other side of the wasteland!" Hu Dahai said, "Old Shen, don't worry, I, Hu Dahai, will be here one day, and I will guard Yangcheng Pass. My heart is all eight-way, and my people have nothing to say!"

"Go, take people away, let's go to the trenches, let the little devils come, one will kill one, two will kill one pair! In this life, I will not suffer, even if I die, I will pull one back Yes!" After Shen Wanxi finished speaking, she turned her head and said to the soldiers, "Comrades, the current situation is already heading in a direction that is not conducive to us. What can we do? What can we do? I believe everyone knows clearly Serving the country with death is probably the last plan of my generation!"

After speaking, Shen Wanxi took the lead from the cave at the beginning, and then lay down among the rubble.

It was snowing heavily, and the road ahead could not even be seen clearly.

At the foot of the mountain on the east side, a small river flows down, and the small river freezes in the middle of the river, which is crystal clear.

Those remaining breaths of meaning were also wiped out by the devil's artillery fire.

No one knows how long this battle will last.
However, this has reached the last moment, the last moment, the only way to serve the country with death.

Shen Wanxi clenched her fists, "Poor those bandits!"

"Yes!" Hu Dahai sighed, "Kill a few more devils! Even if they die, don't make them feel so lonely!"

With the cessation of the last cannon fire, Shen Wanxi understood that the devils were about to attack them. As for where they could enter and how long they could stay there, they didn't know.

The soldiers held their breath, and the white breath from their mouths suddenly stuck around their bearded mouths.Hu Dahai was holding a gun in his hand. The gun was glued to the stones on the ground, and he didn't notice it.

Yangcheng Pass, Yangcheng Pass, after all, this place is no match for the devil's artillery fire, but there are still people alive here, and these people will definitely become the last barrier to defend Yangcheng Pass!

"Soon!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Yes, here we come!" After Hu Dahai finished speaking, the front sight aimed down.

The machine gun was already in place, and the muzzle of the rifle was aimed at the devils who were about to appear below.

"Comrades, get ready, take out the grenade and put it next to you. The grenade was thrown by the devil!"

At this time, who would have thought that they still had their last breath left.

Especially the devils, they thought, the breaking of Yangcheng Pass meant they could enter Yangcheng Pass, what a naive idea.

However, Pinggu gave the order like this, "Great and brave warriors of the empire, the last battle is to completely wipe out the Eighth Route Army and wipe out the door on Jinfeng Mountain. It is our responsibility and obligation. Now, everyone rushes towards the mountain. For those who rush forward, I will give each of you 1000 yuan in my own name! In addition, there is a chance for promotion, Yangcheng Pass is our victory pass, attack!"

Pinggu pulled out his command saber, slashed forward, and then those devils rushed towards Yangcheng Pass in a swarm!
Pinggu and Bendao stood below Yangcheng Pass, "Mr. Bendao, I will make a bet with you, do you want to?"

"Oh? I am very happy, Major Pinggu, what do you want to play with me?" Motoshima asked.

"Let's bet how long it will take for the warriors to reach Yangcheng Pass?" Pinggu looked at Ben Dao with a smile and asked.

"Twenty minutes, I think!" Motoshima said.

"No, it doesn't work. It only takes 10 minutes for the warriors of the empire to rush to Yangcheng Pass. Three hours is enough for us to wipe out the Eighth Route Army!" Pinggu said confidently.

"Mr. Pinggu, this is the most ideal!" Ben Dao smiled.

Those devils seemed to have the hope of victory, and then rushed to Yangcheng Pass without hesitation.

"There are so many people!" Shen Wanxi said involuntarily.

"Okay, then come one, I'll kill one!" After finishing speaking, Hu Dahai asked the soldiers to bring over a machine gun.

When the devil was 100 meters away from Yangcheng Pass, Shen Wanxi immediately ordered, "Comrades, aim and hit me, we are condescending, we must not let the devil get caught!"

After finishing speaking, the soldiers started to fight "Boom Boom Boom!" at the devils down the mountain.

Hu Dahai was not in a hurry to fire bullets, after all his machine guns were the most wasted bullets!
When encountering the blocking devils, they slowed down, but they tried to look for cover, but found nothing. In a panic, they could only raise their heads and hit the hillside!
The bullet returned fire, and Shen Wanxi shouted, "Comrades, fight, don't let the devils come up"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Da da da……"

Various guns fired bullets, and the bullets passed through the devil's head and chest, but they couldn't get up!
Seeing that the devils seemed unable to get up, Hu Dahai breathed a sigh of relief!

"Comrades, comrades, dig a trench on the spot, and we will fight from the trench!" After Shen Wanxi finished speaking, half of the people aimed at the devils to fight, and the other half began to dig trenches on the spot, using the collapsed Yangcheng Guan wall as a salt lake, Find your place among the rubble.

The attack of this wave of devils temporarily stagnated, and then the devils retreated.

The soldiers were overjoyed, "Commander, the devils have withdrawn!"

"Yes, commander, we have won!" The soldiers were so happy.

However, Shen Wanxi is not stupid, this is where he is, if the devil loses, it will be after the last devil soldier dies!
"Comrades, don't worry, the devils are just suspending their attack. Next, they will organize a large group of devils to attack. At that time, you will aim at me, aim and fight!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Yes!" The soldiers began to look down the mountain again.

Seeing their soldiers retreat, Pinggu frowned, "What does this mean?" He hurried out and asked.

A team leader ran over, "Reporting to Major Pinggu, our attack encountered a strong defense from the Eighth Route Army. For the sake of safety, we decided to suspend our attack. Now, I want to ask you, what should we do next?"

"Baga, the Eighth Route Army hasn't even been wiped out by artillery shells. How come their survivability is so strong?" Pinggu was a little surprised.

At this time, Ben Dao laughed, "Mr. Pinggu, it seems that you lost this bet. They won't be able to go up in 10 minutes!"

"I admit that I lost, but how can I never believe that the Eighth Route Army will have any kind of defense?" Pinggu asked.

"Major Pinggu, I think we shouldn't look at this at this time, but, we should look at, if we strengthen the fire cover, can our soldiers charge up?" Motoshima asked.

"It makes sense. I'll let people organize the second wave of attack now. I believe that if you give me another 10 minutes, they will definitely be able to go up!" After speaking, he looked at Bendao, "Mr. Bendao, hurry up and organize artillery troops to attack The Yangcheng Pass is being bombed, and the soldiers who cover us can rush up!" Ping Gu said.

"Master Pinggu, we have no more shells. Just now, half of them hit the hillside and the other half hit Yangcheng Pass. This is what we discussed before, so I don't have a single shell left!" Ben Dao said.

"Baga!" Pinggu clenched his fists, "Even if you use the crowd tactics, you have to rush up! Let me know, whoever rushes up to Yangcheng Pass first, I will give him two thousand!"

"Hayi!" After speaking, Ben Dao ran to the devils and conveyed Pinggu's order.

Everyone was happy to hear that there was money to be made. Although they retired once, their main force was still there, and they had the capital to fight the Eighth Route Army.

Soon, the second wave of attack began.

This time, Hu Dahai pointed the rifle directly down the mountain.

The devils rushed over again in a swarm, rushing to the half slope, and then the guns of the Eighth Route Army soldiers started to fight the devils down the mountain.

The devil didn't show any weakness, he just stood there and fired towards the top of the mountain, the bullets shuttled through the trench he just found, "Swoosh..."

Shen Wanxi watched the devil's attack, and knew that the devil was serious this time, because the devil fought very well, half of them aimed at the top of the mountain, and the other half began to rush up quickly.

The devil who ran in the front was shot in the head by Hu Dahai, and then they were taught a bloody lesson.

When there was another quarter of the journey up, Shen Wanxi shouted loudly, "Grenade, grenade, throw it at me!"

The Eighth Route Army soldiers pulled out the fuse and threw it down the mountain.



However, despite this, the devil did not weaken his posture to come up.

Shen Wanxi directly took the heavy machine gun, and started shooting at the devils up and down.

The bullet seemed to be full of resentment, and hit the devil's body, turning it into a plum blossom.

Hu Dahai shouted, "Little devil, come up, what does Grandpa's machine gun taste like!" He stood up, holding the machine gun, and "da da da" also began to shoot.

The firepower intersected, and the devil's attack stopped on the hillside that was still one-fifth away. They really had no way to go any further.

(End of this chapter)

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