Chapter 2609
The devil is back again!
They have no way to attack the top of the mountain, and on this mountain top, the firepower of the Eighth Route Army is intertwined, and they are also desperate!

Didn't you say it's easy to type?Why is it that there is nothing for such a long time?
The devil retreated down the hillside, Ben Dao frowned, "Baga, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Bendao, the Eighth Route Army's firepower is too fierce, we can't go up at all!" The devil said in a panic.

"Can't you go up? How can you not go up?" Ben Dao couldn't believe it. "There are only [-] people in the Eighth Route Army. How is it possible?"

"Mr. Bendao, I really can't go up. The Eighth Route Army's firepower is too great, and the firepower net is mainly concentrated on us. We are too disadvantaged to attack!"

Ben Dao shook his head, "Wait, this Yangcheng Pass must be taken down, this is a death order!" After speaking, Ben Dao went to find Pinggu.

On the other side, Yang Fei's situation here is even more tragic.

The devils attacked from the wilderness and drove over directly.

Some of the landmines placed in front did not explode!This is equivalent to a lot less damage, and for Yang Fei, it is tantamount to making matters worse.

The devil's attack was almost crazy. Although some landmines did not detonate, the ones that had exploded frightened the devil to death!

Seeing this situation, Junyi Yoshikawa immediately ordered to withdraw first.

Si Ye hurriedly said, "Commander, there are bombs ahead. It seems that we must clear the mines first, otherwise, we will not be able to get in, and the losses will be even worse!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that the Eighth Route Army could hinder the defense here!" Junyi Yoshikawa said.

"Then what should we do?" Si Ye quickly frowned.

"What else can I do?" Yoshikawa Junyi said, "The Eighth Route Army has laid so many landmines in such a short period of time. Where did their landmines come from?"

"Commander, what I mean is, can we send engineers to clear the mines?" Si Ye asked.

"Of course it is necessary!" Yoshikawa Junyi said.

In this way, a wave of engineers headed towards the minefield. They used a new type of abandoned device, and then began to scan. Once they found it, they would send out a beep alarm. Such a device was never expected by Yang Fei!
Deng Qi watched, and finally felt at ease in his heart.

Yang Fei looked at it, and then asked, "Deng Qi, what is this, such an advanced feeling?"

Deng Qi smiled, "That's a metal detector!" After finishing speaking, Deng Qi said, "However, we are gratified that most of our landmines are made of stone, and this metal detector doesn't work! We There are not many iron mines, and there are very few that can be detected by them, so you can rest assured, commander, they will still explode when they come over!"

"So, after the devils finish their detection, they will launch a new attack, right?" Yang Fei asked.

"It will definitely. It seems that the devils will not be able to fight over in a short time. Commander, tell me, shall we fight back?" Deng Qi asked.

"Fight, it will definitely create an illusion for the devils, making them think that there must be landmines here, so that they will not speed up their attack, and this will also benefit us!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, then I'll give the order to fire, so that the devils will know how powerful we are!" Deng Qi said to his good brothers in seventies and eighties, "Brothers, according to the order of the regiment leader, we should be directed at the The metal detector devils beat me hard and beat them back!" Deng Qi roared.

All of a sudden, crackling guns sounded from all directions, and those devils with metal detectors were severely beaten by soldiers of the Eighth Route Army.

The bandits on the mountain saw it and wanted to fight, but Yang Fei said in advance that when they raised the red flag, they would fight again, which meant that they would not be able to eat the meat of the devil in front of them for the time being!

"Da da da!"

The devil's engineers were beaten back like this!
Junyi Yoshikawa frowned, "Baga, push the cannon up for me, aim at the trenches of the Eighth Route Army ahead, and hit me!"

The artillery pushed up and started firing at the positions of the Eighth Route Army!
This angered the devils, and Yang Fei also knew that it was necessary to be bombarded!However, they had no choice but to defend briefly, without even a chance to probe!

Immediately afterwards, the devil's engineers began to clear mines again!
At this time, the devils set up two machine guns and started shooting at the Eighth Route Army's position. This shooting made Yang Fei and the others even more afraid to raise their heads.

Therefore, the devil's engineers can safely sweep mines!

However, the bandits in Lannuya became anxious, "The Eighth Route Army still won't let us fight. This is a good opportunity. I can kill the secret machine gunner in front with one shot!"

"Forget it, maybe this is not the time yet. When we came here, the eldest brother told us to obey Yang Fei's orders. Although it is a bit difficult now, I believe that the Eighth Route Army will use us soon. Besides, Brothers have enough ammunition to kill so many devils!"

"That's what I said, I feel itchy in my heart, or should I shoot quietly?"


The bandits looked at the situation down the mountain, and they knew that if the devils really swept out all the mines, the base of the Eighth Route Army would have no defense at all.

The sound of machine guns continued, and the engineering work was quickly completed. The few landmines that were swept out were all frozen and covered with ice slag.

As soon as the gunfire stopped, Yang Fei heard the sound of the devil's car engine!

"Damn it, the devils are attacking again!" Ma Xiaokun said nervously.

"Brothers, call me, don't be polite, since they have come to your door, we will beat them all to the ground at the door, the Eighth Route Army is not a vegetarian!" Yang Fei roared, raised his machine gun and pointed at the devil The car shoots!
"Da da da……"

The sound of machine guns was accompanied by the roar of the car, and soon the car arrived in front of the position. At this moment, the landmine exploded again with a "boom!"

The first car was blown into a scrap car, and the devils on it were dead!
"It's aimed, hit the window glass, hit those drivers!" Deng Qi shouted.

Zhao Junjie aimed at a car behind, a bullet went out, and with a bang, it hit the driver's head!
The happy Zhao Junjie looked at Ma Xiaokun, "Xiaokun, did you see that? I was hit just now!"

"Don't be too happy, look behind!"

After Ma Xiaokun finished speaking, the car behind was still "rumbling..." coming!

"Da da da……"

The devil's machine gun behind the car swept the position for a while.

Hitting in front of Yang Fei, Yang Fei hurriedly lay in ambush, "Fortunately, I am lucky, otherwise, if I meet Hades, I will have to buy off that Guan Die to survive!
Li Mobai defended on the other side, but the other side was very dangerous. Yang Fei and the others fought the devils head-on, while they defended from the side.

With the current situation, it is impossible for the devils to transfer troops to leave here!


At the critical moment, a landmine sounded again, and the car was immediately paralyzed!
This made Yoshikawa Junyi angry, "What's the situation? Didn't you clear all the mines?"

Si Ye was also a little strange. At this time, some fragments stuck in front of him. Si Ye bent down and picked it up, sniffed it in front of his nose, then looked at Yoshikawa and said, "Commander, these mines are not made of iron at all. Yes, look!"

Yoshikawa took it over and smelled it, "The smell of gunpowder, you mean, they are made of stone?"

"Yeah, it seems that the Eighth Route Army has figured out all kinds of solutions, and there may be a lot of landmines ahead!" Si Ye said quickly.

"That's right, the Eighth Route Army is very cunning, withdraw!" Junyi Yoshikawa said hastily.

The devils retreated again, and the few cars left on the battlefield were burning with raging fire. The fire was slowly burning, and the nose was filled with an unpleasant smell.

The snow melted and the car sank a little.

"The devil stopped fighting and withdrew!" Deng Qi said.

"The second retreat, we must hurry up, Ma Xiaokun!" Yang Fei shouted.

Ma Xiaokun ran over from the trench, "Commander!:"

"Count the number of people!" Yang Fei said.

"Report to the regiment commander, there are only 110 people left in our army!" Ma Xiaokun shouted.

"Okay!" Yang Fei said, "Send [-] people to Yangcheng Pass, and I promised Shen Wanxi to call some people there!" Yang Fei said.

"What?" Ma Xiaokun was surprised, "Commander, we are in a tight battle right now, we don't have many people, and the defense is a little weak. If we call some people over, I'm worried..." Before Ma Xiaokun could finish speaking, Yang Fei said, " Follow my orders and carry them out!"

"Yes!" Ma Xiaokun turned and left helplessly, counted 30 people and sent them to Yangchengguan!
Deng Qi looked at Yang Fei, "I heard the sound of cannons before this, it should be from the side of Yangcheng Pass, isn't it inappropriate to transfer people there now?"

"Commander Deng, Yangcheng Pass cannot be lost. If they lose it, it means that there will be devils behind us. I don't need to say, you should know what the consequences will be!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, listen to you! You are the team leader!" Deng Qi said.

"There are only 30 people in Yangcheng Pass. I will call some more. Although there are not many people, it can also serve as a deterrent, so that Shen Wan likes to call me!" Yang Fei said.

Han Qing looked at Yang Fei, "Sir, I think this battle is really hanging"!
"What do you mean?" Yang Fei asked.

"I mean, the ratio of victory and defeat between us and the devils in this battle is [-]-[-]!" Han Qing said.

"Five-five?" Yang Fei shook his head, "Han Qing, you don't know, the devils are much more powerful than us, believe it or not, the devils will fire in a while, we only have one cannon, it was captured, you go and study it That cannon, then hit me back!"

"Yes!" With that said, Han Qing left.

"Fight back?" Deng Qi wanted to laugh. The cannon was given to them by the bandits, and it didn't have much ammunition. There were only ten shells. The ten shells had to be used sparingly. One cannon could inflict damage on the devils. How big of a threat?I'm afraid it's negligible.

"What?" Yang Fei looked at Deng Qi, "Commander Deng, is there anything wrong with what I said?"

"Regimental Commander, let alone what the devils do, we only have one cannon, and we really struggle with this one, and it can't do much damage to the devils!" Deng Qi said.

"Hey!" Yang Fei smiled, "Battle Commander Deng, to be honest, you are right, but I, Yang Fei, never said these things when I was fighting. , Although there are not many, but the Eighth Route Army is poor, this gun is a ghost knows, there is nothing wrong with returning it to him, I also have to make some noise for him, let them listen, it will be Chinese New Year soon, Chinese New Year, You should know what to do, right?" Yang Fei's words made Deng Qi a little embarrassed, just now he really looked down on the Eighth Route Army, he really looked down on them, they have no choice but to fight here, what does this mean?All will be buried here.

Just now, Han Please said that the battles were [-]-[-], and Deng Qi always felt that the victory rate of the Eighth Route Army could not be reached at all.

Fifty-five splits, that is the hard power to fight for. What is hard power is weapons and equipment. Good weapons and equipment are armed to a group of children, and they will have unexpected combat power.

Deng Qi didn't care about this, otherwise, he wouldn't have followed the Eighth Route Army, but once he did this, he would die here with so many Eighth Route Army!
Don't be afraid of death, don't die like a fool!
"Haha, Commander, if you make some noise for the devils, I'll kill a few more devils for you in a while. These devils are all dead." Deng Qi said.

Soon, there was fog in the place where the snow was falling, which was very strange. It stands to reason that the temperature is cold enough, and it is impossible to dance, but it really fogged up.

"It's foggy, it's hard to fight, how did the devil come here? I can't figure out the situation at all!" Yang Fei said.

"Leader, don't worry, this fog will disappear soon!" Deng Qi said.

"Oh? Battalion Commander Deng, it seems you've seen a lot?" Yang Fei asked.

"Captain, the fire just now melted all the snow on the ground, and the water in this area evaporated into water vapor. The mist will disappear soon, and the temperature will still be very cold!" Deng Qi explained .

"So that's the case. I didn't expect that your old Deng is so knowledgeable!" Yang Fei smiled.

"It's just that I heard someone say that by accident!" Deng Qi said.

"Okay, since the fog will disappear soon, I want to see what tricks the devil will play next!" Yang Fei said.

Junyi Yoshikawa saw the fog here, and he instantly understood the cause of the fog, and then hurriedly said to Si Ye, "Mr. But there is no more!"

"what do you mean……"

"My meaning is very clear, Mr. Siye, hurry up and follow my order!" said Yoshikawa Junyi.

When the puppet soldiers heard that they were going to fight in the front line, they were in a mess.

"Why us?"

"Why us?"

Although they were reluctant, when Si Ye took out his pistol and pointed it at them, the puppet soldiers could only bite the bullet and move forward.

(End of this chapter)

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