Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2611 Let's follow the imperial army

Chapter 2611 Let's follow the imperial army
"Okay, since everyone is following the imperial army, let's go, rush over, maybe the imperial army will still have rewards!" After the puppet army finished speaking, Xu Ping hurriedly said, "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up! Go over and we'll win!"

Xu Ping pushed a puppet soldier in front, and the puppet soldier rolled on the ground and crawled forward.

"Did you see, follow, hurry over!" After Xu Ping finished speaking, he looked at them in place.

He doesn't want to die, really doesn't want to die, even though he has a mentality of dying, but this gun has no eyes, how could he want to die, he is not ready to die yet!
Those puppet soldiers crawled to the front, where they exploded just now, did they dare to take another step.

They couldn't go, and they didn't dare to go. They looked at each other, and neither of them dared to take a step forward.

Yang Fei looked at it and thought to himself, "I'm afraid these puppet soldiers won't back down. I wanted to make them revolt and fight with the devils first, but I didn't expect that they are really not afraid of death!"

Deng Qi smiled, "Leader, it seems that they dare not go forward, why don't we give them some gifts?"

"Okay, you can give it!" Yang Fei said.

Deng Qi even ordered, "The bombardiers are ready, the target, the puppet army ahead, tell them, we are not easy to mess with!"

"Yes!" After finishing speaking, more than a dozen people strapped grenades on their waists and went to the trenches ahead!

Si Ye kept shouting from behind, "Hurry up, hurry up!"

Who wants to die?No one wants to!

"Damn it, the imperial army has driven us all to a dead end, what should we do?"

"Come on, rush over, and you will win!"

"Aren't you afraid of landmines? The Eighth Route Army has set mines everywhere, and there's not enough landmines!"

"Hey, is this rushing or not? Hitting or not?"

The puppet soldiers began to get tangled up!
Xu Ping's voice shouted, "Stand up and rush over, whoever rushes over first will get five hundred oceans!"

Five hundred oceans?

Thinking of this, the puppet soldiers are all eager to try, money can turn ghosts, it seems that this is true.

At this time, more than a dozen grenades were thrown over. Seeing the smoke from the grenades, they were all stunned, "This..."

What's this?

All of a sudden, the grenade started to explode beside them, "Boom!"

Shrapnel flew across, and those puppet soldiers who had heard the bounty at this time were thrown on their backs, and dared to charge forward?They retreated one after another, if they didn't retreat, they would be courting death!
They didn't dare to go back to get the gun, they dropped it on the ground, and they went back patronizingly!
Dozens of puppet soldiers were bruised and bruised by dozens of grenades. Seeing this scene, Xu Ping slammed it on the tree, "Fucking shit, shit, let you rush, don't rush, what's the matter? "

Those fleeing puppet soldiers rushed towards the devils without knowing where they were.

Seeing this scene, Si Ye immediately surrounded the puppet army!

Point the gun at them! "Bang bang bang" and started shooting.

The puppet soldiers fell to the ground one by one, and the remaining puppet soldiers did not dare to run any more, so they could only squat down.

Xu Ping hurried over, didn't talk to Si Ye first, and then kicked those puppet soldiers, "Damn it, didn't I let you fight? Didn't I let you rush? Why? The direction is wrong up?"

How dare those puppet soldiers say anything in front of the devils?
Xu Ping said slightly distressed, "Taijun, Taijun, don't take it for granted that they have little combat experience!"

"Baga, let them go forward quickly. This time, we will send artillery to bomb the trenches of the Eighth Route Army. As their captain, you must go ahead!" Si Ye roared, his eyes bloodshot, A monster that seems to eat people.

"Yes yes yes!" Xu Ping quickly agreed.

"Okay, I'll give you another chance. If you still can't take down the trenches of the Eighth Route Army in front of you, I'll let you go around!" After Si Ye finished speaking, he went to find Junyi Yoshikawa.

When he arrived in the tent, Si Ye hurriedly said, "We have already attacked several times, but with little success. Even the Eighth Route Army dared to throw grenades at the Imperial Association Army!"

Yoshikawa Junyi was very calm, "Don't worry, it's not that you don't understand, the fighting power of the Imperial Association Army is enough, I let them go forward, I just want them to open a way, we can get through it! "

"But Commander, that guy Xu Ping doesn't command well at all!" Si Ye said.

"Using them Chinese people, we don't ask them to make great contributions to us, but just ask them not to cause trouble for us. This war depends on our imperial army!" said Yoshikawa Junyi.

"Yeah, we still have to rely on us!" Si Ye said. ,

"By the way, Mr. Siye, have all of us come here?" Yoshikawa asked.

"No, there are still some luggage still behind, Commander, just to be on the safe side, I suggest that we have to send more people to protect it!" Si Ye said.

"Well, the luggage must be well protected. Although we will be able to wipe out the Eighth Route Army soon, these things are essential!" After finishing speaking, Yoshikawa looked at the map, "The Eighth Route Army, the Eighth Route Army, they are actually in this place beat!"

"Oh? Commander, what's the benefit of the Eighth Route Army fighting in this place?" Si Ye didn't understand.

"Since the Eighth Route Army is fighting here, I think they will suffer a lot. However, they are determined to fight here, so I have to wonder if there are other troops here!" Junyi Yoshikawa asked.

"Impossible!" Si Ye said, "According to the information we have before, the Eighth Route Army now has about 200 people, and there are only three or four people guarding Yangcheng Pass, and there are only more than 100 people here! "

"Really?" In terms of numbers, the Eighth Route Army really doesn't have the strength to do something. It stands to reason that we only need to bomb!However, after we bombed, did you find any changes in the number of the Eighth Route Army? "

"This..." Si Ye was stunned, he actually didn't understand what Junyi Yoshikawa was thinking.

"Mr. Siye, this can only show that they have done a good job in defense. In this way, let Xu Ping's people continue to rush forward. When the time comes, our artillery will cover and the whole army will advance together. I don't believe it. What's wrong with the Eighth Route Army?" Excellent skills!" said Yoshikawa Junyi.

"Yes!" Si Ye said quickly.

"Then go prepare. I want to see the Eighth Route Army wiped out! Do you understand?" After finishing speaking, Yoshikawa looked at Si Ye with his hands behind his back.

Si Ye nodded, "Ha Yi, Your Excellency Commander, I assure you, even if I climb, I will climb over!"

"That's right!" Junyi Yoshikawa said, "Soldiers of the empire are not afraid of difficulties, Si Ye, you have done a good job!"

It was snowing heavily, and on the snowfield, there were several cars driving towards Yangcheng Pass.

In the car, Li Jiguang looked at Liu Ji Shouhou and the others, feeling very happy in his heart.

"Shouhou, I don't know if you've been imprisoned for three months and you're going to fight in a while, can you do it?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Brigade Commander, it goes without saying that you have never seen me in war. I have never been afraid of anyone, and I am not afraid of anyone. As long as it is a devil, I am the Lord of Hades. Of course it is up to me to accept them!" said the thin monkey. .

"Liu Ji, what about you?" Li Jiguang asked again.

"Brigade Commander, don't worry, I, Liu Ji, will be able to hold a gun when I was born. The first animal I killed was the tiger on our mountain. I, Liu Ji, have been courageous since I was a child. No matter how fierce the devils are, I will turn them into monsters." Become a docile little sheep." Liu Ji said.

"It's been so long, but I still can't change my bragging habits, hahaha!".Li Jiguang smiled.

"Brigade Commander, I'm here to make a resolution with you. I was born as a member of the Eighth Route Army, and I will die as a ghost of the Eighth Route Army. My life will be handed over to the Eighth Route Army. I can rest assured!" Liu Ji said quickly.

At this time, Li Jiguang looked at Zhao Qifa, "Old Zhao, what about you?"

"Brigade Commander, I just want to ask, is our regiment leader really still alive?" Zhao Qifa looked at Li Jiguang and asked.

"Of course, what did I lie to you for?" Li Jiguang smiled, "Not only is he alive, he is now commanding the war in the base area. I am relieved that he is here!"

"That's good, our head is alive, don't say it, I'm really happy in my heart!" Zhao Qifa said.

At this time, a soldier on horseback caught up with a car, "Brigade Commander, Brigadier Commander!:"

Li Jiguang poked his head out, "What's wrong?"

"Brigade Commander, we found the devil's whereabouts ten miles east of us!"

"Devil? How many people are there?" Li Jiguang asked quickly.

"There are probably three or forty people!" the soldier said quickly.

"Three and forty people, do you know what those people do?" Li Jiguang asked.

"I observed a few cars, and logically speaking, it should be the devil's supply unit here!" After the soldier finished speaking, Li Jiguang became happy, "how can the meat delivered to the mouth be spit out?" reason?"

After saying this, Liu Ji Shouhou and Zhao Qifa immediately cheered up, "Brigade Commander, let me take someone there!"

"Brigade Commander, let me go!" Liu Ji said hastily.

"No, let's go together. These luggage should be heading towards Yangchengguan. It seems that we have to rub the devil's morale well!" After Li Jiguang finished speaking, he quickly ordered, "Everyone, head towards Go east and drive the car for me!"

The car turned around and headed east. They were the most peculiar team on the snowy plain.

At this time, the devil's supply troops who were marching headed towards Xiaoyinpo without haste.

In the car, a few devils sang the Japanese military song, and then smiled excitedly.

Several devils held wine in their hands and shouted excitedly while drinking, "We will win soon, we will win soon, and in three days, I will return to the country and reunite with my wife and children!"

"Congratulations, Yokoto-kun!"

Heng Ting smiled, and he put down the wine, "Over the years, I have had enough of everything here, including the mountains and rivers here, including the heavy snow here, even though it is bigger than the snow in my hometown, I have also had enough of here food!" Heng Ting said more and more angrily, "Why do we have to fight, why can't we be safe and sound? I'm fed up with war!"

"Yokoto-kun, although I don't know why we are fighting, but I know that this is the order of His Majesty the Emperor, and his order is definitely the most correct order!"

A ghost soldier said.

"You kid, you still don't understand, war means death, and death means you are leaving your family, including your uncles and aunts, your parents, your grandparents, grandparents, and your Wife, children, so many people, how can you bear to let them go?" Heng Ting said, "This time, I'm afraid it will be my last mission!"

Heng Ting said very emotionally.

Seeing Heng Ting's happy face, the little soldier was also very happy in his heart, "Mr. Heng Ting, can I ask you something?"

"Well, tell me!" Heng Ting asked.

"When you go back, can you go to my hometown and tell my parents that I am fine and everything is fine here, and if you have a chance, you must take a picture of the cherry blossoms in my hometown Tree, I like to watch the cherry blossoms fall!" Xiaobing looked at him and asked.

"I know this, I will definitely meet your request!" Heng Ting said with a smile, "You will be discharged from the army soon, for our future meeting, let's have a drink!" After Heng Ting finished speaking, he gave Xiaobing a drink liquor.

The two drank it all in one gulp.

Suddenly, Heng Ting heard voices outside, he quickly looked outside, and saw several cars running towards them.

"Mr. Hengting, who are those people?" Xiao Bing asked.

"I don't know, it looks like they are looking for us!" After Heng Ting finished speaking, he slowly stopped the car. He had no doubts about who was in the car.

When Li Jiguang and others drove up to Hengting and the others, Li Jiguang immediately ordered to defend all the vehicles!

When he saw the people getting out of the car, Heng Ting suddenly understood that this time the Eighth Route Army was coming, and when he was about to draw his gun, the car door had already been opened, and Heng Ting was grabbed and pressed to the ground. This time, Li Jiguang acted vigorously and resolutely, and all these devils were arrested and brought to justice.

When he was caught, Heng Ting still didn't want to believe that he was going to be discharged from the army in just a few days, and he was caught just a few days ago!
The goods received this time are naturally not small, and all the baggage on the car, including shells, are on it.

Li Jiguang inspected the cars, and immediately ordered, "Replace all of them with this car, this car has a lot of fuel!"

After everyone packed up, Heng Ting suddenly said, "Can you let me go?"

Seeing Hengting, Li Jiguang smiled. This guy, who looked to be in his thirties, was able to say such a thing.

Li Jiguang looked at him, "Why?"

"I'll be discharged in three days! Can you let me go?" Li Jiguang found it very strange that Heng Ting's face did not show the hostility of other devils.

"Oh?" Li Jiguang didn't expect that this devil would say such a thing.

"Why should I trust you?" Li Jiguang asked.

At this time, Heng Ting took out a piece of paper from his body, "Look, I didn't lie to you, I really didn't lie to you, this is my discharge certificate!"

(End of this chapter)

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