Chapter 2612 Kill
Holding the so-called discharge certificate, no one could recognize what was written on it, Wang Zhifei snatched it, "Brigade Commander, you can't trust the little devil, even if you want to retire? They still have guns in their hands. A gun means there is resistance, and if there is resistance, it means that it is our enemy now, and since it is the enemy, we cannot be lenient!"

What Wang Zhifei said was not wrong, a devil is a devil, and a dog can't change it from eating shit. Besides, Heng Ting seemed to be able to see something when he looked at Wang Zhifei's expression, and immediately threw the gun down. Although the devils behind him said The guns were not aimed at the Eighth Route Army, but when they saw Hengting throwing the guns away, they threw them all away too!
Seeing this, Wang Zhifei wanted to laugh, "These little devils can understand what we say, and their ability to perceive words and emotions is really good, but they used it in the wrong place!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Zhifei went over and grabbed Heng Ting by the collar, and dragged him to him, "Boy, not bad, you can understand what we say!"

"I..." Heng Ting's face was pale now, and his eyes quietly looked at Li Jiguang.

Li Jiguang said, "Zhifei, don't do this!"

Wang Zhifei slowly let go of Hengting's neckline, and Shouhou and Liu Ji beside him looked at each other in blank dismay, they didn't know what to say.

"Brigade Commander, this is a devil!" Wang Zhifei emphasized.

Li Jiguang nodded, "I still know, I know this is a devil!"

"|Now that you know, we can't let this devil go!" Wang Zhifei looked at Li Jiguang and said.

Li Jiguang had his own plans in his heart, but since he was a devil who surrendered, there was no need to kill him. He also knew what killing surrender meant.

He said lightly, "Since he has already surrendered, well, rob him of the car and confiscate all the weapons. However, we don't have much time to spend here now. Let these people come from for the time being." Where are they going, what are they going to do without guns?"

"Yes!" Liu Ji and Shouhou said.

Zhao Qifa also nodded, agreeing.

Those devils were escorted by soldiers of the Eighth Route Army, and then squatted aside, not caring about counting the supplies on the car, Li Jiguang gave the order, "Okay, let's go now!"

Wang Zhifei hurried over and said, "Brigade Commander, let me drive this car!"

"You?" Li Jiguang looked at Wang Zhifei, and Wang Zhifei nodded, "Let me drive, I can drive!"

Li Jiguang nodded, "Okay, then you follow, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang got into the car, and Wang Zhifei shouted, "Xiucai, little skinny man, you two stay with me! Get in my car!"

After speaking, Xiucai and the little thin man got into Wang Zhifei's car.

After watching the cars in front of him leave one by one, Wang Zhifei's eyes showed a hint of cunning.

The scholar looked at Wang Zhifei, "Brother, what are you going to do? Let's go!"

"Let's go? Since we're here, we don't plan to leave like this!" After speaking, Wang Zhifei took out a dagger from his waist and got out of the car.

Xiucai and Xiaoshouzi quickly got out of the car, "Brother, what are you doing?"

"I'll show you how long your eyes are!" After speaking, Wang Zhifei went to the devils who were still squatting on the side.

When those devils saw Wang Zhifei coming, they looked at him in fear.

"You won't!" The little skinny man's eyes widened, "Brother, the brigade commander said just now, don't kill these people!"

"Not to kill?" Wang Zhifei snorted coldly, "These are devils. If you let them go today, they will dare to retaliate against you tomorrow. Think about it, what do these devils think in your hearts after all these years?"

"That must be very bad!" Xiucai said.

"Okay, since you know they are bad, then kill him!"

After Wang Zhifei finished speaking, he gave the dagger to the scholar, who dared to take the dagger, took a step back, "No, no, brother, I...I..."

"What? Don't plan to avenge your relatives?" Wang Zhifei asked in a daze.

"No, no, I... I don't kill! Confucius said..." The scholar opened his mouth and came!
"Stop it, Kong Lao Er has passed away many years ago. If he could know that today, he would scold me with his eyes. He would like to kill all the little devils. You are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, little devils don't care Tell you this, they are demons!" After finishing speaking, Wang Zhifei handed the dagger to the little skinny man again, the little skinny man froze for a moment, then became dazed, he thought about being the boss, but he didn't expect such a price to be the boss , He thought about bullying others, but he never thought about bullying the little devil, but now, the little devil came to him and was still looking at them helplessly, the little skinny man became embarrassed!

"You bastard!" Wang Zhifei yelled.

" about you come?" the little skinny man said, swallowing a mouthful of phlegm.

"Hehe, you kill one, I'll kill a pair, go!" Wang Zhifei pushed the little skinny man, who held a dagger in both hands, and pointed at a little devil tremblingly, his face became hideous, "Think of you parents, think of your wife, think of thousands of ordinary people!" Wang Zhifei shouted from the side.

"Kill!" The little skinny man yelled, stabbing at the little devil!

The little devil didn't just let the little skinny man do the killing, so stand up and run away!

They understood that what they had to face before them were people who were more vicious than them, especially Wang Zhifei, with his hostile face, he was the hindrance of the devils!

"Want to run?" Wang Zhifei immediately accelerated and ran forward. When he got behind a devil, he stretched out his hand to pull him, and the little devil fell to the ground!
The rest of the devils didn't dare to look back, and ran desperately!
"Okay, I shot, if you run away again, you will be courting death!" Wang Zhifei shouted.

The little devil also understands that if he doesn't run, he will die, and if he runs, he will die, so he might as well run, because running can leave a mark!

Wang Zhifei stopped, aiming his gun at the running devils, at three o'clock and one line, only heard a "bang", and a little devil fell down.

"Boom!" Another sound!
The remaining two devils' legs went limp, and they fell directly to the ground.

Wang Zhifei threw the gun away, and then went towards those devils!

Bringing them over, Wang Zhifei gave the little guy a wink, and the little guy gritted his teeth, "I'll kill it! I'll kill it! I'm going to kill the devil!" stab!



Blood splashed out immediately, all over the little skinny man's face!

He was stunned, the dagger in his hand was stained with the thick blood of the devil, in this severe winter, it would soon freeze.
Heng Ting watched his companions die one by one, his face ashen, all this happened too fast, and everything went too slow, he trembled and dared not look at the scene in front of him.

"Scholar, it's your turn!" Wang Zhifei said.

The scholar swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Brother, Confucius said, 'Put down the butcher's knife and immediately become a Buddha'..."

"Fuck me!"

Wang Zhifei said, "Fuck with me, if you don't kill a few devils, what can you prove? You think about it, the devils kill one and lose one, don't you? The brigade commander is a woman's benevolence, but I am not!" Wang Zhifei said After finishing, he took out the dagger from the little thin man's hand, and handed it to the scholar.

"Brother, I..."

"Call me big brother, just listen to me. Our base area may be under the pressure of devils now. If you kill one now, I will go back and tell my big brother that this military medal is half of yours. I will mark it for you when the time comes." Wait for the work, you wait for the popular ones and the spicy ones!" When Wang Zhifei said this, the scholar gritted his teeth, "Okay, I will do it"!
He took the dagger from Wang Zhifei's hand, "Little devil, look at the knife!"

The little devil is not moving now, they know that moving is also dead!



Blood flowed from the little devil's mouth, and his snort disappeared in an instant.

No one understands, no one knows, they died so quickly!
Seeing Wang Zhifei, he laughed loudly, "Yes, yes, this is my brother Wang Zhifei. Okay, let me tell you when I go back, our regiment leader, both of you have made contributions. From now on, follow us in the army!"

The scholar's face was ugly, but he soon came back to his senses, he nodded, "Okay, okay!"

Wang Zhifei took the dagger from Xiucai and wiped it on the devil on the ground. The snow-white knife shone in front of Heng Ting's eyes, and Heng Ting's face was ashen.

"You are the only one left. Don't have any psychological burden. What about retiring from the army is all a lie. I still know a little bit about the tricks of you little devils. Back then, my elder brother Lin Jianhua was killed by you little devils. I have wanted to trouble you for a long time, but because there was no such condition at that time, I had to postpone it, but all this did not come slowly, and I can see it from your eyes!" Wang Zhifei smiled, and he Putting the tip of the knife on Yoko Ting's chest, "Are you afraid?"

Yokoto nodded.

"It's right to be afraid. If you are not afraid, then it is not right. Do you want to die sooner or later? But the ending is the same!" Wang Zhifei asked with a smile.

At this time, he is now like a butcher, an executioner, a head-toucher who kills people without blinking an eye.

"Let me go, I didn't kill you Chinese people!" Heng Ting said.

"Ghosts believe it!" Wang Zhifei immediately interrupted Hengting's words.

"I really..." Before Heng Ting finished speaking, Wang Zhifei slapped him directly, "If I kill you, I will kill more devils. You didn't kill them, but you are helping the evil, you little devils!" , are all bastards!"

At some point, Zhao Qifa appeared. He looked at Wang Zhifei in front of Hengting, and hurriedly shouted, "Wang Zhifei, what are you doing?"

When Wang Zhifei heard Zhao Qifa's voice, he panicked for a while, but soon he regained his sanity, and plunged the dagger into Hengting's heart!
Blood splashed out, making Wang Zhifei's face red.

He stood up, then turned to look at Zhao Qifa, "Hey, Battalion Commander Zhao!"

Zhao Qifa ran over and found that Hengting was dead, and there were still ghost corpses around him. He immediately understood that not long after they left, Li Jiguang heard the gunshots, so he asked Zhao Qifa to take a look, don't let him He really killed these devils, but he never expected that he came a step too late, and all the devils were already dead!

Zhao Qifa waited for Wang Zhifei.

Wang Zhifei smiled, "This is my responsibility!" After Wang Zhifei finished speaking, he said, "These devils tried to attack us just as I was about to leave. Fortunately, even if I found out, I asked everyone to kill them. These little devils are very smart!"

How could Zhao Qifa believe this, but he had nothing to say. How could Zhao Qifa not want to kill the devil?
Kill it, kill it, damn it, little devil!
After a long time, Zhao Qifa nodded, "Okay, I understand. Get in the car and go, the brigade commander is waiting for us!"

Wang Zhifei nodded, and then several people got into the car together!
Blood is red.

The scholar and the little thin man leaned together. This was the first time in their lives that they killed a devil. This feeling put a certain amount of pressure on their hearts. However, in this era, who killed a few devils? People don't say you are a hero?

Yes, they are heroes, absolute heroes!
Zhao Qifa knew it well, but he didn't say anything.

When they found Li Jiguang, Zhao Qifa decided to hide the matter, and then said that those devils attacked them just as Wang Zhifei was about to leave!
He saw it with his own eyes!
Li Jiguang believed it, he believed it unconditionally.

This section of the road is fast, but it is also very long!
Wang Zhifei drove the car, and the bumpy road made him think of seeing Yang Fei soon. How happy he was in such a mood.

It's really getting late.However, Li Jiguang didn't decide to stop. He ordered the troops to keep moving forward and approach Yangchengguan!
Just like that, they approached one after another!

When we were five miles away from Xiaoyinpo, the scouts in front came back and said, "I found the devil!"

Li Jiguang stopped the troops and found a place!
Li Jiguang immediately ordered Liu Jishouhou to form a team of two to scout the enemy in front, and asked Zhao Qifa and Wang Zhifei to cover up with their gear.

The sound of artillery fire was uninterrupted. Within the range they could hear, it was not just the artillery fire at Yangcheng Pass. It seemed that fighting was also taking place in their base area!

Yangcheng Pass towered in front of him, and Li Jiguang looked at it with a telescope, "Yangcheng Pass has been broken!"

He started to feel depressed!
The breaking of the Yangcheng pass means that the devils will attack by force. The checkpoint in the era of cold weapons now seems so vulnerable!
When Liu Ji and Shouhou came back, they said, "Brigade Commander, we found that the devils are attacking Yangcheng Pass. The artillery seems to be useless, but the little devil's mortars are bombing Yangcheng Pass. !"

"Well, how many devils are there now?" Li Jiguang asked.

"The number of people is not sure, the devils are now stationed in the small dark slope ahead!"

(End of this chapter)

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