Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2613 3 Party Preparations

Chapter 2613 The Three-Party Preparation
Liu Ji said.

"Xiaoyinpo?" Li Jiguang nodded, "It's really a good place. Xiaoyinpo is towering on three sides, and only one side can go down. It's facing Yangcheng Pass. It's a pity, if I have a cannon, I can kill it with a few cannons." Xiaoyinpo was blown up!"

"Brigade Commander, shall I go with the shelling?" Liu Ji said.

"No, you didn't notice that although the small shady slope is small, its surroundings are very flat. We don't need to go there, the little devil's guns are already firing at us!" Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, the devils are now charging towards Yangcheng Pass. If we attack here in the same way, surround the little devils, and come to encircle Wei and save Zhao, we and the soldiers from Yangcheng Pass will jointly surround Xiaoyinpo. Isn't there nothing here?" Trouble?" asked the thin monkey.

"It's okay, but it's not now, we have to wait until night!" Li Jiguang said, "Going now is courting death! We, we may not be safe here now!"

"Brigade Commander, let me go!" Wang Zhifei came over and said at this time, "Commander Yang Feiyang is still up there, I must go up!"

"Zhifei, don't be arrogant, at least Yangchengguan is safe now, and Yang Fei is safe too. Let's wait until night, we will act at night!" Li Jiugang said.

"Brigade Commander, we can't wait. Think about it, what if the devils charge Yangcheng Pass this time?" Wang Zhifei was a little anxious.

Li Jiguang was stunned for a moment, but still shook his head, "I believe Yang Fei, Yangchengguan will be able to hold it!"


"No but!" Li Jiguang said, "Zhifei, I know you are in a hurry, but there is nothing you can do if you are in a hurry now. If we go over now, we will die!"

Wang Zhifei sat on the ground, frowning.


The tiger in the forest on the mountain slowly moved his troops forward, and there was an unpleasant smell coming from the burnt trees. Mingzi went to investigate, and then came back and said, "Brother, the devil has rushed to Yangcheng Pass five times, although We failed five times, but if we don’t go on, maybe the Eighth Route Army won’t be able to hold on!”

"Mingzi, how many people are there in the Eighth Route Army?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"I think that if the Eighth Route Army has sacrificed part of it now, there are at most a dozen people left, and a dozen of them want to defend Yangcheng Pass. That's a fantasy. Do you want to fight?" Mingzi asked.

Lin Zhonghu thought to himself, "Of course we have to fight. Where is the devil attacking now?"

"The little devil launched another charge just now, and now he is halfway up the mountain. Brother, how much ammunition does the Eighth Route Army have? I'm afraid it won't last!" Ming Zi said nervously.

Lin Zhonghu went to the hillside in person, looked ahead with a binoculars, "Mingzi!"

Ming Zi hurried to Lin Zhonghu, "Brother!"

"Now the devil is on the hillside in front of Yangcheng Pass, pass on my order, now we have to turn sideways and help the Eighth Route Army defend a wave!" Lin Zhonghu said.


After Ming Zi finished speaking, he quickly gathered people. ,

"Wait!" Lin Zhonghu suddenly shouted!
"Brother, what's the matter?" Ming Zi hurriedly asked.

"There are devil's mortars under the hillside. If you look carefully, there are devil's machine gunners!" Lin Zhonghu frowned.

Mingzi took the binoculars and looked ahead. Sure enough, several heavy machine guns were lifted by the devil, parallel to the slope, and facing the Eighth Route Army's position.

There are also mortars, which are already in full swing below!

"Brother, this..." Ming Zi naturally saw the seriousness of the situation, "If this is the case, then the Eighth Route Army will be in danger!"

"Mingzi, call a few brothers with good marksmanship, aim at the devil's machine gunner and mortar player, and hit me to the death. I will personally lead the men to go around and wipe out the devil's arrogance!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Brother, you can't do this, just stay here, I'll take the brothers!" Ming Zi said.

"What? Your eldest brother, I don't even have this ability?" Lin Zhonghu asked back.

"That's not what I meant, brother. Now it seems that the situation is a little serious. It won't be too late to take action after we eliminate the devil's machine gunners and mortars!" Ming Zi said.

"It's a long way to go from here. If you want to contact the devils in the shortest time, you have to go there as soon as possible. I really don't know if the Eighth Route Army can hold on to this wave. Since we promised them, we must move closer. On the other side of Yangcheng Pass, Yang Fei is fighting the devils, we must not let them face the enemy, if that is the case, we must be the ones who lose in the end!" After Lin Zhonghu finished speaking, he led the people and walked forward.

The name clenched its fists, and then led ten people, "You guys follow me!"


Everything is in time!However, everything seems to be too late.

Looking at the battle ahead, Pinggu was a little angry. He originally wanted to take Yangcheng Pass within two hours, but now it has been more than two hours, and there is no progress except that they have 80 casualties. If so The record told Junyi Yoshikawa that he could get rid of Junyi Yoshikawa's cerebral thrombosis.

Ben Dao was also struggling with this matter. He was very sure at first, but he didn't expect that the fighting power of the Eighth Route Army was so powerful. Their artillery fire did not repel the Eighth Route Army, on the contrary, it inspired their fighting spirit.

"Honjima-kun, it's the sixth charge, can we do it this time?" Pinggu asked sharply.

"Mr. Pinggu, now, I have ordered the heavy machine gun troops to stand ready at the foot of the mountain. When the time comes, we will suppress them with heavy firepower from mortars and heavy machine guns. Then the mountaineering troops will definitely capture Yangcheng Pass, and Yangcheng Pass will definitely be in our hands!" Benjima said.

"Okay, I've already drawn up the telegram, and I'm just waiting to send it to the commander. Now, I'm waiting for your last good news!" Pinggu said.

"Mr. Pinggu, if you don't succeed in this charge, you will be benevolent. I will never talk big!" After finishing speaking, Bendao looked at Pinggu, "I am leaving Mr. Pinggu. This time, I will take the lead in the charge!"

"Honjima-kun, I wish you success!" Pinggu said.

Ben Dao got out of the tent, went directly to inspect the mortars, and then looked at the heavy machine guns. There were two people in front of each heavy machine gun. Although the muzzles of these heavy machine guns have been raised now, they can at least suppress the firepower on the mountain.

Seeing that everything was ready, Motoshima shouted, "Soldiers of the Empire, if this battle is successful, the North Sea will be firmly in our hands. This is also the last battle! As soldiers of the Empire, everyone must Nerves are tense, hit me hard!"

Chapter 983 Desperate

After Ben Dao finished speaking, he took a telescope and looked towards Yangcheng Pass.

Seeing that the leading troops had already occupied the main position, they immediately ordered, "Machine gunners, prepare gunners, head towards Yangcheng Pass, and bomb me!"

As soon as the order was issued, mortars and laser guns began to fire towards Yangcheng Pass.

For a while, the direction of Yangchengguan was fighting under artillery fire.

At this time, Yangchengguan is undergoing an unprecedented test. Shen Wanxi has been here first, and the devils will continue to bomb here, but they did not expect that they would bomb like this. The devil's machine gun fire, besides, the devil is on the mountainside at this time, only 50 meters away from them!
The shell exploded beside Shen Wanxi, Hu Dahai lowered his head, "Old Shen, the devil's firepower is too fierce, what should we do?"

Shen Wanxi held a pistol tightly in one hand, and he looked at Hu Dahai, "The devil wants to take down Yangcheng Pass, and he is bound to win, but we can't make him so cheap. I, Shen Wanxi, did not say that the devil must be wiped out." In this place, even if I die, it won’t make things easier for the devils!”

"Old Shen, take stock of the situation, how about we step back?" Hu Dahai asked.

"Fart, we can't lose an inch of ground. We are retreating. How can we fight the devils who are several times my size! Pass my order, the devils are covering fire at this time, and their troops are about to come up. Keep your spirits up and wait until the artillery fire hits!" As soon as the sound stopped, I started beating Lao Tzu, I still don't believe it, I have to beat a few to death no matter what!" Shen Wanxi shouted loudly.

"Yes!" After Hu Dahai finished speaking, a shell exploded in front of him, and the loess buried half of Hu Dahai's body. He got up from the soil, and then went to deliver the order!

The artillery fire lasted for more than ten minutes, and several soldiers died in the artillery fire.

They were young and had a bright future, so they sacrificed like this. As the sound of the artillery fire disappeared, Shen Wanxi directly set up the machine gun, and the muzzle of the gun was full of flames, and began to shoot violently at the mountainside. !



At this time, the gunfire started from down the mountain, but the sound was far away.

Shen Wanxi felt that her ears were hallucinating?
Just when he wanted to watch, Hu Dahai ran over, "Old Shen, old Shen!"

Shen Wanxi looked at him, "Hu Dahai, what's the matter?"

"Old Shen, I just saw Lin Zhonghu's people coming from the side and shooting at the devil!"

"Lin Zhonghu...he's a bastard, he is finally willing to start beating devils!" Shen Wanxi wiped his forehead, and then shouted, "Comrades, the friendly army is here, let's quickly wipe out this group of devils from top to bottom, guard Yangcheng Pass, and We must protect the base behind us! Kill!"

After finishing speaking, the soldiers poked their heads out of the trenches and started shooting at the devils on the hillside!

Lin Zhonghu, who came from the side, was in high spirits, holding two pistols and shooting at the devils who were running up the mountain.

This is an excellent opportunity, those bandits are fighting and taking cover, it seems that they are familiar with this kind of fighting.

"Brothers, let me see that the bullets will hit the devils' bodies, their heads, and their waists. In short, don't waste bullets!" Lin Zhonghu finished speaking, "Boom Boom" two more shots.

The majesty of Lin Zhonghu is the temperament of the whole person. He stepped on a stone with one foot, held two pistols in both hands, and shot with "boom, boom, boom...".

Mingzi didn't dare to delay when he gave orders to Mingzi. The brothers who were very accurate in their tactics taught the machine gunners and mortar gunners a lesson.

Seeing that all the devils who deserved to be killed were killed, Ming Zi didn't dare to delay any longer, he wanted to protect Lin Zhonghu, so he even ordered, "You guys stay here, look at the devils up and down, if they dare to support you again Get up with machine guns and mortars, don't be polite to me, just hit me, hit me to death!" Ming Zi hurried away after finishing speaking.

There is a small road in the mountains that leads directly to Yangcheng Pass. Few people here know about it. Ming Zi soon found Lin Zhonghu and fought side by side with him.

Lin Zhonghu looked at him, "Okay boy, I didn't expect that you solved all the devils in such a short time!"

"Brother, didn't I come here in a hurry to protect you?" Ming Zi said.

"I don't need your protection. Hurry up and go to Yangcheng Pass first to see the situation there. If this continues, we can only retreat to Yangcheng Pass. We can't stay on the mountain!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Brother, there are about one hundred devils in front, I'll go later!" Ming Zi finished speaking, and shot the devil in front with his gun.

"No!" Lin Zhonghu shook his head, "Go and tell Shen Wanxi that I'm here, and ask him to prepare a jug of good wine for me. I've done my best today!"

"Okay!" After saying that, Ming Zi went to Yangcheng Pass on the mountain!

Somewhere to the south of the small shady slope.

Liu Ji suddenly reported the current situation, "Brigade Commander, Brigadier Commander!"

Li Jiguang looked at him, "What's wrong?"

"Brigade Commander, good news. Just now we discovered that there are three forces fighting on the mountain!" Liu Ji said with a smile.

Wang Zhifei hurried over, "Liu Battalion Commander, what's the matter?"

"The bandits have joined the battle. They are attacking the devils. Starting from the side hillside, they are attacking the devils!" Liu Ji was obviously very excited!
Wang Zhifei got excited, and immediately said, "Brigade Commander, good news. In this case, we have to quickly gather our forces and launch an attack on Xiaoyinpo's devils!"

"No!" Li Jiguang shook his head, "No, if we launch an attack, we must get the mountain, let the forces of Yangchengguan and the bandits combine together, and then our three forces will attack Xiaoyinpo together, we can't do it alone of!"

Li Jiguang understood that these people were all put together, and many of them had never even held a gun. For them, this was tantamount to going to death!

Li Jiguang will not agree, even if he goes to fight at night, he will not let those who have not taken guns go!

"Brigade Commander, this doesn't work, that doesn't work, what should we do?" Wang Zhifei looked at Li Jiguang, his face full of dissatisfaction.

"Zhifei, don't complain, you should be able to understand, how many of us have shot the devils with guns? Probably less than half of them? Do you really want them to die?" Li Jiguang asked.

"No, brigade commander, what I mean is, we should quickly end the battle here and go to the base area, where the most important thing is!" Wang Zhifei said nervously.

(End of this chapter)

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