Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2614 Lin Zhonghu's support

Chapter 2614 Lin Zhonghu's support
"I understand, but this is not something to worry about. I believe Yang Fei can cope with the rhythm there. Besides, this place is beneficial to us now, and we can't take any risks!" After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang looked at Liu Ji, "Liu Ji Ji, you find a way to enter Yangcheng Pass, tell the defenders there, just say we are here, we agreed, to launch an attack on Xiaoyinpo on time at [-] o'clock tonight, h I know, this is a hard nut to crack, However, no matter how hard the bones are, they have to wait until night to gnaw them, they have been busy dealing with devils all day, give them a chance to breathe!"


Liu Ji left after speaking.

Wang Zhifei didn't dare to say anything more, he also knew that he had to obey Li Jiguang, so he sat on the ground with a sigh.

Li Jiguang looked at him, "Zhifei, I know you are worried about Yang Fei, but I am more worried about Yang Fei than you. Yang Fei is the most intelligent and courageous soldier I have ever seen in my revolutionary career. He is The most important military talent in our army, I don't want anything to happen to him, I don't want anything to happen to him!"

Wang Zhifei lowered his head, then nodded, "I know the brigade commander, but I'm just worried about our regiment commander. I've been out for so long and haven't gone back. He should really want to know where I am. Otherwise, I'll go to Yangchengguan how?"

"I have sent Liu Ji to go, so you can stay here. Tonight, you are the main force!" Li Jiguang said.

Wang Zhifei blushed, "Okay, okay!"

Everyone is willing to be praised, and so is Wang Zhifei.

The battle on the mountain was extremely fierce.

Ben Dao never imagined that so many shells hit the hillside on the east side without causing any substantial impact on the bandits. This made him feel extremely frustrated. He couldn't control the situation in front of him now!
The mortarers and machine gunners on the side were all wiped out by the bandit snipers, and he could only hide in a low-lying place to avoid bullets.

"Baga! Lu!" Ben Dao shouted angrily.

Pinggu, who was in the tent, also noticed the turning point of the battle situation. He took a binoculars and looked at the situation in front of him, "Baga, the bandits actually helped the Eighth Route Army, and they are so disgusting to the soldiers of our empire!"

At this time, he also found that the devils on the mountain began to retreat, they couldn't fight anymore, really couldn't fight anymore, the sudden appearance of the bandits had already disrupted their rhythm and deployment, and they were facing enemies on both sides, making the devils at a loss what to do!

The formation was in disarray, and the devils began to retreat in an orderly manner.

It's a shame!

He shouted angrily, "Where is the island? Find him!"

When Ben Dao came in disheveled, Pinggu slapped him on the face directly, this slap made Ben Dao's body turn [-] degrees directly.

He turned around slowly, and he also knew the impact of this incident on the entire battle situation!
"Baga, Mr. Bendao, didn't you say that you will definitely win Yangcheng Pass after analyzing it?" Pinggu's questioning left Bendao with nothing to say.

There was nothing wrong with his plan, but he didn't take into account the sudden appearance of bandits at all.Besides, Pinggu agreed with his plan, why did Pinggu push all the responsibility to him when he made a mistake?
"As for the appraisal price, I really didn't expect that the bandits would suddenly appear. If I had known earlier..."

Without waiting for Ben Dao to explain, Pinggu scolded directly, "I knew it earlier? If I really knew it earlier, what do I want you to do? What have you done yourself? Think about it yourself. This is our sixth charge today. , and, all failed!"

Ben Dao didn't dare to speak anymore, he listened to Pinggu's angry reprimand, and lowered his head.

"Next, what shall we do? What are your plans?" Pinggu asked.

"Mr. Pinggu, it is reasonable to say that our material support will arrive soon. At that time, with the shells, we will carry out a violent bombardment of Yangcheng Pass, blowing Yangcheng Pass to pieces, and then we can easily take Yangcheng Pass. Pinggu-kun, please trust me this time!" Ben Dao said.

"Materials? Where are they now?" Pinggu asked.

"One day after we set off, the materials began to be transported. It should be about this time, and the materials will arrive at night at the latest. At night, we will bomb Yangcheng Pass. At that time, our seventh charge will definitely reach Yangcheng Pass. Close the gate!" Ben Dao said confidently.

"Okay, I'll trust you again! Look at the warriors torn from the mountain, it's a disgrace to the empire!" Pinggu said.

"I'm going out now!" After saying that, Ben Dao went out!
When he just went out, Pinggu said to the telegraph operator, "Send a telegram to the commander, saying that Mr. Bendao made a mistake in his command, which caused the emperor's Sun Bingzhi to lose his troops, resulting in six unsuccessful charges. The last charge is bound to take Xiayang Chengguan!"

The telegraph operator saluted, "Hayi!" After saying that, he went to send the telegram.

The devils on the mountain retreated in an orderly manner, causing people to trample on people. Many people were not injured on the battlefield, but they were injured during the retreat. Military discipline is still slowly getting worse among the devils. Several charges have made the devils Lost fighting spirit!
Seeing that the devils started to retreat, Lin Zhonghu of course would not pursue the poor bandits. He ordered everyone to enter Yangcheng Pass!
When all of them arrived at Yangcheng Pass, Lin Zhonghu frowned. Yangcheng Pass was already very dilapidated. Looking at the broken walls and ruins, he could even think that this was the fragmented mountains and rivers of the motherland. Looking at the Eighth Route Army, many people He was holding on to his weak body, still in the trench, with his gun pointed down the mountain!

Shen Wanxi walked up to Lin Zhonghu, raised his hands, and held Lin Zhonghu's hand, "Master, this time... I, Shen Wanxi, thank you!"

Lin Zhonghu smiled, "Commander Shen, it doesn't matter if you don't thank me. It's important to fight the devils. I'm really sorry. You know, the devils have bombed the hillside on the east side in turn. I wanted to send troops earlier, but , the fire on the top made it impossible for me to move an inch, I am really sorry for causing you to lose so much!"

"Leader, let's not talk about this, this time, without you, maybe my dozens of brothers here can only be glorious!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Your Eighth Route Army is strong, the strongest soldier I have ever seen. I, Lin Zhonghu, admire you from the bottom of my heart. But, having said that, what are your plans next?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"If the devil comes again, I, Shen Wanxi, have nothing to say. I can only use my body as a brick in Yangcheng Pass and build it into the wall of Yangcheng Pass!" Shen Wanxi said with high spirits, which made Lin Zhonghu look at him with admiration.

Lin Zhonghu patted him on the shoulder. "Good job, then I, Lin Zhonghu, will risk my life to accompany the gentleman, so I will stay here with you!"

"The master..."

Shen Wanxi was filled with insincere emotions. In the most difficult time, with the help of bandits, what kind of luck is it for Shen Wanxi?It is not enough to be lucky in three lives, it should be lucky in ten lives, and lucky in a hundred lives!

"Okay!" However, Shen Wanxi bit her lip, "Master, the wine, I've already had someone prepare it, but this wine is dirty, this is my best effort!"

"Wine is turbid and people are not turbid. One sip of wine is enough!" After saying that, they went to the cave.


At this time, on the eastern battlefield, the puppet army came back several times and was beaten back. The most annoying thing was that Xu Ping was scolded by the devils again, and even reached the nervousness of drawing a gun.

Xu Ping immediately issued a military order, "Master Siye, I'm leaving right away!"

Only then did Xu Ping be released.

When Xu Ping arrived on the battlefield, he was surrounded by puppet soldiers, "Captain, how the hell is this going to get there? Eight roads are biting people like mad dogs. There is no way for us to get there. If you want to go there, you will definitely die!" "

"I know!" Xu Ping scolded, "The dead have to go!"

"Captain, we came out to hang out, but we didn't intend to die!" The puppet army said timidly.

"Today, Si Ye forced me, and I admit it, you guys dare to force me!" Xu Ping shouted angrily, "Why can't you pass? I said I can, come with me!"

Xu Ping took a few of them to a place, "You guys heard from me, you, you, you... yes, just a few of you came to the front in a while and pretended to surrender. To launch an attack on them, remember to be quick, and then I will rush over with my people, as long as I rush over, the imperial army's chariot will come over, once it comes over, the battle will really be over!"

Xu Ping's strategy made several puppet soldiers still not want to go there. Although it sounds nice, it is not so easy to operate in practice.From this point of view, a few puppet troops are still terrible!
"Listen to me, when you get there, the imperial army will give you money. I will naturally not treat you badly. I will support you, young and old, in your family!" Xu Ping said.

"Captain, we are always together, can someone else go?" a puppet soldier begged.

"What? You can't trust me? Just now, that Siye nearly killed me. You guys, it's best to go over, otherwise, I'll kill you first!" Xu Ping said angrily.

There is no way, this is by far the most effective way!

Sister Guizi crawled, with 1 reluctances in his heart, even so, they couldn't do anything, just like that, when they came to the front, "We surrender! We surrender!"

Zhao Junjie, who heard the voice, immediately passed the news to Ma Xiaokun, and Ma Xiaokun passed the news to Yang Fei. Yang Fei smiled, "I'm afraid it's not that simple to surrender?"

Deng Qi asked, "Commander, why?"

"Why? I'm afraid these puppet soldiers were forced to come here! Surrender, it's not so easy!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he said directly to Ma Xiaokun, "They surrendered, let them throw away their guns, and crawl over!"

Ma Xiaokun left immediately and gave the news to Zhao Junjie!
Zhao Junjie also said immediately, "Brothers of the puppet army who surrendered in front, you have worked hard and want to surrender. Very good, throw away the gun and crawl over. Our Eighth Route Army treats the prisoners well!"

Several puppet soldiers looked at each other, then turned to look at Xu Ping behind him, who hit the ground with his fist, "You dog, you're quite cunning!"

"it is good!"

A few puppet soldiers yelled, and they really threw their guns away!
Xu Ping yelled at the back, "You dog, who told you to throw guns, hurry over to me, rush over!"

The puppet soldiers in front glanced at each other, "Do you have avatars?"

"What about you?"

"You speak first!"

"I want to live!"

"I want, too!"

"If you surrender, what if the imperial army wins?"

"Then what if we die now?"

After this discussion, they finally decided that no matter what, if they could die now, they would not die. If they really died, they would have to wait a while to let them breathe more fresh air!

They threw the guns away, and then crawled towards the trenches ahead!
When the puppet troops successfully climbed onto the trench, several Eighth Route Army soldiers immediately controlled them and brought them to Yang Fei.

Yang Fei looked at them, "Surrender? Is it true?"

"Yes..." The puppet army didn't dare to say anything more.

"That's it!"

"Is it?" Yang Fei snorted coldly, "That's what you didn't want to surrender! If you don't want to surrender, I'll send you there!"

"Don't don't..."

Several puppet soldiers immediately said, "That's what our captain asked us to come over, saying that he was going to pretend to surrender, and then the imperial army came over. Isn't this telling us to die? I don't want to die on this point, so Xu Ping is really nothing thing!"

All of a sudden, Xu Ping was sold out!
Xu Ping, on the other hand, was hiding not far away, stunned!
After swearing and swearing, seeing Si Ye coming behind him, he yelled regardless, "Brothers, follow me!"

He didn't dare to let Si Ye catch him, otherwise, killing him on the spot would be easier than killing an ant.

He led the people to the front, and the Eighth Route Army's grenade was thrown over at once.

The fragments exploded, blasting big holes in the ground.

Xu Ping wanted to cry, "Bitch, I'm going to die!"

The puppet soldiers around gasped, "Captain, what should we do!"

"What should I do? Don't talk about it, this time, will the imperial army win? Then charge, then wait for the imperial army to win!" After Xu Ping finished speaking, he took a few steps forward, and a few bullets fired by his side.Xu Ping was so scared that he immediately hid, "Come on, brothers!"

It's useless to yell, who would dare to rush in the first place among those puppet soldiers?
No, no one would dare!
However, at this moment, a small group of devils appeared behind them. They came over and pointed their guns at the Anxie puppet army!

Si Ye roared, "Captain Xu, the imperial army is optimistic about you, hurry up!"

Xu Ping was stunned, this is a big battle, bullets have no eyes, is that all?Kill him like this?

No matter what, he didn't want to die, let alone such a useless death!

However, the devil's muzzle was aimed at them, didn't he charge?So what to do?
Xu Ping gritted his teeth and shouted, "Okay, okay, I'm going!"

After finishing speaking, he grabbed a puppet soldier and pushed him forward!
(End of this chapter)

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