Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2615 Intimidation

Chapter 2615 Intimidation

"Da da da……"

How could it be possible for them to rush over, the bullet hit the puppet soldier's chest all at once, Xu Ping didn't dare to let go, if he retreated, he would also face the bullets of the devils, this was forcing them to a dead end!

The puppet army in his hands had died a long time ago, and the death was extremely embarrassing, but there was no way, who made them all be here at this time and in this place?
"Come on, brothers!" Xu Ping shouted loudly.

Those puppet troops didn't dare to charge forward at all. Although they didn't know how many Eighth Route Army were in front, what they did know was that there were definitely not as many devils.

"Da da da!"

The devil behind him started shooting, hitting the trench in front of him. Zhao Junjie immediately leaned over, "Dog, it's really nice to have this machine gun. After I go out, I must have my own machine gun!"

Seeing that the Eighth Route Army's firepower was being suppressed, Xu Ping immediately shouted, "The Eighth Route Army has lost, let's go, brothers!"

This roar made those puppet soldiers rush forward a few steps!
Zhao Junjie immediately asked people to detonate those landmines quickly. Detonating the landmines would relieve the current tense situation.


A landmine was detonated, and the loud sound made those puppet soldiers get down immediately.

Si Ye shouted from behind, "Hurry up, after the mine explodes, there is a buffer zone, go forward!"

Xu Ping glanced at Si Ye behind him, and he understood that if this continues, he must die. At this moment, Si Ye's gun was aimed at Xu Ping, and the bullet hit Xu Ping's feet impartially, making him die. He shrank his legs subconsciously, and then gasped!

"Brothers, go... go!" After finishing speaking, Xu Ping grabbed the corpse of a puppet soldier beside him, stood in front of him, and rushed forward!

The gunfire exploded beside him, his hands were covered with blood, the blood dripped down his clothes and dripped on the snow-white ground.

However, his hands were also frozen instantly.

The puppet army behind him rushed forward a few steps, and then got down on the ground again. These few steps were on the verge of life and death!

Zhao Junjie roared loudly, then took a grenade, and threw it vigorously in the direction of the puppet army. With a "boom", several puppet soldiers lost their breath in an instant.

"Fuck, no, retreat!"

Just finished speaking, when their bodies retreated, the muzzle of the devil behind them was not to scare them, it was fired earlier, and then burst on their bodies with a trace of resentment.

Several puppet soldiers died at the hands of the devils. Xu Ping shouted, "You don't want to die. You can't retreat. The imperial army is behind you. Do you dare to retreat? Isn't this courting death?"

Xu Ping's words made those puppet soldiers who were not dead quickly turn their heads and rush forward.

"Captain, no way, going forward is death!"

"Like me, the brothers are dead, let them make another contribution for us, and we will pay them back in the next life!" Xu Ping thought that his actions were brilliant!
In the above example, the sister puppet army immediately picked up the body of the brother they called brother brother a second ago, and blocked them in front of them.

"Okay, that's it, let's charge!" Xu Ping charged forward, and those puppet soldiers followed!

Yang Fei was amazed when he saw that the puppet army did such a thing. These puppet troops are really capable. I didn't expect that they could insult these dead people like this. He shouted, "Ma Xiaokun, tell Zhao Junjie in front, let He is fighting those puppet soldiers to death, don't let them go!"

"Yes!" After finishing speaking, Ma Xiaokun hurried forward.

Deng Qi said, "Commander, Li Mobai and Captain Li are on the side, can you let them attack from the side?"

"No!" Yang Fei immediately denied, "Li Mobai's defense must not make any mistakes. We are in a difficult situation now, but we still don't let them go. Besides, I haven't played my trump card yet. Li Mobai's defense Of course you can't move!"

In fact, Li Mobai's location is a low-lying area. Yang Fei has been thinking, what can happen there?
It wasn't until later that he realized that it was actually a natural hiding place where he could send surprise soldiers to attack the devils, but now the devils didn't dispatch all their troops!Naturally, it is impossible for them to take the initiative to attack. There are fewer and fewer people here, and the artillery fire of the devils hit the edge of the trench, making the originally cold trench full of flames.

Zhao Junjie got Yang Fei's order, and immediately ordered people to beat those corpses. Even if they couldn't kill the puppet soldiers behind him, they would have to scare them to death!




The bullets shuttled between the flat ground, and those puppet soldiers could not move too fast with their clumsy corpses in their arms!
The devils behind them followed very quickly, and they were only more than 20 meters away from the puppet army at this time.

Zhao Junjie thought for a second, no, the devils are coming soon, and we must support them with the greatest firepower!
Just when Zhao Junjie was about to detonate the mine, the gunfire exploded beside him, and the shrapnel flew into Zhao Junjie's leg!
"Ah!" Zhao Junjie shouted loudly!
"Company Commander!"

A soldier quickly asked.

"It's okay, hurry up, detonate the landmines for me, and let the little devil taste the taste of our landmines. On the land of Huaxia, our boss must do well!" Zhao Junjie shouted.

"it is good!"

After finishing speaking, the soldier crouched down and detonated a mine!
With a bang, it exploded among the puppet army and devils.

Not only stones were blown away, but also some fragments of corpses, and some bloody hairs.

On all sides, there's always another side you can't see!
When Ma Xiaokun learned that Zhao Junjie was injured, he hurriedly found someone to carry him out. After he was bandaged briefly, Zhao Junjie said, "Commander, please approve, I have to go to the front line now!"

"You kid stay here well, don't you know you've been injured?" Yang Fei asked.

"This little injury is nothing! Commander, let me go! I am here, and the soldiers have morale. After so long, I slowly realized that, in fact, no matter what the Ninth Route Army or the Eighth Route Army, we It's all the same, as a soldier, I can't go to the front line with minor injuries, so I have to lead by example, otherwise, I, Zhao Junjie, can't be considered a real man in China!" Zhao Junjie said.

Yang Fei patted him on the shoulder, "It's really great that the Eighth Route Army has such a good soldier and comrade like you, Zhao Junjie, you should just start here, Ma Xiaokun is in front!"

"No, commander, let me go. I can save bullets for the soldiers, and I will pass them grenades. The frontline needs me!" Zhao Junjie said.

Yang Fei was very embarrassed, but he still agreed, and Zhao Junjie was helped to go to the trenches on the front line.

Deng Qi shook his head, "It's really unimaginable that the Eighth Route Army can always exist in this arduous struggle. I'm curious, if the national army has the iron will of your Eighth Route Army, can it win a few more battles on the frontal battlefields? ?”

"Commander Deng, what you know and what you don't know will eventually be clearly presented before your eyes. Whether it's the Eighth Route Army or the National Army, we all serve the people. A soldier is a soldier of the common people! This is a good soldier!" Yang Fei said.

"You are so right. It's a pity. It's a pity that the national army doesn't think so. They always think that soldiers and armed forces are to maintain the stability of the regime. Therefore, they can do things like this and that regardless of the lives of ordinary people. Some inauthentic things! Today, I have been taught!" Deng Qi said.

At this time, a soldier came over suddenly, "Regimental Commander!"

Yang Fei turned around, "Well, let's talk, what's the situation at Yangchengguan now?"

"Regimental Commander, I just got the news that Commander Shen just repulsed another wave of attacks by the devils. This time, Lin Zhonghu came here personally with his men, attacking from both sides, and made the devils retreat!" The soldier was very excited.

"That's great, Lin Zhonghu came in time! This time, I will give Shen Wanxi and his team a credit!" Yang Fei said happily.

Deng Qi was also very excited, "Captain, this is the sixth attack, and they were also repelled. The devils are invincible, this is simply a joke!" Deng Qi said.

"That's right, they were all raised by their fathers and mothers, who is afraid of whom, our Eighth Route Army has nothing, the devils are different, they have everything, but it's a pity for those comrades who died, we are still alive, they But he died, but it was worth it, here, we must fight the devils as soon as possible, it depends on whether the devils dare to directly attack on a large scale, if that time comes, we will not be afraid of anything!" Yang Fei said.

"How can the devil's large-scale attack be unbearable!" Deng Qi was very worried.

"If you can't bear it, you have to eat. Lan Nuya still has a hundred bandit allies, and they will give us some support! I really don't believe that the devil can really cross this line of defense in my heart!" Yang Fei said.

Next to the ear, bullets flew across.

The sound of gunfire and gunfire kept ringing in my ears.

At this time, news came from the front that the devils retreated again, this time, the entire puppet army was wiped out!

This news undoubtedly dropped a big stone in Yang Fei's heart.

"Okay!" Yang Fei clapped his hands happily, "Once again, I think this time, the devils can't sit still, Yangchengguan they have no progress, this time, the devils will definitely fight, they will not hide Now, they will definitely carry out a large-scale encirclement and suppression of my base area, so come on, I, Yang Fei, have been waiting for this day, and I have been waiting for a long time, waiting for this day, I, Yang Fei, will feel itchy!" After finishing speaking, he took Get up a gun, "Commander Deng, let's go!" After saying that, they went to the front line.

Han Qing didn't know when he ran over, "Sir!"

Yang Fei turned around and saw that it was Han Qing, so he immediately asked.

"Han Qing, what's the matter?" Yang Fei asked quickly.

"Sir, someone is looking for you!" Han Qing said.

"Someone looking for me?" Yang Fei frowned, "Who?"

At this time, a figure appeared. After he appeared, he was stunned for a moment, and then quickly ran over, ": Captain!"

Yang Fei saw that it was Liu Ji, and he opened his mouth wide, "Liu..."

"Commander!" Liu Ji took another step forward, and then hugged Yang Fei, "Captain, it really is you, it really is you, the brigade commander said, I still don't believe it, I didn't expect , It really is you!"

Yang Fei patted him on the back, this time, he didn't intend to hide it, "Just come back, just come back!"

Liu Ji gritted his teeth and tried hard not to shed tears, but his disappointing eyes suddenly turned red and he shed tears, "Regimental Commander, do you know that this time, the Brigadier Commander saved us and stayed for several hundred years?" brother!"

"Oh?" Yang Fei looked at him, "Where is the Brigadier now?"

"The brigade commander is now a few miles south of Xiaoyinpo. At eight o'clock tonight, the brigade commander asked me to tell Shen Wanxi and Lin Zhonghu, the bandit, and agreed to fight the devils in Xiaoyinpo together. This is a decisive battle!" Liu Ji said.

"Eight o'clock tonight?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes, at eight o'clock, the combination of several forces will definitely wipe out all the devils in Xiaoyinpo, and provide a security guarantee for the back of the base!" Liu Ji said.

"That would be great, I'll wait for your good news!" Yang Fei said.

"Regimental Commander, you wait for me. I'll come to you when the battle over there is over!" After speaking, Liu Ji reluctantly turned around and left. He turned his head several times, but was reluctant to leave. It seems that several years have passed in a flash, Yang Fei has not changed, Liu Ji has not changed, no, they have changed, they seem to have become a little calmer, fighting, after all, can make a person change, all of these changes are inadvertent between.

You can't find out, and you won't be found out.

Watching Liu Ji leave, Han Qing looked at Yang Fei, "Sir, is this your former battalion commander?"

"Yes, yes!" Yang Fei said.

"I also heard that this time, not only he is back, but also Shouhou, Zhao Qifa and others are back. In this way, you old brothers are really reunited!" Han Qing said.

"It's a good reunion. After all, we are very close people in this world!" Yang Fei smiled.

"Leader, let's go. Let's go to the front together. It will be eight o'clock in the evening. There are still a few hours, but all this is enough!" Han Qing said.

"Han Qing, let's go, let's fight devils together!" After speaking, Yang Fei gave Han Qing the gun, and Han Qing happily put the gun on his back, and then went to the front line with Yang Fei.

Conquered to death, the empty place is surprisingly quiet.

In An Ning before the war, no one dared to act rashly, as long as you caught one of your fatal weaknesses, all of this may be eager to turn things around, who knows who is who?Who knows where the balance of war will tip?
Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie were sitting in this trench, the snowflakes were falling in the sky, "Old Zhao, I didn't expect you to be the first to die!"

"Hey!" Zhao Junjie was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, we two are brothers, no matter what time it is, we have to help each other, don't worry, even if the brother dies, we will never forget you!"

(End of this chapter)

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