Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2616 Zero Action

Chapter 2616 Eight Actions
"What are you talking about? How can we lose? Besides, the regiment commander is here, and the battalion commander is here too. We should lose!"

Zhao Junjie said, thinking in his heart, the more it is now, the less he can say such things.

"Because they are all here, the next battle will probably be more difficult, don't you think?" Ma Xiaokun asked.

Also, Zhao Junjie smiled and said nothing, "I'm not afraid!" These were the three most resolute words he said.

Yes, I am not afraid.


At the temporary headquarters, when Junyi Yoshikawa received the telegram from Pinggu, he thought it was a good news, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a result of the battle. Five charges failed, and even the bandits were recruited!
He slammed the telegram to the ground.

Si Ye hurried over, "Your Excellency, Commander, this is..."

"Bagaya Lu, Pinggu is simply useless!" the monk Yoshikawa Junyi roared.

"Commander, what happened?" Si Ye quickly picked up the telegram from the ground.Glancing at the above content, he also took a breath.

He understood that Junyi Yoshikawa gave him two hours, but he didn't expect that all five charges failed, and after five failures, no telegram was sent. This...

"Your Excellency, Commander, please trust Mr. Pinggu. Mr. Pinggu is an excellent commander. I believe that he can calmly face the difficulties in front of him. Although he failed five times, as long as he finds out the reason for the failure, he will surely succeed! "Sino said.

"He is a waste, haven't you finished reading it? He said that the reason for these mistakes was the mistakes of the island. In my opinion, all the responsibilities should be left to him alone. Why? Why? ?” Si Ye scolded angrily.

"The specific reason was not mentioned in the telegram, but it was written that the bandits also participated in the battle. It seems that the battle at Yangcheng Pass is not easy to resolve. Your Excellency, Commander, should you give them some guidance?" Si Ye asked. .

"Guiding opinions? I think he has a lot of opinions in Pinggu's heart. Dozens of Eighth Route Army can't eliminate him, but he has [-] people. Now he dismissed me with the words 'loss of troops, loss of generals'. How many people are there? Why doesn't he explain?" Junyi Yoshikawa asked angrily.

"Your Excellency, Commander, if Yangcheng Pass cannot be conquered for a long time, I think we must work harder!" Si Ye said.

Yoshikawa Junyi looked back at him, "Oh? Siye-jun, do you have anything to say?"

"Your Excellency, Commander, I think that if we want to break through the Eighth Route Army's defense line, we must attack on a large scale. The small team attack, they are too targeted. I suggest that we attack together. With the advantage of our artillery, attack as a whole , will definitely be able to win the base of the Eighth Route Army!" Si Ye said.

"In this way, wouldn't many people die?" Yoshikawa Junyi asked.

"We can only do this, Your Excellency Commander, in order to quickly eliminate the Eighth Route Army, we can't drag it on any longer. At the beginning, Ito Dazuo wanted to starve the Eighth Route Army to death in this wasteland, because there are few villages here and the supply capacity is too poor. We have also come here now, although our ability is much better than that of the Eighth Route Army, but in the long run, fresh water will become our main problem to overcome, Commander, I beg you to issue an order for an all-out attack!" Si Ye said.

Junyi Yoshikawa was silent for a while. He knew that what Si Ye said was not wrong. In the long run, food and fresh water will be in short supply. With so many people, they can last for three days at most. After three days, he knows what he will face .

"Your Excellency, Commander, I know that once this order goes out, it means that we have no turning back, but our winning rate is very high!" Si Ye said again.

"Si Yejun, I understand what you mean, and I also know that you are the most reliable among all the personnel. We only need to concentrate our efforts to catch them by surprise. I think that within an hour, the Eighth Route Army will definitely not be able to stand it. At that time, we will move to Yangcheng Pass, and Mr. Pinggu will come to cooperate with the outside, and the Eighth Route Army will definitely not be able to bear it!" Junyi Yoshikawa finished speaking, and then shook his head, "No, send a report to Mr. Pinggu and ask him to be on time at [-] o'clock tonight Launch an attack on the Yangcheng Pass of the Eighth Route Army! We will also launch a general attack on the Eighth Route Army's defense line in the east at [-] o'clock tonight. This is a general attack regardless of the cost. The purpose of this mission is to completely wipe out the Eighth Route Army!"


After the telegraph operator finished speaking, he began to send the message "beep beep".

Si Ye walked up to Junyi Yoshikawa, "Your Excellency, Commander, that means that no matter who wins, we will be able to cooperate internally and externally to wipe out the Eighth Route Army. Is that what you mean?"

"Haha, Mr. Si Ye, you are right, we need to support each other, this time I am fighting for real!" said Yoshikawa Junyi, "Let the soldiers rest for a while, and at eight o'clock in the evening, the general attack on the Eighth Route Army will begin! "Said Yoshikawa Junyi.

"Hayi!" Si Ye got the order to leave, and Yoshikawa said, "Remember to come back later, I remember you can play Huaxia chess, I'll wait for you, let's play a game of chess together!"

"Your Majesty, Commander, is very upbeat, and I will accompany you to the end!" Si Ye said.

In this way, both the Devils and the Eighth Route Army seem to be annihilating all parties at the same time.Yoshikawa Junyi took out the chessboard, and then set up the chess. When Si Ye came in, the two of them started playing chess.

Not to mention, Junyi Yoshikawa's memory level is really high, and he lost several games in a row to Si Ye. Even if Si Ye made a strange move, Yoshikawa pressed him on the ground and rubbed him for a long time.

The skills are not as good as others, and Si Ye can only admire, "Your Excellency, Commander, does this mean that in the battle tonight, even if we are falling behind, you alone can turn the tide?"

This flattery was well done, and Yoshikawa Junyi burst out laughing, "Hahaha, hahaha! Si Yejun, you are joking, this is just chess!"

"Your Excellency, Commander, your chess skills are superb. Si Ye tried to win several times, but lost in the end. I admire you!" Si Ye said with his head down.

"Calm down, you will always win. Whoever loses is not sure who wins. Just look at the last breath. No matter how many shots you eat, it will not help when the lore is reached. Don't you think so?" Yoshikawa Junyi smiled and started again Play chess.

"What Your Excellency Commander said is, then I... will play another game with you according to your idea today!"

At this time, the snowflakes were getting bigger, the cold wind was raging across the North Sea, the war had entered a stalemate, and the devils did not dare to attack recklessly. For the Eighth Route Army, this was a rare calm.

Yang Fei couldn't guarantee when it would be calm. Ma Xiaokun looked into the distance with a telescope, and the devil stepped up his defense. Ma Xiaokun didn't understand what the devil was going to do. He looked back at Yang Fei, "Captain, why didn't the devil attack? Let's It's not a problem to be so stalemate!"

Yang Fei smiled, "The devils have failed to attack several times. This time, they must increase their bargaining chips. It is too late to attack. Once the time comes, they will bite like mad dogs. The devils in front How's the defense?"

"The devil is building trenches!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"Ming repaired the plank road and darkened Chen Cang. The little devil may not know what he wants to do. Didn't Lin Zhonghu give us a cannon? It's just right, it's useful now, aim at the little devil's trench, and shoot me a few shots!" Yang Fei Said.

"Commander, the cannon didn't have a few shells, but now it's used, then...then...if they launch a charge, don't we still have the artillery? Now that we use it, are we a little anxious?" Ma Xiaokun asked .

"It's just that we don't know what the devils are going to do now, so we have to give them some color to see what they are going to do. If we keep defending blindly, we may not be able to defend against it in the end. Let's fight, don't care about the shells!" Yang Fei Said.

"Okay!" After finishing speaking, Ma Xiaokun went back. After a while, a cannon was pushed out, and Ma Xiaokun immediately ordered, "The sight is aimed for me, and it hit the devil's trench. Didn't they just repair it? Then Just right, just fill it up for him again!" Ma Xiaokun said.

Adjust the distance, point the muzzle at the devil's fortification in front, "Fire!"

Ma Xiaokun gave the order, and with a "boom", the shell hit the devil's fortification in front of him impartially.

The trench dug just now was filled up by shells in an instant, and the three devils were killed on the spot!

Yang Fei looked ahead and smiled. Deng Qi immediately asked, "Commander, I'm afraid the devils won't move if we fire the cannon!"

"I know what the devil is planning. If there is no accident, the devil will launch a general attack tonight. Whether we can hold it depends on our luck!" Yang Fei said.

"Captain, tonight? The devil is about to launch a general attack? Isn't it a bit too fast?" Deng Qi looked at Yang Fei in surprise.

"Hurry up, okay? In my opinion, the devils should quickly launch the banner of the general attack. The longer it is delayed, the worse it will be for them. Of course, it will not be good for us! However, this is enough, because our reinforcements But they are all here, as long as they win the devils from Xiaoyinpo in the direction of Yangchengguan, when they come to support them, it is still unknown who will win and who will lose. Therefore, for war, one should have such an optimistic spirit, because war is not Let's fight again!" Yang Fei said.

"I hope that at eight o'clock tonight, we can fight a victorious war!" Deng Qi said.

"It's not a wish, it's a certainty!" Yang Fei said confidently.

At this time, it was definitely a provocation to fire the shells in front of the devil's fortifications.

"Captain Yang, you are the strangest person I've ever seen!" Deng Qi smiled. "If they fight at night, is there still wine? I want to have a couple of drinks with you!"

"Drink? Okay! Let's go!" After speaking, Yang Fei and Deng Qi left the trench, and the two met in the tent behind.

Yang Fei asked Han Qing to bring the wine, and the two poured it.

"Commander Yang, according to what you said, if we really encountered the general attack of the devils tonight, I don't know if I can live until tomorrow, but I don't regret coming to you, seeing your military appearance like the Eighth Route Army Style, I am really full of emotions. Many times, I have actually doubted whether you are really a soldier. You are a person who is still calm during adventures. It is always unpredictable. What kind of person are you? However, you are a believable and surprising person. I can't find any shortcomings in you, but you have shortcomings. This shortcoming is that you People are too conceited, you think your feelings are right, but these days, I really can't figure out whether your feelings really have eyes, which makes me puzzled!"

Deng Qi looked at Yang Fei with a smile on his face, but he frowned again.

Yang Fei smiled, clinked the wine glass with him, and drank it down, "Battle Commander Deng, I'm actually quite happy when you say that about me. Old Yang has no other abilities, so I can tell you this, The little devil took off his pants, and I knew what shit he wanted to shit! Although this is rough, it is also the experience we have summed up over the years. How many years has the little devil been showing off his power in our country? Don’t want to deal with them? But, there is no way, they are relatively alien species, and our country people have to gradually get familiar with them. How much culture can these invaders have? Hmm? The little devil is not studying the people of our country? "

Yang Fei put down his glass, "You're right, if the devils attack tonight, I don't know if I can see the sun tomorrow! Come, Commander Deng, let's have another drink!"

After finishing speaking, they clinked glasses and had a drink. Deng Qi looked at Yang Fei and said, "Now that the Kuomintang and the Communist Party are cooperating, I am honored to fight with you, but if one day we meet on the battlefield, I really want to Look at you, what is the most powerful level!"

"Hahaha!" Yang Fei waved his hand, "I'm also a big boss, I can make you look at me, Yang Fei is really lucky, but if you really want to see my real level on the battlefield, unless you join I am the Eighth Route Army, otherwise, no matter if you are a traitor or a national army, I will not spare you!"

"Brave!" Deng Qi finished, and drank it down.

The wind was howling, Yang Fei and Deng Qi drank a few cups, but they didn't dare to drink any more. Both of them had to keep a clear head to fight.

Han Qing watched from the side. He didn't speak, but just watched the two people in front of him silently.

One is a high-achieving student from Whampoa, and the other is a rough man with mud legs who has struggled in the society for many years. It seems that the two will never meet, but the intersection in front of them may actually collide in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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