Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2617 How to fight

Chapter 2617 How to fight

As the sky darkens, the temperature drops faster. At this time, it is not a good thing for the temperature to drop, but the soldiers can still do the heat preservation work. .

Under such circumstances, for the fighters in the wild, they really don't feel much.Li Jiguang asked Shouhou to distribute some food. After the distribution, he came to Li Jiguang, "The news has been told, and Liu Ji has returned. Brigadier, I have also asked the soldiers to wait for some mortars to attack the city." The equipment is ready!"

"Okay, Skinny Monkey, take a good count. How many people can we attack?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Brigade Commander, I have already counted them. Those who have held guns and those who have fought in wars, there are a total of [-] people. The rest are miners!" Said the thin monkey.

"One hundred and eight people, exactly one hundred and eight generals! This is a very good number!" Li Jiguang smiled.

"Yes, there are still one hundred and eight king kong, brigade commander, tell me, what are we going to do now?" The thin monkey was a little nervous.He has never been so nervous. It seems that he has no confidence in this battle.

Li Jiguang looked at him, "Skinny Monkey, I don't have the wisdom to fight for some time, what's the matter? Are you not used to it?"

The thin monkey smiled wryly. To be honest, he really had nothing to be afraid of when it came to war. However, these hundred or so people, together with the bandit Shen Wanxi's people, add up to almost three hundred people. They are going to fight one Xiaoyinpo, this is not an equal battle in itself.

His worry is not that he can't fight, but how to fight?

Li Jiguang looked at him, and Shouhou hesitated for a moment, Li Jiguang said with a smile, "Shouhou, if you have any questions, feel free to bring them up. There should be no opinions or differences between our Eighth Route Army. Although I am the brigade commander, However, the relationship between the two of us is equal, and I don't look like I'm superior!"

"Brigade Commander, I understand, I just want to ask, we want to fight, how should we fight, a few miles ahead is a small dark slope, there is no good hiding place there, once the devil breaks out, how do we deal with it? " asked the thin monkey.

Li Jiguang nodded, "Very well, Skinny Monkey, I understand what you mean, you want to ask, we are going to fight devils, what is the specific deployment? Is that right?"

The thin monkey nodded, "Yes, yes, that's it, brigade commander, please tell me quickly, so I have a good idea!"

Li Jiguang smiled and said, "Okay, I'll tell you about it today!" After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang said again, "You go, call Liu Ji, Wang Zhifei, Zhao Qifa and others, and I will tell you more about it." !"

"it is good!"

The thin monkey left quickly, and then called someone over. After passing, Li Jiguang said, "Just now the thin monkey asked me how to fight tonight. Do you all have any good suggestions?"

"Brigade Commander, you can just speak directly, we will just listen to the task!" Said the thin monkey.

"No, since we are commanding and fighting, we must all be the main body. Wouldn't it be better if there was a better plan?" Liu Jiguang said, "Do you have any good methods that can let us win without causing casualties?" Keep it to a minimum!"

Li Jiguang said the premise, everyone looked at each other, Wang Zhifei said, "Brigade Commander, what else is there to fight? All of us go over, whoever shoots, who shoots, whoever shoots, as long as the opponent is a devil, just fight, it's that simple , why discuss it?"

What Wang Zhifei thinks is simple, so simple that as long as he is a devil, he can just fight.

"How can it be so simple?" said the thin monkey, "Wang Zhifei, you have to understand that if we push over, we will face the devils on the high ground. If we attack with our backs, this in itself is not good for us. Look at Yangcheng Pass. Why are the devils unable to fight after these several charges? It is because they are attacking upwards, and they have a certain degree of difficulty!"

"I don't know what it means to attack but not to attack. For me, the devils are the same wherever I fight, and I have to do my best!" Wang Zhifei said.

"That must be different!" Shouhou continued to say, but Li Jiguang interrupted, because he knew that Wang Zhifei was not interested in talking about these things with Wang Zhifei, "Liu Ji, tell me what you think!"

Liu Ji frowned and said, "Brigade Commander, I went to Yangcheng Pass. To be honest, the road in the direction of Yangcheng Pass is really difficult to walk on this way. If you want to attack it, you must have a strong force." For fire cover, it would be even better if there is air support. We saw that the devils' fifth charge was not equipped with powerful firearms. This only shows that the devils' artillery has no ammunition. The supplies that came to support were also robbed by us, so, all of this is what we want to see! So, Brigadier, I think that although the devils attacked Yangcheng Pass without the cover of a powerful artillery unit, their soldiers The quality is stronger than ours. In addition, the devils also have mortars and submachine guns. These weapons are not available to us. In this way, if the devils really want to come over during the breakout, it is really a little bit for us. It's too difficult to hold on!"

"Liu Ji, don't be a fool, tell me what we should do?" asked the thin monkey.

"I think we can only fight, but there is no way to defend. The devils are unlikely to break through. After all, Xiaoyinpo is their temporary command post, and all their things are in Xiaoyinpo!" Liu Ji said. .

"It's nothing to ask!" Said the thin monkey sitting on the side.

"Shouhou, don't you understand what I mean?" Liu Ji looked at him.

"What I mean is, all our mortars are aimed at Xiaoyinpo, and they are all blown up. At that time, if the devils break through, they will just run away. Our strategic intention should be clear, which is to destroy their Xiaoyinpo Poe's temporary command post, to relieve the pressure on Yangcheng Pass, I think this is the main purpose of our battle!"

Liu Ji's words seemed very reasonable. He looked at Li Jiguang and asked, "Brigade Commander, what do you think of what I said?"

"The words are very good, the idea is better, and the combat intention is also stated. When we fight, we must have our own strategic purpose. As long as we have a strategic purpose, we can fight according to this line. Liu Ji is right!" Li Jiguang Nodding his head, he looked at Zhao Qifa.

Zhao Qifa listened to Liu Ji's words, but he also had his own opinions. What was their main purpose for coming out this time?It was something he had been thinking about along the way.

Devils attack, what does this mean?
He looked at everyone, "I think what Liu Ji said is right, but there is one point that I don't agree with!"

Everyone looked at him strangely, and then asked, "Old Zhao, what point do you disagree with?"

Li Jiguang also asked, "Old Zhao, tell me your opinion!"

Zhao Qifa said, "Most of what Liu Ji said is correct, but, I think, this strategic goal should not be just a simple shady slope! Nor is it simply to ease the tension at Yangcheng Pass!"

Then, he analyzed, "I think this is a general attack by the devils, which means that the devils have become a group of desperadoes! Our strategic goal should be a decisive battle with the devils! In a decisive battle, we must attack the devils' main military force. Strength! And the devils in Xiaoyinpo in front of us are the enemies we can reach at present. We should spare no effort to fight them, and we should completely annihilate them! When they break through, we should kill them in the cradle. Give them a chance!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Qifa drew a circle on the ground, "This is Xiaoyinpo. There is a gentle slope to the north of Xiaoyinpo. This gentle slope is also the only place where they can attack Yangcheng Pass. We can deploy mortars around Xiaoyinpo Cannon, give them a heavy blow, and then set up an ambush where they might escape. In this way, we can wipe out the devil's vitality, and then quickly reach the east to support Yang Fei's troops!"

What Zhao Qifa said was correct, Li Jiguang nodded, and then said with a smile, "Old Zhao is right, I agree, my thoughts are roughly the same as Lao Zhao's!"

"Brigadier, but now there is still a problem, that is how should we set up an ambush?" asked the thin monkey.

"I think that you don't need to worry about setting up an ambush. The only way for them to escape is the small gentle slope in the north. As long as they dare to go there, it will be our 500 people who will face them!" Li Jiguang said, " As far as I know, there should be only [-] devils here this time. After five or six charges, the devils also suffered heavy casualties. Their number should be about the same as ours. !"

This matter is settled like this, Li Jiguang finally added, "As for the mortars, we have more than a dozen here, so let's use them all! At 07:30, Liu Ji, you will bring When the gunner arrives at the designated position, he must be concealed, must be concealed, this is the most important thing!"

"Brigade Commander, don't worry, I understand, fighting devils, this is something I've known since I was born, don't worry!" Liu Ji said.

"Okay, then wait until eight o'clock in the evening. There are still three hours before eight o'clock. Everyone, hurry up and get ready. When you are ready, take a good rest!" Li Jiguang said.

At this time Yangcheng was closed, and Lin Zhonghu and Shen Wanxi were also discussing how to fight Xiaoyinpo's devils.

"Boss, if there is any movement at our Yangcheng Pass, the little devils at the foot of the mountain must have made a movement. They should directly block our way and then take the initiative to attack!" Shen Wanxi said.

"That's right, but this is a way for us to completely wipe out the little Yinpo devils. Only when the devils here are completely wiped out can Yang Fei relieve the pressure. As for how to get out, we have to think of a way!! "Lin Zhonghu said.

Hu Dahai looked at Shen Wanxi, "Old Shen, the devil has been watching us, but what we have to compare with the devil is speed, if we go out at a speed that is unexpected, and then join the brigade commander's troops, it will be done! "

"Old Hu, I understand. However, we are now thinking that the straight-line distance from Yangcheng Pass to Xiaoyinpo is about 3000 meters. The other party will definitely notice this 3000 meters. You don't want them to know. Is this right?" It's possible!" Shen Wanxi said.

Hu Dahai laughed loudly, "Old Shen, maybe you have forgotten something. We closed at Yangcheng Pass and went down from Yangcheng Pass. It's a steep road. As for how fast the downhill goes down, you don't understand. ?”

This sentence woke up Shen Wanxi, he slapped his head, "Yeah, why did I forget, this way, we can save at least half of the time!" Shen Wanxi said.

Lin Zhonghu also laughed, "The favorable conditions are all here, how dare we forget?"

"Old Shen, when the time comes, let the soldiers roll down the hillside quickly, and then go directly to the small shaded slope. Brother Liu Ji came and said that the brigade commander has a lot of mortars, and they can be responsible for shelling the small slope." Yinpo, let's go down and find a hidden place, as long as they dare to come down and attack the brigade commander, we will provide fire support! What do you think?" Hu Dahai asked.

"Of course, Lao Hu, it seems that we are going to eat all the devils in Xiaoyinpo tonight!" Shen Wanxi said.

Lin Zhonghu said at this time, "Head Shen, I have something that I think I need to say!"

"Leader, tell me!" Shen Wanxi said.

"It is important to wipe out the devils in Xiaoyinpo, but I think Yangcheng Pass is also very important. Just in case, I think it is very necessary for you to send troops to guard Yangcheng Pass. This is your important position!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"The master, you mean, guard here? But, tonight..." Before Shen Wanxi could say anything, Hu Haihai said immediately, "The master is right, Yangcheng Pass is where we guarded the devil's six charges This place, this place is very important, old Shen, you should listen to the words of the master and send troops to guard here, right?"

Shen Wanxi nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, what the boss said is good!"

"How about this!" Lin Zhonghu said, "Let your people stay here, and our people will go down the mountain with me to fight the devils. Don't worry, I will not be merciful when I fight the devils!"

"This...isn't it appropriate?" Shen Wanxi asked, "If you think it's appropriate to let some of you stay here, how can the Eighth Route Army have fewer people who charge into the battle? It's not that I don't believe you, I I think, I am already very grateful for you coming, if you go to confront the devils head-on again, I... Lao Shen will feel a little sorry!"

"Regimental Commander Shen is serious. How can there be those who have some?" You can rest assured. I think that our main target now is the devils. The Eighth Route Army is very hard. Don't think that it is easy to guard Yangcheng Pass , also has a heavy burden on his shoulders! "Lin Zhonghu said.

"Yes!" Shen Wanxi said, and Hu Dahai quickly said, "Since the head of the family has said so, old Shen, you agree. When the war is over, let's invite the head of the house to drink again!"

(End of this chapter)

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