Chapter 2618
Just like that, Shen Wanxi agreed to Lin Zhonghu's proposal!The action tonight was mainly carried out by Lin Zhonghu's team.

Xiao Yinpo on the other side received the news from Junyi Yoshikawa, and Pinggu didn't dare to neglect, he carefully analyzed the current situation, and then said helplessly, "Since the commander ordered the general attack at [-] o'clock tonight, I can't say anything. Well, tonight, everyone has to attack together!" After thinking about it, he said to the telegraph operator, "Send a letter to the commander, saying that if I fail, the jade will be broken in front of Yangcheng Pass!"

"Hayi!" After finishing speaking, the devil's telegraph operator went to send the report.

Then, he had someone call Ben Dao in.

Ben Dao came in, bowed his head and stood upright, "Pinggu... Major..."

"Mr. Bendao, just now the commander sent a telegram asking us to launch a general attack on the enemy at Yangcheng Pass at [-]:[-] tonight. This is our last chance!" Pinggu said.

Ben Dao nodded, "Master Pinggu, if possible, we can bomb the Eight Routes of Yangcheng Pass as soon as the material support arrives. After the bombing is over, there will be very few of them left! At that time, we can launch a final attack on them." attack!"

"Okay, Mr. Benjima, I am artificial. If the support materials are going to arrive, they will arrive long ago. I have a bad feeling that something happened to them. However, I don't expect to bombard them with artillery. The warriors of the empire never Relying on external forces to strangle the enemy, what we believe in is still the power at hand!" Ping Gu said.

"Master Pinggu, there are bandits entering Yangchengguan. I'm afraid we won't be able to attack for a while. I still think that we should prepare with both hands. One hand prepares for the ammunition for the artillery, and the other hand prepares for a bloody battle with the Eighth Route Army. What do you think?" Ben Dao Looking at Pinggu said.

"I can wait, but the commander can't wait any longer. Eight o'clock tonight is the last moment. We have to prepare for the broken jade. Mr. Motoshima, the artillery is certainly powerful, but don't forget that we, as soldiers of the Great Japanese Kingdom What is glory? That is to die on the battlefield, that is to serve His Majesty the Emperor!"

Ben Dao also knew that no matter how much he tried to persuade him, there would be no change, so he could only say, "Okay, I got it!"

"A strong attack is not enough, but I have already thought of a way, Mr. Bendao, tonight, Xiaoyinpo only needs to stay behind a dozen people, and for the rest, we will attack quietly from the side, trying not to be discovered by the Eighth Route Army, so as to achieve a successful sneak attack How likely do you think it is?" Pinggu asked.

"Mr. Pinggu, do you mean a sneak attack?" Ben Dao has never thought about it this way, but this is still a good way!Thinking of the first time they designed to lure Shen Wanxi into being fooled, didn't they use this trick?If it is used like this again, the Eighth Route Army may really be impossible to defend against!
"How? If the sneak attack is successful, we will be able to reduce a lot of burden on the commander of the Eastern Front in the first place. This is also our original intention!" Pinggu said.

"Mr. Pinggu, I agree with this idea. In order to confuse the devils, I think, let's light a bonfire and let the soldiers dance beside the bonfire. In this way, the Eighth Route Army will never dare to act rashly, and we can also make the biggest move Right!" Benjima said.

"That's right, Mr. Bendao, your proposal is very good. For a strong attack, we must pay the price. However, if we want to fight the Eighth Route Army with live ammunition, we must go to the top of Yangcheng Pass and fight with them for real. Fight!" Pinggu said.

"According to the individual quality of our imperial army, one soldier of ours can defeat at least two soldiers of the Eighth Route Army. In this case, we will easily reach our strategic goal!" Ben Dao nodded.

"Well, follow your method. Now, let the soldiers set up the bonfire!" Pinggu said.

"Ha Yi, I'm going right now!"

With that said, Benjima left.

All of a sudden, Xiaoyinpo started to get busy. The devil set up a pile of firewood a little to the north of Xiaoyinpo, and then notified a dozen soldiers to make them happy and have a party for a while.

What happened to Xiaoyinpo surprised many people, especially Li Jiguang. The behavior of the devils was indeed a bit unexpected. He didn't understand why the devils would set up a bonfire at night. If so, their purpose might be It is clear, wouldn't it be better for the mortar to directly attack the direction of the bonfire?

Could it be that the devil still has some shady secrets?

Thinking of this, Li Jiguang hurried to find the person. Liu Jishouhou couldn't figure it out, and Zhao Qifa didn't understand it. Wang Zhifei pursed his mouth, "What's so strange about burning a bonfire? Isn't the devil always playing like this?" ?”

Hearing the words "playing like this all the time", Li Jiguang looked at Wang Zhifei, "Zhifei, what is playing like this all the time?"

"Brigade Commander, I don't know about the devils in other places, but I know the devils in Beihai, they worship the sun, they worship light and fire, so at night, many devils do burn bonfires, I don't think there is anything Strange!" Wang Zhifei said.

"No, we have fought devils at night before, and we have never seen such a big bonfire. Even if we have encountered it, it is impossible to encounter it on the battlefield. I think there is a fraud in it!" Zhao Qifa said .

"I agree with what Lao Zhao said!" Liu Ji said, "The devils are always cunning, they must have some purpose! Although we don't know what their purpose is, but if the devils are unusual, there must be something wrong!"

"Tell me, what are you going to do tonight?" Li Jiguang asked.

"It can't be changed!" Said the thin monkey, "Yangcheng Pass has been notified. If we want to change it now, I'm afraid we won't be able to change anything!"

Liu Jiguang raised his hand and looked at his watch, "It's still an hour before eight o'clock. It's too late to go and get the notification. Hit, then hit. Since you don't know what the devil's plot is, then hit him." Conspiracy, our Eighth Route Army is not afraid of the conspiracy of devils!"

Wang Zhifei looked at Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander, you are really right. What are you afraid of? It's not scary at all. Since the devils dare to light a bonfire, it means that they seem to have let down their vigilance! Let's catch them by surprise! "Wang Zhifei said.

"Okay, fight!" Liu Ji and Shouhou also expressed their opinions.

Zhao Qifa also nodded, "The devil's arrogance, today, we will kill him, brigade commander, let me play the forward!"

"Okay!" Li Jiguang said!

Shen Wanxi and Lin Zhonghu in Yangcheng Pass were really taken aback by the devil's conspiracy, they never thought that the devil would come here!
"What kind of medicine is sold in this little devil's gourd?" Seeing the devil's bonfire, Shen Wanxi naturally had some fear in his heart, and this fear was accumulated from the last battle.

Hu Dahai patted Shen Wanxi on the shoulder, "Old Shen, do you have any psychological burden?"

The corner of Shen Wanxi's mouth twitched, and then he shook his head, "What are you afraid of? Isn't it the devil's bonfire? In my opinion, this time the devil lit the bonfire, mostly to show off their power and show off, what's the matter? No general attack is planned at eight o'clock?"

"No, no!" Shen Wanxi said, "There must be a general attack. I have already agreed with the brigade commander. I can't break my promise! But... Lao Hu, do you really think that the devils have no conspiracy this time?" asked without worry.

"Even if there is, so what?" Hu Dahai said, "As far as I know, there are almost 300 devils left now, and so do we. We still have people from the brigade commander this time, and we have enough personnel advantages , and, even if the devil has any plots, we'll get Xiaoyinpo and have a look!"

Lin Zhonghu also said at this time, "The old nonsense is right, Commander Shen, now is not the time to hesitate, I think the time is almost up, so I will quietly go down the mountain with people!"

"Bosses, you must be careful in everything. Last time, I also felt that Xiaoyinpo's devils were a little loose in defense and let...Brother Daguang go down. This time, I really can't say for sure!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Okay, old Shen, since I, Lin Zhonghu, have agreed to other people's affairs, I have never said nothing halfway, Xiaoyinpo, tonight, I am sure to win!" After saying that, Lin Zhonghu took his men and left up.

Shen Wanxi still felt a little uneasy, and then said, "Hu Dahai!"

Hu Dahai took a step forward, "Old Shen!"

"I order you to take our soldiers and guard here. At eight o'clock, you must see clearly. At eight o'clock, you must pay attention! Now, I am going to attack Xiaoyinpo with Lin Zhonghu. Attacking Xiaoyinpo should not be What people have to do!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Old Shen, you..." Hu Dahai looked at him.

"Last time I owed Da Guang a debt, this time I'll let the devil make it up, and I'll leave it to you!" With that said, Shen Wanxi left.

Hu Dahai never thought that Shen Wanxi would leave suddenly, but he still pursed his lips, and quickly let the soldiers wait for orders in the trenches!




The hour hand reached eight o'clock in the evening on time.

Li Jiguang gritted his teeth, "Fire!"

With this order, Liu Ji quickly asked the mortarmen to fire!
At this time, beside the bonfire, the devils were singing and dancing, and there was no panic on their cheerful faces.

It wasn't until the shells fell on the bonfire, and the sound of the explosion overwhelmed their singing, that they realized that today's joy was just the tranquility on the surface!

The sound of explosions was endless, and the bonfire was blown up, and the flames ignited the surrounding tents all at once.

"Put out the fire!" The little devil shouted loudly. At this time, the bomb covered the entire small dark slope. Before they could put out the fire, their bodies had already fallen to the ground.

After a round of bombing, Zhao Qifa led his people and immediately shouted, "Go, go!"

The charge horn rang, and the bandits everywhere responded immediately. They charged forward and headed towards the small dark slope!

Gather together with Zhao Qifa, and then attack Xiaoyinpo.

The fire in Xiaoyinpo was all over the sky and everywhere, but there was not a single devil.

They were stunned for a few seconds before realizing that the little devil didn't seem to be here, so where did he go?Could it be that the devils gave them an empty plan?

Thinking of this, Zhao Qifa quickly ordered, "Retreat, all retreat!"

Once the devils surround them, how will they fight?

Lin Zhonghu also hurriedly led his people to the outskirts of Xiaoyinpo.

Li Jiguang hurried over and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Brigade Commander, the little devils are not in Xiaoyinpo, there are only a dozen devils in Xiaoyinpo!" Zhao Qifa said quickly.

"What?" Li Jiguang froze for a moment!
Then I heard the sound of cannons in the distance, which seemed to come from Yang Fei in the east!
"Oops, Yang Fei must have encountered some difficulties! Now, everyone hurry to Xiaoyinpo to support Yangchengguan!" Li Jiguang said.

"Okay, we can only go in the direction of Yangchengguan!" After Zhao Qifa finished speaking, he shouted to the soldiers, "Comrades, let's go to Xiaoyinpo now!"

As soon as the order came out, everyone headed to Xiaoyinpo!
At this moment, a "da da da" gunshot was suddenly heard!

Looking up, it was the direction of Xiaoyinpo!

At this time, everyone realized that the devil had already gone to the mountain!
"Come on!"

Li Jiguang shouted loudly!
Lin Zhonghu also realized that the devil's trick of throwing the car to protect the handsome man seems to have done a good job. If they really succeeded, Yangchengguan would really be unable to keep it. The city gate is guarding!This time is enough for them to rush up the mountain!
"Come on!"

The Charge was aimed at Yangcheng Pass, and the soldiers ran towards the shooting direction!

This is really a dangerous move. If the devils really take the lead, everything they have done before will be over!
Hu Dahai was watching the situation at the bottom of the mountain. Fortunately, a soldier discovered it in time and fired at the devil first. Then Hu Dahai ordered everyone, "Fire at the devil immediately!"

At this time, the devils are only ten meters away from their trenches at Yangcheng Pass!

The distance of ten meters, if they run fast, they can come up without three or five steps!

The machine gun in Hu Dahai's hand began to shoot wildly at the devils, but behind those devils was a steady stream of soldiers.

This made Hu Dahai's head sweat!

"Grenade, stop it coming up!" Hu Dahai understood that once the devil really came up, they didn't have many hand grenades to make the devil back!At that time, I'm afraid they will only be slaughtered!
However, even though Hu Dahai and the others had an absolute geographical advantage, the devils' submachine guns began to shoot at their trenches, which once made Hu Dahai and others dare not look up!
However, if you don't look up, you will die!
If you don't look up, the devil will come up!
Hu Dahai immediately picked up the machine gun and fired at the devils! "Da da da da..."

Tongues of fire spurted out, making it even more miserable in the dark night!

At this time, the bullet is like a god of death, revealing his hideousness!
(End of this chapter)

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