Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2619 Yangchengguan position cannot be lost

Chapter 2619 Yangchengguan position cannot be lost
What the devil wants is the geographical advantage of Yangcheng Pass. Pinggu and Ben Dao understand that as long as they occupy the position of Yangcheng Pass, they can stop the Eighth Route Army at the foot of the mountain. That's why they saw Xiaoyinpo being bombed and beaten. , indifferent!

They have an absolute advantage in personnel, which is their capital, and they have a complete set of weapon systems, which is also their capital to show off!
Soon, the devil's footsteps began to set foot in the trenches on the top of Yangchengguan Mountain!
Hu Dahai immediately ordered, "Use the bayonet and fuck the devil!"

He took out a machete and went towards the devils. He was not afraid of these beasts, he just wanted to fight them!

"Da da da!"

The devil shot a bullet, and several soldiers around him fell down!

It really is nothing, this situation is unprecedentedly tragic, even so, Hu Dahai slashed at the devil in three steps at a time, one in his left hand and one in his right hand, the blood of the devil immediately flowed out from the machete .

The soldiers left the trenches, and the enthusiasm at this time was more terrifying than that scorching summer day!
"Kill! Kill!"

More than [-] Eighth Route Army soldiers fought with nearly [-] devils. They were not afraid of life and death, and even if they were the last one to die in the battle, they had no intention of escaping.

Hu Dahai became red-eyed, and the little devil immediately got his bayonet and wrestled with the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army.

Holding a machete in one hand, Hu Dahai aimed at a devil's head and looked over. One revealed that it rolled down and fell to Pinggu's feet!

Na Pinggu looked at Hu Dahai with sly eyes, took out his saber and slashed at Hu Dahai!
At this time, there are really no officers or officers who say, fighting, even if you die in the end, it is very worthwhile!
I saw Pinggu's saber cutting down from top to bottom. Pinggu blocked it with the machete in one hand, and then quickly changed to two hands.

"Damn it, go to hell!"

Hu Dahai let out a loud roar, and kicked Pinggu in the lower abdomen, and Pinggu took two steps back, "People from China, come and die!"

After finishing speaking, he slashed at Hu Dahai again without fear of death!
Years of experience told Hu Dahai that the person in front of him is definitely not simple, but what is the importance of that? Hu Dahai turned sideways to dodge, and Pinggu's nimble figure quickly dodged there too!

Then there was a confrontation in the eyes, "Hurry up and surrender, can't you see that this is the position of our imperial army after all!"

"Hehe, I really can't see it. As long as our Eighth Route Army is here, even if there is only one hair left, it is my territory. Go to hell!" Hu Dahai waved a machete with one hand, and then pointed at him Just cut it down!

Holding a knife in both hands, Pinggu blocked Hu Dahai's attack. He sneered, "If there is only one hair left, are you still yourself? If you are sensible, surrender!"

Pinggu exerted all his strength so that Hu Dahai's body bent.

"Then let's see if you have the ability to do this! Lao Tzu's words have never been covered!" Hu Dahai grabbed the knife with both hands, then pushed it upwards, and kicked it with one foot!

Pinggu directly took the knife away, and then let Hu Dahai's feet fall, "It seems that you only have these two moves!"

Soon, there were only five soldiers left beside Hu Dahai quietly. They surrounded Hu Dahai, staring at the little devil.

Li Jiguang, who was at the bottom of the mountain, led his people to charge halfway up the mountain, and the bullets came head-on, hitting the backs of those little devils, making them have to make defensive preparations in advance!

Hu Dahai smiled, "Comrades, the brigade commander has brought people here. Today is the little devil's memorial day. Come with me, fight your way out and let the little devil taste what pain is like!"

"Baga!" Pinggu yelled angrily, stabbing with the saber, Hu Dahai bared his teeth, rushed out brazenly, and scuffled with Pinggu again!
The island on the other side immediately organized personnel to shoot at the Eighth Route Army at the foot of the mountain!
"Comrades, kill!"

Hu Dahai let out an angry roar, and the five soldiers took off their clothes, and then tied explosives around their waists!
"For the final victory! For the peace of the people of the whole country, kill!"

Five fighters rushed towards the crowd!

Those little devils are powerful in fighting, but seeing the desperate Eighth Route Army, how could they have imagined that they would make such a move?

There was a big explosion, and all the ghosts around fell down at once!


The devils who hid in the trenches were not spared either, they were blown away, and their heads and arms were all scattered around Yangcheng Pass.


Hu Dahai yelled again, and the huge explosion made Pinggu's heart go cold, "It's really desperate! Today, the Eighth Route Army, I have seen why you are so good here!"

"Think of it? It's too late!"

After Hu Dahai finished speaking, he also took off his clothes. There were still a few grenades hanging around his waist, and an explosive bag was also trapped on his body!
Pinggu's face was pale, and he took two steps back, "The glory of the soldier is today, do you dare to compare the bayonet with me?"

"Bayonet, you are still not my opponent, even if it is a bayonet, I will not lose!" After finishing speaking, Hu Dahai rushed over with a machete!

There was another explosion, and a strong air current was formed among the devils, causing the bodies of many devils around to tremble a few times!
The blades I saw were all curled up, but as long as they could kill people, so what?

Pinggu wanted to take this opportunity to leave, but unexpectedly, Hu Dahai was attached to him.

"Kill you!" Hu Dahai's anger made Pinggu frown, "It seems that today, no one will live or die, it is impossible!"

As he said that, Pinggu held the bayonet in both hands, and stabbed Hu Dahai in the chest!

However, how could this be stabbed, but Hu Dahai caught the handle and tripped Pinggu to the ground!

Seeing success, Hu Dahai went straight up, twisted Pinggu's neck, and shouted, "You're dead!"

"You..." Pinggu's neck burst out with blue veins, and he couldn't breathe, which made Pinggu extremely uncomfortable!

I saw Hu Dahai grabbed Pinggu and shouted at the devils, "Stop it quickly, or your Shao Zuo will die!"

Seeing Pinggu being arrested, everyone's heart darkened suddenly, and then everyone began to look at each other.

Ben Dao was also stunned, Pinggu's bayonet technique was actually very good, how could he lose?

No, he just lost, and he was right on this island!

At this time, the gunshots under the mountain, coupled with the tense situation on the top of the mountain at this time, Motoshima stayed there.

Pinggu's throat slowly shouted a few words, "Don't shoot!"

Those devils immediately heard these words, and they looked at Pinggu in disbelief.

In the face of death, everyone is cowardly, including Pinggu who thinks he is not afraid of death.

Ben Dao was stunned for three seconds, and then said, "No, Mr. Pinggu, look, the enemies from above and below are coming up!"

Hu Dahai's arm firmly clamped Pinggu's neck, and Pinggu tried to pull it with his hands, but Hu Dahai didn't have the strength.


"Master Hiratani, for His Majesty's great cause, we cannot surrender!" Motoshima shouted after finishing speaking, "Listen everyone, don't put down your weapons!"

Pinggu stared at Ben Dao, he never imagined that Ben Dao at this moment could disregard his life!

He couldn't speak, he could only stare at the island.

However, those ghost soldiers began to be in a dilemma. After all, every soldier knew the truth of listening to the supreme commander on the battlefield, but they couldn't choose between left and right in the scene before them.

Seeing the soldiers like this, Ben Dao also became a little anxious, and he shouted loudly, "Everyone, step up your guard, the Eight Routes of Up and Down will come up soon!"

Some soldiers can only hide in the trenches, while others stand there blankly!
Hu Dahai grabbed Pinggu tightly, "What are you looking at? Don't you want him to live?"

At first, when some soldiers started to put down their guns, Motoshima hurried over to stop them, "Is the commander's order important, the strategy important, or the life of a major?"

"Baga!" Pinggu's face was full of anger!
Hu Dahai smiled, "Listen, your life as a major is really not important, at least in people's eyes!"

"Ben... Island... I will really not kill you!" Pinggu struggled, how could Hu Dahai let him escape so easily, he could only grab him, "I advise you to save some effort!"

Ben Dao desperately took out his pistol and pointed it at Pinggu, "I'm sorry, Major Pinggu, today, here, we may lose again, but I don't want to see this, you have to understand, Your Excellency the Commander wants a lot It's not a defeat!"

Seeing Ben Dao pull the trigger slowly, Hu Dahai's eyes paused for a second, and the next second he pushed Pinggu hard.


There was a gunshot, and the bullet hit Pinggu's chest. Pinggu didn't understand until his death, what happened to Bendao?
It's okay if he doesn't want to understand, but if he wants to understand, he may feel even more uncomfortable in his heart.

In the past few days during the war, he always wanted to curry favor with this major, in case he was promoted in the future, he could still help, but later he understood that this Pinggu's qualifications were mediocre, and he would even give dirty water to others!

It's not that he doesn't know that the telegram he sent to the commander put all the responsibility for the failure on himself, but he seemed to be okay. Such a major, he was a hundred unconvinced in his heart. Thoughts, after being denied by Pinggu, such thoughts became even more serious.

Fortunately, this shot hit Pinggu directly in the chest. Seeing that Pinggu was not breathing, when Ben Dao looked up again, he realized that Hu Dahai had already jumped out of the trench and rolled down the hillside!

"Hurry up and strengthen your guard, the Eighth Route Army will attack in a short while!" Ben Dao roared.

Now the island is their only commander, and they can only listen to the island.

Those devils quickly occupied the trenches and started firing at the top and bottom!
"Da da da……"

The bullets shot down the mountain, and the soldiers in front fell down all at once!

Li Jiguang hid behind a bunker, and then called Zhao Qifa over, "Old Zhao, the devils have taken over there. If we attack now, there will definitely be a lot of casualties!"

"Brigade Commander, don't worry, I have formed a death squad before. When our death squad goes forward, we will take explosives on our bodies and throw them into the trenches. No matter how powerful the devils are, I don't think they will last long!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Old Zhao! Find a way to move forward ten meters, ten meters, enough for us to throw grenades! The Death Squad doesn't need it now, let's find an opportunity to throw grenades first!" Li Jiguang finished speaking, glanced at the battle ahead, "Go quickly Prepare!"

"Yes!" After saying that, Zhao Qifa quickly went to prepare.

After a while, more than a dozen people had at least three grenades on them. They crawled and walked forward slowly!

Li Jiguang shouted, "Fire cover!"

After finishing speaking, the machine guns at the foot of the mountain also shot up the mountain "da da da".

There is no difference in firepower, as long as it is an attack, the firepower will not be too weak, but, one after another, those grenadiers will not crawl forward too easily!

Li Jiguang saw that this speed is really too slow, and Yangcheng Pass must be taken down quickly, this is the kingly way.

When he was anxious, a soldier suddenly ran over, "Brigade Commander!"

Li Jiguang looked at him, "You're not that..."

"Yes, Brigadier, I'm a scholar!" The scholar looked at Li Jiguang and said.

"Xiu Cai, what's the matter, tell me!" Li Jiguang was a little anxious.

"Brigade Commander, just now my eldest brother Wang Zhifei said that we have shells for the artillery below. If possible, we, we will fire at Yangcheng Pass. If you agree, I will go now!" Xiucai looked at Li Jiguang and asked road!
Li Jiguang suddenly realized, "Yeah, why did I forget the ammunition we seized!" After finishing speaking, he quickly said, "Okay, I agree, if you dare to go down the mountain, go and tell Wang Zhifei, aim, and let him immediately Fire at Yangcheng Pass!"

"Yes! Brigadier, then I'm leaving!" After finishing speaking, Xiucai turned around and ran away!
Wang Zhifei hurriedly called Zhao Qifa over, "Bring me back and inform me, all the soldiers will be hidden!"

"Ah? Brigadier, why? We will be able to reach there soon!" Zhao Qifa said.

"No need, Wang Zhifei found that the ammunition we seized included the ammunition of the devil's artillery below. Just in time, let's return the shells to them!" Li Jiguang said. ,
"That's great, that's great, okay, I'll go and inform you now!"

After speaking, Zhao Qifa left!
However, after thinking about it, Li Jiguang felt that this was a bit inappropriate. Is there anyone else on the top of the mountain?If so, what should I do if I am accidentally injured? "

Thinking of this, Li Jiguang raised his hand with difficulty, but he looked up at Yangcheng Pass again, where the devils were waiting.

"Are there any brothers on the mountain?" Li Jiguang asked himself.

(End of this chapter)

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