Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2620 Winning the Yangcheng Pass

Chapter 2620 Take Back Yangcheng Pass

"Where's Shen Wanxi? Let me find Shen Wanxi first!" Li Jiguang roared.

He is in a very bad mood now, and he must ask the matter clearly!

As soon as Shen Wanxi heard the brigade commander calling her, she immediately ran over, "Brigade commander!"

"Just now I heard gunshots on the top of the mountain. There should be one of my own people. Who is up there?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Hu Dahai, Hu Dahai is up there!" Shen Wanxi quickly replied.

"Hu Dahai?" Li Jiguang looked at the top of the mountain. Once the cannon was fired, Hu Dahai would... still have so many soldiers!if……

"Brigade Commander, Lao Hu is at the top of the mountain, let me lead the team, I want to attack!" Shen Wanxi said.

Li Jiguang pulled him, "Shen Wanxi, don't get excited, listen!"

At this time, there was no gunfire from the devils on the top of the mountain. It was obvious that the battle on the top of the mountain was over!

Li Jiguang had tears in his eyes, "It's over, Yangcheng Pass is gone!"

"Old... Hu..." Shen Wanxi gritted his teeth, "No! No!"

"After a while, it will fire!"

Li Jiguang said.

At this time, a soldier suddenly ran over, "Brigadier, just now we found a person who fell from the top of the mountain and was caught by us!"

Li Jiguang looked at him, "Someone fell down, who is it?"

"Brigade Commander, that man was injured and is now in a coma!" said the soldier.

"Go, go and see!"

After Li Jiguang finished speaking, the soldier led them to find the person who fell down.

When they saw this man was covered in bloodshot eyes, Li Jiguang went over and turned his head around. After a look, they found that it was Hu Dahai!
"Hu Dahai!" Li Jiguang patted his face.

"Hu Dahai!"

Li Jiguang called again.

Shen Wanxi's eyes burst into tears all of a sudden, "You dog, I'm scared to death!"

However, Hu Dahai was in a coma at this time, and Li Jiguang understood that there should be no living people on the mountain!

At this time, only a sound of "嗖" was heard, and then a sound of "Boom!" was heard at Yangcheng Pass.

This sound exploded, but it was more powerful than a mortar!

Immediately, the devils in the Yangchengguan trench were beaten to pieces!


It's a steady stream!


The sound of cannons turned Yangcheng Pass upside down!
Who dares to gain a foothold at Yangcheng Pass?It's just a little devil, so what?
Cannonballs have no eyes. After a round of artillery attacks, Li Jiguang immediately ordered, "All, charge!"

The trumpeter blew the charge horn, and the soldiers were encouraged to rush towards Yangcheng Pass!

They really look like heroes with a hundred singles and eight generals, Taxue Wuhen, martial arts masters!
Any nice word can describe their state!
In an instant, it seemed as simple as a hole being torn open!When the first Warrior Tower went up to Yangcheng Pass, the second, and the third!the fourth!

Everyone rushed here frantically, and after everyone went up, they discovered that there were so many corpses of devils on the ground, and the corpses of Eighth Route Army soldiers were too horrible to look at!

"Look for it quickly, is there any alive!" Li Jiguang roared!

The soldiers quickly cleaned the battlefield, and then they all surrounded Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander, no one was found alive!"

"Damn it, they're all dead!" After Li Jiguang finished speaking, Lin Zhonghu came over!
Seeing Lin Zhonghu's expression, Li Jiguang asked, "Thank you, Master!"

"What's so hard about it!" After finishing speaking, he said, "Brigade Commander Li, I think we should go to support Yang Fei and the others now. Their enemies are dozens of times like this!"

"Yes, let's go, let's go right away!" Li Jiguang walked ahead, and the soldiers quickly caught up and scouted the surrounding security situation.

Fortunately, all the devils in Yangcheng Pass have been wiped out, this is the luckiest thing!
Since eight o'clock, the sound of artillery fire has never been interrupted. Thinking about it, the shelling encountered by Yang Fei should be the heaviest!The little devil's artillery seems to be inexhaustible ammunition, especially here for Yang Fei, the artillery seems to have become the absolute main force of the battlefield, illuminating the dark, cold night brightly, and making the cold night very warm , After the snow water on the ground melted, steaming heat came out.

Yang Fei lowered his head, the soil had already buried his head very thickly, but the devil's artillery attack didn't seem to end there!
"Grandma's!" Yang Fei shouted, "This little devil has enough ammunition. If this goes on, don't wait to be killed by the bomb, our ears will definitely be killed by the shock!"

Deng Qi smiled, "Hey, Captain! I don't know when the devil's artillery will stop!"

"Dog, don't worry about this for now, Battalion Commander Deng, you go and ask about the casualties of our personnel!" Yang Fei shouted loudly.

"Okay, I got it!" After saying that, Deng Qi left slowly in the trench.

Ma Xiaokun came over, "Regimental Commander, you should retreat first, wait until the devil's shells are finished, and then come over!"

"Fart, how can I leave now?" Yang Fei shouted, "I am with everyone, fighting against the devils together, and when the devils run out of shells, they will attack quickly! At that time, I will come again, Then it will be too late!"

"But, commander, this place is really too dangerous. If you make a mistake, how can we explain to the brigade commander?" Ma Xiaokun said.

"Fuck off, I don't need you to explain!" Yang Fei had just finished speaking when a shell exploded right in front of them, splashing a thick layer of loess and covering them all over.

Yang Fei wiped away the yellow picture, "Ma Xiaokun'er, if you don't want to die, you should lie in ambush, if you are blown up by a bomb, I can't save you!"

Ma Xiaokun quickly lay down on the ground.

"Damn it, I don't know what happened to Old Shen and the others at Yangchengguan!" Yang Fei said, and then asked someone to call Han Qing over!

Han Qing walked slowly along the trench to Yang Fei, and Yang Fei immediately asked, "Han Qing, what's going on at Yangcheng Pass?"

"Sir, I just came back from there just now and found that the devils have already occupied Yangcheng Pass. I don't know if they all went to attack Xiaoyinpo, or..." Han Qing said.

"This Shen Wanxi, what the hell is going on?" After speaking, Yang Fei said, "Now go and see where the brigade commander has arrived!"

"Yes!" After finishing speaking, Han Qing wanted to leave again.

At this time, seeing Li Jiguang rushing over with his people, Han Qing was so happy that he immediately shouted at Yang Fei, "Sir, sir, the brigade commander is here!"

Yang Fei didn't hear it, so Han Qing hurried over, "Sir, look, the brigade commander is here!"

After speaking, Yang Fei looked back in disbelief, and sure enough, he saw Li Jiguang.

After seeing Li Jiguang, Yang Fei couldn't wait to get out of the trench, and then hid in a safe place with them, "Brigade Commander, you're back!?"

Yang Fei looked at him happily, "Yang Fei, I'm back, I brought so many people, can it work?"

"I can do it!" Yang Fei smiled, and then saw Lin Zhonghu approaching, "Yang Fei, what's the matter? There hasn't been a real war yet?"

"Boss, these little devils are cunning. They don't attack easily. No, let's use artillery to fight us for a while. It's been a long time!" Yang Fei pointed to the ground in front of him, "Look, the position The previous soil has been turned over several times!"

After speaking, Yang Fei smiled.

"Where's my brother?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"The devil has not attacked for a long time, and I dare not let the brothers fight, for fear of being exposed early. No, the devil has not found the brothers in Lannuya, so now our brothers are still safe! However, sooner or later The devils are exposed, and the brothers will carry out the most effective attack on them!" Yang Fei said.

"That's good, as long as our brothers are still useful, these little devils will not worry!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Brigade Commander, since you are here, then you can take overall command, I can go to the front line!" Yang Fei said.

"Yang Fei, you come to command, let me see how you fight, so I can learn!" Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, since you're here, I won't overstep my rights anymore. I'll take my people to fight honestly. The front line is dangerous, so you just wait here!" After saying that, Yang Fei left.

The temporary headquarters of the devils on the east side.

The sound of cannon fire is still loud here.

Yoshikawa Junyi looked at Si Ye and asked, "What? Have you contacted Pinggu yet?"

"Commander, not yet, they haven't replied for a long time, and they don't know what's going on now!" Si Ye said.

"What the hell did this guy do?" Junyi Yoshikawa began to have some bad premonitions in his heart, "Could they have been wiped out?"

"Probably not!" Si Ye said, "Mr. Pinggu should have a way of commanding and fighting. Maybe they are dealing with the Eighth Route Army now, and they should be fighting fiercely now!"

"Really?" After finishing speaking, Yoshikawa Junyi came out of the tent, listened carefully to the voice, and then walked in again, "Biga Road!" "Commander, what's wrong?" Si Ye hurriedly asked.

"The sound outside is only from our place, there is no sound from far away at all, this guy..." Yoshikawa clenched his fist and hammered the table.

"Your Excellency, Commander, have they captured Yangcheng Pass?" Si Ye was more optimistic, "You are the only one who thinks of him that way. I should replace him early. It would be nice to replace him with the original island!"

"Your Excellency, Commander, it would be an unwise choice to change the battle. Pinggu will reply!" Si Ye said quickly.

"Send the report quickly, remind him, and see what's wrong with him!" Junyi Yoshikawa was like an ant on a hot pot at this time.

"Ha Yi!" After finishing speaking, Si Ye went to the telegraph operator himself and asked him to send a telegram to Pinggu.

After it was over, Si Ye came over, "Your Excellency, Commander, we could clearly hear gunshots in the distance in the past 10 minutes, if we can't hear them now, maybe Pinggu will reply to us soon, if it is too late If there is no reply for a long time, it means that Yangcheng Pass has not been succeeded!"

"This Pinggu, what can I say!" Yoshikawa said.

"Your Excellency, Commander, there is one more thing!" Si Ye took a step forward and said slowly, "Our shells are about to run out!"

"Are you done?" Yoshikawa Junyi asked.

"That's right, should we not wait for Mr. Pinggu, and then attack directly?" Si Ye asked.

"Si Yejun, no matter what the situation is, we will launch an attack on the Eighth Route Army. I believe that our Great Japanese Empire does not care about a person's gains or losses, nor does it matter whether a person fails or not. As long as we succeed, then It can be left in history!" Yoshikawa said.

"Then I understand. As soon as the shells are over, I will order the warriors to rush over!" Si Ye said.

"We have wasted too much time on the Eighth Route Army's front line. Now, I won't waste any more time. I want to see step by step whether we are the best or the Eighth Route Army is better!" said Yoshikawa Junyi.

"Of course it's us, Your Excellency Commander. Although we have lost the assistance of the Emperor Xie, our main force is still there. As long as we attack in groups, the Eighth Route Army will not be able to hold out for long. Tonight is the day of the Eighth Route Army's death! "Sino said.

"Yes, you are right, I believe that our Great Japanese Empire will become an invincible army, and we will also rule the Huaxia region. Here, there is fertile land and a refreshing living environment. This place is very suitable for our Great Japanese Empire The survival of the people, so, Mr. Si Ye, after a while, you will personally lead the team and rush over, as long as you rush over, the Eighth Route Army will be finished!"

Yoshikawa Junyi said.

"Hayi!" Said, Si Ye went out.

The artillerymen exhausted their last shells, and on the position of the Eighth Route Army not far away, a ball of flames rose, and above the flames was evaporated water vapor.

All of a sudden quiet!
Si Ye quickly adjusted his troops, and the artillery troops just now were also organized into the main camp. They are all warriors who want to charge!

"Warriors of the Great Japanese Empire, listen carefully. The base of the Eighth Route Army is in front of you. Your Excellency the Commander asked us to occupy it quickly. Only by occupying it can we truly rule the Beihai area. The existence of the Eighth Route Army cannot be tolerated here. , this place will soon be the place where our descendants will live, for His Majesty the Emperor, we charge forward!"

After Si Ye finished speaking, the devils swarmed towards the Eighth Route Army camp...

Yang Fei watched from the trench, "Sure enough, these devils are desperate, Ma Xiaokun, are there any landmines?"

Ma Xiaokun hurriedly said, "Leader, there are no more. Just now, the devils bombed and destroyed all the remaining mines. Now, we only have grenades!"

"Hurry up, tell everyone, bundle the grenades into bundles, and throw them all out when the devil comes over!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Understood the commander!" After finishing speaking, Ma Xiaokun began to tidy up, and the soldiers quickly tied up several grenades with cloth strips.

"50 meters... 40 meters... 30 meters..." Yang Fei counted silently in his heart.

"Machine gunner ready!" Yang Fei ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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