Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2623 Snow Pit Kills the Enemy

Chapter 2623 Snow Pit Kills the Enemy

In other words, no matter when, there will always be some strange methods, such as the appearance of Wang Zhifei, such as the appearance of gasoline. Perhaps, these few barrels of gasoline are not the key to killing the enemy, but they are always the weapon to kill the enemy!

As long as it is used well, the effect and record obtained will definitely be huge!

Li Mobai was miserable at this time.

Originally, I wanted to continue to disturb the formation of the devil's recruits and send them to the south. However, when I was chasing them, I encountered an independent team of the devil. After the exchange of fire, they retreated. Instead, they lay on the ground and really started fighting with the Eighth Route Army.

Li Mobai also hurriedly let the soldiers lie down, and threw grenades one by one.

However, it seems to have had little effect.

Crawling for such a long time is not the way.Li Mobai thought, if this is the case, wouldn't they be surrounded if the devil's support team came again?
"Listen to my order and retreat for now!" Li Mobai ordered.

Everyone was on the ground, slowly crawling backwards, but the devils slowly moved forward.

You retreat, he advances, the perseverance of this little devil is comparable to that of the Eighth Route Army, Li Mobai and the others are indeed no match, the army coats worn by the devils are very frost-resistant, while the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army wear cotton jackets, which are slightly stained The water, the padded jacket is wet, and the whole body is very cold.

"You little bastard, you can't even stand up, you get beaten when you stand up, and you can't back up even if you back up. Once you back up, they will follow. This is like a dog!" Li Mobai shouted!

At this moment, I suddenly heard a "hiss..." in the air, and then, it exploded with a "boom" on the devil's position!


Li Mobai couldn't figure it out either, how could there be shells hitting the devil's position?

This cannonball, that was terrible, directly caused a dozen devils to fall to the ground on the spot!
Immediately afterwards, the second shell, the third shell...

The devil's attack suddenly came to a standstill. They could only stand by and wait for the situation on the battlefield to change.

"Okay, don't you want to wait? I will wait with you!" Li Mobai said.

The little devils in the depression did not dare to show their heads, while the Eighth Route Army soldiers on the depression kept staring at the dozens of vehicles!
If they couldn't come up, the Eighth Route Army wouldn't leave either.

Wang Zhifei led people, brought the gasoline over, found Zhao Qifa, and said, "Hey, Brother Zhao, look!"

Seeing that it was gasoline, Zhao Qifa asked, "Oh? This is..."

"The leader said, let me bring this thing over, maybe it will be useful to you, let's see how to use it!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Haha, this is a good thing!" Wang Zhifei became happy when he heard this. Once the gasoline explodes, it will be many times more powerful than a few hand grenades. Besides, gasoline is flammable and explosive. All their chariots were burned, and the strength of the devil's chariot was greatly weakened, and it was even more necessary to reduce the burden on Yang Fei's position!
"Thank you, Brother Wang Zhifei!" After finishing speaking, Zhao Qifa said, "I have to trouble you and your brothers to help us roll the gasoline barrel down. Be sure to aim at the underground trenches. Car, do you understand?"

"Okay, this is a trivial matter!" After finishing speaking, he shouted, "Xiucai, little skinny man, hurry up, hurry up and roll the gasoline barrel down with me, there are devils on the side of the chariot below! Put down the barrel of gasoline, but don’t blow up and burn the devil to death!”

After finishing speaking, Xiucai, the little skinny man, and the others rolled the gasoline barrel together and rolled down towards the chariot in the depression!

With a bang, the gasoline barrel hit the chariot, and Zhao Qifa shot the gasoline barrel with a pistol.


When the shot was fired, the gasoline flowed out in an instant, and then, the fire filled the air, and then, with a "boom", the force of the explosion caused the tank to move a few times, and then the parts fell apart.


The soldiers danced happily!

"Comrades, just like this, shoot me at the gasoline barrels! They can't be burned!" After Zhao Qifa finished speaking, the dozen or so barrels of gasoline went down.



It seems to be thunder in summer, illuminating the night sky brightly, like a devil's bonfire on a small shady slope!

"Ow ooh..."

The little devil was burned all over, and the little devil was blown up all over the sky.

Looking at the miserable scene of the little devil, Zhao Qifa didn't have the slightest sympathy in his eyes. After all, the little devil caused a lot of psychological burden to the Eighth Route Army and the people of the whole country, and they deserved their death!
More than a dozen chariots and the little devil on the car were killed in the sea of ​​fire. Seeing the destruction of the chariot, Zhao Qifa said, "Okay, everyone hurry up to meet with Captain Li, and let's give the little devil together." Take a lesson!" After finishing speaking, they turned their heads and left!

The situation on the battlefield seemed to be leaning more and more towards the Eighth Route Army. Seeing their chariots being blown up, Si Ye clenched his fists, "Bigah, Eighth Route Army, I want to make you look good!"

After finishing speaking, Si Ye hurriedly mobilized two teams of little devils to rush towards the north.

According to Si Ye's deployment and orders, the two teams of little devils proceeded quietly, trying to surround Li Mobai and the others in the north.

After Wang Zhifei's mission was completed, he rushed back. They had captured a lot of shells from the devils, but they brought up very few shells. They had to move all the shells from Xiaoyinpo as quickly as possible. Political commissar Wang Wei learned of this situation. , Immediately mobilized more than half of the masses, asked them to follow Wang Zhifei to Xiaoyinpo, and asked everyone to help carry the shells, and Wang Zhifei led those who had never been on the battlefield to become the largest logistics support force.

When Han Qing told Yang Fei about the situation on the northern front, Yang Fei smiled, "Hehe, I see the hope of victory." After speaking, he withdrew from the trench first and found Lin Zhonghu. Lin Zhonghu asked, "Brother Yang, what's wrong?"

Yang Fei looked at him, "Boss, I'm sorry, I came here to ask you for a favor!"

Lin Zhonghu looked at him, "If you want to help or not, tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Yang Fei said, "Can you take your people to the depression area on the northern line, join Li Mobai, and together force the devils to retreat to the south!"

"South? Why?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"Boss, as you know, the trump card in my hand is the hundred good warriors in Lannuya. They are condescending, and most of them use machine guns. As long as the devils are sent to the south line, the main force of the little devils is probably going to kill them." We ate it!" Yang Fei looked at Lin Zhonghu and said.

Lin Zhonghu smiled, "Hehe, Yang Fei, that's what I said, what are you going to do with one hundred people in Lannuya, and you don't need them until now. I think you have your own plans, but I didn't expect that, You think like this, yes, this idea is good, okay, I will take my brother now to support Li Mobai on the western front, you wait for my good news!"

"Then Yang Fei is here to thank you first, Master!" Yang Fei said.

The matter was finally explained clearly, and Yang Fei felt a lot more relaxed!

"You're welcome! Let's go!" After finishing speaking, Lin Zhonghu ordered No. 120 people to leave here, and the rest of them were naturally here to support Yang Fei.

After all, where Yang Fei is located is where the real pressure lies.

Just for a short while after the war stopped, Yang Fei asked everyone to eat something first. The steamed corn bread was very big. Although it was already cold, everyone didn't care, and stuffed the steamed corn bread into their stomachs in a short while.

It was cold and freezing, and there was no movement for a while, and the trenches with muddy water froze the soldiers' feet in the mud pits, and it took a lot of effort to pull them out.

Everyone laughed, "It's because God doesn't want us to leave, okay, then let's stay for a while!"

During this period of time, the group photos continued to deliver the ammunition, and then left in a hurry. Any preparations were carried out here in full swing.

Behind a few big trees, Li Mobai hid behind, Zhao Qifa asked, "Captain Li, the devils in front are too powerful to fight, if we continue this way, I'm afraid the little devils' reinforcements will come up!"

"I thought about it too, but, as soon as we made any movement, that little devil would stick his head out and shoot. We've already lost several soldiers!" Li Mobai said.

"Little devil is too cunning, Captain Li, our number is so small, if we are surrounded by devils, we have nothing to say, we will all die!" Zhao Qifa looked around, "Fortunately, the terrain here has The tree can be used as our shelter, look, many soldiers are shivering from the cold!"

"We have to find a way to evacuate. The safest place is the depression. If we can reach that place, we will be relatively safe!" Li Mobai said.

"Leader Li, you lead the people to retreat first, and I will cover everyone's retreat here!"

After Zhao Qifa finished speaking, he took a machine gun and lay down on the ground.

"Old Zhao, don't be so polite. If you want to leave, let's go together. Let me go first. What do you want the soldiers to think of me?" Li Mobai asked.

"It's time, and you still say this. Our purpose for fighting devils this time is clear. We must dare devils, but waiting is not an option. Listen, the devils are not going to charge now, just stay where they are. If there is no movement, the defense of the little devils may also be changing. At that time, they are afraid that their main battlefield will be transferred to our place. Once that happens, it will be troublesome. If our place is over, they can take advantage of the trend and attack westward!" Zhao Qifa Said, "So, hurry up and take the people away first, I'll stand here for a while, don't worry, I can go, can the little devil run faster than me?"

Li Mobai gritted his teeth. At this moment, he had no other choice but to do so.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you in the depression!" After saying that, Li Mobai led the people back quietly, and Zhao Qifa immediately shot at the front and started shooting!

Eastern Front Devils Temporary Headquarters.

Si Ye told Junyi Yoshikawa about the destruction of the chariot. Yoshikawa was taken aback for a moment, and then he sat down, but that kind of anger burst out all of a sudden, "Baga, Lu! Balu, Balu, hello! The Eighth Route Army actually destroyed more than a dozen of my chariots, the Eighth Route Army, you have the guts!"

"Your Excellency, Commander, I have already sent two teams to the Eighth Route Army station on the northern line. I think our goal at the beginning was wrong. The Eighth Route Army on the northern line is obviously smaller. A small team will go there and wipe out the Eighth Route Army on the northern front, so we can overwhelm the main force, and then fight in their weak northwest corner, and by then, the Eighth Route Army will switch battlefields, and it will be too late!" Si Ye said.

"Si Ye-jun, is one team enough?" Yoshikawa Junyi looked at him.

"As far as I know, there are only about 50 personnel on the northern front of the Eighth Route Army, but now, there are only about 30 personnel left. Two teams should be more than enough to eliminate more than 30 Eighth Route Army." Si Ye said.

"What I want is 100% victory. Even if there is a little bit of inappropriateness, I will not do it. Pass on my order and send a small team to the northern line. The purpose is to first defend the Eighth Route Army on the northern line. Clean it up, so that our warriors on the northern front will not interfere!" After finishing speaking, Yoshikawa Junyi said, "I think the main battlefield should be on the eastern front, and I also know that soldiers are tricky, but I am not For that kind of person, since the Eastern Front is the main battlefield, it is the arena between me and the Eighth Route Army, and whoever loses has no right to comment on history!"

"However, Commander, our offensive on the Eastern Front was also frustrated. The Eighth Route Army's artillery hit right in front of our army's position, and our army suffered heavy casualties..." Before he could finish speaking, Yoshikawa Junyi interrupted, " Okay, Mr. Siye, I know you think about me, but I don't believe that the Eighth Route Army will always have ammunition for artillery, they are short of food and ammunition, even if we delay the war for two days, the victory will still be ours!" Yoshikawa Junyi was a little headstrong.

"Ha Yi!" Si Ye said, "Then..."

His doubts were still rolling in his heart, "Your Excellency, Commander, then... Then after I wiped out the Northern Eighth Route Army, can I attack their northwest corner?"

Junyi Yoshikawa looked at him, pondered for a while, maybe he didn't want to admit Si Ye's vision, but he still had a fluke mentality, "I don't think so, you can go directly to the Western Front, but if you can, The three teams let you know, if you want to fight in the northwest corner, then fight, but the final battle will still be on the eastern front!" After finishing speaking, Yoshikawa Junyi pointed hard at the east corner of the map with his index finger. line battlefield.

"Ha Yi!" After speaking, Si Ye took a few steps back, and then left the temporary headquarters.

Yoshikawa Junyi sighed, and when he went out, there were only scattered gunshots outside.

"I hope that the battlefield on the Western Front will proceed smoothly, so that my determination to kill the enemy and serve the country will not be in vain!"

Soon, under the command of Si Ye, the first team dragged Zhao Qifa, and the second and third teams quietly marched to the east of the Eighth Route Army on the northern line, and they were ready to encircle the Eighth Route Army.

(End of this chapter)

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