Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2624 3 Teams Surrounded

Chapter 2624

The five-person team covered by Zhao Qifa soon couldn't stop the attack of the devil in front of him.They can only fight and retreat. There is a depression behind them. As long as they enter there, there may be a chance to counterattack.

When Zhao Qifa ordered the retreat, he held a few grenades in his hand, "Everyone retreat, I will stop!"

With an order, the four soldiers retreated quickly. Just as the devils were about to attack, Zhao Qifa threw out a few grenades and quickly retreated with the soldiers.

At this point in the matter, there is no room for maneuver.

Li Mobai, like Zhao Qifa, could only wait and see what the devil was going to do!
Many things are going on quietly. Everyone including Si Ye, the result they want is the final victory. As long as they are the winners in the end, everything is worth it!

Soon, the formation of the devils was restored again. Li Mobai was so anxious when he saw this, he wanted to fight, but there was a group of devils there, if they fought recklessly, they would definitely not be able to catch them all.

The more it gets to this time, the more careful you have to act.

When Zhao Qifa and Li Mobai met, Li Mobai asked, "Old Zhao, is that little devil's team still chasing him?"

Zhao Qifa shook his head, "I didn't see them coming when I came here, but I can't tell now, this little devil seems to be eyeing us now, Captain Li, I always have a bad feeling!"

"What?" Li Mobai asked.

"The little devils want to eat us! I can tell from that squad of devils!" Zhao Qifa said.

"You're right. I also feel the same way. However, with that team, we are not afraid. It's a big deal. Let's play with them for a while." Li Mobai said.

"Leader Li, I think we still have to take the initiative to retreat to the Eastern Front!" Zhao Qifa asked.

"No, Yang Fei's order is to let us go from here. Our task here is still very difficult. If we don't drive the little devil to the south, the devil's main force will always be there. This is not good for us!" Li Mobai knew this well. Reasonable, Zhao Qifa couldn't say anything, "Okay, then we will stay here, but we are not many in number, I am afraid we can't afford to spend with devils!"

"Old Zhao, I suggest that you hurry back to Yang Fei and leave it to me. As long as the depression is there, we may survive again. However, you are different from us. Old Zhao, you hurry back!" Li Mobai Said.

"Leader Li, are you going to drive me away at this time?" Zhao Qifa looked at him, "Whenever, wherever, it's all about beating devils. It's no different. Since the leader asked me to come over, then he will come here." Reasonable, Captain Li must not push me out again!"

Li Mobai smiled wryly, "Okay, Lao Zhao, since the two of us are together, we should be good partners, and we are small in number, so we should break it up and stay together." After finishing speaking, Li Mobai let everyone get in trenches.

From south to north, and then at the predetermined place, the two teams of little devils stopped, waited until Si Ye came over, and then began to order, "Listen to my order, now you attack from here to the west, and when you reach the depression in front, you must completely wipe them out !"

"Ha Yi, Mr. Si Ye, we know!"

After the devil finished speaking, he walked forward quietly in the night. There is no road here. If you just walk like this, you will get lost soon. However, there are trees here, which can also be used as references. For Si Ye who has been fighting for many years In itself, this is not a difficult task.

In other words, the two groups of devils walked westward in the dark, and Si Ye knew how big the depression was, so he quietly walked along the edge of the depression.

However, there is no airtight wall here. Li Mobai has been wandering around the depressions for a long time. To be on the safe side, he deliberately had people ambush landmines in some hidden places. He also blamed Si Ye for being careless. He thought that he Passed by quietly, no one noticed, but accidentally stepped on a landmine, one of his feet sank, and then he knew that something was wrong, and sure enough, there was a "boom" , A huge explosion sounded all of a sudden.

Si Ye and the others quickly got down, "Baga, I didn't expect the Eighth Route Army to ambush landmines here. It's really insidious and cunning!" After thinking about it in his heart, he quickly stood up, "Everyone, walk carefully. If there is any movement, report it immediately!"


The little devil kept going.

Hearing the sound of the explosion, Li Mobai yelled in his heart that he was not good, and hurriedly asked people to hurry up and prepare for the battle.

"This explosion..." Zhao Qifa didn't understand yet.

"Old Zhao, the devils passed by from the east, and their target is our depression! It seems that you are right, they never thought of letting us go!" Li Mobai said.

Hearing this, Zhao Qifa quickly took out his pistol and loaded the bullet, "Leader Li, come and go without indecent assault, just fight!"

"There is no way to retreat. If we fail, if the devils take advantage of the trend and advance eastward, it will make Commander Yang feel more pressure. We have to fight!" Li Mobai said.

"Well, let's prepare to fight!" After finishing speaking, Zhao Qifa ran to the east for a while, and then hid behind a tree.

"It's just that the number of landmines is limited. More mines are in the eastern position. We have too few here!" Li Mobai said, "There are not many grenades left. I'm afraid it's time to fight the bayonet!"

"Head Li, it's okay, aren't we all here?" Zhao Qifa said.

After a few minutes, they heard rustling sounds and the creaking sound of the snow being stepped on by the devil. This was their only inference to determine the direction of the devil.


Suddenly, there was a gunshot, and an Eighth Route Army soldier was shot down.

"Get down!" Li Mobai roared.

I heard the sound of "da da da da" machine guns.

The devils fought without delay. After a burst of machine gun fire, another group of devils rushed forward.

Zhao Qifa saw those fast-moving devils, at least a dozen or so, not to mention the immobile devils, this is the end!

Thinking of this, Zhao Qifa raised his gun and killed a few people first, then quickly retreated.

"Captain Li, there are about 30 devils ahead!" Zhao Qifa said.

"No matter how many, we don't have many grenades, so we can only fight with the devils. In an emergency, let's fight with bayonets!" Li Mobai said.

"Okay!" Zhao Qifa agreed, and then poked his head out quietly. The devil was obviously more than [-] meters away from them.

I saw a few devils put mortars on the ground...

"Lie down, don't look up!" Zhao Qifa shouted.

Just finished shouting, "Boom!"



Mortar shells hit, making a loud noise near the depression, and the shock wave swept over like a solar storm.

Several soldiers were hit by fragments of shells, fell to the ground, and never got up again!

"Scatter!" After Li Mobai finished speaking, the rest of the soldiers quietly dispersed!

"No, if this continues, our entire army will be wiped out. Even if the entire army is wiped out, we will have to take the lives of a few devils away with us!" Zhao Qifa finished speaking, pointing a pistol at the devils in front of him Just "bang bang bang" fight.

The devil's counterattack was also quite muddy. They seemed to be winning, so they were not nervous, and they hardly hid in the bunker. on the ground.

"What a fierce firepower!"

Just after saying this, the voice of "da da da" came from the south again.

Undoubtedly, it was another team of devils, and the third team of devils finally managed to surround Li Mobai and others in the depression.

The number of soldiers was getting smaller and smaller. Li Mobai put the bayonet on the muzzle of the gun, and Zhao Qifa also put the bayonet on the rifle. "Okay, now we can fight the devil for real!"

After finishing speaking, Li Mobai got up immediately when he heard the voice of the devil running over, and rushed over with a bayonet!


Zhao Qifa also got up, waved a bayonet and started desperately with the devils!
The soldiers of the Eighth Route Army who were lying on the ground saw Li Mobai fighting with bayonets, and they didn't spare their lives, they stood up and wrestled with the devils!
Seeing this, Si Ye sneered, "With just you guys, you still want to fight us with the bayonet?"

However, Si Ye doesn't intend to really fight you with the bayonet. He has two pistols pinned to his waist, took out both hands, and then rushed over, "Boom!"



Zhao Qifa saw that Si Ye was actually shooting, so he ran towards him quickly!
When Si Ye saw a person running towards him, he raised his gun and shot him. Zhao Qifa walked in a snake shape. When Si Ye was not paying attention, he rushed towards Si Ye like a hungry wolf.

The two wrestled together, and Si Ye was pinned down tightly, and then Zhao Qi punched Si Ye in the face with Wu Wu's fist!

"Baga! Road!" Si Ye yelled, and a few devils came over and hit Yang Fei on the back and chest with the butt of his gun.

When Yang Fei was knocked down, Si Ye took over.

"People from China, what did you do to me just now. I'll double it to you now!" After speaking, Si Ye threw the pistol on the ground, and then moved his wrist!
Several devils wanted to quickly eliminate Zhao Qifa, but they were stopped by Si Ye, "Leave this person to me, and the rest, you do it!"

After those devils turned and left, Zhao Qifa sneered, "My ancestor's sword technique has been passed down for thousands of years, how can a devil like you be my opponent?"

"Then let's see if your Huaxia's swordsmanship is better, or our Great Japanese Empire's swordsmanship is better!" Si Ye said arrogantly, and took out a saber.

"In the final analysis, the two are still of the same clan, and they were all realized by our Chinese ancestors. What are you so complacent about!" After finishing speaking, Zhao Qifa stood up and took out the bayonet!
"Swordsmanship is swordsmanship, and swordsmanship is swordsmanship. Since the names are different, the ancestors are also different!" Si Ye looked at Zhao Qifa mockingly.

"That's right, your father is yours, and your mother is your mother. Since they are called differently, it has nothing to do with you!" Zhao Qifa also roared angrily.

"It's useless to talk so much, come on, I want to see how powerful you are, and how dare you be so arrogant here!" After speaking, Si Ye held the command knife in both hands, and slashed at Zhao Qifa .

Zhao Qifa blocked it with a gun, but Si Ye immediately kicked Zhao Qifa in the chest. Zhao Qifa staggered back a step, and Si Ye chased after him relentlessly. He raised his bayonet high and slashed downward.

Zhao Qifa immediately jumped to the left, and then stabbed Si Ye with a bayonet!
Si Ye didn't expect that Zhao Qifa could escape smoothly. Not only that, he also didn't expect that Zhao Qifa could attack him in a short time.

Not daring to think too much, Si Ye fell to the ground, Zhao Qifa stabbed in the air, and Si Ye who fell on the ground immediately rolled over and stood up, "There are a few tricks, but this is not a real skill, I want me to see your true self." If you are capable, don't hide it!"

"To deal with you, three or two moves are enough!" After Zhao Qifa finished speaking, he jumped up into the air, and the bayonet in his hand came towards Si Ye's forehead all at once.

Nasi Ye secretly yelled that it was not good, so he could only run back quickly!

"Hahaha!" Zhao Qifa laughed a few times.

Only then did Si Ye stop slowly, and he looked back at Zhao Qifa, "Ba Ga Lu, it seems that you have some skills!"

"Don't you want to fight? Come on?" Zhao Qifa asked again.

"Fight? With so many people, do you want to fight one at a time, or more?" Si Ye said, pointing to his side, "Look, there are still a few Eighth Route Army around here!"

What he said was correct. During the bayonet fight, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army suffered heavy casualties. When he fought Si Ye, there were only seven or eight soldiers left.

"You are despicable!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Despicable? Hehe, I'm really joking! This is war! This is not an orphanage, what do you think?" Si Ye asked.

"I kill all of you Japanese pirates!" After speaking, Zhao Qifa rushed towards Si Ye!
His figure was like a red-eyed bullfighting bull. When Si Ye saw this, he could only run!

"Come on!"

With a cry, several people rushed out, pointing their guns at Zhao Qifa!
"Despicable!" Zhao Qifa shouted.

"I said, this is war!" Si Ye looked at Zhao Qifa, "However, you have the guts, surrender! If you continue like this, you will die!"

"Surrender? Are you kidding? Don't tell me I won't kill you!" After Zhao Qifa finished speaking, he waved the bayonet in his hand, and the gun in Jie Guizi's hand was hit on the ground, and then Zhao Qifa chased Si run wild.

Seeing this, Siye didn't run away, and started fighting Yang Fei with a command knife!
Attack, block.

Block, attack!
It seems that they have made no progress, it's just a competition of strength!
At the end of the fight, Li Mobai unexpectedly found that there were fewer and fewer fighters around him, but there were still many devils!
He held a grenade, "Little devil, let's die together!"

Seeing the grenade, the devil immediately took a few steps back.

"Are you also afraid of death? Hehe!" Li Mobai sneered.

"Aren't you samurai spirit, you are not afraid of death, ah beasts, looking at you now, it's nothing more than that, you just rely on your weapons to be powerful and bully the weak, nothing worse than a group of beasts!"

(End of this chapter)

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