Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2625 Lin Zhonghu's timely support

Chapter 2625 Lin Zhonghu's timely support
The longer it was the whole time, the less Li Mobai would be polite to these little devils, and directly gave the order to shoot!

"Da da da……"

Machine gun fire!

The ghosts beside Li Mobai fell to the ground at once.

When he looked back, he found a bandit rushing towards him. The leader, Lin Zhonghu, took out his pistol and shot the devils everywhere.

"Hurry up and save the Eighth Route Army brothers!" Lin Zhonghu shouted.

The group of bandits rushed over!
With such momentum, those little devils were so frightened that they quickly loaded their bullets.

However, it was too late.

The bandits are like a group of demons. They rushed to the front and started shooting at the devils one by one!
When Lin Zhonghu rushed to Li Mobai's side, "Head Li, how are you?"

"Master Lin, you came in time!"Li Mobai said.

"Stop talking about this, let's kill devils together!" After finishing speaking, Lin Zhonghu handed a pistol to Li Mobai.

"Kill!" Lin Zhonghu shouted!
The little devils fled everywhere, they never thought that the reinforcements from the Eighth Route Army would come so quickly!Originally thought that their victory was in sight, but...

But there are too many things, but this kind of regret, the little devil can't count it in his life.

The sacrifice of the Eighth Route Army and the combat effectiveness of the bandits are the reasons why the little devil failed.

On the other side, Zhao Qifa and Si Ye fought for dozens of rounds, but they were evenly matched.

Si Ye has also trained in fighting skills. Unlike Zhao Qifa, who has actual combat experience, he pays more attention to martial arts and uses skill to defeat the enemy. However, it is obvious that Zhao Qifa in front of him is stronger than him.

Therefore, even though his fighting skills are better, he can't defeat Zhao Qifa all at once.

The two were sweating profusely, and Zhao Qifa's body was covered with the devil's blood.

"I didn't expect that, you are really amazing!"Si Ye said.

"There are quite a lot of things you didn't think of!" After Zhao Qifa finished speaking, he rushed over again. This time, he stabbed with a bayonet, and Si Ye dodged sideways. He couldn't resist. Who knew that Zhao Qifa How much effort will it take?
However, what Ling Siye didn't expect was that Zhao Qifa stabbed with the bayonet this time, but didn't take it back, and directly slashed over!

Si Ye was unprepared, and the gun barrel hit Si Ye's chest, making his chest tight for a long time.

He took a few steps back and looked at Zhao Qifa, "You have some skills, if you don't surrender, you won't have a chance!"

"It's ridiculous, you actually let a victor surrender, you really don't know what shame is!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Really?" After Si Ye finished speaking, he held his command knife, "Don't you want to fight? Come on!"

"it is good!"

After Zhao Qifa finished speaking, he looked at him, "Come on, I'll let you once!"

"No need!" After Si Ye finished speaking, he rushed over with his command saber, and then slashed diagonally!


A bullet hit Si Ye's feet!

Na Siye looked up and saw many bandits, he frowned, "This..."

Seeing that Si Ye was distracted, Zhao Qifa stepped forward and kicked Si Ye in the chest, then turned around and pinned him to the ground, Zhao Qifa firmly grasped him with both hands!

When Li Mobai and Lin Zhonghu rushed over, "Old Zhao, are you okay?" Li Mobai asked anxiously.

"I'm fine!" Zhao Qifa said.

Lin Zhonghu went over and looked at Si Ye on the ground, "Hehe, he's still a major!" After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Mobai, "Captain Li, is it possible to send him back to the base? Have someone strictly guard him?"

"Yes, I'm sorry to trouble you!" Li Mobai said.

"I asked two brothers to tie him up and send him back. According to Yang Fei's intention, we will jointly attack the enemy and dare them all to the south!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Yes, just now, we have gone deep into the enemy's rear, but the three squads of devils have actually come over. If they don't come over, we may have already done it, but it's okay, this time you are here, then let's execute it quickly Order!" Li Mobai said.

"Hahahaha" Lin Zhonghu laughed, and then told his brothers to fight directly to the south, and be merciless when they see devils!

Yang Fei's side also progressed relatively smoothly. Although I dare not say that the devils were completely defeated, the devils never organized a frontal attack. They were small in number, but relying on these trenches, they fought to the end.

Ma Xiaokun breathed a sigh of relief, "Commander, the devils don't dare to attack now"!
"Yeah, they didn't dare to attack, and we didn't dare to attack either. Now, we can only wait and see how Li Mobai's Lin Zhonghu's situation progresses. If they go well, I'll let the devils suffer a lot tonight! "Yang Fei said.

"I'm afraid it's not easy to make the devils suffer. Captain, I'm worried that Li Mobai and Li, plus the number of Lin Zhonghu, will not be able to drive the devils easily. After all, they are small in number. In my opinion , can we advance properly here?" Ma Xiaokun asked.

"Not now, the devil is setting up defenses now, let's push forward, that's hitting the devil's muzzle. Let's do this, let's wait here now!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he touched his body and found that, unexpectedly Not a single cigarette.

He had to put his hands down.

In fact, Yang Fei had given up cigarettes a long time ago, but this is a habitual action.

Ma Xiaokun understood that Yang Fei wanted to smoke, but none of them knew how to smoke, but shouldn't the little devil have cigarettes on him?

"Captain, I'll go ahead!"

Ma Xiaokun said.

"What are you doing up front?" Yang Fei asked sharply.

"Hey, leader, I know you want to smoke. There are more corpses of devils in front. I'll search them and I should be able to find cigarettes!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"Nonsense!" Yang Fei immediately said, "Cigarettes are not tight because the devils in front have them, and the devils below the canyon also have them. If Dongdong comes later, I will ask Dongdong to help me find them!"

"Well, that's fine too!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"So, just stay here honestly and don't even think about going anywhere. What's ahead? Huh? You should know!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes, yes, yes, what the leader said is true!" Yang Fei breathed in his hand, "It's really fucking cold today, when the little devil is beaten out, I must start five or six stoves at home, and no longer Take this cold!"

"Head, yes, I also fired five or six stoves for him, it's too cold today!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"Bastard, I'm the head of the regiment, so I can only make five or six stoves, but you can only make two stoves at most!" Yang Fei glanced at him.

"Head, I heard from the political commissar that officers and soldiers are equal, so why can't I make five or six stoves!" Ma Xiaokun asked.

"This future, who can say for sure, Xiaokun, your other skills have not improved, but this stubborn ability has increased a lot, why? I am the head of the group, and the head of the group should have privileges!" Said Finished, Yang Fei laughed out loud.

"You are bureaucratic!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"A bureaucrat? I'm not a bureaucrat. This is at best a luxurious life. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm afraid of the cold. In Beihai, I can't afford it!" Yang Fei said with a smile.

"All right, all right!" Ma Xiaokun also knew that Yang Fei was joking, and at this moment, Dongdong came over.

"Uncle!" Dongdong called out.

Ma Xiaokun and Yang Fei turned their heads, "Dongdong, it's a war now! Don't come here, you know? If you have something, just give it to other uncles and let them pass it to me!" Yang Fei said.

"Got it!" Dongdong looked at Yang Fei, then pushed a box over, "Bullets!"

"Okay, I get it, Dongdong, you leave here quickly, it's dangerous, and, it's such a cold day, you hurry back, get some sleep, and you'll be fine tomorrow!" Yang Fei said.

Dongdong nodded and was about to leave. Ma Xiaokun thought about what Yang Fei said about cigarettes just now, so he hurriedly said, "Wait, Dongdong!"

Dongdong looked at Ma Xiaokun, "Dongdong, let me tell you, if you go back this time, check if there are any cigarettes in the pockets of those devils. If there are cigarettes, remember to bring some to your uncle!"

"What is a cigarette?" Dongdong asked.

, Ma Xiaokun sat up straight, "It's the one with long, slender roots, and you haven't seen the one your uncle smacked in his mouth?"

Dongdong nodded, "Yeah, I know, I know, I've seen it!"

"Well, that's right, go, that's right, when it's time to deliver it later, don't come in and hand it over to other uncles yourself, let them come in later!" Ma Xiaokun instructed.

"Well, I got it! I got it!" After finishing speaking, Dongdong ran back happily.

And Li Jiguang and Wang Wei encountered another thing, that is, most of the devils in the canyon have some money, watches and other things on them. To Li Jiguang.

Wang Wei and Li Jiguang looked at the money. In fact, revolutionary construction needs money, and the villagers can pick up the money without taking it for themselves. This moved Li Jiguang and Wang Wei.

The two discussed, how should the money be used?
Wang Wei said, "Brigade Commander, I think the money will be handed over to the party organization after we finish fighting the devils. The revolution needs money!"

Li Jiguang was silent, he didn't speak, but he was still thinking about something.

"Old Li, tell me!" Wang Wei asked.

Li Jiguang took a puff of a cigarette, then looked at him, "Political commissar, I don't think we can ask for this money!"

"Can't? Why?" Wang Wei asked.

"Look, in this village, who still has a home?" Li Jiguang asked, "Everyone is making do in the snow cave now, but when the snow melts in spring, what will the villagers do? Let them be displaced?"

This time, it was Wang Wei's turn to frown.

"I know that the money is from the devils we killed. It stands to reason that this can be regarded as the spoils we captured. Look at the front line. The battle is very tight. It's hard to say whether we can win or not. What if If you lose, what are you doing with so much money? It’s better to hide the wealth from the people and let the common people here use the money to repair a few houses in the spring of next year.” Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, you're right. I'm too selfish. I'm too bookish. I'll review it!" Wang Wei said. The rest of the devil's property can be shared among the common people!"

"Yes," Li Jiguang said, "Political Commissar, I think we have to go to the canyon. Now, the common people are still collecting ammunition for the soldiers in the canyon. We can't hurt the hearts of the villagers."

"Okay, then let's find the village chief!" After finishing speaking, the two of them went to the canyon.

When we arrived at the canyon, the villagers lit torches and were sorting out their things. Due to the long time, many villagers sat and rested outside the canyon. When they saw Li Jiguang coming, they hurriedly gathered around.

Village head Liu Wangshui came over, "Brigade Commander Li, are you still here at this late hour?"

Li Jiguang held Liu Wangshui's hand, "Village Chief, please, call everyone over, I have something to tell you!"

"Okay!" Liu Wangshui turned around and yelled, "Everyone come here, everyone come here!"

When the villagers came over, Li Jiguang said, "Hello everyone, folks, just now, we received a box of money, some watches, and some other gold and silver. These things are all good things, but, After our party committee’s research, we decided that we can’t take this money!” Before he finished speaking, Liu Wangshui looked at them strangely, “Brigade Commander Li, this money is for buying guns and ammunition for everyone, and it is for supporting your revolutionary cause , without money, how can this work?"

"Village chief, money is very important. For our Eighth Route Army, what is more valuable than money is the kindness of our fellow villagers. Without you, the frontline soldiers would still be hungry. Without you, how could the frontline soldiers have a steady stream of money?" The bullets?" Li Jiguang said, "The political commissar and I decided that the money belongs to everyone, and we will use the money to build a few houses in the spring of next year. We can't live in the snow cave all the time, can we?"

"But..." Liu Wangshui was still about to say something, and Li Jiguang said again, "I know that everyone hates little devils, and our Eighth Route Army also hates them. Only guns can drive devils away, but we can't ask for the money. We still have to give it to him." Everyone builds houses, the Eighth Route Army is poor, but the army can be poor, but the common people cannot be poor, and besides, the money is not ours, it was picked up by everyone!"

Wang Wei also said at this time, "The brigade commander has already made it very clear. I think everyone should support the brigade commander. Our Eighth Route Army has stayed in our village for so long. The food is eaten by the common people, and the people live in it. , It is also used to chatter with the common people, and the money is used as our accommodation and food expenses. I hope that everyone can live a good life, so that we can better support our revolutionary cause, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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