Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2626 What's next?

Chapter 2626 What's next?
Everyone looked around and stopped talking. What Li Jiguang said was right. They can’t live in the snow pit forever. In the spring of next year, when the snow melts, what they will face is homelessness and homelessness, which is not what everyone wants to see. of!
After all, winter is not easy. If the soldiers are all frozen, what are they going to use to fight the devils? Once they have frostbite, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers will drop a lot. Seriously, it can even endanger the soldiers. O our lives!
Liu Wangshui could only nod his head, "Okay, the big guy will accept it!"

Li Jiguang smiled, "That's right, the big guy will hand over the collected guns to the village chief for safekeeping, and then wait until the spring of next year, and everyone will build their own houses in unison. The revolutionary cause has not yet succeeded, but the common people must have own home!"

All of a sudden, the villagers became excited. They had never seen anyone willing to ask for money. This was the first time in history.

The villagers began to cheer.

"Hello Eighth Route Army!"

"Hello Eighth Route Army!"


"That's hard work for you, village chief!" Li Jiguang said.

"It's not hard work. The Eighth Route Army and the Communist Party serve the common people sincerely. It's worthwhile for me, Liu Wangshui, to see such an army in my lifetime." After speaking, tears flowed from the corners of Liu Wangshui's eyes.

"Village chief, the happy days are yet to come. What we have to do is to live a prosperous life. Leave the money to everyone, and those watches. After we win the battle, we will bring these watches to the The county has gone to pawn, as far as possible, every household has a house." Li Jiguang said.

"Okay, I'll write it down!" Liu Wangshui said.

It's freezing cold, the snow is still falling, everyone's face is full of excitement, there are several baskets at the entrance of the canyon, and the baskets are full of house magazines.

Seeing this, Li Jiguang and Wang Wei also felt unspeakably excited.

At this moment, Dongdong ran over, and his grandma yelled, "Dongdong, where are you going?"

Dongdong smiled, "I want to find a pack of cigarettes"!
Grandma smiled bitterly, "It's late at night, you should sleep for a while, don't run around!"

Li Jiguang smiled, "It must be looking for cigarettes for Yang Fei, this kid has no cigarettes, so he can't scream!" After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang shouted, "Dongdong, don't look for it, I'll give it to you, you go get it for you Send it to my uncle!"

After speaking, Li Jiguang took out a cigarette case from his body, but when he opened it, there were only two cigarettes inside.

Dongdong came over and saw that there were only two, and frowned, "This...isn't enough!"

Li Jiguang is also very helpless, yes, not enough! "I'll go find it!" After saying that, Dongdong went into the canyon.

Having been in the canyon for a long time, Dongdong is also used to it. He knows what he needs at a glance. As for cigarettes, he has found them before, but he doesn't know what they are, so he just throws them aside. This time, he will find them.

The guys were tired, so they sat and rested outside the snow cave for a while, Wang Wei said, "Brigade Commander, I'll go over and send the bullets to Yang Fei and the others!"

"Well, okay!" Li Jiguang said.

Liu Wangshui sat on one side, and Li Jiguang also sat down.

"Brigade Commander, tell me, what is the future?" Liu Wangshui asked.

"In the days to come, every household will have farms, and every household will be happy and healthy. We, the Communist Party, want to let the common people live a life without worrying about food and clothing!" Li Jiguang said.

"I hope I can live until that day, I really hope that day will come!" After speaking, Liu Wangshui took out a pipe, put the shredded tobacco on it, lit it in front of the torch, and took a peaceful puff. The light blue smoke spit out, and it looked like it was enjoying it.

Dongdong in the canyon shined cigarettes everywhere, and he rummaged through the corpses of devils one after another, but found that it was difficult to find the cigarettes that were so easy to find just now.

He didn't give up and kept looking.

The ghosts in the canyon were extremely embarrassing, and their bodies were hard after being frozen for so long. Dongdong opened the frozen pockets with his bare hands, and searched carefully.

"Strange, it was easy to find. Where did the cigarette go?" Dongdong scratched his head.

"No, it should be in front, there are cigarettes in front!" After finishing speaking, Dongdong went to the front of the net.

He squatted down and rummaged carefully. He searched every pocket, but still found nothing!
"Dongdong! Come out, drink some hot water!" Dongdong's grandma shouted.

"Okay, I got it!" After Dongdong finished speaking, she continued to squat down and rummaged through the pockets of other devils.

At such a young age, he is not afraid of these corpses. When Dongdong's hand is in the pocket of a devil's jacket, he cheers up, Fang Hezi, "Could it be?"

Regardless of Sanqi 21, Dongdong directly tore open the pocket forcefully, and then slipped it out, a yellow box, when he opened it, it turned out to be a box full of cigarettes!
However, when Dongdong was searching, a grenade ring on the devil's waist was hanging on Dongdong's trousers.

He picked it up happily, "I found it, I found it!"

The people outside the canyon heard it and laughed, "Dongdong, this little guy, treats Yang Fei so well!"

Li Jiguang laughed when he heard this, "If the devil is defeated, I will make Dongdong recognize Yang Fei as his godfather."

Grandma Dongdong laughed when she heard it, "Brigade Commander Li, if this is the case, that would be great!"

She is not young anymore, she is still able to move at this age, and she is one of the few, not because she is in good health, but because she is worried, what should Dongdong do when she is old?
"Ma'am, don't worry, I'm here, Yang Fei dare not refuse!" Li Jiguang said with a smile.

"Haha, grandma Dongdong, you will have a better life in the future!"

"Yes, grandma Dongdong! In the future, Dongdong will really have something to rely on!"

Folks, you said what I said.

However, at this moment, suddenly, there was an explosion in the canyon, "Boom!"

All of a sudden, the person sitting outside the snow cave was shocked and fell to the ground in a panic.

Grandma Dongdong's smile stopped abruptly. He looked back and saw a puff of green smoke coming out of the canyon, which smelled like gunpowder smoke.

Ten thousand scalding hot water fell on the ground, "crash", the blue and white porcelain bowl shattered all of a sudden!

Li Jiguang quickly stood up, "Dongdong!"

Shouting, he headed for the canyon.

A hole dug was buried again by heavy snow all of a sudden.

"Dongdong!" Li Jiguang shouted loudly.

Dongdong's grandma's head was congested with blood, and she passed out on the ground.

Let the women go quickly. Grandma Dongdong picked her up, and the men quickly came back with shovels, "Dig, dig quickly!"

Everyone hastened to dig the snow in the canyon, no, we must dig it out!
Li Jiguang swallowed, "Dongdong, Dongdong, you're fine! You'll be fine!"

All the villagers joined in the action of digging the snow in the canyon.

Dongdong is the only child in the village, and everyone treats him as their own child. The big guys work extra hard, even after a day of exhaustion, they still don't relax!
They climbed to the top of the snow in the canyon and said, "We dig from above. Dongdong said just now, it should not be ahead, it should be right here!"

More than a dozen shovels began to compete for each other. Everyone didn't care about their physical strength at this time. Soon, they dug to the bottom, and then separated the two ends, digging south with one end and digging north with the other.

After about ten minutes, a villager shouted, "I found it, I found it!"

Everyone hastened to gather around, but Dongdong had lost her breath.

"Dongdong, wake up, wake up!"

The villagers shouted.

When he took Dongdong out, Li Jiguang looked at Dongdong's body in a daze. He was still holding a pack of cigarettes tightly in his hand. He squatted down, and there was no fear on Dongdong's face.

This world, perhaps like this, sometimes feels very unfair, and the people who suffer the most are always ordinary people.

However, we can only blame this troubled world, and only blame the little devil's aggression.

Li Jiguang looked at the iron ring wrapped under Dongdong's trousers, picked it up, took a look, and gritted his teeth tightly, "Damn it!"

He could imagine that when Dongdong found the cigarette, but a grenade ring was wrapped around Dongdong's pants, and Dongdong didn't notice it at all.

When Dongdong was running happily to come out, he detonated the grenade. Fortunately, Dongdong ran a long way before the grenade exploded. However, the ruthless impact still took away this lovely, making people love little boy's life.

The faces of the folks were covered with tears. Everyone was unwilling to believe that everyone survived the bombing of the devils. Why did they have to sacrifice their lives only at this time?

Dongdong's grandma woke up, but when she saw Dongdong's appearance, she fell into a coma again!

"Dongdong! Dongdong!" Li Jiguang hugged him, "Go, let's go warm up!"

The villagers followed, and when they arrived at Li Jiguang's headquarters, they all hoped that a miracle would happen.

"Dongdong! Dongdong!"

He called again, but Dongdong didn't reply.

"Dongdong, Dongdong." The villagers called each other, but Dongdong remained silent.

"Don't dare to sleep anymore, Dongdong! Wake up!" Li Jiguang patted his face gently.

"Dongdong!" Li Jiguang yelled again.

The sound of the explosion was heard by Yang Fei who was in the trench, and he glanced alertly, "Han Qing, what's the matter?"

"I don't know!" Han Qing was a little surprised. , "Sir, I'll go and have a look!"

After finishing speaking, Han Qing ran back.

After a while, Wang Wei came back with a basket. As soon as he put the basket down, Yang Fei asked, "Commissar, why did you hear an explosion just now? Where did the explosion happen?"

"I don't know either. By the way, when I came, Dongdong went to the canyon to find cigarettes for you. Wait, I'll go back and have a look!" Wang Wei also left after saying that.

Yang Fei had a bad feeling, "Dongdong?"

Ma Xiaokun looked at Yang Fei with a surprised expression, and he quickly said, "Head, it should be... nothing wrong!"

"It's all right? Didn't you hear the explosion just now? It's not far from where you are. With this muffled sound, nothing will happen!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he stood up and prepared to leave.

"Head, wait, didn't Han Qing go to see it? Don't worry!" Ma Xiaokun said quickly.

Yang Fei sat down, but felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles, like a spear piercing his back.

"No, no!" Yang Fei couldn't wait any longer.

As soon as he got up, Han Qing ran past Ali, "Mr. Mr...."

Yang Fei hurried out of the trench, "Han Qing, what's the matter?"

"Sir... yes... yes..." Han Qing knew what Dongdong's status was in Yang Fei's heart, but he couldn't say anything out of his words.

Yang Fei pushed him, "Say, what's the matter?"

"Yes... Dongdong..." Han Qing stammered.

"What's wrong with Dongdong? Huh? Tell me!" Yang Fei asked nervously.

"Dongdong..." Han Qing squatted on the ground suddenly, "Dead!"

"What?" Yang Fei's head buzzed suddenly, "How is that possible?"

Hearing the news, Ma Xiaokun's hairs stood on end. He looked at Yang Fei, who immediately ran towards the village!

When Yang Fei arrived at the village, he found that the entrance of the command department was full of people.

Hearing everyone's cries, Yang Fei got into the crowd.

Seeing Li Jiguang holding Dongdong, Yang Fei went over at once, "Dongdong!"

He was stunned, Dongdong's limbs had drooped.

Li Jiguang looked at him, "Dongdong is gone!"

His voice was cold, as if it came from the underworld.

"No! No!" Yang Fei swallowed, and then hugged Dongdong from Li Jiguang's arms, "Dongdong! Dongdong!"

After shouting a few times, finding that Dongdong was unconscious, he hurriedly said again, "Go, call Han Qing, call Han Qing, Han Qing can save lives!"

His hand gently patted Dongdong's face, "Dongdong! Dongdong! Wake up!"

However, Dongdong left just like that.

Li Jiguang slammed the cigarette on the table, "Dongdong found it for you!"

Yang Fei raised his head and looked at the box of cigarettes in the yellow box, tears streaming down his face, "No, Dongdong! Dongdong, uncle... Uncle doesn't want this thing anymore, don't want it, wake up!"


"Dongdong!" Yang Fei hugged Dongdong tightly, and put the pack of cigarettes aside, "Uncle, I don't want it anymore, I really don't want it anymore, I won't die if I don't smoke, I don't want it anymore!"

The people at the scene were surprisingly quiet, only a slight sobbing sound could be heard.

Yang Fei hugged Dongdong and crawled into the corner, he suddenly found that even if he could kill devils, sometimes, there would be helpless times, Dongdong, he likes this child, and Dongdong always likes to cling to him.

This stubborn, somewhat stubborn, and somewhat timid boy would crawl on the snow, learn how they threw grenades, and learn how to stand guard for him like an adult, watching the enemy's movements. However, these memories were all destroyed by a cry. The explosion shattered, maybe, soon, everyone will forget about Dongdong, the memory in this life will eventually erase all his memories with the passage of time.

Yang Fei sat on the ground blankly.

Li Jiguang held back his tears, but they still fell mercilessly. He went over and patted Yang Fei on the shoulder, "Yang Fei, you should know what to do now!"

(End of this chapter)

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