Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2627 The Battle Begins

Chapter 2627 The Battle Begins
Yang Fei raised his head, his eyes were filled with tears, he looked at Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander, it's my fault, if it wasn't for me... I wouldn't... Dongdong wouldn't..."

Wang Wei also heard what happened behind the crowd, he walked in slowly, and came to Yang Fei, "What are you thinking?"

Yang Fei shook his head, "Political commissar, it's all my fault!"

At this time, who can understand what they should do.

At this moment, the sound of gunfire suddenly came from outside.

The sound of "da da da" immediately resounded throughout the entire position.

Li Jiguang and Wang Wei looked at it like this, "Yang Fei, listen, what are you doing outside now? Why don't you stand up quickly?"

Yang Fei stood up holding Dongdong, and then put Dongdong in the hands of the political commissar, "Political commissar, brigade commander, I know all the reasons, and I will give Dongdong an explanation!"

With that said, Yang Fei went out.

Han Qing followed Yang Fei, "Sir, Dongdong is dying, and no matter how much treatment is done, it is impossible to cure him. We can only let the dead rest in peace and the living feel at ease. My condolences, sir!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Yang Fei said, "Han Qing, go to the front line with me immediately. The devils are attacking my base area now. They should be at the end of their battle. If they want to use their formation to attack my base area, I can only fight with them." They said it was fantastic!"

After speaking, they quickly arrived at the base area. Under the leadership of Deng Qi, the soldiers fought back against the devils.Seeing Yang Fei's arrival, Deng Qi hurriedly said, "Captain, the devil is rushing here desperately now! These bastards!"

"The more fiercely they fight, the more it shows that they have no way out. If this is the case, then we will fight with them. Lin Zhonghu is now forcing the devils in the north to retreat to the south. We have to wait, wait until When the devils completely retreat to the Lanuya area in the south, they will die, and at that time, it will be our victory day!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" After speaking, Deng Qi raised his machine gun and began to shoot violently at the incoming enemy.

It is said that Lin Zhonghu, Li Mobai and Zhao Qifa started attacking that place with a small number of bandits, and the devils in the north began to retreat again. I don’t know how many times these devils retreated. They retreated desperately, completely Regardless of the devils waiting for support in front!
However, this is great news for the Eighth Route Army.

The bandits are very effective in fighting in the snow field. They are used to the weather and terrain here, and they know what to do every step they take. Lin Zhonghu's marksmanship is also very accurate, and basically every bullet will not be wasted.

Seeing the devils' continuous retreat, Lin Zhonghu shouted, "Pursuit, absolutely don't let the devils retreat to the east, force them to the south!"

Soon, the bandit army formed an arc and began to encircle and wipe out the devils. The devils seemed to be obedient and retreated towards the south.

Li Mobai and Zhao Qifa followed the team and watched the devil's retreat, they were very happy in their hearts.

On the other side, Junyi Yoshikawa looked at the map angrily at this time. They had conquered a position with less than a hundred people, and they hadn't captured it for so long. This shows that they really have nothing to do. The combat effectiveness of the Eighth Route Army , focusing on their willpower, but he believes that the willpower of their devils is not inferior to that of the Eighth Route Army. If they can really exert the willpower of the devils, then they can really beat Eighth Route Army.

Si Ye's death or surrender shocked Yoshikawa. He never thought that a small group of the Eighth Route Army could be so arrogant. With the addition of bandits, this battle has become ambiguous. He wanted to wipe it out completely. The Eighth Route Army is now gaining momentum.

Soon, a devil ran in, "Your Excellency, the imperial army on the northern front is retreating south and east!"

"Nani?" Junyi Yoshikawa frowned, "If you pass on the order, even if you all retreat to the south, you must desperately move closer to the Eighth Route Army's position in the west. Surrender, you will not fail!"

"Ha Yi!" After saying that, the little devil ran out!

This is good, the Eighth Route Army originally thought that the little devils would retreat to the east, which would cause certain troubles, but they did not expect that they would take the initiative to ask to move south. Once the time comes, the little devils will gather in the south, leaving them with a chance of survival will become very slim.

"Yes, the soldiers of the empire will never fail. The Eighth Route Army will never defeat the invincible soldiers of the empire!" Junyi Yoshikawa said firmly.

At this time, Junyi Yoshikawa fully understood that the imperial army at Yangcheng Pass must have been wiped out long ago, leaving their last hope on the soldiers on the northeast front.

Putting all one's eggs in one basket may be said to be reckless and inflexible, but Junyi Yoshikawa feels that this is what they have no choice!
In the end, Junyi Yoshikawa really wants to make Beihai an area under their complete control, but they may not be prepared enough, and their experience in dealing with the Eighth Route Army is also very insufficient. No matter what, the victory of this battle is leaning towards the Eighth Route Army. .

The sound of "da da da" gunshots became a bit piercing in the ears of military doctor Jun Chuan. He really wanted to have a good sleep, and then wake up, and then he would find that they were all victors!
The devils on the front line seemed to burst out with a terrifying momentum, they charged desperately, even if many people fell down, they still charged!
Several times, the little devils have charged to the trenches of the Eighth Route Army, but they are always beaten to the ground by the Eighth Route Army. Although the devils have failed in such charges, on the other hand, the devils feel that they can do it, at least You can occupy the base!
The trenches in the base area have fallen into the most dangerous situation. Li Jiguang and Wang Wei also joined the battle one after another. One more person means more strength. In the decisive battle, they fought desperately with the devils with big knives.

Ma Xiaokun covered Deng Qi from the side.

The dozens of people led by Shen Wanxi, in the temperature of minus 20 degrees, shouted the slogan "Defending the base area is defending the country", and then, under the leadership of Shen Wanxi, they took off their clothes in order to let everyone Always awake, shirtless, and the devils began to fight bayonets!

The thin monkey on the other side, with a few pitchers, took grenades and killed as many devils as possible!

Morale is in full swing, and the devils are red-eyed.

"Ah!" the devil yelled, and they ran over panting. Under everyone's joint responsibility, the little devil retreated again.

When they retreated, another group of devils rushed up, fighting with wheels?
But no matter what, in front of the devils, it is always everyone's hard work.

"Lin Zhonghu, where did you defeat? You have to come here quickly! Only when they all rush to the south can we really fight them!" Yang Fei said.

Han Qing, "Where is Lin Zhonghu now?"

Han Qing hurriedly said, "Sir, I just saw that Lin Zhonghu has almost joined us, and I found that the devils did not flee to the east, but concentrated to the south!"

"Concentrate to the south?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes, I just don't know what this little devil is thinking!" Han Qing asked.

"No matter what they think, how many shells are there in the artillery?" Yang Fei asked.

"I asked Wang Zhifei just now, and there are more than a dozen shells left!" Han Qing replied

"Well, not bad!" Yang Fei said, "In a while, there will be a little devil drinking from a pot!"

"Sir, wait, the devil is retreating now!" Han Qing said.

"Well, wait, I'm not in a hurry, the little devil should be in a hurry!" Yang Fei said.

After more than ten minutes, one devil retreated, suddenly turned into a swarm of devils retreating, the swarm of devils retreated, and for some unknown reason, more devils began to retreat. Even though they were retreating, they still didn't know how many people they encountered in front of them The Eighth Route Army?What the hell is going on, how did you retreat so hard!
The big retreat suddenly caused order and chaos in the little devil, and no one could control the situation.

They did not stop until they had retreated south to the point where they could no longer retreat.Behind them is the devil's temporary headquarters. Their formation is very large, but the place to retreat now has become very small.

Slowly, the south side became as lively as going to a market.

The devils in front are desperately fighting, and the devils behind are squeezing their own people!
When Junyi Yoshikawa heard that most of them had retreated to the south, his heart skipped a beat, "Have they all retreated? Then... let everyone gather at one point and take it with all their might. If this is the case, the Eighth Route Army will fail." Already!"

Knowing this earlier, why did Toshikawa Yoshikawa go to such lengths to set up some kind of arrow array?

However, this is the second step of the plan, and for Yoshikawa Junyi, this is a strategic turning point.

For Yang Fei, this is the prelude to their victory.

After more than half an hour of changes in the battlefield, all the little devils were concentrated in the south.

Lin Zhonghu, Li Mobai and others also joined Yang Fei's front line.

The success of the strategy is only the first step.

"Yang Fei, we have completed the task you gave us!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Thank you, Master Lin, thank you!" Yang Fei cupped his hands and said.

"Why are you being polite? I'm also a bandit when I fight devils. I just hope you don't forget us!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Okay!" Yang Fei looked at Lin Zhonghu and said.

"Yang Fei, these little devils didn't wait for us to chase them out. They all ran to the south by themselves. I think this is an order from Yoshikawa Junyi. Their purpose is to concentrate their superior forces and attack the southern base. , we are about to be attacked by devils!" Li Mobai said.

"Don't be afraid, let them come." After finishing speaking, Yang Fei looked at his watch, "Within 10 minutes, or even 15 minutes, the devils will definitely riot, and when the time comes, if we fight here, the devils will retreat! This also means that our defense has succeeded, and the revolutionary base has also been established!"

"Yang Fei!" Li Mobai asked, "I'm afraid the devils will attack after retreating. Have you thought about how to chase those devils?"

"Don't chase after poor bandits!" Although Yang Fei smiled, he was a little lonely, but Yang Fei's troops were really limited, otherwise, he would have arranged a cavalry to cut off the devil's retreat route However, it's too late to say anything now, so we can only wait until they regain their vitality and take the initiative to find the devils for a decisive battle. This is the best policy.

Li Mobai understood Yang Fei, then nodded, "As long as they are willing to retreat, we have a solution!"


Five in the morning.

This is definitely a warrior who has fought all day and night. Everyone is tired, but no one dares to relax.

Junyi Yoshikawa really wanted to completely eliminate the Eighth Route Army here through this battle, and the Eighth Route Army also wanted to drive out all the devils here through this battle. This was the final result.

Not far away, there were a few roosters taking a leisurely walk, then spread their wings and flew onto a broken wall, raised their necks and roared "clack..."!

He tore through the silence of the morning, and suddenly, it became lively.

As soon as Yang Fei finished speaking, the little devil made another charge. This time, the number of people in the charge was obviously larger.

In Shen Wanxi's broadsword team, the blood on the tip of the knife had just been wiped clean, but they had to get up and fight with the devils again.

Shouhou and the others were also in a hurry and had just brought some explosives such as grenades to them, and the devil could not give them any chance to breathe.

Everyone knows that this is the final decisive battle, and during the decisive battle, there will be absolutely no chance for anyone to breathe.

The sound of bullets and guns was mixed together, and no one could tell whether it was his own gunshot or the devil's gunshot.

Seeing such an opportunity, Yang Fei saw the No. [-] bandit on Lannuya who was eager to try, and Wang Zhifei who was behind him who was about to fire the cannonball. This is such an opportunity. This is the last decisive battle.

Yang Fei raised his arm and lowered it heavily.

Wang Zhifei, who was behind him, couldn't hold back for a long time. First, a shell hit the middle of the densely packed devils, and then exploded with a "boom". foul smell.

The bandits in Lannuya received Yang Fei's last order and shouted excitedly, "Kill!"

With an angry shout, dense bullets began to hit the devils down the mountain!
The devils who were caught off guard were embarrassed, they squatted down, looked at the devils on Lanuya above their heads, and could only raise their guns to fight with hatred.

However, no matter how they fight, their bullets will not hit the bandits in Lanuya.

Yang Gong, Yang Gong again, they never imagined that there are so many people in the Eighth Route Army.

Cannonballs, mixed with bullets, the little devil became meat on their chopping board.

The battle started at five o'clock in the morning, and even if the little devil made any charge, it became painless.

When Wang Zhifei finished firing all the dozen shells, he charged with a dozen people.

Xiucai and the little skinny man also charged forward with rifles in their hands.




They roared, they will not let go of this opportunity, as long as they are serfs, they will stand up and resist!
Broken down.

This word is not an exaggeration to describe the current little devils. The little devils were beaten and bruised all over, and they threw away their armor and armor and began to flee.

Yang Fei shouted loudly, "Kill, charge me!"

The trumpeter blew the charge horn, and the soldiers jumped into the trenches, mounted bayonets and rushed towards the devils!

Even if they are less than one hundred fighters, they are still not afraid!

The sound of gunfire on Lannuya was endless, and the retreat of the devils suddenly plunged Junyi Yoshikawa's barracks into turmoil!
A little devil ran in, "Your Excellency, Commander, it's bad, the Eighth Route Army launched a counterattack!"

"Counterattack?" Junyi Yoshikawa frowned, "With so few people from the Eighth Route Army, how dare they counterattack?"

Yoshikawa Junyi didn't believe it. When he heard the noisy voice outside the door, he hurried to the door and saw that many devils were running away. He immediately shouted, "Baga, Baga, come back to you!" on the ground!"

Seeing no response, he immediately took out his pistol and fired several shots at the devils!
However, it was obvious that the gunshots from the Eighth Route Army covered up his gunshots.

The devil behind him hurriedly said, "Your Excellency, Commander, let's go!"

"Why? Why did this happen? How did the Eighth Route Army do it?" Yoshikawa Junyi suddenly fell to the ground, and the devils ran away without mercy.

"Your Excellency, Commander, there is Lanuya in front of us. A hundred or so Eighth Route Army suddenly appeared there, and when our people were retreating to the south, they were right under Lanuya!" the little devil shouted.

"Hey, the Eighth Route Army has been fighting in the north. It turns out that they want to drive our people under Lan Nuya!" Junyi Yoshikawa closed his eyes, "It's my fault, it's my fault, I didn't notice Lan Nuya Nuya! I..."

"Your Excellency, Commander, hurry up, the army is already defeated! The Eighth Route Army fired more than a dozen shells at our position just now, causing heavy damage. If we don't run away, the Eighth Route Army will come after us!" The little devil grabbed Junyi Yoshikawa and ran to go.

"Where are we going? Huh? Where can we go!" said Yoshikawa Junyi.

"Let's go back to the county seat, so that the green hills are left without worrying about no firewood. Your Excellency Commander, let's go quickly!" As he said that, the little devil dragged Yoshikawa Junyi to escape to the east.

Yang Fei led the men to charge, and the bullet hit the back of the fleeing devil. After chasing for a while, Yang Fei ordered, "Forget it, don't chase after the poor!"

Chasing it out may not have any good results!
Upon hearing the news that they stopped chasing, Li Mobai and the others looked surprised, "Yang Fei, if we chase, we may kill many devils, which will also help us in the future!"

Yang Fei shook his head, "The devils are panicking now. When they come to their senses, they will fight back on the spot. I'm afraid we will backfire!"

"Ah?" Shen Wanxi was shirtless, "Yang Fei, I want to kill myself!"

"Happy?" Yang Fei looked at him, "Isn't it cold? Go back and get dressed!"

At this time, Lin Zhonghu came over, "Brother Yang!"

Yang Fei looked back at him, "Your master!"

"I really didn't expect that there would be an unexpected effect. Do you still want to kill the devil?" Lin Zhonghu looked at Yang Fei and asked.

"Think about it, but it's impossible now. The number of devils is actually about 500. We people chase after them. When the devils fight back, we will suffer a lot of casualties!" Yang Fei said. ,

"I know, I just want to ask, do you want to kill?" Lin Zhonghu looked at Yang Fei and asked.

"I want to, of course I want to!" Yang Fei said bluntly.

"Okay, that's today, let's have a good time!" After finishing speaking, Lin Zhonghu called Mingzi over, "Mingzi, can we show our trump card?"

"Look, big brother!" After finishing speaking, Ming Zi took out a firework stick from his body, lit the fuse, and flew towards the sky. The moment the firework exploded, it was colorful, rendering the sky beautiful!

"One cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops will meet you!" Ming Zi shouted.

"This is..." Yang Fei was stunned.

"To be honest, I have contacted many people of the same kind. They also hate devils very much. However, they don't quite believe that we will win, so they have not shown up. This time, the leaders of the cottage from all directions saw this firework , will definitely lead the army to fight, and when the time comes, it will not be too easy to surround the devils tightly, even if they want to break through!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Master, I didn't expect you to think of this!" Yang Fei was very grateful.

"It's nothing, who asked me to be on the same rope with you? One wins and one loses, this is a brother!" Lin Zhonghu finished speaking, "Brother Yang, let's go!"

"Okay, let's go!" As he said, Yang Fei continued to ask the trumpeter to blow the charge horn, and the Eighth Route Army chased after the devil tirelessly.

Most of the bullets hit the backs of the retreating devils.

They never thought that they would lose so badly.

The Eighth Route Army, which was originally intended to be eliminated, is now the phoenix nirvana, and they have regained their vitality.

nine in the morning.

The sky is still dull, and the snowflakes are still drifting tirelessly in this place of Beihai.

Sure enough, as Lin Zhonghu said, "Everything here seems to be under their control. Bandits from various villages led people over and surrounded them in a place ten kilometers north of Anning County.

When Junyi Yoshikawa saw this, the little devils were also exhausted, and they couldn't fight any more.

After the battle, there were only eight No. 90 devils left.

Shen Wanxi was provocative, standing in front of the enemy with a big knife, "Hehe, who is Junyi Yoshikawa, get out!"

Junyi Yoshikawa injured his arm in the battle, he held his arm, and then slowly walked to the front, he looked at the Eighth Route Army who was still shirtless in the cold wind and wanted to fight them, he was a little bit Resentment.

Yang Fei looked at Junyi Yoshikawa, it wasn't 01:30 when he was in a panic.

In fact, at this time, they were already able to surrender.

Yoshikawa Junyi is not ignorant of current affairs. "I really didn't expect that I would be defeated by your Eighth Route Army and bandits!"

(End of this chapter)

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