Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2628 Total Victory

Chapter 2628 Total Victory
Yang Fei smiled, "Junyi Yoshikawa, you didn't expect it, but that doesn't mean it won't happen. You have been dominating China for many years. Today, this is your death day!"

"If I'm not wrong, you are Yang Fei, right? It's the Eighth Route Army that killed Sato Sato, right?" Yoshikawa Junyi asked Yang Fei.

"That's right, it's Lao Tzu!" Yang Fei smiled, "However, you know, today, no matter whether you surrender or not, you will write a lot in our Chinese history books. You Japanese people, really It's not a thing!"

"Since I am defeated, I shouldn't have said anything, but please don't slander my country, and my country will definitely not be as bad as you imagined." At this time, Yoshikawa is still fighting for his country excuse.

"Okay, it's useless to say more, Yoshikawa Junyi, I see that you still have eight No. 90 people in your hand, what is it? Do you want us to completely annihilate you? Or do you kneel down and surrender?" Yang Fei went straight to the point .

"There is no way to recover! Hahaha!" said Yoshikawa Junyi.

"Then let's fight, one-on-one. I want to see the real level of your Eighth Route Army!" Junyi Yoshikawa said.

"You are injured, you are not my opponent at all!" Yang Fei said, "You should surrender, our Eighth Route Army treats prisoners preferentially!"

"Surrender? How is it possible? At least until I die, no one will surrender!" Yoshikawa Junyi said.

"Okay, then I'll teach you how to be a man!" Ming Zi said suddenly at this moment.

He walked to the front slowly, flexed his wrist, "After fighting all day, my wrist is very sore, so, I will give you an arm, and I will fight with you!"

"No matter who it is, whoever wants to fight with me, I will fight to the end!" Said, Yoshikawa Junyi held a command knife in one hand, "Come on!"

"Hehe!" Ming Zi sneered, "I've taken a fancy to your command saber, so I'll win you, I won't kill you, I'll take your command saber as a trophy!"

"Hehe, come on then!"

Saying that, Yoshikawa Junyi took the command knife and slashed over.

Ming Zi was unarmed, but he was not afraid at all.

His flexible body is like a swallow under the eaves in spring, and his light body swings back and forth in the air. He can easily dodge Yoshikawa Junyi's strength, and then give him a heavy blow at a vital part.

Yoshikawa Junyi was obviously very annoyed, "Good guy, look at the knife!"

"Come on, now, I'm going to take your command knife!"

After Akiko finished speaking, she arrived in front of Toshikawa Yoshikawa as quickly as possible, but Toshikawa Yoshikawa didn't even notice, only to see Akiko put one hand on the tiger's mouth where Yoshikawa was holding the saber. to fall.

Akiko kicked at the handle of the command saber, and it bounced to his hand.

Ming Zi glanced at the command saber up and down, "That's right, it's a handy weapon!"


After speaking, Yoshikawa Junyi kicked over.

Mingzi was not sloppy, he had played enough with him just now, only to see that Mingzi's eyes appeared sharply, and then he punched Yoshikawa Junyi's leg with a fist, "Ah!"

Najichuan roared and fell to the ground, unable to stand up even if he wanted to.

"I said, I just want your command knife, I won't kill you!"

With that said, Akiko went over, picked up the scabbard on the ground, and returned to the middle of the line.

Which of the remaining devils would dare to fight again, they clearly knew that even Junyi Yoshikawa could not lead them to victory, so what else could they paint?

Thinking of this, the devils put down their weapons in unison, then squatted down, and put their heads in their hands.

This counts as surrender.

"Hahaha!" Yang Fei laughed!

All the fighters laughed!
The bandits who came to their aid had never looked so proud.

Lin Zhonghu watched, "Yang Fei, how do we deal with these devils?"

"What do you mean by master?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's useless for us bandits to want these devils, but since so many brothers have come, can we share some of the captured things?" Lin Zhonghu asked.This is also to ask for something for the bandits who came over from the cottage.

Yang Fei wanted to agree, but found that Li Jiguang was beside him, then turned his head and asked, "Brigade Commander, Political Commissar, what do you think?"

"Yes!" Li Jiguang said, "Originally, this was also the result of our joint fight against devils. Now that we have won, of course we must give some of these things to you. As for these prisoners, our Eighth Route Army will take them into custody!"

"Haha, Brigadier Li, great job! Then I will thank you on behalf of these brothers!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Okay! Then I will thank you!" Li Jiguang said.

This was a difficult victory, and it was reported in all major newspapers at once.

Soon, they also got the news from the headquarters. The boss was so excited that he hurriedly sent someone to convey the meaning of the headquarters.

The cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party must continue, and this is a way out.

When the matter here is almost resolved, Li Jiguang, Yang Fei and others will leave here. They must go to Anping County to integrate their troops.

Yang Fei was reluctant to leave.

When Dongdong was buried, her grandma cried so much that she couldn't stand up, and within a day or two, Grandma Dongdong gave birth to Dabin.

Yang Fei didn't know what to say, so he took off the only previous pendant on his body, "Ma'am, this is what my father and mother wore around my neck since I was a child, I don't think it's something valuable Son, but I really don’t have anything more valuable on me, please keep this thing, sorry!”

Grandma Dongdong opened her eyes, "Son, what are you talking about? Since it was given to you by your parents, there is no value or not. This is their love for you! Dongdong is the same, so don't worry about anything!" With that said, Grandma Dongdong took out the pack of cigarettes under the pillow.

"This, you should accept it, since Dongdong gave it to you, it can be regarded as a thought for you!"

With trembling hands, Yang Fei went to take it slowly, and then tears dripped down.He looked at Dongdong's grandma, she was so kind.

This matter must pass, and soon, they moved from the village to Anping County, where there are no devils, and the streets are full of people playing with gongs and drums.

Lion dance performances were performed one after another outside the Eighth Route Army headquarters. No one could have imagined that the devils would be defeated in the end.

Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie took a few days off, and they are going home to visit their parents!

Li Jiguang approved.

Through the integration of the troops, their personnel is now only 130 No. [-] people, which still includes some miners from the gold mines.

Most of them are homeless people.

However, the more than 100 people really gave Li Jiguang some headaches. The number of people is relatively small, and they have to start the land revolution, and there are very few people who can continue this land revolution.

Combat troops are important, but so are other institutions.

Especially the comrades in the organs, many comrades who are engaged in the main work are very few, and some even have none.

Although it is very lively outside now, Li Jiguang thought that it was their top priority to carry out a series of revolutionary work extensively in the revolutionary base areas.

Soon, they held a meeting. The main content of the meeting was to consolidate the revolutionary base areas and carry out the construction of the base areas.

However, they were all soldiers who took the lead in fighting, and no one had done these things. However, Li Jiguang didn't want to let them go.

"Yang Fei, what do you think should be done?" Li Jiguang asked.

"I don't know!" Yang Fei simply said three words.

"I don't know?" Li Jiguang shook his head. "When you were doing revolutionary work, you were not like this. You just said what you thought."

"Brigade Commander, they all lead troops to fight. Who would do this? I think it's better to invite some cultural people to do it. For someone like me, it probably won't work. If there are devils somewhere, you think of me, but, like this I have no way to carry out the work!"

"Stop doing this!" Li Jiguang said, "Everyone knows that it is easy to fight devils, but building a revolutionary base is equally important. Now, what we lack is such talents. Through the seized devil's radio station, we have already contacted the headquarters. Yes, the headquarters will send a special commissioner to assist us in the construction of the base area, and now there are two main tasks on the surface, the first is the recruitment of troops, and the second is the construction of the base area!"

"Brigade Commander, let me do the work of conscription, I have done this before!" Yang Fei said.

"Then what about Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai? What are they doing?" Li Jiguang had already made it obvious that he wanted Hu Dahai and Shen Wanxi to do such a job.

"That's right! Lao Yang, if we entrust this kind of work to us, we will be handy. You are so smart, of course you are engaged in the construction of the base area!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Old Shen, I haven't settled with you yet, you fucking..." Yang Fei swears, but stops quickly, Wang Wei said with a smile, "Yang Fei, I and the brigade commander agree, just want to Let you focus on the construction of the base area, so that I will assist you, and you can order troops to do your work!"

"Transfer Li Mobai here, let's do it together!" Yang Fei said directly.

"That can't be done!" Li Jiguang said, "The political commissar and I decided to let Li Mobai be responsible for the safety of the complex!"

"Brigade Commander... this..." Yang Fei is a bastard eating mustard, and his heart is bitter!

"Okay, it's decided like this, Hu Dahai, Shen Wanxi, from today onwards, you will be responsible for recruiting troops. Zhao Bing's work must continue in an orderly manner. Fight for me to organize a fully staffed brigade. The second , Li Mobai, now we don’t have many people, a total of about a hundred people, I divided it into three parts, you lead a part of the people, responsible for the safety of Anping County, focusing on the construction of the county, commerce, security, and the security of the headquarters, Thirdly, Yang Fei, the rest are your people. Go to the countryside, mainly to do land reform, so that the common people will have land to plant after the Chinese New Year. The construction of the base area is related to the continuity of our party and government, and it is related to our century-old cause , if this problem is not resolved, our influence among the masses will be bad. You should understand!"

Both Shen Wanxi and Li Mobai took orders, and Yang Fei didn't dare to say that he could do it well, but he still said, "Okay, brigade commander, since you think highly of me, then I'll just say it, I belong to you, I Take all of them away, like Liu Ji, Shouhou, Wang Zhifei, Ma Xiaokun, Zhao Junjie, they are all mine!"

"Your tone is not small!" Li Jiguang said.However, he immediately said, "Okay, since it's yours, I won't detain it. Since your leadership team has so many people, I'll give you less soldiers!"

"You can't have fewer soldiers!" Yang Fei said.

"All the good things in this world are taken up by you alone, what do you want me, the brigade commander?" Li Jiguang said, and stood up, "Okay, that's the decision, the meeting is adjourned!"

When they were all leaving, Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai found Yang Fei and wanted to invite him to drink. Yang Fei said, "Since you want to invite me to drink, then invite Li Mobai too!"

"Okay!" Although Shen Wanxi agreed, she kept scolding her in her heart.He drank, Yang Fei said, "Since you want to invite me to drink, then invite Li Mobai too!"

"Okay!" Although Shen Wanxi agreed, she kept scolding her in her heart.

This wine was still divided by Li Jiguang, and each group leader divided it into two and explained it!
In Shen Wanxi's temporary residence, a plate of peanuts was placed on a small table, and two bottles of wine were directly placed on the table, which was all his belongings.

Even Hu Dahai praised him for his sense of humor.

The four regiment leaders sat together, Yang Fei directly opened the wine bottle, and then poured wine for everyone, "Old Shen, I'm not impolite, this is good wine, it can't be kept, it's been kept for a long time, but Very easy to get drunk!"

"Old Yang, just these two bottles of wine, if you want to drink more, I don't have any more!" Shen Wanxi said, "Do you know why I invited you to drink?"

"Your conscience has discovered that this is the second time you have invited me to drink. The last time you drank, you still wanted to take something from me!" Yang Fei said.

"This time, I, Shen Wanxi, want to invite you to drink. I, Shen Wanxi, want to tell you that I am sorry about Brother Daguang!"

Yang Fei stopped him, "That's not enough!"

Shen Wanxi was taken aback for a moment, "Huh?"

"Old Shen, I won't forgive you for this matter, and you should know it well, why don't I forgive you!"

"Lao Yang, this..." Hu Dahai didn't know how to persuade him.

As an outsider, Li Mobai didn't know what to say.

"Hu Dahai, don't talk, I understand now. I used to think that Shen Wanxi was much better than you, Hu Dahai, in fighting wars. You are too rigid, and Shen Wanxi is much more flexible. However, from what happened last time, we can see that Come out, although you, Hu Dahai, are rigid, but you have a long-term view, while Shen Wanxi, although flexible, is only limited to the immediate interests, not to mention whether the interests are real or fake. I, Lao Yang, speak directly, so don’t take it to heart Come on, today, I just want to talk about it!" Yang Fei drank a glass of wine.

"Secondly, you have to think about it. Dare to do revolutionary work. What is our purpose? What are we fighting for? For so many years, I have been thinking in my heart, what should we do, and what should we do to be worthy of the whole world? People! Later, I understood that we do revolutionary work for the sake of the people all over the world, but more importantly, to be worthy of our own conscience! Many times, we will put our own interests aside for the sake of unity. It is for the benefit of the collective, we never seize our own interests first."

"Old Shen, I drank a glass of wine from you, and I hope you will think about it carefully. The important thing about doing revolutionary work is not how many battles you have won, but how much firewood you have really filled for the revolutionary work, and how much you have done for the revolutionary work. How many sacrifices. This is a standard for us to measure heroes." After Yang Fei finished speaking, "Come, have a drink!"

Shen Wanxi lowered her head and held up a glass of wine tremblingly, "Today, you should say a few more words about me, no one has ever said these words before!"

After drinking, Li Mobai asked, "Yang Fei, tell me the truth, what exactly are you... What are you relying on to fight?"

"The Eighth Route Army, to be honest, the equipment is too poor, and the quality of the personnel is not uniform. However, we can't blame us, and we can't blame others. We are poor. Look at Lao Jiang, how many people give money to that guy? So, We are poor, so we have to find a way to be poor!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he ate a peanut, "War, with your many years of experience, we don't have planes and cannons, but we have mountains and deep seas around us, and there are always them If you can't hit us, you should take these seemingly useless things to yourself and treat them as useful!"

"So, this is why you killed the Sato United team and turned the unknown snow mountain into a moving weapon!" Li Mobai exclaimed.

"Hahaha," Yang Fei laughed, "If I had aircraft and cannons, I wouldn't be bothered to use these things. The power of nature is great, just think about it!"

"Lao Yang is right!" Hu Dahai said, "I have known Lao Yang for so many years. This guy seems selfish, but he is really selfless in doing things. Today, we brothers have heard what you said so much. , out of this wine shop, we are still brothers, come, have another drink!"


Creek Village.

This village is ten miles away from Anping County, which is not too far away. The reason why they chose this place as the first stop of their land reform revolution, what Yang Fei likes is the population here!

Although Xiaoxi Village is a village, when counting the number of people, there are actually 6000 to [-] people in this village.

What makes it possible for so many people to gather here?

There can only be one answer, the land here is fertile, and many people are willing to live here!Not only is the land fertile, but there is also a lot of land.

When we arrived here, the head of Xiaoxi Village was called Xi Lichao.

Xiaoxi Village is also called Xiaoxi Village in the outside world.Because seventy to eighty percent of the people here are named Xi.

Xi Lichao welcomed Yang Fei to the village and vacated a relatively large courtyard in the village for Yang Fei and the others to work.

As for what to do, Yang Fei is a monk of Zhang Er, so he can't figure it out!

Wang Zhifei was behind Yang Fei, "Brother, what is land reform?"

Yang Fei sat on the kang, then looked at Liu Ji, "Liu Ji, please talk to him properly!"

Liu Ji also smiled, sat down, and said, "Let me tell you this, to put it simply, it is the redistribution of land ownership! Do you understand?"

"What redistribution?" Wang Zhifei scratched his head and asked.

"Of course it's the land. For example, there are ten people in our family, and we have a hundred acres of land. The owner of the land is the head of the regiment. What is the main problem now? It is to allocate all the one hundred acres of land to Ten of us! It means that the ownership is no longer owned by the team leader!" Liu Ji's example couldn't be more obvious.

"Ah? Why? Isn't it the leader's? Why not?" Wang Zhifei still didn't understand.

"I think you are born like a rich peasant!" The thin monkey laughed and said, "The leader has a hundred acres of land, but the remaining nine of us have no land to plant. It's not fair!"

"We can do long-term work for the team leader! This can save lives!" Wang Zhifei scratched his head.

"Degenerate feudal thinking!" Liu Ji said.

"Ah? Why?" Wang Zhifei really didn't understand, because he had never received the education of the Communist Party, and thought that fighting devils would make people live a happy life.

"Do you know why the group leader chose Xiaoxi Village for land reform?" Liu Ji asked.

"I don't know!" Wang Zhifei asked three questions.

"The land here is relatively dense and there are more people. However, as far as we know, 70.00% of the land here is in the hands of the 20.00% rich peasants, and they are also in the hands of the rich peasants in this village! The remaining 90.00% of the five lands , but in the hands of 90.00% of the poor peasants, this is an asymmetrical relationship. Why do rich peasants have so much food when they have a small number of rich peasants? The most important thing in our land reform is to carry out a series of land reforms for rich peasants. Reform, let their land become the land of the other [-]% nine poor peasants!" Liu Ji said.

"As long as we do a good job in the reform of this place, the villages around this village will respond one after another. Slowly, such a call will greatly promote the utilization rate of the land and increase the enthusiasm of the people for farming." Said.

"Although I don't know what it means, please tell me what I can do!" Wang Zhifei said.

At this time, the scholar said excitedly, "Brother, is what you said just now true? So, we all have land?"

Yang Fei looked at him, "Of course, the meaning of land reform is to let the common people have land to grow, and it's their own land!" Yang Fei said.

(End of this chapter)

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