Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2629 Distributing Tasks

Chapter 2629 Distributing Tasks
There seemed to be some wonder in the eyes of the scholar, and he looked at Yang Fei with some disbelief, "Brother, if this is the case, tell me, can a person like me get the land?"

"What? What are you worried about? Anyone who is in our base area must be allocated land!" Yang Fei stood up, "Could it be, what is wrong with you kid?"

The scholar smacked his lips, "Brother, to be honest, I am a scholar and I like reading, but I was born in troubled times, so I don't have that fate. My grandfather was a Juren in the Qing Dynasty, and later he went to work in a foreign country. My father also read the Four Books and Five Classics and served as a small official in the former Qing Dynasty. However, after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, our family fell into poverty. I lost all my abilities, so I just write for people on the street to make a living!"

Yang Fei looked at the others, "This..."

Liu Ji and Shouhou hurriedly said, "Leader, if you say that, the scholar's family is also a poor peasant!"

"This is fucking difficult!" Yang Fei was a little embarrassed, but instead he looked at Xiucai, "Xiucai, where does your family live now, and who else is there in the family? Besides, people in your family will plant land?"

Xiucai hurriedly said, "Brother, my family is twenty miles away from here. The village is called Xiaogang Village, and there is an old mother in my family. I used to write for a living, and my mother and I were struggling to survive. Have you taken away to become a strong man? If you guess correctly, the old mother will not have a good life every day!"

"No one in the family knows how to farm, even if it is given to you, I'm afraid it won't work!" Yang Fei shook his head and said.

The scholar also bowed his head, isn't it? Although speaking of it, their family is still a family of officials and officials, but after all, the family has no savings, and they have no ability to farm. What can they do about such a thing?

"Brother, don't make it difficult, I just ask!" The scholar's eyes dimmed, and Yang Fei could see that this scholar really wanted to settle down. The land is not just the life of rural people. In the city, who Don't want to have an acre of land?

"Okay, Xiucai, I understand your business. Since you can write, then you will be in charge of the propaganda work in Xiaoxi Village. Write a big-character poster for everyone in the village to read. This land reform work, we It must be carried out in an orderly manner, and in addition, let Liu Ji or Shouhou tell you in detail the importance of land reform, and publicity is not just to write things out, but also to tell the people!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes, brother, you have an order, just tell me!" Xiucai said.

"Okay, besides the land reform, there is another more important thing here!" Yang Fei looked at Wang Zhifei, and Wang Zhifei said quickly, "Brother, what do you want me to do?"

"That's right. Although we're going to focus on soil this time, I don't want to lag behind in the conscription work. From now on, we will all be his disciples, Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai. That's not good, we have to have our own soldiers!" Yang Fei said.

"Hehe, conscription? All right, leave it to me!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Okay, you kid, you have to be honest with me, and let me grow up as soon as possible!" Yang Fei said.

"Brother, don't worry, let me, Wang Zhifei, do this, that's enough!" Wang Zhifei said solemnly.

"Besides that, there is another important matter, which is related to the progress of our land reform. I think this matter, let Lao Zhao do it!" Yang Fei looked at Zhao Qifa and said.

Zhao Qifa came over, "Leader, what's the matter, tell me!"

"You don't need to be precise about this matter, but you have to give me a rough count of how many acres there are in Xiaoxi Village, and who owns the most acres of fields! At that time, it's up to you to fight the local tyrants and divide the fields. How about this step!" Yang Fei said.

"I've thought about this too, head, don't worry if I do it!" Zhao Qifa also said.

"Okay, then, the work must start today. Listen carefully to all of your tasks and do them well. First, the scholar, I will let some people who can write and understand some culture follow you, you boy It’s all my paperwork. Make the big-character posters for me before tonight, post them up in front of the village theater, and then explain them to me. Second, Wang Zhifei, you will be responsible for the conscription work for me. This conscription There is no expiry date for work, so if you can recruit as many soldiers as you can, you can recruit as many soldiers as possible. The conscription is not for yourself, but for the country. Third, Zhao Qifa, you should go and find out clearly, the fields in this village, and the local tyrants in this village How many, I want a roster, and I must get the names of each one as soon as possible!" Yang Fei repeated.


Everyone received the task, and then started to act.

Liu Ji, Shouhou came over, "Leader, for this operation, I'm worried that those local tyrants will get the news and run away with their money!"

"This is what I'm worried about. You two heard me clearly. Didn't you come with dozens of brothers? Let everyone be vigilant and guard every way out of the village. No one can leave until the fields are completely cleared! Those who leave with money will be punished as felonies!" Yang Fei ordered.

"Yes!" The two left after getting the order.

Local tyrants, there are a lot of people in Xiaoxi Village!Yang Fei didn't know how capable these local tyrants were.

How did their generations of landlords come about, how did they instigate them, and now they have inexhaustible food.

In a dark room, a few older men were sitting together, smoking dry cigarettes. Xi Dashi said first, "You guys are talking, now the world has changed. The Eighth Route Army is not like a devil anymore. It’s not the national army, you all know this, why don’t you say a word now?”

"What's there to say? Your family has a handful of acres of land. There are more than a dozen long-term workers and more than 20 short-term workers. Now, all of us are sitting here to explain the situation. Should we pay it or not? "Xi Fengxian asked.

"Fengxian, isn't your nephew in the county seat? Is there any news about him? You should tell me first, we old guys have some preparations in mind!" Xi Dashi said.

"Well, I've already finished talking. What the Eighth Route Army has to do is to distribute land to those poor peasants. These fields are all accumulated by us. It is obviously unreasonable to hand over our land. You are all We big households in Xiaoxi Village, who among you is willing to hand over the land selflessly?" Xi Fengxian asked.

Obviously, no one wants to hand over the land for no reason. The land is their lifeblood. Even if they want their wives, they will not hand over the land.

"No, absolutely not!" Xi Dashi said, "How come generations have been our land, and now the Eighth Route Army can still shake the world?"

Xi Zhonghu said at this time, "It's fine if you don't hand it in? Didn't you see how many people the Eighth Route Army brought with it?"

"This hateful Eighth Route Army, they are more robbers than bandits, they simply don't treat us as human beings!" Xi Dashi was indignant.

"Dashi, at this point, we are still old ancestors. No one wants to see our own land distributed to others. However, I think we can discuss with the Eighth Route Army. Land distribution is fine, but we will give a small amount of land. Divide it out and keep most of our land, is that okay?" Xi Zhonghu looked at Xi Fengxian and asked.

"I haven't tried it, so I don't know, but it seems that the Eighth Route Army has already set its sights on our Xiaoxi Village, and this is taking our Xiaoxi Village with a knife!" Xi Fengxian said.

"If we are to be attacked, there must be no compromise. If we don't compromise, it means that they have nothing to do with us. God is reasonable, and the Eighth Route Army is not reasonable?" Xi Dashi said.

"Okay, think about it, everyone, is there any countermeasure?" Xi Fengxian asked.

"This cannot be discussed with the Eighth Route Army, nor can the land be distributed just like this. This is very difficult, really too difficult." Xi Zhonghu also shook his head.

"Today, we just called our three families together. Now you have seen that the Eighth Route Army has entered the village. If we can't come up with a plan today, we will wait tomorrow. All the land will be gone!" Xi Fengxian said. .

"Fengxian, you are the one who is knowledgeable and learned here. You can think of a way for us guys. What should we do?" Xi Dashi asked.

"I don't have a solution. This is not it. I just tell you in advance how to do it. You should understand that things like land are easy to talk about, and money is something you have to understand!" Xi Fengxian said.

Xi Dashi only remembered it at this time, no wonder Xi Fengxian anxiously dragged his family's grain storage to a nearby county town to sell it a while ago, and the money from the sale must have been in his hands. I'm afraid it's too late.

This Fengxian, why didn't you tell them earlier?
Thinking of this, Xi Dashi immediately stood up, "No, I have to go home right now. There are a lot of things in the house. I have to pack them up quickly. Only by packing them up can the Eighth Route Army not find them!"

Xi Zhonghu also quickly stood up, "Yes, Dashi, I decided to quietly take the gold and silver treasures at home and leave tonight. The land can't be preserved, but I have to keep the gold and silver treasures!"

Only Xi Fengxian took a sip of tea slowly, and he didn't say anything, because he didn't know whether what they were going to do was right.

After they left, Xi Fengxian slowly left the darkroom. When he arrived at his home, the people in the village were whispering, but they couldn't hear what they were talking about.

As soon as Xi Fengxian came home, an old man came over, "Master, I have found all the people you are looking for, I don't know, what do you want to ask them for?"

"Housekeeper, you just need to find them all!" Xi Fengxian said.

"Yes!" The butler went out, and then a group of people came in.

Most of them were wearing patched clothes, and with their hands in their sleeves, they looked at Xi Fengxian.

Xi Fengxian watched everyone come in, and then said politely, "Everyone is here, if there is a seat, sit down!" After finishing speaking, he asked the housekeeper to bring in hot water.

The room was warmed by the charcoal fire. It was not the first time that everyone felt Xi Fengxian's enthusiasm. However, everyone still felt a little uncomfortable. What good can this weasel do for the chicken?

Sure enough, someone asked, "Boss, why are you here?"

Xi Fengxian smiled, "Yes, I really have something to do with you!" After finishing speaking, he said, "Indeed, that's the case. Over the years, everyone has contributed a lot to our family here. For a while, I have been thinking about how to make everyone live a happy life in the future. No, I just remembered that if you want everyone to live a happy life, you must at least fill your stomach. More than 20 of you are all me For long-term workers and short-term workers, I just said it directly, my family’s land is not the most, but it is also quite a lot, and I will plan to set aside a part of these lands for everyone!"

Hearing what Xi Fengxian said, everyone felt that they were hallucinating, and then started whispering.

What you don't understand is even more unclear here.

The landlord's land has never been too much, what happened today?Xi Fengxian is too abnormal.

After finishing speaking, "Boss, is this... a bit inappropriate?"

"What's inappropriate?" Xi Fengxian said, "In this way, I will ask the housekeeper to get the land deed later, and then divide it for everyone!"

At this time, everyone started to get excited.

After a while, the old housekeeper brought over the basic brochure. Xi Fengxian turned over one page, and then another, "In short, from next year onwards, these places will be yours!"

Without further ado, Xi Fengxian allocated the corners and corners of the land to the big guys.

The people who got the land were very grateful. They never thought that they could still have land. This is an eye-opener from God.

But having said that, Xi Fengxian has not made any excessive demands on these long-term and short-term workers for so many years. Although they still owe Xi Fengxian some grain and some seeds, Xi Fengxian has never taken the initiative to ask for it. From this point of view, Everyone is quite satisfied. Now that they have land, they have the capital to repay their debts.

After the land was distributed, the old housekeeper's face became a little embarrassed. He didn't understand that so many lands were all distributed at once, and all the title deeds were given to them. Then, what did Xi Fengxian plan to do with the remaining land ?

Of course, the old housekeeper thought too much, and the rest of the land, of course, belonged to him, Xi Fengxian.He just wants to establish a good image among the masses, at least better than Xi Dashi and Xi Zhonghu.

When everyone happily left with the title deed, the old housekeeper hurriedly asked, "Master,"

Xi Fengxian stood up, "Housekeeper, you don't understand, these days, things have changed! If you don't follow the pattern, you will be trampled under your feet for the rest of your life!"
He was right, it was true, although he divided the land, he could at least keep the dozen or so houses, at least the gold and silver, and even a clean reputation.

But Xi Dashi on the other side was different. After he went back, he asked his family to pack up all the gold and silver, and then hid it. Looking at Tian'er, he didn't know how depressed he was. After it was over, He collected all the land deeds again, "No, you can't throw this thing away, once you lose it, you'll have to pay for it!"

In comparison, Xi Dashi owns more land, and there are more than 40 long-term and part-time workers. These hundreds of acres of land were earned by his ancestors and his efforts. These lands are his destiny. , not only his life, but also the foundation of his next life.

Xi Dashi's son, Xi Xiangchong saw him so flustered, and immediately asked, "Father, what's wrong with you?"

Xi Dashi hurriedly beckoned him in, "Xiang Chong, come on, dad will tell you!"

After it was over, Xi Dashi told Xi Xiangchong the meaning of the Eighth Route Army's arrival verbatim, and Xi Xiangchong frowned, "Father, are you leaving tonight? Where can you go?"

"Silly boy, going anywhere is better than being here. Let me tell you, this wind, maybe just for a while, after a while, we will win. I have collected all the gold, silver, and soft things over the years. , In addition, I have collected all these land deeds, if I don’t leave, will I wait to die?” Xi Dashi said.

"Father, don't you still not recognize the form?" Xi Xiangchong asked.

"The situation? What situation? The situation is very clear. They want to give away all our land. Not only that, but they also want our lives!" Xi Dashi said, "No matter what, I can't lose my ancestral property. After a hundred years , How can I explain to the underground ancestors? Each of them will spit on me!" Xi Dashi said.

"Father, you still don't understand. It's not the time of Qing Dynasty. There are too many poor people in the world. This land will eventually be in the hands of everyone in the world. Our family occupies Xiaoxi Village for 30.00 % of the land, the Eighth Route Army is attacking landlords like us!" Xi Xiangchong said.

"Bastard!" Xi Dashi raised his hand to hit him, but Xi Xiangchong was unmoved.

"Father, you can beat me or scold me, the Eighth Route Army is not a bandit!" Xi Xiangchong said, "You have heard that the Eighth Route Army drove out all the devils, and they didn't raid the common people like the devils did. On the contrary, they have already started various measures in the county to protect the lives of ordinary people, this is no ordinary army! What you have to do is to cooperate with others!"

Xi Dashi was panting, he didn't understand why he paid his son to go out to study, and then came back to confront him after finishing his studies. This was like his son, but like other evil spirits and demons.

"It's useless to read the books I taught you. You have ignored all the words of Confucius. Okay, today, I won't beat you up. I'm sorry for my ancestors!" After finishing speaking, Xi Dashi slapped you. On Xi Xiangchong's face.

The bright red five finger prints appeared at once.

Xi Xiangchong looked at his father, "Father, no matter what, I still have to tell you that the reason I came back from other places is to tell you that I joined the Communist Party!"

Xi Dashi looked at Xi Xiangchong. He absolutely didn't care about the party or not. What he could understand was that the land in his family could not be lost!

"I don't care what Communist Party you are, what party, what is the Communist Party?" Xi Dashi still asked.

"The army of the Communist Party is the Eighth Route Army!" After saying this, Xi Dashi's spirit suddenly went into a trance. He just fought the Eighth Route Army, and his son is the Eighth Route Army. He looked at Xi Xiangchong in a daze, "What did you say?"

"Father, my son joined the Eighth Route Army, and my son is the Communist Party!" Xi Xiangchong said.

"Then you are the Eighth Route Army, can the land at home...can be preserved?" Xi Dashi asked.

Xi Xiangchong shook his head, "I came back this time to tell you that the party organization sent me here to assist the Eighth Route Army here, to do a good job in land reform, so that all poor people have land to farm. Our main task!"

"Presumptuous!" Xi Dashi gasped, the Communist Party was out of the house, which is a terrible thing, and there is an Eighth Route Army in the house, doesn't this make him see all the old things clearly?
The land must not be moved!

"Okay, if you dare to touch me, I will show you to death!" Xi Dashi'er said viciously.

Xi Xiangchong was stunned for a moment, Xi Dashi left, leaving Xi Xiangchong standing there alone, he didn't understand why such a simple thing couldn't work with his father?

Regardless of other things, when it was almost night, Xi Xiang rushed to the county seat. Li Jiguang heard that he was sent by the organization, and then quickly explained the current situation, and then asked him to come to Xiaoxi Village as soon as possible.

Yang Fei and others gathered around for a meeting, and the scholar showed Yang Fei the big-character poster he had written. Yang Fei was unwilling to ask about it, but asked Liu Jihouhou to help him see if there was any mistake, Wang Zhifei said. Yes, he has already made preparations. The conscription work is planned to focus on Xiaoxi Village, and then radiate to the surrounding villages.

Zhao Qifa also said that he hasn't seen anything unusual in the village yet.

At this time, someone called for a report, and Yang Fei asked someone to come in.

The soldier hurriedly said, "Regimental Commander, someone came from outside and said they were sent by the organization, and they have already reported to the Brigadier Commander!"

Upon hearing this, Yang Fei hurriedly said, "What are you doing in a daze, quickly invite people in!"


After a while, Xi Xiang rushed in, "Are you Captain Yang?"

Yang Fei looked at the person in front of him, then stood up, "I am, are you?"

"My name is Xi Xiangchong, and I was sent by the party organization to assist everyone in the land reform work!" Xi Xiangchong introduced.

"Okay!" Yang Fei said quickly, "I'm in need of someone like you right now. It's just right that you're here. We can talk carefully about how to do this. You have experience and you must be the master!"

"Captain Yang is laughing!" Xi Xiangchong said modestly.

"Okay, Lao Zhao, you take someone to do your business. Here, I want to have a good talk with Comrade Xi Xiangchong!" Yang Fei said.

Zhao Qifa nodded and left.

Yang Fei asked someone to take the big-character poster, and said, "Comrade Xi Xiangchong, can you take a look at these?"

(End of this chapter)

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