Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2631 Village Bandits

Chapter 2631 Village Bandits
In the next few days, the land was measured and the subterranean households were divided. The enthusiasm of the masses was high. Although the spring had not yet started, everyone was looking forward to the spring when they could grow their own grain.

Yang Fei didn't want to worry too much about many details. After all, he was a leader in the war, so most of the things here were handed over to Xi Xiangchong.

As a young and promising person, Xi Xiangchong often sees the lights in his room still on in the middle of the night.

With the relatively successful example of Xiaoxi Village,
Therefore, Yang Fei decided to leave the affairs here to Xi Xiangchong for the time being. He separated the people and horses, and strived to solve the land problems of most farmers in the spring of the new year.

At the meeting, Yang Fei said, "Through everyone's joint efforts these days, we have won. In order to solve the remaining problems as soon as possible, I decided that we should separate into several groups and go to the villages near Xiaoxi Village. Let the village do this well together, do you have any suggestions?"

"Head, this is a good idea. With the example of Xiaoxi Village, the local farmers will definitely support us!" Liu Ji said.

"Head, when I go, I suggest to proceed step by step! First do the ideological work of the masses!" Zhao Qifa said.

"No need, Xiaoxi Village is quite disturbed. If we go, those landlords will obediently hand over the land. Enlightenment, you take people to be responsible for going to Shoumen Village. Xiucai, you take people to go to the village. Yehu Village, I will go to Xinjiang Village, we will work separately as a team, and we will strive to give the common people land to plant before the spring of next year, and our actions must be fast, and we must not be procrastinating!" Yang Fei said.

Xiucai and Zhao Qifa nodded their heads, they separated, and they decided to set off.

The sea seems to be calm, but in fact, the interior is full of turbulent waves.

The success of Xiaoxi Village was largely due to Yang Fei's sudden attack, and for the landlords of Yehu Village, Shoumen Village, and Xinjiang Village, it was a great shock.

After they heard about this, they immediately joined forces to fight against Yang Fei and the others.

As for how to fight, they have no choice, that is, the three villages jointly formed village bandits. However, in order to protect their interests, the three villages jointly elected a unified leader called Xu Lilai. During that period, it was courting the devils in every possible way, not only robbing the common people of their food and money, but also, whoever had a little girl would absolutely occupy her, either as his slave or as his concubine, for this person However, none of the local people has a good impression of him, and they can't wait to have cramps.

In addition to Xu Lilai, there are two other people. They are Li Defu from Yehu Village and Zhao Guangcai from Xinjiang Village.

In the same way, for their own selfishness, they entangled a lot of local ruffians and bullies, and no one knew what they meant by what they did.

With a certain amount of armed force, Xu Lilai was still worried. After all, they were few in number. Besides, their Eighth Route Army was veteran soldiers who had experienced battles. How long could they resist?
However, just when they were struggling, an unexpected guest came.

This person was wearing a mask when he came, and he wore a black woolen coat. When he found Xu Lilai, he took out a box. When Xu Lilai opened it, there was a box of gold bars inside. Xu Lilai who saw the gold bars, Immediately asked, "Your Excellency?"

The man in black said coldly, "You don't need to know who I am, but you don't have to worry about fighting the Eighth Route Army. I'll give you money and ammunition!"

Xu Lilai didn't dare to ask who the other party was, his intuition told him, "This person's status is definitely not simple!"

He guessed right, it doesn't matter who this person is, as long as he can keep his vested interests, that's enough.

Thinking of this, Xu Lilai asked again, "What about guns and ammunition..."

"Guns and ammunition, delivered tonight, you have to understand, follow me, you can do great things, if you don't listen to me, then I will withdraw immediately, you have to understand!"

said the man in black.

Xu Lilai nodded quickly, "Okay, okay!" After finishing speaking, he added another request, "We don't have many people, and the fighting quality is not strong, can you..."

"Don't worry about this, someone will come!" After the man in black finished speaking, he left the village directly, and someone drove away in a hurry.

Seeing such a person, Xu Lilai couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat, and quickly called Li Defu and Zhao Guangcai over, and quickly told the story.

The two looked at each other. Like Xu Lilai, they didn't know each other's identity, but they had a faint feeling that this person was not simple!
"Could it be a devil?" Zhao Guangcai asked.

"The Eighth Route Army wiped out all the devils. If the devils want to come, I'm afraid it will take a lot of trouble!" Xu Lilai said.

"In that case, who is that?" Li Defu also asked quickly.

"I don't know, but since the other party is willing to give us guns and ammunition, as well as money, as long as he can keep our property, whoever he is!" Xu Lilai said.

"That's good!" Li Defu said, "Since that's the case, then, I'll make some preparations when I go back!"

"Li Defu, the three of us are now grasshoppers on the same rope. We all prosper and we all lose. I'm thinking about everyone's interests, do you know?" Xu Lilai said.

"Understand, understand, the three hundred families in our Yehu Village will definitely thank you!" Li Defu said, "Our village is next to Zhao Guangcai's village. The two villages are surrounded by mountains. There are two roads to enter and exit the village There are optional roads, as long as we guard those two roads, it will be difficult for the Eighth Route Army to enter!"

"I think so too!" Zhao Defa said, "So, if the three of us work together, we must guard those two roads together!"

"I know that I have fifty people here. I will distribute them to you and belong directly to your leaders. Although our village and your village have to cross a mountain, our ancestors opened a secret road on the mountain. Therefore, from It doesn't take too much time for our village to go to your place, if there is anything wrong, just send someone over!"

"Understood!" Zhao Guangcai said.

Li Defu also nodded, "Our land will never be touched by outsiders!"

No matter when, selfishness may be in nature.

When the two were about to leave, they were stopped by Xu Lilai, "Come here, you two!"

Zhao Guangcai and Li Defu went over, and Xu Lilai said, "Since you let me be the leader, we have to have an organization, then you can call me Commander Xu, and you two should not be the deputy commander, and then you develop offline, and In the confrontation of the Eighth Route Army, we must have rules and regulations, and proceed in an orderly manner! Do you understand?"


After the two of them left, Zhao Guangcai went to the village and directly forcibly recruited soldiers. As long as there were males in the family, they were all arrested. Like Zhao Guangcai, Li Defu took advantage of his family's status in Yehu Village and the large number of relatives in his family to unite them. The relatives of the main family threatened other families, and then expanded the number of troops to 480!Then, he sealed many army commanders, police officers, and regimental commanders. Anyway, the ones who can be trusted are their relatives!

The three villages are under martial law, and many news cannot be passed on, and the news that cannot be passed on has become a ban.

There were people patrolling the mountain, and if they found anything unusual, they would immediately report it to Li Defu and Zhao Guangcai.

In other words, the devils were kicked out, and some bandits above shifted their targets to the villagers.

And those who can let them rob are those big households.Not far from Yehu Village, there is a cottage called Baihu Village, and the head of Baihu Village is called Bailingtang.

When the devils occupied this Bai Lingtang, they specially attacked the devils' supplies, and then made a lot of money. Although the devils attacked them for a long time, for them who fought in the mountains, it was impossible for them to fight. There is no difficulty, and the loss is very small.

However, when the food was always eaten, Bai Lingtang felt that it was necessary to attack the big households in the village.

And the big family that appeared in front of him was naturally Li Defu from Yehu Village.

Bai Lingtang had heard of Li Defu for a long time. He was fat and big-eared, and he wanted to eat and drink. He did all kinds of bad things. Looking for Li Defu, Li Defu was afraid of bandits, so he gave some food. In Bai Lingtang's eyes, this person was easy to bully. Since he was easy to bully, what else did Bai Lingtang think?

The second in charge of Bai Lingtang is called Bai Anfei, and he is thoughtful.

Hearing that Bai Lingtang planned to ask Li Defu for food, he said, "Brother, if you want to find Li Defu, just send someone there. We have guns and cannons, don't be afraid, you don't have to go yourself!"

Bai Lingtang said, "I'm not afraid of dealing with a small landlord, but I don't need to go out personally, or you can take someone there yourself?"

Bai Anfei nodded, "I think the same way, big brother, have you heard? Many ordinary people have land. In the past two days, many brothers in the Shanzhai have plans to retire. It's not good if this continues!"

"Second leader, let's go, we must explain to Li Defu that we only want food, as long as they can give us food, we can give them some protection!"

"Brother, I understand!" Bai Anfei said.

In other words, after Bai Anfei left the cottage, he took thirty brothers to drive a carriage to Yehu Village.

Li Defu had heard of their arrogance for a long time, but at this moment, Li Defu hated their arrival, "This fucking is just taking advantage of the fire, I don't believe it, they can enter this village!"

His nephew Li Chuba was considered a traitor, so he fanned the flames and said, "Commander, you are right. In the past, we did not have our own armed forces. We listened to whatever they said. Now, we have hundreds of No. [-] people, they have come dozens of people, let's wipe them all out, and dare to come if we are not afraid of them!"

With such embellishments, Li Defu firmly believed that they would definitely be able to settle this matter by themselves.

Immediately, Li Defu asked Li Chuba to lead people to guard the Wild Wolf Valley. The Wild Wolf Valley is an end-of-the-road mountain road, with a gully on the left and a cliff on the right. You can't get in or out. This is heaven and earth.

Li Chuba felt that Wild Wolf Valley immediately ordered everyone to ambush and waited for the bandits to come. According to Li Defu's order, as long as they dared to come, they would all be wiped out.

Just when Bai Anfei thought that Li Defu was still the same as before, a different turning point happened, that is, they were attacked by village bandits.

Bai Anfei hurriedly hid under the carriage, making everyone hide!
He never thought that this Li Defu could quickly develop his own armed forces.

This matter is not over, and Bai Anfei, the second in charge, is not in vain, he immediately raised the white flag and kept waving it.

When Li Chuba saw that the bandits had surrendered, he hurriedly sent people forward, and the village bandits, who had a large number of people, quickly surrounded Bai Anfei.

Seeing so many people on the other side, he immediately said, "I want to see Li Defu!"

Li Chuba came to Bai Anfei, and then asked with a smile, "You can see our commander if you want?"

Bai Anfei's head was clever, and as soon as he turned his head, he quickly said, "You guys misunderstood, we heard that Commander Li Defu was accepted as Commander, and came to congratulate him!"

"Oh?" Li Chuba smiled, "Congratulations? An empty carriage without congratulatory gifts, I'm afraid it won't be so simple?"

Bai Anfei hurriedly said, "Sir, let me go see Commander Li, our boss told him that we have important information to tell him!"

Li Chuba waved his hand, and several people went over to tie up Bai Anfei, and then said, "Take him to see the commander!"


After bringing Bai Anfei to the village, Li Chuba claimed credit and said, "Commander, in this battle, a total of eight bandits were wiped out, 13 of whom were in his hands, and Bai Anfei, the second leader of the bandits, was captured. Please deal with it!"

Bai An flew over and knelt down, "Commander, these are all misunderstandings, misunderstandings!"

Li Defu was twirling walnuts in his hands, looked at him, and then asked, "Misunderstanding? Tell me, I want to hear what you guys are going to say!"

"Commander, we came this time because we wanted to rob a nearby village. Our head of the family heard that you have been appointed as the commander. Therefore, our head of the family let us come to congratulate first, and then send gifts as soon as there is any congratulations!"

"Really?" Li Defu is not stupid, despite Bai Anfei's eloquent mouth, how could he believe it so easily?For so many years, he has not been a fool for nothing.

"Of course it is, Commander. Our master asked me to come here this time to talk to you. Our master means, that is, can we join the war with you?"

"Join the war together? You??" Li Defu looked at him suspiciously.

"Of course, you know, we bandits have made a living by robbing for so many years. Without big families, we bandits can't survive. Many brothers in the cottage have compassion, so, for our cottage and our enemies, But it's the Eighth Route Army!" Bai Anfei's words touched Li Defu's heart.

"Hehe, as far as I know, you helped the Eighth Route Army to fight the devils a while ago. Is there no connection between you? I won't believe this!" Li Defu sat down and took a sip of tea.

"Commander, you must trust us. We helped the Eighth Route Army, but that was not helping, it was for our own benefit. We captured a lot of weapons and ammunition from the devils! This is what we wanted!" Bai Anfei said .

"Weapons and ammunition?" Li Defu was somewhat interested in weapons and ammunition. He smiled, remembering that they threatened him to give him food before, and they said they would return it to him soon. Isn't that bragging?

However, if he said this, wouldn't he get any benefits?
Then, Li Defu said, "Come on, let me tell you that we have food in our cottage recently, but we are short of weapons and ammunition. You can ask someone to go back and tell Bai Lingtang to send some weapons and ammunition to the door. When we send the Eighth Route Army If it is destroyed, it will be returned to you, and if you want to help us, we are also happy!"

As soon as Bai Anfei heard this, ten thousand foul words came out of his heart. They wanted to rob each other, but the other party used this to rob them. This...

However, if he doesn't bring it back to Bai Lingtang, it won't do him any good. He can only say, "Yes, yes, let one of my brothers go back, our elder brother will definitely send the ammunition!"

"Okay, if this is the case, then hurry up, don't leave ink stains, and if there are any more ink stains, it will be dark today!" Li Defu said.

Bai Anfei turned his head, and then said, "Go, tell the head of the family, the commander agreed, and send the good things, we, um, help the commander to guard the village together!"


After speaking, a little bandit left.

This thing is just something that can no longer be normal.

When Yang Fei and the others heard gunshots on the march, they immediately asked Wang Zhifei to check what happened. After this investigation, they discovered a shocking secret!

"Is there an armed organization in Yehu Village?" Yang Fei frowned.

"Brother, there is absolutely no problem, that's where the gunshots came from!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Will any bandits pass by?" Yang Fei asked again.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out! I guess they went there to grab food!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Zhifei, hurry up and take someone over there to check what's going on in Yehu Village. If there's anything wrong, tell me right away!" Yang Fei said.

Wang Zhifei left as soon as he got the order.

Shouhou and the others hurried over, "Leader, since this is the case, I think we can let everyone go on hold and let Zhao Qifa and Xiucai come back. After we have eliminated the difficulties, let's go over again!"

"That's right, let them come here quickly!"

After a while, Wang Zhifei came back with a bandit. Yang Fei frowned. Could it be that the bandits really went to rob?

When Wang Zhifei brought the bandit over, the bandit saw Yang Fei and immediately shouted, "Master Jun, it's you!"

Yang Fei looked at the other party and found that he didn't know him, but it's not surprising.

The bandit immediately said, "Master Jun, are you going to Yehu Village?"

Yang Fei nodded, "What's wrong?"

"That's right, we don't need to go anymore. We went to No. 30 people just now, and more than a dozen people were killed or injured! Li Defu in this Yehu village has an armed force of hundreds of people. We have suffered a great loss!" The bandit Say it quickly.

"Then how did you get out?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's ashamed to say that our second leader was arrested by them, and then our second leader asked Li Defu to tell our first leader to send some guns and ammunition before they released him, so I let him go!" said the bandit.

"This matter is serious!" Yang Fei thought, "Are you going back to the cottage now?"

"Yes, I want to go back to the cottage!" said the little bandit.

"Okay, then I'll escort you there!" Yang Fei said.

The little bandit was startled, "I'm afraid this is inappropriate?"

"What's inappropriate!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he said directly, "Wang Zhifei, Han Qing, the two of you follow me, and the rest, all go back to Xiaoxi Village!"

Liu Ji and Shouhou hurriedly asked, "Leader, why don't you take us with you?"

Yang Fei shook his head, "There's no need, you guys go back!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei took Han Qing and Wang Zhifei to the cottage together with the little bandit.

The foothold of Baihuzhai is on a high mountain. After years of management, Baihuzhai has begun to take shape. They don't have to worry about it if they can guard Baihuzhai for ten days and half a month.

Regarding the arrival of Yang Fei and others, Bai Lingtang was very strange, but he didn't dare to think too much, so he quickly asked, "You mean, Yang Fei brought our brothers here?"

"Brother, yes, I don't know what tricks the Eighth Route Army is playing!"

"No matter what else, let Yang Fei come in. I want to hear what Yang Fei is going to do. The Eighth Route Army is not unreasonable. I believe them!" Bai Lingtang said.

After a while, Yang Fei and others came in.

"The head of the family! We meet again!" Yang Fei cupped his hands and said.

Bai Lingtang smiled, "Haha, brother Yang, we meet again, come, sit down, have a cup of tea!"

They sat down, Bai Lingtang waved his hand, a bandit came over and poured hot tea for Yang Fei and the others.

"Brother Yang, I don't know what you mean by coming here this time?" Bai Lingtang had to ask clearly, there must be no ambiguity about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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