Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2632 White Tiger Village

Chapter 2632 White Tiger Village

Yang Fei looked at him, "Master, you should ask this little brother first!"

Bai Lingtang glanced at the laughing bandit, then looked at Yang Fei again, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, he said slowly, "In this case,..."

Bai Lingtang didn't dare to ask in private, he was afraid that he would appear a bit out of place, but he also had a premonition that Yang Fei might already know something.

Quickly said, "Then... tell me, what's the matter?"

The little bandit hurriedly told Bai Lingtang about the matter, and Bai Lingtang immediately stood up, "What?"

His fiery temper came up, and he clenched his fists tightly, "Did Li Defu really say that?"

Yang Fei's guess was correct. He understood that if Yehu Village was really armed, their land reform would not be able to go on. They had to unite all forces that could be united. With their strength, it might be difficult to conquer Yehu Village.

The little bandit nodded, "Yeah, that's what they said, the boss, and Li Defu also said that not only did we ask us to give them weapons and ammunition, but we also had to unite with them to deal with the Eighth Route Army, you see... ..."

Hearing this, Bai Lingtang's expression suddenly changed, isn't it? Li Defu wouldn't be like this even if he thought about it, the conditions might be a bit harsh, even so, he still felt that these words shouldn't be said in front of Yang Fei According to Mian'er, they have less room for maneuver.

Bai Lingtang's face slowly turned to Yang Fei, but Yang Fei acted as if nothing had happened.

"Brother Yang...Look at this..." Bai Lingtang really didn't know what they were going to do, and he didn't know why Yang Fei came here.

Yang Fei said slowly at this time, "The boss, that's it. I'm on my way. After hearing what this little brother said, I think Li Defu is too deceitful. Our Eighth Route Army is for the common people, and everything we do is for the common people." Serving the common people, they detain your people like this and ask you to give them weapons and ammunition, this is obvious extortion, which is tolerable or unbearable!"

Bai Lingtang sneered inwardly, and then asked, "Brother Yang, according to your intention..."

"Master, let me tell you the truth, our Eighth Route Army wants to cooperate with you!" Yang Fei said directly.

"Cooperation?" Bai Lingtang asked.

"That's true. Think about it. Li Defu didn't lose a single person in the Wolf Valley, but you lost a dozen brothers. This is not a small amount. I think that if you want to break through their Wolf Valley, There is a plan that works!" Yang Fei said.

"Oh?" Bai Lingtang looked at him, waiting for his next words.

"Let's just do the trick, give them weapons and ammunition, and then send people in. At that time, we should cooperate with the inside and outside to wipe out Li Defu and others in one fell swoop. In this way, we can take Yehu Village." Yang Fei said.

"It's easy to say, but...then Li Defu might be wary of me like this?" Bai Lingtang asked.

"Who Li Defu is, I don't know, and I don't know much about it. When the time comes, but, I think, if you cooperate with our Eighth Route Army, it will be beneficial and harmless." Yang Fei said.

Bai Lingtang knew that the Eighth Route Army's current strength was very weak, and they wished they could cooperate with the Eighth Route Army. In this way, they would get rich again, but their livelihood would not be guaranteed.

what to eat next?What to drink?
Could it be, waiting for the land reform of the Eighth Route Army?Drive them to the bottom of their heads?

But, then again, if he offended the Eighth Route Army, then Lin Zhonghu might not be able to spare him. Bai Lingtang was not willing to think about this dilemma.

Seeing Bai Lingtang's suspicion, Yang Fei said, "The Eighth Route Army is a regular army, and it also has a central organization. We fight devils for the same reason of the Three People's Principles! The suffering people all over the world are waiting for us to liberate them. Think about village tyrants like Li Defu, even if we don’t eliminate them now, they won’t live until next year. You have helped us eliminate the devils. Now, help us eliminate the village tyrants. Let’s ask the superiors for instructions. In the future, your There are conditions for life. Isn't this for the sake of the future?"

What Yang Fei said was reasonable, and he agreed, but Bai Lingtang still felt that this matter had to be discussed!

Seeing that Bai Lingtang did not reply, Yang Fei continued, "How about this, master, how about our Eighth Route Army sending out these weapons and ammunition? At that time, we should cooperate with the outside and take down Yehu Village. We will find a way to put everyone together. With land and crops, who wants to live in the open on the mountain?"

Bai Lingtang was a little excited to be recruited by Zhao'an Dafa, but did he really want to Zhao'an?

Is Zhaoan good?
It's not that he hasn't read the Water Margin, and it's not that he hasn't seen Song Jiang's final fate. He clenched his fists, "Brother Yang, this matter is related to the future of my brothers. I think we'll talk about it later!"

"I know that the time from here to Dayehu Village is not too long. If the head of the family thinks about it for too long, it will cause Li Defu's imagination, so this decision should be made early!" Yang Fei said.

"I still think we need to discuss it with everyone!" Bai Lingtang said.

Yang Fei nodded, "Okay, then I can wait!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he took a sip of tea from his teacup.

Anyway, Yang Fei is here now, if you don't agree, I won't leave, which makes Bai Lingtang dumbfounded.

How did this Yang Fei become such a Seto?How can it be such a person?

Still have little contact.

Bai Lingtang had no choice, he stood up and walked out of Zhongyitang, Yang Fei hurriedly called Han Qing and Wang Zhifei aside.

"You two go out now, find those bandits, and tell them that as long as you go back, there will be land to plant, and then you will marry a wife, have a child, and a happy life is in front of you! Tell them all your good ideas , as long as those bandits are willing, I don't believe that Bai Lingtang can stop so many people's wishes!"

They nodded, "Okay!"

After speaking, the two of them went out the door.

The Hall of Loyalty and Justice is very large, with a pot of charcoal fire burning in the middle, the flames rise very high, occasionally a gust of wind blows in, and the flames sway everywhere.

"Swing! It's time for you to calm down!" Yang Fei smiled.

Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it. This sentence is also very suitable for Bai Lingtang. If many bandits agree, then he can let them go back to the village. This is very simple. Thinking of this, Yang Fei himself Filled up the tea, then blew on the tea powder on it, took a sip, "comfortable!"

Baihu Village.

At this time, many bandits began to gather together.

Many of them began to discuss that if they quit the cottage, they would have the illusion of a better life of farming and marrying a wife in the future. Naturally, they are not willing to go to the mountains to become bandits. If it weren't for the devils burning down their homes, they would never be tempted to become bandits. .

Soon, Bai Lingtang came, Yang Fei looked at him, and he sat down.

"I discussed it just now. We have weapons and we don't need yours, so..." Before Bai Lingtang could finish speaking, he heard many bandits outside the door, and suddenly exploded.

How could Bai Lingtang cut off their illusion of a better life on his own initiative!


All of a sudden, the door of Loyalty Hall opened, and many bandits came in.They looked at Bai Lingtang angrily.

Bai Lingtang patted the table, "There are guests here, what's the matter? Don't you listen to me?"

"Brother, why didn't you follow the Eighth Route Army?"

"That's right, brother, we have returned to our hometown, we have land to plant, the devils have quit Beihai, we are free, why are we still in the cottage?"

"Presumptuous!" Bai Lingtang yelled, "The cottage has been established for more than ten years, from a small cottage with a few people to a large cottage with hundreds of people. Although we are bandits, I, Bai Lingtang, did not let you bully the township party. Over the past few years, you should know that we beat devils and bully bullies, I, Bai Lingtang, a big man!" Bai Lingtang said, "Think carefully, have I, Bai Lingtang, ever bullied you?"

This is true, Bai Lingtang has always turned a blind eye to what his brothers did in the army, even if there were some bad things.

"Brother, the devil was finally beaten away. Didn't we come to the village because the devil was rampant in the village? Now that the devil is gone, we need to go home!" said a bandit.

"You want to go home? Who wants to go home? I'll let you all go home!" Bai Lingtang couldn't believe it, how could he not have a majestic presence?
After counting the number of people, Bai Lingtang was stunned!

More than half of them actually chose to quit.

This was a huge blow to Bai Lingtang.He looked at them, yes, when they came to the village, most of them were poor people who had been bullied by devils. If they wanted to live better, they had to have land to plant, and the Eighth Route Army gave them Under such conditions, are they still willing to be bandits?

When bandits are the only ones, they can ride around on horseback, but what they have to experience is wind and rain.

However, if Bai Lingtang didn't take them in back then, wouldn't they have starved to death on the street?Don't they care about brotherhood?
Bai Lingtang looked at them and pointed at them, "Back then, I, Bai Lingtang, didn't take you in, how could you have today?"

"Brother, let's go down the mountain together. Our village was slaughtered by the devils, and the land is still there. Let's farm together! Even if you are our village chief, you are still our elder brother!"

Yang Fei sat silently, he liked to watch such scenes, what he needed was an order from Bai Lingtang, and the brotherhood he kept saying, but there were still brothers in Yehu Village, how could he ignore it?
"Now, we still have brothers being imprisoned in Yehu Village. Are you leaving? Are you really leaving?" Bai Lingtang's voice was hoarse.

"Brother, we rescued those brothers, and we will be free,"

"Yeah, brother, you order it, brothers will rescue people!"

"We still have to go!" Bai Lingtang sat down slowly, he reached for the water glass with his hands, but the water glass was knocked over by his shaking hands.

"Big brother!"

"Big brother!"

Force the palace.What a show!
Bai Lingtang's face was a little uneasy!
He said slowly, "Okay!"

A good word, I can't tell how much pride he should have left in his heart?

Is this agreed?Still disagree?
At this time, Yang Fei said again, "The boss, this..."

Bai Lingtang suddenly raised his head and looked at Si Fei, "Brother Yang, what kind of magical power does your Eighth Route Army have? You can turn our brothers against each other!"

Wang Zhifei said coldly, "Head of the family, this is the trend of the times. Your brothers, you have foresight. If you are so stubborn, it may not be good in the end!"

"You don't need to say it!" Bai Lingtang said.

"Okay, you guys want to go, I'll let you go, those brothers in Yehu Village, you don't have to rescue them, I, Bai Lingtang, do everything by myself, if I didn't let the second leader go to Yehu Village, it wouldn't happen Such a thing!" After Bai Lingtang finished speaking, he stood up and put his hands behind his back, "Let's go!"

"Big brother!"

"Big brother!"

"Don't call me big brother. Since you have already made up your mind, it's not practical for me to force you to stay. Well, since we want to part ways, let's go!" Bai Lingtang said.

"Big brother, big brother, brothers are going to rescue the brothers from Yehu village!"

"No need!"

"Brother, please!"

"No need!"

Bai Lingtang was almost crazy, he couldn't bear to part with these brothers, he really couldn't bear it!
"Okay, take care, brother!" After finishing speaking, those bandits who rushed in slowly left!
Yang Fei gave Han Qing a wink, and Han Qing quietly followed him out!

Yang Fei said, "The boss, the most important thing now is to rescue the brothers in Yehu Village. If you don't go, I will go back. Anyway, you have kindness to me Yang Fei, and I, Yang Fei, will definitely repay it, so , don't worry, your business is my business!" After speaking, Yang Fei also left.

"No need!" Bai Lingtang said.

Yang Fei glanced at him, turned around and left.

Wang Zhifei followed behind, afraid that Bai Lingtang would do something radical.

When he got off the stronghold, he saw Han Qing talking with those bandits.

Seeing Yang Fei come down, Han Qing hurriedly said, "Sir, these people decided to follow us and rescue the Anxie bandits in Yehu Village first. It is a kindness to Bai Lingtang!"

"Okay, very good!" Yang Fei said, "Tell them, quietly follow us to Xiaoxi Village, this afternoon we will seek revenge from Li Defu!"

"Yes!" After finishing speaking, Han Qing went to convey Yang Fei's meaning.

When leaving, Yang Fei looked at Baihuzhai, fearing that people would go to the empty building, and Bai Lingtang would become a lonely family.

However, this world has always been like this. If you don't make progress, someone will always make progress.

If you are not successful, there will always be someone who is successful. Everyone is an independent individual, but at the same time, he is also a collective individual.

Therefore, Yang Fei's strategy is slowly unfolding here!

He believed that when he returned to Xiaoxi Village, any intelligence network would start to unfold!

Creek Village.

As soon as Yang Fei went back, Liu Ji, Zhao Qifa and others rushed over.

"Captain, I got it!"

Zhao Qifa said.

"Tell me, Yehu Village, what's the situation now?" Yang Fei asked.

"According to our information, the three villages of Yehu Village, Shoumen Village, and Xinjiang Village have now been merged, and they are guarded by three people. The leader is Xu Lilai. This person appointed himself as the commander. They The main purpose is technology against our land reform." Zhao Qifa said.

"The three villages are exactly where we want to go. Hehe, there should be someone named Li Defu among the remaining people, and what is the other one called?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's called Zhao Guangcai! They are all big family members in the village, and they are also bullies in the village. The villagers have long dared not speak out. I think that if we attack these three villages, the villagers will definitely support us!" Liu Ji said.

"That's good. It seems that before the land reform, we need to get rid of these village bandits. I brought some bandits here. It just so happens that we can work together. When the time comes, let's deal with Li Defu in the unemployed village first!" Yang Fei said.

"Head, I'm afraid it won't be easy to solve. Now, the Wild Wolf Valley in Yehu Village is probably occupied by Li Defu's people. If we want to go in, it will be even more difficult. The Wild Wolf Valley has a cliff on one side. There are high mountains on the side, and a mountain road is also winding, which is not suitable for us to attack!" Zhao Qifa said.

"If we don't attack there, what should we do?" Yang Fei asked.

"Head, look!" As he said, Zhao Qifa took out the map, "Here is Yehu Village, and next to him is Xinjiang Village. The two villages are close to each other, and the high mountain tightly connects the two villages. Around, we want to enter two villages, one is to enter Yehu Village through Wild Wolf Valley, and the other is to enter Xinjiang Village through Panlongpo. I just mentioned the terrain of Wild Wolf Valley, so Panlongpo, I found that this is a road going up, and the top of the slope is a checkpoint, which is the wall of the village. This Panlong Slope has to turn a corner to get there, but if your line of sight has just seen the checkpoint, it means So, we have already entered the shooting range of the village bandits, and even, we have no way to set up mortars!"

Yang Fei frowned, "Damn it, such a good place is actually occupied by village bandits!" Yang Fei was a little angry. "Is there any other way? It's fine if we can enter the gatekeeper village through other roads!"

Zhao Qifa shook his head, "One thing I don't understand is that although the three villages are adjacent to each other, the Shoumen Village is blocked by the mountains in the middle. How did the three villages come together? "

"I don't believe that there is no village that cannot be entered!" Yang Fei said.

"Captain, these two places are simply a natural barrier, and it is very difficult for us to conquer them!" Liu Ji said.

"What about artillery? Can we use artillery?" Yang Fei asked.

"Captain, the range of the artillery can indeed reach Panlongpo, and it can also reach the Wild Wolf Valley, but we don't have an accurate target to attack the Wild Wolf Valley, and we don't have a vision to attack Panlongpo, so this is our goal. Difficulties." Liu Ji said.

"Other than that? Is there any other way?" Yang Fei asked.

"No more!" Liu Ji said directly.

Yang Fei glanced at Liu Ji, then took the map to look at it.

"Go, find the brigade commander, borrow troops from him, and say, we are going to fight a big battle!" Yang Fei said.

"Regiment commander, the brigade commander probably doesn't have many soldiers!" Liu Ji said.

"It doesn't matter how many soldiers and horses there are, or whether they will fight or not, as long as they can hold guns!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" After saying that, Liu Ji ran away.

"Head, what do you plan to do?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"Soldiers, the real and the real, the real and the fake, they have to make them unable to distinguish between the south, the east and the north. When they were fighting devils, those village bandits didn't know what they were doing. Relying on their natural advantages of guarding, they It's a beautiful idea to block Lao Tzu's way!" Yang Fei said.

"Then what do you plan to do?" Zhao Qifa really couldn't think of any good way, so he could only ask Yang Fei what he was going to do.

"Soldiers are deceitful!" Yang Fei finished speaking and looked at him, "In war, we must confuse the enemy and let that scholar come in!"


Zhao Qifa brought Xiucai in, and then Yang Fei said, "Xiucai, I will ask you to write a letter, and the words should be written better, so don't embarrass the Eighth Route Army!"

"Brother, tell me, I'm listening!" Xiucai asked.

"Write a letter to Zhao Guangcai in Xinjiang Village, saying that our Eighth Route Army plans to enter their Xinjiang Village first to carry out land reform, and ask them to put down their weapons and equipment and cooperate with us in carrying out land reform. Otherwise, we will attack at [-] o'clock tonight!" Yang Yang Fei said.

Xiucai finished writing, and then looked at Yang Fei, "Brother, it's finished!"

"After you finish writing, write another letter!" Yang Fei said.

The scholar changed another piece of paper, "You'd better change the style of writing, it's better not to write the same handwriting!" Yang Fei said.

"I understand!" Xiucai said.

"This letter is for me!" Yang Fei said.

"Brother, it's for you? This..." Xiucai was a little puzzled.

"You write first, if you understand it, after you finish it, you will understand!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay! Brother, tell me!" Xiucai said.

"You just write, I received a letter from Commander Yang, and I am willing to cooperate with your land reform, but I put down my arms, and Li Defu in the neighboring village will not. I hope you will come in at [-] o'clock tonight, and then unanimously shoot out! Li Defu, find another chance to kill Xu Lilai. Sign the money and write it on Zhao Guangcai!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he looked at the scholar.

After Xiucai finished writing, he read it to Yang Fei.

Yang Fei nodded, "Yes, that's what it means!"

At this time, Zhao Qifa suddenly understood what Yang Fei was going to do. He had to admire Yang Fei's wit. Even when he felt helpless, he could always think of a way.

This is the difference between Yang Fei and others.

Zhao Qifa smiled, "Head, I understand!"

"Hehe, it's fine if you understand, but I don't know if this guy agrees!" Yang Fei said.

"Whether we agree or disagree, we have made our own preparations. Whether the fish will be hooked or not is another matter!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Well, Han Qing!" Yang Fei shouted.

Han Qing came in from outside the house, "Sir!"

"Come on, take these two letters! This letter is handed over to Zhao Guangcai, and the other letter is up to you. How can Li Defu see it!" Yang Fei said.

(End of this chapter)

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