Chapter 2633
"Sir, don't worry, leave this matter to me, there is nothing wrong with the preparation!" After finishing speaking, Han Qing put away the two letters and left.

"Enlightenment, go, call in the bandit leaders just now, and I'll have a word with them!" Yang Fei said.


Among the bandits who came down from Baihu Village, there was a man named Bai Xiuen. He entered the village earlier, so in terms of personnel and prestige, he was relatively high.

Yang Fei looked at him, and then said, "I know, you really want to rescue Bai Anfei, your second boss, and I also want to, after all, you have helped me, and I want to repay the favor. I have already thought about the plan!" Yang Fei Fei said.

"Commander Yang, I can tell that your Eighth Route Army is really fighting devils, and our brothers will definitely rescue our second-in-command. If you have any orders, just say them!" Bai Xiuen said.

"That's it..." After speaking, Yang Fei explained his plan to Bai Xiuen.

Bai Xiuen nodded, "Okay, when the time comes, the inside and the outside will cooperate, and we will take down Yehu Village in one fell swoop!" Bai Xiuen said.

"When the time comes, it will be up to you!" Yang Fei said with a smile.

"As long as you gain the trust of Li Defu, this matter is nothing!" Bai Xiuen said and left.

Yehu Village.

Li Defu was spread out on the recliner, and the charcoal basin beside him was burning vigorously.

Li Chuba came in and said, "Commander, it's been so long, will Bai Lingtang send something?"

Li Defu smiled, "So what if you don't give it away, so what if you give it away? Does Bai Lingtang really dare to call in?"

"I'm worried, their Bai Lingtang won't be so easy to deal with!" Li Chuba said.

Li Defu sat up and said, "You are already a prostitute, eighth day, don't be so cautious all the time, we have never fought a war, but we have guns in our hands, and we can definitely defend Wild Wolf Valley with guns! Be careful, Wild Wolf Valley, but our first and last line of defense, without Wild Wolf Valley, we will all have to play!" Li Defu said.

"I know the commander!" Li Chuba said.

At this time, suddenly a little bandit came in, and he said directly, "Commander, the bandit is here!"

"Oh?" Li Defu was pleasantly surprised, and then laughed, "Chuba, look, what I said, that Bai Lingtang won't die, I want to see, what did Bai Lingtang say!"

After speaking, he let people in.

There were about a hundred bandits who came this time. Li Defu met Bai Xiuen.

He looked at Bai Xiuen domineeringly, and then asked, "You're here? Didn't your bosses say anything?"

Bai Xiuen lowered her head, "Commander, when we came, our head of the family said that we will give you guns and ammunition to Liu Xun'ai, and let us all help you fight the Eighth Route Army. However, he has one request!"

"Is there a request?" Li Defu looked at him, "Then tell me, and see if I can agree!"

Bai Xiuen took a step forward, "Commander, our master has only one request, and that is to follow you to fight the Eighth Route Army. At that time, you can't betray our master. In the open, we are still good friends with the Eighth Route Army. In secret, we are good friends." Bind you to fight the Eighth Route Army, look, is this okay?"

"Haha!" Li Defu smiled, "I thought it was something, but it turned out to be this. Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you, the head of the family. In this way, you take people and leave now!"

"Leave now?" Bai Xiuen asked suspiciously.

"Yes, let's go now. Since your first boss treats me as a friend, I can't keep your second boss behind bars like this. Take someone with you and let's go!" Li Defu said.

"Commander!" Bai Xiuen said hastily, "Commander, our master has ordered us to come here this time to fight the Eighth Route Army together with you. If we leave like this, we may be punished by our master if we go back to the village. So, Please also take us in, let us help you fight the Eighth Route Army for a while!"

Li Chuba looked at Li Defu, "Commander, why don't you stay? One more person is a strength!"

"Commander, that is, our head of the family sincerely regards you as a friend, you...don't let us go, if we leave, our head of the family will be sad that you are not friends with him!" Bai Xiuen said.

"Yes!" Li Chuba hurriedly reminded.

Li Defu looked at Li Chuba, then nodded in embarrassment, "Okay, okay!" Although he was a little impatient, he already felt that he had passed the test, that is, Bai Lingtang was determined to fight the Eighth Route Army with them!

"Thank you, Commander!" Bai Xiuen quickly knelt down and said.

To be honest, Li Defu enjoyed such a superior feeling.

He has never had the opportunity to do this, even though he can do whatever he wants in the village, but he still feels that being an emperor is addictive, and it is not bad.

"Okay, you go down first, it's over, let Mrs. Li arrange you!" Li Defu said.

After Bai Xiuen left, Li Chuba became agitated, "Commander, they have a total of one hundred people. With these one hundred people, wouldn't it be easy to fight the Eighth Route Army?"

"Then how much did Bai Xiuen bring?" Li Defu asked.

"I took a glance just now. There are ten rifles, one box of grenades, and one mortar. That's enough!" Li Chuba said with a smile.

"Look at your prospects!" Li Defu said, "Follow me and work hard. You won't see anything. The village belongs to us. What can the Eighth Route Army do to me?"

"Commander, you are really great! I have never seen such a great person as Xiang you. From now on, you will be my model, and you will be my life mentor!" Li Chuba flattered .

"Haha!" Li Defu said with a smile, "Chuba, I don't have a son, but I raised you as my own son, you can't be a white-eyed wolf!"

"How can this be?" Li Chuba said.

"Okay, let's arrange for Bai Xiuen and those people. It's best to separate them and not put them together. They are always a factor of instability!" Li Defu warned.

"Commander, I understand. Although I haven't fought a few battles, I can understand it from the drama!" Li Chuba said and went out.

Li Defu ironed the table again, the flames were still high.

The wind outside the house opened the curtain, and then it fell heavily again.

"It's so cold today, will the Eighth Route Army come?" Li Defu shrank, and then put his hands on the charcoal basin.

"Never mind him! It's the same result whether you come or not!" Li Defu said to himself.

"Huhu..." The wind outside the house was loud, and it sounded like someone was crying.

After leaving Xinjiang Village, Han Qing quietly arrived at Yehu Village.

As soon as the front foot arrived, the back foot was caught!
The village bandit asked Han Qing who he was, but Han Qing refused to tell him even if he was killed.

Feeling strange, he took Han Qing to see Li Defu.

Li Defu was baking, when he heard someone calling for a report, he asked someone to come in.

"Commander, just now we found a man who was sneaky, maybe it was the Eighth Route Army, so we brought him here!" said a village bandit.

"Eighth Route Army? Hurry up and bring me up. I want to see who this person is?" Li Defu said.

When Han Qing was escorted up, Li Defu stood, and then looked at him, "Look at you, you don't look like a villager, because I have never seen it before, but you don't look like the victim, because the victim's The eyes don’t look like this, say, who are you?”

Han Qing glanced at him, then didn't speak!
"Don't talk?" Li Defu smiled, "It seems that if you don't go private, you won't speak!"

After he finished speaking, as soon as he clapped his hands, several people came in. One of them held a whip in his hand, and the other held a knife in his hand. They looked vicious.

"What do you mean? I'll give you a chance!" Li Defu asked.

Han Qing still didn't speak, but he touched his chest subconsciously. This detail was caught by Li Defu at once, and then he said, "Go, see what is on his chest!"

After a few people passed by, Han Qing began to struggle, "Don't come, don't come!"

The more this is the case, the more exciting it is.

They went forward to take out the things, and seeing that it was an envelope, they hurriedly gave it to Li Defu.

Li Defu can still read characters.

When he opened it, he frowned.

"Have you been to Xinjiang Village?" Li Defu asked.

"Give it back to me!" Han Qing struggled.

"This matter is too big!" Li Defu couldn't help becoming a little nervous. This Zhao Guangcai really doesn't know whether he can be trusted or not.

After all, why does this person who has been dealing with him seem so unreal now?However, he didn't dare to think about it, he quickly put the envelope away, put it in his pocket, and said something. "Take care of him!" and left.

When he couldn't deduce it by himself, he had to find Xu Lilai. After all, Xu Lilai was the mastermind of this plan.

When he arrived at Shoumen Village, found Xu Lilai, and gave the envelope to Xu Lilai, Xu Lilai and Li Defu also looked at him in surprise.

"Is this true?" Xu Lilai asked.

"Commander-in-Chief, I can't guarantee this, but this letter was indeed found on someone who can. If I'm not wrong, it should be true!" Li Defu said.

"If this is the case, then Zhao Guangcai is a dangerous person!" Xu Lilai said nervously.

"Then Commander-in-Chief, what am I going to do now?" Li Defu asked.

"Take precautions before they happen!" Xu Lilai sat down and asked Li Defu to get a glass of water first. "Although this incident does not prove that Zhao Guang is suspected of collaborating with the enemy, after all, he has not shown his true nature, but when it really comes to him, it will be too late. Therefore, I suggest that you better Hurry up and get rid of him before he finds out! I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go!"

Xu Lilai said.

Li Defu nodded, "That's true, then I'll go back now and get rid of him quickly! Otherwise, it will be too late for us at eight o'clock in the evening!"

"Yes, Deputy Commander, you have to think about all this, but the less people we know about this matter, the better! When you finish Zhao Guangcai, immediately take over his soldiers and horses, You want to use it yourself, do you understand?" Xu Lilai said.

"I know!" Li Defu said.

"However, you came at the right time. When you leave, take some weapons and equipment, and I will deliver them to you!!" With that said, Xu Lilai asked someone to take out a wooden box.

"This is?" Li Defu asked.

"These are the guns I just bought. They are all light machine guns and some submachine guns. They will definitely make you feel comfortable and at ease!" Xu Lilai said.

"That's really great!" After Li Defu finished speaking, he took the box of guns and left.

Xu Lilai took a deep breath, "This Zhao Guangcai, I didn't expect that he would be so scheming without talking much. If he betrays this point, then their lives will be lost!"

After Li Defu went back, the gangsters in the village looked a little flustered, and quickly asked, "What's wrong? Why are you so flustered?"

Several village bandits hurriedly said, "Commander, then... that suspect has escaped!"

"What? How could you run away? How many of you can't stand a single person?" Li Defu asked.

"That guy ran away while we were going to the toilet. We have sent people all over the village to look for him, but there is no news yet!" said the village bandit.

"Okay, you guys are really shit eaters, just run away! Go, call me Li Chuba!" Li Defu ordered.

When Li Chuba came, Li Defu said, "Chuba, here is a box of guns, you distribute it. Tonight, there may be a big event, and we must solve it as soon as possible!"

"Commander, what's the big deal?" Li Chuba asked.

"This matter is related to our life and death. I order you to rush to Xinjiang Village on time at seven o'clock tonight and bring me Zhao Guangcai. Even if it is a dead body, you have to bring me here. This guy actually wants to Join forces with the Eighth Route Army!" Li Defu said.

"Ah? Is there such a thing?" Li Chuba asked.

"This is also the meaning of the commander-in-chief. Remember, take Zhao Guangcai, and quickly accept their troops. When you see the Eighth Route Army, fight me. Don't let the Eighth Route Army attack. The latest news is that the Eighth Route Army will go there at eight o'clock in the evening. Xinjiang Village, if the Eighth Route Army arrives in Xinjiang Village, then our place will be in danger, do you understand?" Li Defu asked.

"Commander, I understand, I won't let you down!" After speaking, Li Chuba went to find someone.

Li Defu took a deep breath, "I'm sorry Zhao Guangcai, although you are an old friend, but you betrayed a person who trusted you very much. After today is over, I will burn paper in front of your grave!" After finishing speaking, Li Defu sat down , Leaning on the brazier, and drinking tea.

Even if Han Qing ran away, he, Li Defu, didn't care. How much trouble could a smiling newspaper delivery man make?
Li Defu here thought that he had prepared enough and prepared well enough, but what he met was Yang Fei, a battle-tested Yang Fei.

After Liu Ji mobilized people from the headquarters, he asked these people from the headquarters, plus the newly recruited newcomers, to wait below Panlongpo, while he, along with some veterans, moved to Wild Wolf Valley.

All of this is ready to be completed.

At seven o'clock in the evening, when Li Defu learned that the Eighth Route Army was below Panlongpo, he clearly knew that Zhao Guangcai was the biggest hidden danger.Immediately ordered, "On the eighth day of the lunar new year, bring someone, follow my instructions, and take Zhao Guangcai down for me!"


At [-]:[-], Li Chuba arrived at Xinjiang Village with lightning speed, and when he saw the people in Xinjiang Village, he began to shoot with machine guns. Only then did Zhao Guang learn that Li Chuba had gone crazy, so he quickly gathered people and Li Chuba started to work, and Yang Fei smiled when he heard the gunshots. It seems that Jiang is still old and hot, and Li Defu is considered to be a victim.

After saying this, he ordered, "Zhao Qifa, take people and break through in the direction of Wild Wolf Valley. Remember, if someone blocks you, then abandon Wild Wolf Valley and go up the mountain, and stay on the mountain with Li Defa." Fight, fight mountain warfare, I have never been afraid of anyone!"

"Head, I understand!" After finishing speaking, Zhao Qifa led the vanguard to the direction of Wild Wolf Valley.

That's right, they were fooled, which meant that Yang Fei was on the verge of victory.

Li Chuba brought his men to fight Zhao Guangcai again, and Bai Xiuen was guarding the Wild Wolf Valley. When he saw Yang Fei coming, he said happily, "I didn't expect that Yang Fei knew things like a god, and Li Defu was fooled. In this case, hurry down the mountain and join Yang Fei and the others!"

In this way, they met smoothly, then turned their guns and went straight to Yehu Village!
There were gunshots everywhere, and it was impossible to tell who the gunshots were, it was just a big heartbeat.

Bai Xiuen went to Li Defu's house, and soon, Bai Xiuen led the bandit company and immediately entered the village.

But Li Defu only got the news at this time, saying that the bandits in Wild Wolf Valley had rebelled, they turned to fight into the village, and immediately shouted, "Hurry up, let Li Chuba come back to save you!" As he said, he went out door, and went to the path behind the mountain.

The trail behind the mountain leads directly to Shoumen Village.

When Bai Xiuen captured Li Defu's house, he found that it was already empty, and felt a little regretful.

Yang Fei felt as if nothing had happened, and hurriedly said, "Quickly clear the battlefield and capture all the defenders in Yehu Village!"

When the villagers in Yehu Village learned that the Eighth Route Army had come in, they ran out of their homes with hoes and sickles, and together with the Eighth Route Army fought frantically against the defenders in the village.

This was the first time Yang Fei saw that the peasant army was so powerful. When the defenders of Yehu Village were completely defeated, the villagers and the Eighth Route Army turned around and attacked Xinjiang Village directly.

Li Chuba got the order from Li Defu to rescue Li Chuba when he was attacked by the enemy, but at this time, it was already too late. After "deliberate consideration", Li Chuba immediately decided to retreat back to the mountain!This is his last way!

However, as soon as Li Chuba's order was issued, he ran away first.

The remaining defenders seem to be relatively strong, but most of them are hooligans, what fighting power do they have?Hearing the gunshots behind them, the first thing those hooligans did was to search for their profile pictures!
It was done in one go, and he surrendered without delay.

And Li Chuba just ran away with dozens of people!

When Xinjiang Village was left, Yang Fei ordered directly, "Hit, hit me, hit me if you encounter resistance!"

Zhao Qifa and Bai Xiuen even rushed towards Xinjiang Village!
Zhao Guangcai was happy because of Li Chuba's retreat, so he knew that Yang Fei was coming, and he was stunned, "How could the Eighth Route Army come from there"? Is it a mistake?"

However, the gunshots were not wrong!

He looked at Panlongpo, "Shouldn't we come up from there?"

Just finished speaking, Panlongpi suddenly burst into flames, and the Eighth Route Army successfully occupied the checkpoint of Panlongpo. What a thought!
At this moment, bullets slammed into Zhao Guangcai's side, and Zhao Guangcai didn't have time to pack up the gold and silver at home, so he ran to the back mountain with his people!

Similarly, the villagers of Xinjiang Village also rose up one after another, and all the village bandits that could be seen were driven away by them.

Yang Fei's battle to recover the two villages lasted only half an hour, and Yang Fei had already circled around Li Defu's and Zhao Guangcai's homes in just half an hour.

I won, I won completely!

With the help of fellow villagers, Yang Fei knew that there was a small road leading to Shoumen Village in the back mountain. Yang Fei knew that if he took down Shoumen Village all at once, the village bandits would not become a roadblock for their land reform.

He immediately ran towards the path with the people!

This small road is in the form of a secret road. People who want to go there can only go there alone. The road is narrow. If they want to go there together, it will be even more difficult.

But how could this make Yang Fei give up?This is his nature, "Come on!"

Yang Fei roared loudly, and the soldiers ran towards the path with high spirits!

When they wanted to pass, they heard the sound of "da da da".


Several Eighth Route Army soldiers fell to the ground at once!
Seeing the situation, Yang Fei immediately ordered, "Stop the attack!"

He knew that the defenders had already controlled that path, and if they wanted to go there, they would have to pay a lot of price!

"Watch it, keep it on this path, if they pass by, they must not be allowed to come!" Yang Fei shouted.

He looked at the small road, and there was really no way to go there. If he wanted to go there, he could only go there alone. It was obviously out of date to charge.

"Damn it!" Xiaolu blocked Yang Fei's attack, and his thoughts were suddenly shattered.

But he's already won a lot, hasn't he?
Zhao Qifa brought people over, "Leader, this trail has been controlled by us, but on the other side of the mountain, the village bandits have controlled it, we have no way to go there!"

"I know, keep an eye on this road, let the soldiers rest here and rest here, we have to find a way to fight over, our ultimate goal is not here!
"Yes!" Zhao Qifa shouted, and hurried to deploy.

Liu Ji and Shouhou were in charge of the left-behind army in the village, and the entire army was wiped out. This is the only way to describe the bandits in the two villages.

(End of this chapter)

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