Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2634 I understand

Chapter 2634 I understand

The failure of Zhao Guangcai and Li Defu made them retreat to Shoumen Village immediately.

When Xu Lilai knew that they both failed, he was very annoyed, but how many of them?They all failed!

When Xu Lilai just met Li Defu.

Li Defu was still in shock, he grabbed Xu Lilai's arm, "Commander, Commander, the Eighth Route Army is here!"

Xu Lilai frowned, shook his hand away, and said, "What are you afraid of? En?"

"The Eighth Route Army came from the Wild Wolf Valley, and they are as powerful as a bamboo!" Li Defu swallowed, "Commander, we can't beat them!"

"It's a shame, where are your people? I heard gunfire, why? How did you not fight the Eighth Route Army?" Xu Lilai asked.

"Commander, I sent people to beat Zhao Guangcai. That guy, I think the Eighth Route Army's ability to come is probably related to Zhao Guangcai. What do you think?" Li Defu looked at Xu Lilai with fear in his eyes.

"What about Zhao Guangcai? Have you defeated him?" Xu Lilai asked.

"I asked Chuba to fight. Come to think of it, we also gave Zhao Guangcai a good beating. Commander, hurry up and order that Zhao Guangcai be caught first!" Li Defu said.

Xu Lilai also had some headaches. He really didn't know what role this Zhao Guangcai was playing.

How can the Eighth Route Army break through Wild Wolf Valley and Panlongpo?These two places are one man's gate and ten thousand men can't open them. With such a geographical advantage, why don't they cherish it so much?
However, Zhao Guangcai was indeed suspicious.

"Li Defu, don't be nervous. Now I have sent people to guard the Taniguchi. No one can come in. We will set up a machine gun there, and the Eighth Route Army will not be able to get through!" Xu Lilai said.

Just after saying this, someone came in, "Commander, someone is here, and they say it's Deputy Commander Li's wife!" After finishing speaking, Xu Lilai let people in.

When Li Chuba came in, he knelt down, "Commander, I'm guilty!"

Li Defu hurried over, "Eighth day, what's going on? What about Zhao Guangcai? Have you killed him?"

Li Chuba shook his head, "Commander, no, we were already prepared to kill him, but when the Eighth Route Army attacked from behind, then Zhao Guangcai fought back vigorously, causing us to lose our troops as well. This grandson probably voted for the Eighth Route Army, no, 100% cast eight ways!"

Having said that, the stone in Xu Lilai's heart became bigger and bigger, "Are you serious?"

"Seriously! Commander, I didn't say a single lie. The Eighth Route Army attacked us, and Zhao Guangcai also attacked us. They didn't point their guns at the Eighth Route Army. Why didn't they surrender to the enemy?" Li Chuba said.

"Good job, Zhao Guangcai!" Xu Lilai shouted just after saying this, "Come on, no matter what, I have to catch Zhao Guangcai. This kid dares to defect to the enemy!"

After a while, someone came in, "Commander, Zhao Guangcai is here!"

"He's here?" Xu Lilai patted his head, "Bring him in for me, I want to see what this kid looks like!"

After finishing speaking, the two of them tied Zhao Guangcai in all kinds of ways.

When Zhao Guangcai saw this posture, he didn't know what was going on, but when he came in, he was forced to kneel down.

"Zhao Guangcai, are you convicted?" Xu Lilai asked.

Zhao Guangcai was still at a loss, so Li Defu stood behind Xu Lilai, and said, "Zhao Guangcai, you have voted for the Eighth Route Army, and now you dare to come, you really have the guts of a bear!"

"To join the enemy?" Zhao Guangcai understood when he heard it. He immediately stood up from the ground, "Li Defu, I haven't settled with you yet. What do you mean? Tell Li Chuba to beat me, what do you mean?"

"Kneel down!" Li Chuba went over and pushed Zhao Guangcai down again.

"Commander, Li Defu asked Li Chuba to attack us in Xinjiang Village for no reason. Come here, you will hurt our village!" Zhao Guangcai said.

"Fart, you've joined the enemy, you dare to talk nonsense now, I'll see if I don't beat you to death!" Li Defu raised his hand to beat you.

"Wait!" Xu Lilai shouted.He walked up to Zhao Guangcai, "I still have something to ask him!"

"Commander, Li Defu is a villain who will file a complaint first, damn it!" Zhao Guangcai shouted.

"I don't know if he was the villain who filed the complaint first, but you have to tell me honestly what's going on?" After finishing speaking, Xu Lilai gave the letter to Zhao Guangcai.

Zhao Guangcai was stunned for a moment, he quickly took it over, and then looked at the content on it, which really shocked him.


Zhao Guangcai was at a loss for words in surprise.

Li Defu smiled, "Look, Commander, this is really solid evidence!"

"Bastard, what kind of bastard really slandered me?" Zhao Guangcai stood up after finishing speaking, "Commander, I never wrote this!"

"You haven't written it? Have you ever received a letter from the Eighth Route Army?" Xu Lilai asked.

"Accepted, the hand in the afternoon, I received it! They said that I was asked to surrender to the enemy, and then attacked the Wild Wolf Valley at eight o'clock on time, I scoffed at this!" Zhao Guangcai finished, "I threw this letter away, really, Commander ,I did not lie to you!"

"Isn't this your reply letter?" Xu Lilai asked again.

"Commander, you can't trust this guy. If this guy didn't join the enemy, why did he open fire on Chu Ba?" Li Defu shouted.

"Li Defu, do you dare to call a thief? Li Chuba didn't do me, I can do him?" Zhao Guangcai shouted.Then he turned his head and looked at Xu Lilai, "Commander, I, Zhao Guang, only know a few words, but I can't write such beautiful words if you let me write them. You don't think I wrote this letter, do you?"

Xu Lilai looked at him. According to what they said, he had a feeling that they had been fooled and fell into the Eighth Route Army's trick.

He clenched his fist tightly, then Zhao Guangcai said again, "Commander, I want to report that Li Defu colluded with the bandits, and the bandits beat me just now!"

"Bandits?" Xu Lilai looked at him and asked.

"That's right, Commander, that bandit did beat me, I can recognize it from the way it looks, it is indeed a bandit!" Zhao Guangcai said.

hear here.Li Defu hurriedly said, "Fart. That bandit helped Lao Tzu fight the Eighth Road, how could he beat you? Besides, when I let Chuba go, let the bandit guard the Wild Wolf Valley!"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Lilai immediately slapped Li Defu on the face.

He yelled angrily, "Dog!"

Obviously, all this is very obvious, Xu Lilai suddenly understood that the so-called bandits must be with the Eighth Route Army, and then came an internal and external attack, first entered from the Wild Wolf Valley, captured Yehu Village, and then joined forces It was such a simple matter to attack Xinjiang Village. When he came here, he thought about it for a long time.

However, Li Defu still didn't understand. He looked at Xu Lilai and asked, "Commander, are you hitting me?"

"Li Defu, you really failed to succeed and failed. We were all tricked, but you are still in the dark!" Xu Lilai said.

"Ah?" Li Defu still didn't understand.

"Obviously, the Eighth Route Army has channeled the bandits, and the Wild Wolf Valley can be captured easily. That's enough!" After finishing speaking, Xu Lilai clenched his fists and smashed them on the table.

Now, he is a confused person, and he probably understands what's going on.

"Commander, then..."

Li Defu stuttered and couldn't speak clearly.

"Don't say anything. Now is not the time for me to liquidate you. Next, we must first defend Taniguchi, and then play by ear!" Xu Lilai said,


Xu Lilai asked Zhao Guangcai to untie the rope, and then said, "This time, we have stumbled on the Eighth Route Army, but from now on, you should not act rashly. There are not many people, so don't think about it every day. Revenge, revenge is a matter of time!"

That night, Xu Lilai fell asleep, and suddenly, a figure appeared beside his bed. Xu Lilai remembered, but was held down by the man in black, "Commander Xu, this defeat is not bad enough!"

"This time we were fooled by the Eighth Route Army, otherwise, we would not have lost!" Xu Lilai said.

"The things I promised to give you will arrive early tomorrow morning, and I will also equip you with personnel. Of course, in order to unify the command, I will send my assistant to help you. For all military operations, just follow his orders. !” said the man in black.

"Who?" Xu Lilai asked quickly.

After all, this is the rhythm of seizing power. No matter how bad Xu Lilai is, he is also the leader this time. If someone really comes to command the war, then he will really become an overhead commander.

"As I said just now, he is my assistant. As for the name, you will know tomorrow. Well, I wish you good night!" After finishing speaking, the man in black was about to leave.

Xu Lilai got up suddenly, "May I know your name?"

"The name is just a code name, but if you want to call me, then call me Old Hei!" With that said, the man in black went out, closed the door for him, and left.

Xu Lilai got out of bed quickly, reached the door, opened the door, but the man in black had disappeared.

In such a short time, the man in black was gone, which made him feel a little scary.

But who is this black man?
Xu Lilai, who was eager to know, couldn't figure it out this time, devil?Or the National Army?
Sure enough, on the second day, a lot of people came from outside the village. These people were dressed in ordinary clothes, but their spirits looked a little different from those of the village bandits.Xu Lilai rushed over to greet her, "Hello, hello!"

At this time, a tall man with thick eyebrows and big eyes came out. He was wearing a sheepskin jacket, a woolen hat on his head, and a pair of boots on his feet. "Are you Commander Xu?"

Xu Lilai nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, what's your name?"

The man looked at him, looked him up and down, "Call me Jiang Ying!"

Xu Lilai nodded, and then asked again, "The old black asked you to come here, did he tell you what kind of position you have?"

"Staff!" Jiang Ying said,
"Consultant?" How could Xu Lilai know what the term "consultant" means.However, since there is a position, there is no need to worry. He hurriedly took Jiang Ying and others to the room, and then asked someone to pour tea.

Speaking of it, Jiang Ying was also interesting. He walked back and forth in the village several times and then wrote and drew pictures on a notebook with a pen. Xu Lilai asked him to eat something delicious and let him drink tea, but he ignored it.

In order to settle these people, Xu Lilai asked people to seize the houses of many ordinary people, and then gave some symbolic compensation.

After finally waiting for Jiang Ying to come in, Xu Lilai smiled and bent over, "Staff Jiang, I don't know, what are you doing in the village?"

Jiang Ying glanced at him, "You'd better not ask about some things, didn't Lao Hei tell you? Military matters, I have the final say, you just need to take care of the logistics work for me."

Xu Lilai, who was rejected, was suffering and couldn't tell. Zhao Guangcai was the same as Li Defu. They had never seen Xu Lilai afraid of anyone. This person was the first one. It can be seen that they dare not offend this person in front of them.

After simply drinking tea, Jiang Ying asked them to rest, and he went to Taniguchi's position, gestured up and down, and then nodded.

Xu Lilai followed the whole journey, his feet were almost frozen, but he, Jiang Ying, was still walking.

Just when Xu Lilai was about to say that he wanted to go back to rest, Jiang Ying asked, "Commander Xu, how many soldiers and horses do you have here?"

Xu Lilai quickly replied, "Staff Jiang, to be honest, we still have seven people from 430 here!"

"That is to say, including us, there are more than 520 people, that's fine!" Jiang Ying said.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Ying looked at him, "Commander Xu, you go back first, I'll go around later!"

"Okay, okay!" Xu Lilai wanted to leave a long time ago. This is a world of ice and snow. Could it be that Jiang Ying is admiring the snow?His great interest?Regardless of other things, he hurried back to the house, and roasted the fire in front of the charcoal basin.

And Jiang Ying was still spinning.

After finally seeing Jiang Ying go back to rest, Zhao Guangcai and Li Defu hurried to Xu Lilai's room, "Commander, what is the origin of this Jiang's staff officer?"

"Why do you inquire so much?" Xu Lilai asked.

"It's just looking at this General Staff Jiang who is very cold. What does this guy do? He can come to us to show off his power. I can't understand him!" Li Defu said.

"That's right, Commander, the Commander is bigger than the staff officer, right? How could he have the final say in the military? Here, most of them are our brothers. There are at most fifty of them here. What's the matter? These fifty Do you want to occupy the magpie's nest when you come here?" Zhao Guangcai said.

Xu Lilai snorted coldly, "What do you know? Well? I don't know, so don't talk nonsense here. Be careful that one day your tongue will be gone, and don't come to me crying and looking for a sense of existence! I don't care about it!"

That's right, this made Zhao Guangcai and Li Defu shut up.

On the other side, Yang Fei also started to carry out land reform in a hurry the next day. Many local ruffians and bullies from the village followed him to the guardian village. They were reflexive serfs. When all the fields were allocated to those farmers at once, they shouted long live.

Although these things are going on, there is still a stone in Yang Fei's heart, that is, the gatekeeper village behind the mountain behind them. How to win the gatekeeper village seems to be an urgent problem to be solved.

They sat together, and after Yang Fei told everyone about it, there was nothing they could do for the time being. After all, they could directly reach the valley entrance of Shoumen Village, which is now occupied by village bandits. As long as they showed their heads, they would definitely be beaten to pieces. .

"Head, although we can't take down the gatekeeper village for the time being, I believe that the village bandits will not dare to come again!" Zhao Qifa said, "We scared them yesterday. The bandits died and injured hundreds, so they shouldn't have much fighting power." right?"

"I hope so, but this is always a hidden danger. These village bandits are still under our noses, but this also reminds us that we should not take the enemy lightly! If we occupy Taniguchi first, we will all kill the enemy Killed here, it's only because we are not familiar with the terrain here!"

"Head, don't blame yourself. We fought a very good battle yesterday. It should only be a matter of time before we deal with those village bandits... I think that to completely wipe out these village bandits, we must go around It will take some time for us to go around the mountain and wipe them out completely, but this is the most convenient way!" Liu Ji said.

"Liu Ji is right. Since the village bandits are a hidden danger, we have to formulate a strategy to bypass them and catch them by surprise!" Shouhou also said.

"However, have you noticed a detail?" Yang Fei looked at them and asked.

"Details?" They looked at each other, then shook their heads, "Head, what are you talking about?" Wang Zhifei asked.

"It stands to reason that these village bandits are just ordinary village bandits. However, when we fought with them yesterday, they even had submachine guns in their hands. This weapon is better than ours. I am worried that there are other forces involved. Participate?" Yang Fei asked,
"Submachine gun?" Thinking of this, Zhao Qifa said, "Yeah, why did I ignore this? Yesterday, those village bandits were really useful with submachine guns. Among the weapons we seized, there were indeed submachine guns. Captain, you Say, could this be left behind by the devils? Or, could it be these village bandits that the devils secretly helped?"

What Zhao Qifa thought was not unreasonable, but Yang Fei shook his head, "What I'm worried about is actually not the devils. The devils have been wiped out by us. It may not be easy for these devils to command these village bandits!"

"That's the national army!" Zhao Qifa finished, and then you became surprised, "Head, some time ago, Deng Qi left, you said that Deng Qi...

"Isn't it?" Wang Zhifei said in surprise, "Deng Qi belongs to the national army. Could it be that he is a village bandit secretly helped by the national army?"

Yang Fei frowned, "It is very possible that these village bandits have submachine guns in a short period of time, which is enough to show that this problem is not simple!"

"If it is the national army, we are not afraid. If they don't show up, we dare to fight. What are we afraid of?" said the thin monkey.

"I'm not afraid, but there are many interests involved. Liu Ji, after the meeting, you go directly to the county seat, find the brigade commander, and talk to the brigade commander about our guess, and see what the brigade commander means!" Yang Yang Fei said.


"It's okay if it's not the national army. Once it's the national army, I don't think the brigade commander will ignore it. Since they dare to fight us, I'm not afraid of them. Who said millet and rifles can't work, I just want to show them, take a look." How did Xiaomi and the rifle win the fight!" Yang Fei slapped the table with his hand.

Let a lot of people tremble.

"Leader, shall we take a detour to Shoumen Village?" asked the thin monkey.

"No matter what the brigade commander says, let's get ready for the fight first, Skinny Monkey, and when it's over, hurry up and gather the soldiers and horses for me!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" The thin monkey replied immediately.

"Even if you don't fight for the time being, you have to get your comrades up and be ready to fight at any time." After Yang Fei finished speaking, he looked at Xiucai, "Xiucai, I will give you the medicine here, and there are more things here. , you are in charge of the land reform in two villages, if you don’t know anything, just ask Xi Xiangchong.”

"Brother Tuan, don't worry, I have learned a lot from Xi Xiangchong, this time, I believe I can do it myself!" Xiucai said.

"Okay, since this is the case, let's adjourn the meeting. Before we get an answer from the brigade commander, let's help with the land reform work in the two villages. We must work together to complete the land reform! Let the common people completely liberate the land, Let everyone feel safe!" Yang Fei said.


Liu Ji found Li Jiguang with Yang Fei's question.

Li Jiguang and Wang Wei discussed what they would do if it was really the national army.

Wang Wei looked at Li Jiguang and said, "Brigade Commander, this matter is indeed a major issue involving the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, but if the national army dares to fire the first shot, I think it is necessary for us to fight back!"

"Political Commissar, I completely agree with your statement, but you have to make it clear to Liu Ji what Yang Fei needs to pay attention to. Yang Fei can find a countermeasure in your words. I am worried that he will cause trouble!"

"According to international law, if you encounter the national army when you go to fight the bandits in Shoumen Village, and the national army did not shoot, you don't need to shoot. If you find out that the national army shot at you, you should not hide Just hold it back, just hit it, you fight, I will hold it, and I will report to the boss!" Wang Wei said.

When Liu Ji heard this, his blood boiled immediately, "Yes! Political Commissar, according to what you said, then we will not be polite!"

"You can fight, but you must find the vital points of the village bandits to fight. Our Eighth Route Army does not fight unprepared battles. However, if others provoke you, you must fight back. I also believe that Yang Fei is not the kind who suffers. !"

"Brigade Commander, don't worry, I'll go back and convey what you said to our regiment leader! When the village bandits are arrogant for a while, we will suppress their arrogance and let them have nowhere to go wild!" Liu Ji turned around and said Walk.

Li Jiguang looked at Wang Wei, "Commissioner, this first shot is very important!"

"Yes, I hope we don't fire the first shot!" Wang Wei said.

(End of this chapter)

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