Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2635 The Chaotic North Sea

Chapter 2635 The Chaotic North Sea

The first shot is difficult to grasp, but Li Jiguang and Wang Wei understand that Yang Fei can have his own sense of propriety, but, based on past performance, Yang Fei is the unreliable one. Whether to fire the first shot depends entirely on Yang Fei.

Li Jiguang didn't dare to pin this hope on Yang Fei, but the problem now was on Yang Fei again.

This kind of contradiction made Li Jiguang and Wang Wei start to worry.

Over the hill is the gatekeeper village.

This village is not as good as Yehu Village and Xinjiang Village. On the contrary, Shoumen Village has no danger to defend, and there are many places where you can enter Shoumen Village.

This is also the real reason why Yang Fei is sure to be able to break into it.

When he got Li Jiguang's order, Yang Fei nodded and looked at everyone, "The brigade commander said, let's not fire the first shot, but if it's really the national army, I, Yang Fei, can't see what's going on here. See, what would happen if I fired the first shot?"

Zhao Qifa said, "Head, the first shot means a declaration of war, then the national army will really start with us. Besides, this is a period of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. This period is also a very sensitive period. Think about it , Now our base areas and the occupied areas of the national army are intertwined, and for many issues, it has reached a critical point. If anyone starts a war at this juncture, it means that whoever will be accused by thousands of people!"

"Hehe," Yang Fei sneered, "Since the national army is going to fight, I won't say anything else. Our Eighth Route Army and the national army will have a battle sooner or later. According to my understanding, it's better to fight sooner than later! Mao* *K said the best defense is offense!"

"That's the case, but, Captain, this is a matter that affects the whole body. I'm afraid the boss will embarrass himself at that time!" Zhao Qifa earnestly said.

"I know, this matter is very important, and I, Yang Fei, can't make waves by myself!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he looked directly at Han Qing, "This battle is going to be fought, but we don't fight unprepared battles. Han Qing, go to Shoumen Village now to see what kind of treasure that Xu Lilai has, he dared to declare war on us, and he was so rampant just because he had a few tricks in his hand!" Yang Fei said.

"Sir, I'm going right away!" After finishing speaking, Han Qing was about to leave.

Yang Fei added, "Remember, take a closer look and observe more. These village bandits are not good at fighting, but we have to be careful."

"Remember!" After finishing speaking, Han Qing left.

Liu Ji looked at Yang Fei with a smile, "Head, isn't it just a few village bandits? I think we are worrying too much. The village bandits have some submachine guns, but does it mean that the devils or the national army Are you willing to help them? Is it true, which channel came out of the guns? Who will support these weapons for the village bandits?"

What Liu Ji said is not unreasonable, at least, Shouhou also agrees with this statement.

"Head, I also think so. These village bandits are just resisting at best. After we completely take down the gatekeeper village, won't we be able to get what we want from it? I suggest that we should take a detour and quietly give What do you think Xu Li will teach these village bandits a lesson?" said the thin monkey.

"This matter is very important, and I understand how you two feel, but I don't want to cause trouble at this juncture because of this. I have caused trouble many times in the past, but the significance now is very important. Be careful Good!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he looked at them, "If you can fight, I don't need you to tell me, I will personally lead someone to clean them up!"

Beihai, this is a province that is easily overlooked by people. It is located in the northern section, but people's eyes have always been on those places with large populations and relatively rich. Beihai has been ignored by people because of its small population and barren land.

However, in the next few days, Beihai suddenly became lively.Due to the small number of the Eighth Route Army here, they only occupied a small number of counties. On the contrary, the devils who remained here were still very arrogant. In addition, Beihai injected a new force.

This power is the power of the national army.

Within a few days, they took over many counties, and even their speed was once next to several counties of the Eighth Route Army.

Due to the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, this face has not been torn apart.

Li Jiguang and Wang Wei suddenly felt this kind of pressure like never before.

The air in the North Sea, from the freshness at the beginning, suddenly became dirty. However, it was not only because of the arrival of the national army, but also because of the anarchic state here, and various new forces appeared , including some relatively powerful bandits, they moved into the county and became local emperors.

Li Jiguang's pen hit the table at once, and he asked angrily, "The devil is gone, but so many minions have come, and the common people are still living in dire straits."

Wang Wei looked at it very openly, "Brigade Commander, this is exactly our weakness, we can learn from experience!"

"It's too late to learn from experience, and I can't blame others, but our step by step," Li Jiguang finished, and then looked at Wang Wei, "What about Yang Fei? Yang Fei is still in Yehu Village and Xinjiang Village, why? No news at all? The county seat is the heart of the entire county, and the land reform work is not rooted in the countryside!"

"Brigade Commander, Yang Fei is not idle. During this period of time, he has sent many people to carry out land reform work in other villages. I heard that it is relatively smooth. Now, their real opponent is in front of them, so he Don't dare to be careless." Wang Wei said.

"Look at the news reports, look at this!" After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang put a newspaper in front of Wang Wei, "These bandits have turned into county magistrates, and some of them even consider themselves commanders, and for the sake of the immediate Interests, cooperation with the national army, being ordered by the national army, and now, it has become the National Revolutionary Army, this is hard to say!"

"Brigade Commander, I know these things, and I've seen them too, so we still have a long way to go, but our current base area is not too small. The recruitment work has been going smoothly these days, Shen Wanxi Hu Dahai In the past few days, I have given me a list of people who signed up to join the army. I calculated that there are probably thousands of people. We are going to form an integrated brigade. It seems that it is just around the corner, brigade commander. At this time, you The more you have to be patient," Wang Wei said.

Li Jiguang nodded, "I know that now in Beihai Province, there are people with relevant interests everywhere, so we have to work step by step and fight steadily."

"That's right, I believe there will be new news from Yang Fei, let's wait!" Wang Wei said.

The list held by Wang Wei is indeed only a small part. Yang Fei's own conscription work is also going on here. According to preliminary statistics, Yang Fei's conscription here has a scale of 600 people. For training, Yang Fei recruited 600 people Separated, the first battalion was formed, the battalion commander Liu Ji, the second battalion Shouhou, and the third battalion Zhao Qifa.As for the three battalions, he added some old people and asked them to serve as company commanders and platoon commanders. As for the training work, he asked them to carry out the three battalions together.

In Yang Fei's eyes, these 600 people are not enough at all. What he wants is a reorganized group, and this reorganized group contains many.

Yang Fei shared his decision in a meeting, and everyone had no opinion at all. It seemed that this was a very natural thing.

At this time, a soldier came in, "Report to the head, Ma Xiaokun and Zhang Junjie are here to report!"

Upon hearing the news, Yang Fei hurriedly said, "Let them in!"

As soon as the two came in, Yang Fei looked at them with a smile, "I thought you two were deserters, I haven't seen you for so long!"

Ma Xiaokun smiled, "Leader, let's go home for a few days, why don't we hurry over here!"

"It's good to come here, look outside, our current conscription work is very smooth, you are in a company, I plan to be assigned to Zhao Qifa's battalion and serve as the company commander." Yang Fei said.


After Ma Xiaokun finished speaking, he looked at Yang Fei, "Leader, I happen to have something to tell you!"

"Speak, I'm listening!" Yang Fei said.

The two of them sat down, and then Ma Xiaokun said, "Leader, this time when we got home, we found a very big thing, which made us very useless!"

"Oh?" Yang Fei looked at him, "If I remember correctly, you have a tavern at home, why? What's the big deal?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's like this. Now that the county is in crisis, various forces are mixed in it, including bandits and the national army. These two forces seem to be incompatible, but they have been colluding secretly!" Ma Xiaokun said, "If this continues, won't they Divide the fruits of our victory?"

"Haha!" Yang Fei laughed, "I believe that the brigade commander has already got this news, and I know it, but we have nothing to do now. First, we have a small number of people. Second, we lack excellent talents. Our focus work has always been in the countryside. I know this, but they dare not bully us. After all, ours just beat the devils away. If they start a war with us, it means that they will be punished. Condemnation by public opinion!"

"Leader!" Liu Ji said at this time, "Leader, Xiaokun also said just now, I suggest that we quickly seize a few counties and develop our power, otherwise, we will really be passive, although we don't Engage in production, but we also know that county towns are the main source of tax revenue. If we voluntarily abandon county towns and big cities, we will give the enemy such an environment! Not to mention our taxation issues, it’s just that we will attack the city when the time comes. It’s also difficult! Therefore, I suggest that we should properly seize the county seat and develop our power!”

"I know this, but how do we people seize the county seat? We people, let's develop the county's economy?" Yang Fei asked.

"Those issues are on the minds of the brigade commander and the others. Let's just take over the county and at least let others know that this is where our Eighth Route Army belongs!" Liu Ji said.

"I also think Liu Ji is right. We are rooted in the countryside. It is correct. However, the county seat is indeed a county's economic and cultural hub, and they can radiate to the surrounding area! Only when they occupy the county seat can they be regarded as the supervisor of a county." Zhao Qifa also said.

Yang Fei brought over the map, "According to what the brigade commander said, these places have been occupied by bandits and the national army. It's only been a few days, and their actions are very fast!" After speaking, Yang Fei pointed to the area on the map. Place, "Our brigade headquarters is in Anping County. In order to play a key role, if we occupy Wu County, Fenzhou, and Guangzhou, Anping County will be in a relatively safe environment!"

"Then what are you waiting for? We must quickly occupy these places first!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Okay, I don't want to report this to the brigade commander, and quickly occupy that place first!" Yang Fei said. "We are not three battalions, okay, then the three battalions will start at the same time, and capture the three places I mentioned, we must be fast!"

"Yes!" Liu Ji thin monkey Zhao Qifa said.

"However, head, what about Xinjiang Village, Yehu Village? If the village bandits come again, how can we guard it?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"Yes, people must be kept here. Once they leave, they will probably come over. In this way, Ma Xiaokun, you lead a squad of soldiers to guard here. Be sure to guard this place! Wait until we occupy the county first, and then come over Solve the matter of the village bandits!" Yang Fei said.

Ma Xiaokun immediately said, "Leader, don't worry, I will definitely guard!"

Zhao Junjie said at this time, "Leader, why don't you let me stay? I was injured last time, and now I'm still doing well. I happen to be here to guard these two villages!"

Yang Fei looked at him, "You need to take a good rest, but not here. When we get to the county seat, I will find a doctor for you and let you have a good rest!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei looked at Ma Xiaokun, "Xiaokun, don't worry, you are not the only one here, I will ask for troops from the brigade commander and ask him to send some people. You have to be vigilant to me, ten people is not too many , but, if the direction of Taniguchi is not well guarded, it will be broken!"

"Leader, I will definitely remember your entrustment, Taniguchi, I will defend it with my life!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"That's good!" After speaking, Yang Fei asked everyone to prepare for departure.

On the way, Yang Fei asked Han Qing, "How is it? I asked you to inquire about the situation. What happened in the past two days?"

"Sir, I found that Shoumen Village is now very tightly guarded, and there are many routes into the village. However, it seems that they have been instructed by an expert, and they even set up sandbags to defend 24 hours a day, mainly in the direction of Taniguchi. With a few machine guns aimed at Taniguchi, we want to break into the gatekeeper village, how easy is it?" Han Qing said.

"It seems that we have to start with the easy and then the difficult. It's just a village bandit. It's alright, I know!" Having said that, Yang Fei was still worried. Ten people can hold the village. ?
Before leaving, although Yang Fei asked Ma Xiaokun to develop some militiamen, what should they do?What can be done?This is indeed a big headache.

According to Li Jiguang's instructions, Shen Wanxi and others launched an attack in Huozhou, south of Anning County. They were the first to drive away the local bullies and successfully took over Huozhou. Then Hu Dahai launched an attack in Linjiang County, east of Huozhou. , successfully took over the county seat there.

So far, Anning County is in a core position, and their base position has also expanded accordingly.

Immediately afterwards, it was Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai's conscription work.

In order to carry out the land reform work as soon as possible, Li Jiguang ordered Xi Xiangchong to be the director of land reform, to be fully responsible for all matters of land reform in the base area.

After receiving the news from Yang Fei, Li Jiguang smiled and looked at Wang Wei, "Tell me, is this Yang Fei a roundworm stolen from my stomach? Anning County is very important. We have just rebuilt the government department, and his dog's nose is gone. I can smell a breath of restlessness!"

"Brigade Commander, Yang Fei did the right thing. This kid is worthy of being a general you value. He used to be a general, but now he has caught up with the marshal. But that's fine, as long as he can win Wuxian, Fenzhou, and Guangzhou , then our headquarters will be safer," Wang Wei said.

"Yeah, this guy Yang Fei is now fighting with me!" Li Jiguang said.

"Haha!" Wang Wei smiled, "Yang Fei won't be quiet, you asked him to carry out land reform, and he did, but this kid is definitely recruiting in private, look at the list of personnel brought up , there is no place he passed by, which is worth pondering!"

"Anyway, since Yang Fei dared to take three counties all at once, it means that he is really short of personnel now, at least for the village bandits, he has no personnel advantage, so Hu Dahai and Shen Wanxi urgently asked 200 people to come over. Let Li Mobai lead people to Yehu Village and carry out defensive work." Li Jiguang said.

"I think, let Li Mobai do it himself!" Wang Wei said.

"Alright, let Li Mobai go to Yehu Village, we can feel at ease." After Li Jiguang finished speaking, he called Li Mobai in. Li Mobai is now in charge of the security of the headquarters, but Li Jiguang and Wang Wei feel that letting Li Mobai be the Minister of Security It is indeed overkill, after all, Li Mobai let him be the team leader.

When Li Mobai came in, Li Jiguang said, "Mobai, come here, I have something to tell you!"

Let Li Mobai sit down, and Li Jiguang said, "Mobai, you are in charge of the security work of the headquarters during this time. I can see that you are also handy. However, I can also see that your ability is by no means just for security. Work, the political commissar and I decided to let you be the head of the third regiment!"

"Ah?" Li Mobai was a little surprised, but he was also very happy in his heart, but he asked, "If I leave, who will be responsible for the security of the headquarters?"

"Don't worry about this!" Li Jiguang said, "The political commissar and I both have guards. Besides, Anning County has a certain amount of armed forces. Don't be afraid of these. Now you mainly go to mobilize 200 troops from Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai's troops. Now they are stationed in the industry. In Hucun, Yang Fei led people to attack the county seat, so the problem of bandits in Yehu Village has been exposed, in the past, we must guard the direction of Taniguchi, I believe you!"

"Brigade Commander, Political Commissar, I will definitely live up to your expectations, and I will do my best." Li Mobai said.

"Okay, let's go!" After Li Jiguang finished speaking, Li Mobai stood up and said goodbye to them.

The journey from Anning County to Linjiang County was not too short. Hu Dahai was searching the whole city for suspects. When he heard that Li Mobai was coming, Hu Dahai hurried to see him.

But when he heard that Li Mobai came to ask for soldiers, Hu Dahai felt a little unhappy. Logically speaking, he had to listen to Li Jiguang's words. The number of people is not large, so it is very difficult for him to mobilize 500 people at once.

Li Mobai could see Hu Dahai's reluctance, so he said again, "Commander Hu, I know you are busy here, but the problem of bandits in Yehu Village is also very serious. I'll come over and directly mobilize the troops to go, what do you think?"

Hu Dahai understood, he smiled wryly, "I know, Mo Bai, it's not me, Hu Dahai, who is selfish. You've also seen that there are bullies here, who specialize in bullying the common people. Therefore, I haven't been idle these days. It's just the bullies who bully me. Hundreds of people have been arrested, how about this, I will give you 50 people first, you take them away first, and when I settle down here, I will send you there, and I will personally explain my difficulties to the brigade commander! "

Li Mobai didn't dare to delay for too long, so he could only nod his head and say yes.

When he came to Huozhou again, he encountered the same thing as Hu Dahai. Shen Wanxi received Li Mobai, and then heard that it was an important matter. Shen Wanxi was also very distressed. When they arrived in Anning County for public security purposes, the other part was divided into two parts, one part was commanded by Hu Dahai himself, and he led four hundred people. That was Huozhou County, which was taken after dealing with local ruffians and bullies for a long time, although the county was taken down , However, the local bully feels that it is not decreasing, and he is also very distressed.

Seeing that Hu Dahai gave him 50 people, Shen Wanxi only agreed to give him 50 people, saying that he would give him another 50 people when he settled down.

Li Mobai had no choice but to agree, and with 100 people, he rushed to Yehu Village in person.

When he left, Shen Wanxi devoted himself to the security work in the county again.


Ma Xiaokun looked at Taniguchi.He really felt the powerlessness of the ten people, so he asked people to come over with explosives and put them in Taniguchi. As long as the other party dared to come, he would detonate the explosives. On the other hand, Ma Xiaokun did not dare to sit idle, he The villagers of the two villages were organized to form a militia organization in the city. The villagers were very concerned about this matter, after all, they were guarding their homes.After Yang Fei left, the people here were all soldiers, and the hoe and sickle at home became the most handy weapon.

Children held red-tasseled guns and stood guard at every intersection, while adults waited and watched the danger at the entrance of the village.

Although the place has been ransacked once, it can be seen that no one wants to become a village where bandits run rampant again. It was only at this time that Ma Xiaokun felt relieved.

However, only ten people have guns, which is the most dangerous thing.

The departure of the large army gave hope to Xu Lilai, who was staring at tigers. His cunning eyes became an obstacle to retaliate against the Eighth Route Army.

(End of this chapter)

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