Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2636 Terrible Jiang Ying

Chapter 2636 Terrible Jiang Ying
When Xu Lilai decided to take people to fight the Eighth Route Army in Yehu Village, Jiang Ying stopped him.

"Staff Jiang, you are..." Xu Lilai looked at him, but he didn't know what Jiang Ying was going to do.

Then Jiang Ying looked at Xu Lilai, "Commander Xu, we have agreed in advance, leave the war to me, and other things, what do you want to do! Serve me well in logistics."

"I..." Xu Lilai frowned, but then he came to Jiang Ying again, "Staff Jiang, look, I have hundreds of brothers here! I thought, how about we divide the work?"

"What? Commander Xu? You won't listen to me now?" Jiang Ying looked at Xu Lilai, his eyes were full of fierceness, so Xu Lilai didn't dare to resist, he pressed Jiang firmly Ying, made him breathless.

"No... dare not!" Xu Lilai said.

"Since you don't dare, then listen to me. If I tell you to fight, I will fight. If I don't let you fight, then don't fight. You are really not good at dealing with the Eighth Route Army!" After Jiang Ying finished speaking, she turned and left.

But what happened next made Xu Lilai afraid of Jiang Ying.

That afternoon, Xu Lilai heard a few gunshots, so frightened that he hurried out to see, and saw that many people were heading towards the entrance of the village, and he didn't dare to stop.

When he passed by, he saw Jiang Ying shot and killed several of his brothers with a gun.

He pushed through the crowd and hurried in, "Staff Jiang, this is..."

Jiang Ying saw Xu Lilai, let him go, Xu Lilai walked over tremblingly, saw the ugly death of several people on the ground, he raised his head, then Jiang Ying said, "Commander Xu, these people don't listen to my deployment, Tell me, can such a person still be used?"

Xu Lilai was trembling, "Don't listen to you?" Not daring to think wildly, he quickly said, "Good kill, good kill!"

"Hehe, since this is the case, there are still a few people over there. They said that they only listen to you here, which makes me very embarrassed. Commander Xu, I am afraid that this does not conform to the agreement between you and Old Hei?"

The corner of Xu Lilai's mouth twitched, "Who the hell is Old Hei?"

"You've seen it, why? Do you want to go back on your word?" Jiang Ying asked.

"No, no, no!" Xu Lilai said quickly, "I don't want to go back on my word, have the final say here!"

"Okay!" Jiang Ying was waiting for his words, and then he handed the pistol to Xu Lilai, "Commander Xu, for those who don't obey orders, tell me, what should you do?"

Xu Lilai didn't want to kill people indiscriminately. Besides, these people agreed with him when he planned to oppose the Eighth Route Army. If he killed so many people, what would he think of him in the future?

He didn't take Jiang Ying's gun, he really wanted to give them another chance, after all, he knew Lao Hei's methods.

"You bastards, why don't you listen to Staff Officer Jiang?" Xu Lilai shouted loudly.

Those few people heard Xu Lilai say this, and some of them were still angry, "Commander, when is it the surname Jiang's turn to speak here? How can we let them lead the team assembled by our brothers?"

"Bastard, what are you talking about?" Xu Li came over and slapped the man on the face.


"Can't you tell what's going on?" Xu Lilai's tone became more serious.

"But the commander..."

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Ying put the gun directly into Xu Lilai's hand.

"Commander Xu, what else do you need to consider? There are people who don't even listen to your words. It's useless to keep such people!" Jiang Ying said.

The gun in Xu Lilai's hand felt heavy. He looked at the gun in his hand, and then at Jiang Ying.

Then Jiang Ying glared at Xu Lilai, and then asked, "I said Commander Xu, do I need to repeat it?" Jiang Ying said.

Xu Lilai also had an ugly face at this time, so many brothers were looking at him, what could he do?
His face could not be pulled down, and Xu Lilai held the gun tightly. Suddenly, when he turned around, the gun was aimed at Jiang Ying.

However, how could Jiang Ying be so easy to deal with? Jiang Ying knocked off the gun in Xu Lilai's hand with a wave of his hand, and then kicked him in the stomach. Xu Lilai took a few steps back and fell to the ground , Jiang Ying walked over without hesitation, and stepped on him, "Commander Xu, what do you mean?"

Seeing Xu Lilai's frustration, the other village bandits on the side wanted to help. As a result, the men in black around him pointed guns at the village bandits.Let them dare not take a step.

This is Jiang Ying.

"Hehe, very good!" Jiang Ying finished, looking at the village bandits, "You have forgotten why you gathered together to deal with the Eighth Route Army, and I am the one who can make you win the battle. Open your eyes and see , you are just some farmers gathered together, to be honest, you can’t even shoot smoothly, how can you fight the Eighth Route Army?” After finishing speaking, Jiang Ying took the pistol directly from the ground, pointed at the village bandit behind him and said “Boom " and fired.

This gunshot, Jiang Ying understood, was enough to knock mountains and shake tigers.

Sure enough, those village bandits who still wanted to rebel could only swallow their anger.

What Jiang Ying said was correct, they were just some peasants who wanted to fight the Eighth Route Army, and they would not hurt the Eighth Route Army even if their entire army was wiped out.

And Jiang Yingneng, from his skill just now, can see clearly that they still have to trust this person in the end.

After speaking, Jiang Ying walked up to Xu Lilai. When Xu Lilai saw Jiang Ying approaching on the ground, his heart trembled, and then he murmured, "Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"Get up!" Jiang Ying said.

Xu Lilai slowly got up from the ground. He lowered his head like a child who has done something wrong.

"Commander Xu, what happened just now?" Before Jiang Ying could finish speaking, Xu Lilai immediately slapped himself on the face, "I'm not a thing, I misunderstood Staff Jiang's meaning, I'm not a thing!"

"Hey, don't do this!" Jiang Ying pretended to dissuade, but his hand did not hold Xu Lilai.

Xu Lilai didn't dare to stop, so he could only slap himself on the face one after another.

"I'm not a thing, my villain's heart is like a gentleman's belly!"

"I'm not a thing!"

"I'm not human!"

"Okay!" Jiang Ying just finished her calculations, and Xu Lilai stopped, still bowing her head.

"From now on, all of you obey my orders!" Jiang Ying said, "As for fighting the Eighth Route Army, you just follow my orders, and don't think about anything else!"


Only then did the village bandits know the pressure, they were not here to help them, on the contrary, they were here to rule them, what's more, they were here to avenge them!

Wu County, this place is occupied by bandits. Yang Fei followed Zhao Qifa and went directly to the gate of the city. With a broken voice, he said, "Listen, people on the tower, tell you masters, I, Yang Fei, are here, and open the city gate quickly. Do not engage in fearless resistance!"

When the people on the tower saw it, they immediately reported it to the bandit. Speaking of which, the bandit had a relationship with Yang Fei. He actually took people to encircle and suppress the devils at the beginning, but his marching speed It was too slow. He didn't arrive until the Eighth Route Army had finished fighting. However, he was also allowed to meet Yang Fei. Although he didn't speak, at least he also participated in it back then!
He didn't believe this evil, and left from the charcoal basin, then stood up and said, "Come on, come with me!"

With that said, a few younger brothers followed him out.

When he went out, he also said to the little brother beside him, "Remember, you must call me Commander. Anyway, we also came down from the mountain. No matter whether others recognize your legitimacy or not, you must feel legit!"


The gates of the city were opened and the bandits went out.

Yang Fei never thought that this idiot dared to come out. He originally wanted to fight directly, but now it's a good thing, someone's head is sent, why not do it?
"Captain Yang!"

The other party came over and shouted directly.

Yang Fei was taken aback, looking at it, he had never seen it before, even if he had, he must have seen it when he was beating devils, he had long forgotten who was who!
"Huh? Are you?" Yang Fei asked pretendingly.

"Don't even know our commander?" the younger brother beside him shouted directly.

This made Yang Fei a little strange.However, the bandit directly cupped his hands and said, "Zhao Si, Zhao Si!"

Yang Fei remembered, he had never seen this guy before, this guy was driven out, could there be too many people inside?

"Okay, Zhao Si, this Wu County has been taken over by our Eighth Route Army, so go where you should go!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes! Yes!" Zhao Si just finished speaking, but found something wrong, | "Ah? What do you mean? Commander Zhao, what do you mean?"

"Do you still need our head to say it again? You can go wherever you want to go, not in the county!" Zhao Qifa shouted loudly.

"There must be a first-come-first-served approach, right?" Zhao Si had just finished saying this, and Yang Fei went straight over and knocked Zhao Si down.Not only that, Yang Fei directly took out his pistol and dragged Zhao Si up on the ground, and then put the gun against his head!

"Tell them to put down their guns, or you will die!" Yang Fei threatened.

Then Zhao Si never thought about it. In other words, when he saw Yang Fei before, he was very polite, why did he suddenly change? "Head Zhao, what are you doing? Stop joking!"

"Does this seem like a joke? Zhao Si, hurry up and get your people out, don't delay me from entering the city!" Yang Fei said directly.

Zhao Si hurriedly waved his hand, "Put down the gun, put down the gun!" After Zhao Si finished speaking, those people quickly put down the gun.

"Okay? Let me go?" Zhao Si asked.

"Let them all come out, you leave quickly!" Yang Fei said.

"Come out, come out!" The bandits on the city wall hurried out.

Then Yang Fei looked at Zhao Siyi and let him go, "Zhao Si, I see you are tall and tall, why are you so easy to fall for me?"

"Captain Yang, hehe, it's not that I, Zhao Si, are stupid, but you are too smart!" Zhao Si waved his hand, "Forget it, I, Zhao Si, don't have this life. I don't want to see other bandits move. Stay on the mountain, I have a hundred brothers in my hand, yes, this time I am giving you a favor, I will give you this city!" Zhao Si was about to leave after saying that.

"Wait!" Yang Fei said.

Zhao Siyi turned his head and walked up to Yang Fei, "What? Commander Yang, you have a lot of adults, and you want to return the city?"

"Join our Eighth Route Army! How about making you a company commander?" Yang Fei looked at him with a smile.

"Company commander?" Zhao Si looked at Yang Fei, "Isn't it a bit small? What's the matter, I have to be a battalion commander too!"

To Yang Fei's surprise, this Zhao Si was still bargaining.

He really couldn't imagine why such a person could gather a group of people to do it with him?
"You kid... I don't even look at how many people you have. This kind of people can only give you this position in our Eighth Route Army. To be honest, do you want to do it? If you don't do it, get out!" Yang Fei pretended to shout angrily.

"Okay, okay!" Zhao Si said, "I just arrived in the county seat, and my buttocks haven't warmed up yet, so I gave it up again, okay, from now on, I will recognize you as the big brother, and my brothers, let you command! "

"That's about the same!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he looked directly at Wang Zhifei behind him, "Wang Zhifei, from now on, these people will be yours, and you will be the battalion commander!"

When Wang Zhifei heard it, it was a good thing.Quickly said, "Yes!"

"Okay, let's go to the city!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he led the people into the county town.

However, Zhao Qifa was a little worried, and he asked quietly, "Head, this Zhao Si is a bandit, and it's a bit..."

"Enlightenment, I have a problem with this person. I recognize people more accurately. Look at this Zhao Si, he doesn't look like an ordinary bandit. This guy is very smooth. , I really don’t know how this kid became the master!”

"How do you plan to deal with these bandits? If you let them all get together, I'm afraid something will happen!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Then what do you think?" Yang Fei turned to look at him.

"I think, disrupt them, place them in various battalions, and then subtly let them follow us!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Well, it's a good idea, it's just right!" Yang Fei said.

After entering the city, I didn't expect the law and order here to be very good. Along the way, the ordinary people who were walking even took the initiative to say hello to Zhao Si.

This is strange.

"Aren't these people afraid of you?" Yang Fei asked.

Zhao Si hurried over, "Brother, they are not afraid of me. To tell you the truth, I have not been together for a long time, and I have never done anything wrong to these ordinary people. On the contrary, we are often beaten by them, hehe!" Si said shamelessly.

"Have you ever won a battle?" Yang Fei asked. ,
"We have few guns. If each of us is given a gun, I dare not say that it will be fine for 100 of us to fight 200 or 150 devils!" Zhao Siyue said more happily, "By the way, big brother, How many guns do you plan to give us?"

"I don't have a gun for the time being, but everyone has a red-tasseled gun!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he laughed.

Wu County took over smoothly. In the county seat, Yang Fei found a telegraph machine. There are only 1 people, and because of this, there are very few devils in Wu County.

After his calculations, there were [-] guns and a box of grenades in the general attack of Wuxian County, and there were no other things.

"Han Qing, hurry up and see how Liu Ji and Shouhou are doing, do you need our support!" Yang Fei said. ,
"Yes, I'll go and have a look right now!" Han Qing said, and left.

Then Zhao Si patted his head, "Brother, why don't you take someone with you, and I'll help you guard this county, how about it?"

"Come on less!" Yang Fei smiled, "Zhao Si, in this way, you number one hundred brothers, I want them to enter Zhao Qifa's camp first. I see that your people are all good and bad. Let them Enter, perform well, and if they perform well, I will let them be platoon leaders and squad leaders!"

"Brother, that's fine, I can do whatever you want, anyway, my brothers and I have already said, you will be the big brother from now on!" Zhao Si said.

"Okay, don't be silly, call me regimental commander, don't call me big brother. Also, I will recruit 100 people. Your direct leader is Wang Zhifei, Battalion Commander Wang. From now on, you will be my guard!" Yang Fei said.

"Teacher Yang, what you say is what you say!" Zhao Si said happily.


Liu Ji took people to the boundary of Fenzhou, and found a strange thing. This thing is that some brand new wooden houses were built at the gate of the city, with a bonfire outside and barbecued meat on it.

After seeing this, Liu Ji didn't understand, what does this mean?
However, he soon discovered that the goddamn bandits were having a barbecue, and those people lived in wooden houses.

You can't live in the county seat, why are you outside?
In order not to startle the snake, Liu Ji led more than a dozen people to the back of those wooden houses quietly. In one of the wooden houses sat a man with a bloated figure. Several people beside him carried a plate and cut meat for him to eat with knives.

Another person brought him wine in a glass.

If you don't understand what you see here, then you really can't be the battalion commander.

Liu Ji waved his hand, and more than a dozen people rushed over immediately. Liu Ji grabbed the fat man at once, put the muzzle of the gun on his head, and said, "Don't move!"

The fat man nodded quickly, "I didn't move, I didn't move!"

"Who are you?" Liu Ji asked.

"We are the masters of Fenzhou County!" said a little bandit nearby.

"Presumptuous!" the fat man hurriedly said, "I'm the commander! I've taken over this county!"

"What a joke!" How could Liu Ji not know that he was joking, that he occupied the county seat, and he was in the county seat?Instead, outside?

This is absolutely unbelievable!

"Be honest!" Liu Ji asked.

"What I said is true!" said the fat man, "I've stayed on the mountain for a long time, and I'm not used to living in this county town. I'm used to stealing other people's money because of the cost of food and drink!" After the fat man finished speaking, Then he cupped his hands, "Your Excellency, although I haven't seen your face, may I ask which path you are from?"

"Grandpa, I am the Eighth Route Army!" Liu Ji said.

"Baye, oh! So it's Baye!" The fat man smiled, "Baye, I don't know what you want when you come here?"

"I've taken a fancy to Grandpa Fenzhou, and I want to occupy this county!" Liu Ji said.

"This is not allowed!" After the fat man finished speaking, he said directly, "This county is mine!"

"Then get out! Besides, you are not in the county seat, how can you prove that the county seat is yours?" Liu Ji asked.

"Didn't I tell you just now? I'm not used to living in this county. I'll make it easier for you to snatch things. I'm used to it!" The fat man said, "Baye, may I know which mountain you were on before? "

"Speak out, I'm afraid I'll scare you to death!" Liu Ji said.

"I'm curious, I really want to know!" The fat man bent over and asked.

"Do you know Lin Zhonghu?" Liu Ji asked.

"Oh. So, you belong to Brother Lin!" The fat man smiled.

"Oh? So, you and Lin Zhonghu are still very familiar?" Liu Ji asked.

"Of course!" The fat man stretched out a hand, and then took Liu Ji's gunpoint away from his head. He looked at Liu Ji, and suddenly, the fat man swung out his fist and hit Liu Ji on the chest. .

"I know Lin Zhonghu? Didn't that guy die a big brother? Hehe, I'm too happy!" After finishing speaking, the dead fat man jumped up, and then smashed his fist in the air!

Liu Ji didn't dare to be careless, he took a few steps back, then directly picked up a chair behind him and ran towards the fat man!


Unexpectedly, the strength of the dead fat man is so great!
"To tell you the truth, Lin Zhonghu and I have a mortal hatred. Since you know each other, you are also my enemy!" After finishing speaking, the fat man took a machete from nowhere and directly sliced ​​through the air. He cut it off.

Liu Ji gritted his teeth, "Hehe, I want to see how good you are!"

Those bandits who heard the sound immediately ran towards the wooden house!

Liu Ji saw that the situation was wrong. If they caught him, the county would not be able to take it down, and if he failed, he would have to lose his life!It was too late, Liu Ji saw the pistol that fell on the ground, he jumped sideways, grabbed the pistol with one hand, and pointed the gun directly at the fat man, "Don't move! It's best not to move!"

The fat man turned his head and said, "Hehe, then shoot! Let me see, what good will you gain by killing me!"

Just as Liu Ji was stunned for a moment, the fat man rushed towards him!

"I've never seen you so unafraid of death!" Liu Ji hurriedly dodged, "Boom!", a bullet landed beside Liu Ji!Startled him into a cold sweat!
The fat man laughed, "Where are you going, see where you can go!"

Liu Ji stepped back, backing to the window, and the voice of "da da da!" immediately rang out!
There was a firefight outside the cabin.At this time, Liu Ji slowly breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, everyone is here! Now, it will be lively!"

Of course, Fatty also heard the gunshots, but the moment he heard the gunshots, Fatty unexpectedly became excited, "Hehehe, I didn't expect you to surround me!"

"Aren't you the same with each other?" After finishing speaking, Liu Ji took another wooden stick from behind and put it in his hand!
"Go to hell!" After finishing speaking, the wooden stick in Liu Ji's hand hit the dead fat man!
(End of this chapter)

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