Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2637 You Fatty

Chapter 2637 You Fatty

The wooden stick flashed a spark in the air, just as the fat man raised his head, the wooden stick hit his head and broke in two instantly.

The fat man fell to the ground, Liu Jizai clapped his hands, and then walked towards the fat man!
But, who knew, the fat man opened his eyes all of a sudden, grabbed Liu Ji's trousers, pulled hard, and Liu Ji fell down all of a sudden!

The fat man grabbed Liu Ji, and pinched his neck with his hands, "Hehe, play with me, you really don't know that I used to juggle, let alone a stick, it's a brick, then Nai me and?" The fat man looked at Liu Ji with a ferocious face.

Liu Ji's head was congested, and he grabbed the dead fat man's hand with both hands, trying to break it away, but the opponent's strength was too great.

"Kneel down and call me grandpa, I can spare you!" The fat man smiled proudly.

"No way!" Liu Ji said softly and hoarsely.

"If that's the case, then go to heaven!" After finishing speaking, the fat man tightened his grip, Liu Ji stood on tiptoe and tried to struggle, but he found that he almost lost the strength to struggle.

Could it be that he died like this?
Thinking of this, Liu Ji couldn't help feeling a little careless.

"Hahaha, the Eighth Route Army is nothing more than that!" Fatty said with a heavy hand.

Liu Ji's face suddenly turned from red to pale!
"Since you want to die, then go die, I won't be polite!" The fat man gritted his teeth.


There was a piercing sound.

The fat man looked around and became alert, but he didn't intend to let go of Liu Ji at all.


Another harsh sound.


The table next to me fell down.

Only at this time did the fat man realize that there was a person behind him. When he was about to turn around, a big hand covered his face, and then a fist hit his chest!
This stuffy punch suddenly made the dead fat man feel that his center of gravity was unstable and he was about to fall down.

However, a fat man is a fat man after all, he took a few steps back, and then he didn't fall down, but stared blankly at the person in front of him.

That's right, who else is it if it's not Han Qing?
Liu Ji covered his neck by himself, and then stood behind Han Qing.

"Be careful!" Liu Ji instructed.

"It's okay, isn't he willing to fight? I'll accompany you!" Han Qing said.

"You are together!" the fat man asked.

"I think you said something nonsense!" After finishing speaking, Han Qing didn't want to waste time with him here, and rushed over directly!

The fat man quickly took out a pistol from his waist, and before the muzzle could point it at Han Qing, Han Qing kicked him in the chest.

Not only that, but the pistol in his hand ran into Han Qing's hand for some reason.

Han Qing unloaded the magazine and threw the pistol on the ground.

"Aren't you willing to fight? Still using a pistol?" Han Qing deliberately provoked.

"If you have a few blows, then try my fist!" After finishing speaking, the fat man clenched his fist heavily, and then hit Han Qing with all his strength!
How could Han Qing not know the strength of this dead plate? For a while, Han Qing's body was as soft as a piece of paper, and then swayed left and right with the weak wind in the air, but at an extremely fast speed. , he had already reached behind the dead fat man, then jumped up and kicked him on the back!
Only at this time did the fat man realize how powerful the opponent he met was. He was so frightened that he quickly turned around, waved his hand, and hit behind him!
However, when he turned around, he couldn't find Han Qing.

The missed fist made the fat man's body move unconsciously.

Liu Ji beside him saw it and was also surprised!
He has never thought about how powerful a person's kung fu can be. The Han Qing in front of him is completely beyond his cognition. If he is willing, the strength of a person can exceed your imagination by [-] points. This Han Qing, It seems that an ancient martial arts master traveled through time.

With such a person beside Yang Fei, he is naturally very safe.

At this time, Han Qing was not pretentious, and he was behind the dead fat man with his foot. The fat man was played around by Han Qing, and he became angry from embarrassment!With a roar, "If you have the guts, fight face to face. If you fight like this, what kind of heroes are you?"

After the sound was over, Han Qing heard footsteps outside the door. It seemed that the bandits were about to come in.

They can't come in, at least they can't come in before killing the fat man!
Han Qing stepped forward and kicked a table. The table scratched the ground and rushed towards the door. When it reached the door, it blocked it, and then stopped naturally.

"You want to fight, okay, come on!" Han Qing said.

The fat man already had a hunch that he couldn't beat Han Qing, at least he couldn't even get a little light.

At this time, there were gunshots outside, and he understood that their team had already exchanged fire with the bandits, and as long as they could kill this fat man, they would be a little closer to victory.

"Look at the fist!" The fat man roared, Han Qing could see clearly that the strength of this fist was concentrated on that fist, and the weakest place was his wrist!

Thinking of this, when the fist hit his face, and when it was a centimeter away from his face, the fist stopped abruptly, and it stopped in a daze. Then, Han Qing's facial muscles seemed to be blown by the wind of the fist. The interference suddenly seemed to have been hit by a critical blow, and the muscles flung back violently.

Looking at Fatty now, his face was pale, and then turned livid!

The fist that was raised high suddenly fell down quickly, and when it reached the ground, it even made a big hole.

The fat man raised his head, "I hate your old mother!" After saying that, he wanted to stand up and fight, but his bulky body didn't listen to his command at all.

Han Qing went over and kicked the fat man right in the face.

All of a sudden, his face became bloody and bloody, blood flowed from his nostrils and mouth, and because a [-]-kilogram hammer was added to his head, it became impossible to get up!

Seeing this, Liu Ji finally let go of his hanging heart.

He walked up to Liu Ji, "Thank you Brother Han Qing!"

"Thank you, it's a good thing your head asked me to come and have a look, otherwise, you wouldn't even be able to enter the county seat, but I won't talk to the head about this matter, you understand!" After finishing speaking, Han Qing looked The fat man on the ground said, "I'll leave this person to you!" After saying that, Han Qing left.

Liu Ji wiped his mouth, then picked up the pistol from the ground, and shot "Boom!" at the dead fat man on the ground.

"It's time to end! You fat man!" Liu Ji said.

There is no doubt that Fenzhou was occupied by Liu Ji. Although the process was a bit horrible, and even his life was on the way of black and white, but he lived, which means that he can win the following So many battles.

On the other side of Gwangju, Shouhou and his men marched so fast that some recruits couldn't even keep up with them.

The thin monkey shouted while running, "Hurry up, everyone, we still have a long way to go!"

However, at this time, a soldier suddenly ran over, "Battalion Commander! Battalion Commander, it's not good!"

The thin monkey stopped, and then asked, "Speak slowly, what's the matter?"

"Battalion Commander, we found bandits ahead! It seems that their marching purpose is also in Gwangju!" The soldier said anxiously.

"It seems that Guangzhou is not in the hands of the devils yet, it's okay!" After finishing speaking, the thin monkey hurriedly asked, "Do you know how far they are from Guangzhou now?"

"Almost five kilometers!" said the soldier.

"Five kilometers, so close. We are still ten kilometers away from Gwangju, which means that we have to speed up our pace to enter Gwangju smoothly!" After finishing speaking, the thin monkey hurriedly said to the soldier, "Hurry up, if there is Whatever happens, come back and report!"

"Yes!" After finishing speaking, the soldier ran away.

While talking, the soldiers didn't stop at all, they still moved forward quickly.

Some of the laggard fighters, Shouhou, had no choice but to rely on these fast-walking fighters. He immediately took a few steps forward, "Hurry up, everyone, we must get to Gwangju before the bandits. Thanks for getting a peek! Everyone hurry up!"

In fact, the soldiers did not walk, they ran with their feet. After running all the way, the thin monkey also ran here, "Everyone, hurry up, hurry up!"

In this way, the soldiers gritted their teeth, and they must speed up the time.

At this time, Jiang Ying got the latest news that there were only a dozen or so Eighth Route Army troops left in Yehu Village, which made him extremely excited. Take back the two villages of Jiangcun, so that they will have enough defense facilities.

It is obviously inappropriate to enter from Taniguchi. The Eighth Route Army has placed a lot of explosives there, but it seems that there is no better and faster way not to enter through Taniguchi.

At this time, he thought of Xu Lilai, he brought Xu Lilai over, and said, "Commander Xu, from now on, you must listen to me!"

"I've been listening to you!" Xu Lilai said.

"Since this is the case, I order you to take people now and go towards Taniguchi, and let's break through!" Jiang Ying said.

"Breakthrough? Staff Jiang, you also said just now that I can't participate in the war, right..." Before Xu Li finished speaking, Jiang Ying said, "So, just follow my orders, Fight or not?" Jiang Ying asked.

"Fight, fight!" Xu Lilai had a better choice, even though he thought that going from here to the direction of Taniguchi would be very risky, but what was it?Seeking wealth and wealth, besides, this was his initial choice, and this was doomed from the very beginning, life and death were not up to them.

"Okay, if this is the case, then you can take people with you now, we will support you behind!" Jiang Ying said.

Xu Lilai nodded, called Zhao Guangcai and Li Defu over, and told them that they were obviously not interested in this. They knew that if they set up machine guns on Taniguchi, the Eighth Route Army would not set up machine guns there?Obviously, Jiang Ying wanted them to die!

However, Xu Lilai's attitude was tough. Even if the two of them were asked to fight in the front line, they had no choice but to agree.

However, it is not up to them how to fight in the end.

"Commander, we can go there, but can you give us a decent weapon? It's that kind of stun gun. In that case, it seems possible for us to pass smoothly!" Li Defu said.

"This is fine!" Xu Lilai said.

"Okay," Li Defu said.

After finishing speaking, he went to gather her people, and then went to Taniguchi, "Listen to my order. After a while, the commander will give everyone a tug gun. Only with a good gun can we win the battle, remember , Yehu Village is our village, don't you want to reunite with your family?"

"miss you!"

"Okay, if you want to reunite, hurry up! I'll rush forward desperately!" Li Defu said.


Li Chuba was very excited. He really wanted to rush forward like a great hero. It would be best to rush forward to make everyone look at him with admiration. However, Li Defu quietly called Li Chuba aside, "For a while, don't worry Charge forward, and wait until the Eighth Route Army on the edge of Taniguchi is defeated, then charge again!"

"Commander, I'm a ****, I must lead by example!" Li Chuba said.

Li Defu knocked him hard on the head, "Stupid! Now is not the past. Do you think it's so easy to call it the past? Let me tell you, if you want to pass, you have to pass it smoothly. If it's easy, he Jiang Why didn't Ying lead the team in person? You want to understand, I don't want you to die so quickly!" Li Defu said.

It seemed that cold water had been poured on Li Chuba's body, and then he shuddered, "Yes, yes, I know!"

When Xu Li came over, he put the guns beside them, and the village bandits went over, each with a submachine gun.

After taking the weapon, Xu Lilai came over and said, "Li Defu, is the head office okay now?"

"Okay!" Li Defu said, "You can just wait here for the good news, Commander, with Zhao Guangcai and I, we are not afraid that we will not be able to defeat the Eighth Route Army!"

"Okay, let's go!" Xu Lilai said.

Li Defu walked to the edge of Taniguchi, "Go, go!"

The village bandits entered the entrance of the cave, and then walked forward. A dozen people entered, and they pointed their guns at the front vigilantly.

At this time, Ma Xiaokun was outside the entrance of the valley, and a machine gun was pointed at the entrance of the cave.

Hearing different voices, Ma Xiaokun knew that the village bandits should have started to act.

He took a pistol himself and pointed it right at the opening of the hole!

I can only hear footsteps approaching!

Ma Xiaokun immediately fired a shot at the entrance of the cave with a "boom!"

The bullet didn't stop the person, but it also frightened the village bandits!
However, no one backed down. What they thought was that only when they continued to their own village could they eat delicious food and drink spicy food!
After a while, those village bandits arrived at the edge of Taniguchi outside Yehu Village. When they saw that there were so many explosive bags in front of them, their hearts suddenly turned cold!

"Dynamite pack!"

"So many dynamite packs! The Eighth Route Army must have ordered this dynamite pack, right?"

"Shall we go back?"

"There are so many people behind, how do you go back?"

"Then let's rush out!" After finishing speaking, they quickened their pace and rushed towards the entrance of the cave.

Ma Xiaokun heard footsteps, "Be alert, everyone, the village bandits should be coming, everyone must guard the entrance of the cave!"


Sure enough, when the village bandits just showed their heads, Ma Xiaokun took a pistol and shot at a village bandit, just in the head.

However, those village bandits can't retreat now, they can only rush forward.

"Come on!"

"Come on!"


The village bandits rushing over, they all became a group of thugs, saying that you are sacrificing your life, you are a fake at all, their idea is very simple, they want to continue to harm the village!
"Da da da!"

The machine guns began to fight against the village bandits. No one wanted to lose, but if anyone wanted to win, it might not be that simple!
There were many bandits. Although many were killed by machine guns, the village bandits behind them rushed out continuously.

The submachine guns in their hands were not just for fun, they started to fight back!
Ma Xiaokun never thought of this point.

When a shuttle of bullets was fired and it was time for the Eighth Route Army to change bullets, those village bandits seized this opportunity, and more village bandits ran out!

Seeing this, Ma Xiaokun felt that the situation was a bit serious, so serious that it was uncontrollable.

"For a while, look at Taniguchi's explosive package and blow it up for me to flatten the hole!" Ma Xiaokun shouted.


"Da da da!" The machine gun seemed to be revived, and the flames melted the surrounding snow.

Those village bandits who ran out found a hiding place first, and then began to quietly shoot sniper at the Eighth Route Army. This was even more unexpected by Ma Xiaokun!The Eighth Route Army soldiers around me fell down one by one.They never thought about being alive or anything, because Ma Xiaokun had already told them the worst news.

The militiamen who heard the gunshots came over with hoes and sickles. When they found the village bandits, they killed them!

All of a sudden, those village bandits were taken aback. They had never experienced that these villagers still had such a tough side.

Even so, those village bandits were even more desperate to shoot at those militiamen!
There are many village bandits, but there are also many militiamen. They can completely stop a few village bandits!


All of a sudden, the bullet hit a dynamite bag, and the dynamite bag ignited all the dynamite bags at once. Taniguchi, under a huge tremor, dropped some stones, temporarily blocking the continuous attacks of the village bandits.


The thin monkey on the other side finally arrived at the gate of Gwangju City in 10 minutes in the running of time!

At the same time, when they saw those bandits, they just rushed over!

The thin monkey immediately ordered, "Rush to the city!"

The soldiers rushed towards the city without stopping!

When the bandits saw that the Eighth Route Army had arrived at the gate of the city, they rushed over at full speed!
The thin monkey immediately ran under a tree, took a gun and started shooting at the bandits, "Boom!"



The bandits obviously didn't want to see the meat on their mouths in the hands of the Eighth Route Army. Their fast horses rushed over, and the thin monkey also understood that if they wanted to fight, they had to beat the moving horses first. Death, only in this way can they resist the attack of bandits!
"Call! Call me!"

Liu Ji shouted!

More Eighth Route Army soldiers began to attack the bandits!

All of a sudden, those bandits were no longer threatening, so they quickly ordered people to enter the city. Once they entered the city, they could defend the city gate. At that time, maybe the bandits would retreat in spite of the difficulties!

More Eighth Route Army soldiers entered the city gate.

When it was about the same time, the thin monkey immediately ordered people to close the city gate, and then began to defend on the tower.

In this way, the bandits dare not fight over, they will not take the initiative to fight, their strategic goal has been achieved, that is to occupy the county seat!

About an hour later, a bandit came on horseback, he raised his hands high, "Brothers on the road, our boss has a letter for you!"

The thin monkey looked at it, and said, "Go, bring the letter up!"

A soldier opened the city gate, then ran out, took the letter from the bandit, and hurried up the city tower.

Skinny Monkey opened the envelope, and looked.

Suddenly, he laughed, "These bandits want to enter the city together, and they say yes, half of the city is a family, isn't this a joke?"

"Battalion Commander, what should we do? It seems that these bandits will not let it go!" a soldier asked.

"Don't worry about it so much. Now that we have occupied the county, what are we afraid of? As long as they dare to come, our reinforcements will also dare to come!" said the thin monkey.

"In that case, shall we..."

"Of course I won't agree to the bandits' request, tell them that all their requests are wishful thinking!" said the thin monkey.


Of course, the thin monkey didn't know how many bandits there were.However, no matter how many people there are, they cannot make peace with the bandits. Otherwise, what would the Eighth Route Army become?
All of a sudden, it was quiet.

Everyone was on the top of the city tower, staring at this place covetously.

Skinny Monkey frowned, "This bandit doesn't know what's going on in his heart, so he passed my order to lock all the city gates in Guangzhou, and then guard the towers. As long as the bandits dare to come, they will fight back quickly. For them For our request, we only have one word, and that is to fight!"


Gwangju seems to be a magical county, because there are very few active people in this county, and there are no people walking on the roads in the county, so the thin monkey thinks, is this county a dead city?
At this moment, before Liu Ji's eyes, many bandits suddenly appeared. They came from all directions, at least thousands of them. With so many bandits, their goals are of course obvious, and their purpose is also obvious!

When the thin monkey saw several cannons retreating, his heart suddenly turned cold, "Isn't this the devil's cannon?"

Thinking of this, Skinny Monkey suddenly understood that these bandits seemed to be helping them fight devils, and then sharing the bonus.Could it be that they really want to call over?

If this is the case, his skinny monkey has nine lives, and he is afraid that he will die under the power of the artillery, right?

(End of this chapter)

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