Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2638 Fortune of Gwangju

Chapter 2638 Fortune of Gwangju

At this critical moment, the thin monkey was so nervous that he could not speak. He never thought that so many bandits would come to fight for this Gwangju. Is there any treasure in Gwangju?Could it be that they are so reckless?

Yes, these bandits don't want to die, they want to take Gwangju even if they die.However, as for why they did this, how could the bandit tell Skinny Monkey?

Just when the thin monkey was puzzled, a voice came from Wu county where Yang Fei was located. When this voice reached Yang Fei's ears, Yang Fei was shocked!

He hurriedly found Zhao Si, and asked, "Zhao Si, let me ask you, do you know anything about Guangzhou?"

Zhao Si looked at Yang Fei, "Head, why do you ask this?"

"What? I shouldn't know?" Yang Fei asked.

Then Zhao Si sat down and said, "Head, I also heard it from others, but I don't know if it's true or not!"

"So, there are indeed a lot of treasures in Guangzhou?" Yang Fei asked.

Zhao Si nodded, "I'm not sure, but it should be close to ten!"

"In this case, why don't you go to Guangzhou?" Yang Fei looked at him.

Zhao Siyou shook his head helplessly, "Me? Commander, look at me. I only have so few brothers. How can I hold Gwangju? Besides, even if I can hold Gwangju, how can those dog noses let go?" Pass me? Huh?"

| "Why didn't you tell me about these things earlier?" Yang Fei asked again.

"Don't blame me, leader. There are a lot of gossip outside, and I'm not sure. I can't tell you such unreasonable things. Besides, what the devil has been doing here for so many years, I have actually heard about it, let alone being able to listen, Captain, do you think what I said is wrong?" Yang Fei and Zhao Si asked.

"In this way, the thin monkey will definitely encounter big problems!" Yang Fei said nervously.

"Leader, let me tell you this. There are a lot of dogs in this place with shit. What's more, I heard that there are so many treasures in Gwangju? In my opinion, if the thin monkey battalion commander can hold the city, he can't defend it. Siege the city You can't get in, this is the reality!" What Zhao Si said was irrelevant, but it made Yang Fei feel that this matter is very difficult, so what should we do?Putting this aside, Yang Fei hurriedly called Han Qing and Wang Zhifei who had just returned, and discussed together what to do about this matter!

Wang Zhifei was very high-spirited, "Brother, what are you talking about so much? Just do it. No matter what, we have to go over and support it. If nothing else, let's just talk about Shouhou Battalion Commander. If he doesn't win Gwangju, he will definitely not win." Will be back, I thought, we must hurry over!"

Han Qing also said, "Sir, what Wang Zhifei said is right, we must go there quickly, otherwise, the skinny monkey will be in danger!"

"That's right, Shouhou has to get it. No matter what, we can't abandon him. No matter whether there is any treasure in Gwangju, we have to save it!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he asked Zhao Qifa to send troops to support him. Gwangju.

The saying that there are treasures in Gwangju is not groundless. In other words, the devil has been to Beihai for so many years. It was written about a remote place where the people’s fat and ointment were scraped off, and the gold and silver were scraped out from the people, and then stored in a corner of Beihai. As for where, there are different opinions, but the more reliable one is in Gwangju. The location of the county seat is relatively good, extending in all directions. If you go directly to the east, you can reach the estuary. When you reach the estuary, you can directly transport these things to the country of Japan. Second, when the devils mined gold mines, the transfer station was in Gwangju. There is a saying that all the gold ore arrived here, and then the car directly returned to the gold mine to continue transporting. Since the outlet to the sea was often blocked by bandits, most of the gold ore was hidden here.

The above two statements made more bandits turn their attention here. In fact, these bandits did not want to capture Gwangju early, but at that time Gwangju was heavily guarded by devils. It was simply whimsical for them to want to invade.

What's even more strange is that when the Eighth Route Army and the devils were in a decisive battle, the devils in Guangzhou did not go. In other words, they were there to protect the wealth here.

However, when the Eighth Route Army killed all the devils, all the devils here disappeared at once. Why did they disappear?No one can tell.

Despite this, everyone still believes that this place will definitely be a place to make a fortune, so this place has become the target of bandits and various forces.

It is impossible to share wealth together!

As for how to keep the wealth, no one has this plan.

Therefore, more bandit forces form gangs, and their goal is very simple, which is to occupy Gwangju together and distribute the wealth equally.

That's why the thin monkey saw thousands of bandits coming together.

Zhao Qifa didn't dare to neglect Wang Zhifei, but Yang Fei said, "You'd better be here with Zhao Si. The first is to train troops, the second is to recruit troops, and the third is to defend the city. This is Wang Zhifei's main task."

It is said that Skinny Monkey saw so many devils in the city, and he kept crying in his heart. No one wants to meet so many bandits at this time. Besides, they don't have the mentality to fight with bandits. Prepare.

However, these bandits were not friendly, and the thin monkey didn't know that there was a treasure here.

Seeing the bandits besieging the city, Shouhou had no choice but to die for his country.

At this time, a soldier ran over, | "Battle Commander, this county is like a dead city, and there are almost no people!"

"It's so fucking strange, why is this happening?" asked the thin monkey.

"I took a few brothers with me to find some food for the big guys in the city. When I went to a few shops, I found no one there. However, the doors of the shops were wide open and there were things in them. The things were taken by the soldiers!" said the soldier.

"Okay, eat first, don't let everyone go hungry, even if you die, don't be a starving ghost!" After finishing speaking, the thin monkey asked, "How are the other gates?"

"The other city gates are alright. I didn't meet many bandits, they were all here and there. Battalion Commander, when will we attack? Tell me!"

"If these bandits really fight with us, don't hide it, just fight with them. The bandits want to be the magistrate of the county, it's ridiculous!"

The thin monkey laughed, "No matter what, even if this is a dead city, it must be defended. I issued a military order with the regiment commander. If I don't take this place, I swear I will not be a human being. If I take it down, but I can't hold it, it's better to take it." No more!"

"I know the battalion commander, I will inform you now!" After finishing speaking, the soldier left.

Let's talk about Yehu Village.

Well, it was not easy to blow up Taniguchi, and found that Taniguchi did not collapse because of the bombing with a few good explosives, which made Ma Xiaokun feel incredible, but he had to guard here, he said quickly, "Just use your body, You have to block the hole for me too!"

After finishing speaking, several soldiers ran over and stuffed the village bandit's body into it. When they saw a big stone, they went to hold the stone and stuffed it into the entrance of the cave.

This is the most critical time. If Ma Xiaokun can't hold this place, it means that the position they are about to lose will be revealed at this moment.

I saw that they stuffed big rocks into the hole, and then began to defend.

After a while, the stone moved. It was obvious that the bandits wanted to push the stone out.

"Damn it, go, hold on, don't let the stone come out, and hold here after the job, so we can hold Yehu Village!" After Ma Xiaokun finished speaking, several soldiers rushed over, pushing the stone to fight against the village bandits inside.

However, it was obvious how could a few of them fight against so many village bandits inside?

Seeing that the stone was about to be pushed out, at this time, the militiamen ran over and pushed the stone together. If the stone could not be pushed down, they pushed the back of the person in front.

Ma Xiaokun was moved, "These people are the greatest heroes!"

However, at this moment, the village bandits inside stopped pushing. They seemed to have found another way.

Ma Xiaokun thought about it, not daring to act rashly.

Suddenly, his nose smelled an unpleasant smell, which was familiar all the time, and he hurried to Taniguchi, and found something flowing out of it, "Gasoline!"

Thinking of this, Ma Xiaokun suddenly felt, this... this village bandit could think of such a method!
He immediately shouted, "This is gasoline, everyone must be careful!"

After finishing speaking, he directed some militiamen, "Is there a shovel? Come here with the shovel!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a scorching temperature rise, and he saw a puff of black smoke coming out of it, and then, the gasoline flowing out of it actually ignited!

Soldiers, get out of there quickly!

But at the same time, the stone was about to be pushed out again. A soldier saw it, rushed over, hugged the stone, and pushed it.

Then, the second soldier, the third soldier, and the militiamen all passed by!

The fire was burning, and it felt warm at first, but, all of a sudden, the flames ignited their clothes, and one warrior pushed the stone with one hand, spreading the flames with the other.

When the shovel was brought over, Ma Xiaokun immediately shoveled up the snow on the ground and rushed towards the burning flames.

However, the flame went through the snow and came out directly.

Seeing this, Ma Xiaokun hurried to the burning soldier.

The soldier rolled on the ground a few times, then stood up quickly, pushed Ma Xiaokun away again, and continued to push the stone.

No snow!
Snow couldn't extinguish the fire, so he quickly plowed the snow, then shoveled up the soil on the ground, and rushed towards the flames.

The short-lived flames were extinguished, but he saw gasoline continue to flow out of it. These guys seemed to want to burn them to death. It's abominable!
At this time, a militiaman ran over suddenly, and he immediately squatted down and stuffed the snow into the gap at the valley entrance with his hands, "Company Commander Ma, I am a clay builder in this village, hurry up, let's find someone to plug these gaps Let comrades persevere for a while!"

"Good good!"

This is indeed a good way.

However, this is only temporary.

The clay builder greeted a child not far away, "Take the shovel and dig the soil for me!"

The child nodded and hurried over to dig on the spot.

Wait until some soil is dug out.


The bricklayer roared.

That is, where is the water?
Everyone looked at each other, they wanted water, they had to go to the village, but before it was too late, the builder got up and kicked the child's ass, "Piss me!"

The child pulled down his pants straight away, and pissed towards the mound.

This is far from enough, "Piss, pee quickly!"

growled the mason.

At this time, who would be embarrassed?All of a sudden, a lot of people ran over. They took off their pants and urinated towards the mound of dirt. The clay builder didn't want to dislike it, so he used a shovel to do the work, and then picked up the dirt with his hands and stuffed it into the gap!

However, the flame continued to burn. It seemed that the flame hated the Eighth Route Army who wanted to destroy them. Instead, the flame burned to the clothes of the bricklayer. .

Ma Xiaokun quickly squatted down to put out the fire for the clay builder.

After the fire was extinguished, Ma Xiaokun picked up the wet mud without hesitation, and stuffed it directly into the gap between the stones.

There was a long line behind him, and his family was pushing each other, but the stone could not be pushed out, which was related to everyone's life safety.

The flame was slowly extinguished.

Seeing no more gasoline flowing out, Ma Xiaokun hugged the clay builder excitedly, "My fellow, thank you!"

"Thank you? We are all family!"

Ma Xiaokun felt that everything they did was worthwhile from the simple words of the clay builders.

However, at this time, he saw the first one who was still pushing the stone with his eyes closed. Ma Xiaokun went over and said, "Come out, I insist!"

However, that soldier was indifferent. At this moment, the soldier behind him asked, "Did he die?"


Looking at it again, a big hole had been burned out in his trousers. There was a red spot on his skinny calf, and his hands and feet became cold. This...

This is what really happened. Ma Xiaokun, who thought the sacrifice was caused by bullets, burst into tears, but he controlled it. He took off his hat and saluted the soldier, "Comrade, thank you." You, because of you, we are all safe!"

Not wanting him to hold on, Ma Xiaokun didn't hold him out several times, as his fingers seemed to have been embedded in the big rock.

It was not easy to hold him out, his body was lying there stiffly.

"Your sacrifice will not be in vain, comrade, although I don't know your name yet, I will always remember your appearance!

Li Mobai on the other side heard the gunshots early, and he asked his comrades to speed up, and he must give Ma Xiaokun a thorough support.

A soldier ran over from the front, and he hurriedly said, "Captain Li, a village bandit has been found ahead!"

Hearing this, he hurriedly asked, "What? The village bandits are in front?"

"Yes, Captain, I think their targets should be Wild Wolf Valley and Panlongpo!" the soldier said hastily.

"Too bad, if this is the case, then Ma Xiaokun will be completely surrounded. At that time, he will ignore the head and tail, and he will inevitably suffer heavy losses. What's more..." Not daring to think too much, Li Mobai hurriedly ordered, "Now, the whole army will attack. Hurry up and occupy Panlongpo before the village bandits!"

Just after saying this, everyone quickened their pace again.

After more than ten minutes, all the fighters had occupied the checkpoint of Panlongpo.

Just in case, Li Mobai sent half of his people to Wild Wolf Valley to defend in two places, which is better than just defending here.

Sure enough, not long after, Li Mobai discovered the village bandits coming, but upon closer inspection, these so-called village bandits were not like ordinary village bandits, they seemed to be well-trained soldiers.

No matter what, Li Mobai ordered directly, "Call me!"

The village bandits who had just appeared were directly repulsed by the shells of the Eighth Route Army. Jiang Ying, who was leading the army, heard that the Eighth Route Army had occupied this place, and he was very emotional. There are only ten Eighth Route Army soldiers, where did these people come from?"

But, no matter what he thinks, how to deal with the Eighth Route Army here?

Jiang Ying gritted her teeth, "I don't think there will be too many people coming to the Eighth Route Army. Like us, some of them are here, continue to feint and don't really fight, and the other part will try to go to Wild Wolf Valley. From there, we should enter soon. Yehu Village!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Ying still felt that something was wrong. The gunshots just now seemed to have exposed them. Maybe the Wild Wolf Valley had already been occupied. In order to break through here as soon as possible, Jiang Ying immediately ordered, "If this is the case, why bother?" How about dividing the troops into two groups? I want to see how many people and how many bullets there are in the Eighth Route Army?"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Ying said, "First echelon, go!"

I saw a dozen people came out, they were fully armed, rushed out with submachine guns, and fired at the checkpoint. Li Mobai, without any pretense, directly shouted, "Hit! Hit to death!"

As soon as he finished shouting, he launched an attack on the village bandit who rushed over.

Ma Xiaokun, who heard the gunshots, immediately became surprised, "Could it be, where did this village bandit come from? You know, they have no one guarding there!"

After finishing speaking, he hurried to Panlongpo with some people, and found that Li Mobai was guarding the checkpoint, so he hurried over, "Commander Li, you are here!"

Li Mobai didn't talk nonsense, and said directly, "Ma Xiaokun, how is your place? Can you hold it?"

"Captain Li, don't worry, I can hold on!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"It's enough to keep it safe. How much ammunition do you have here?" Ma Xiaokun asked.

"When Captain Yang Feiyang left, he took most of them with him. There is not much ammunition here, but if you need it, I will get it for you right now!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"Then bring it, don't let these village bandits get up, once they come in, we will have to face the predicament here!" After Li Mobai finished speaking, he fired another shot at the village bandits who came to die.

"In a while, you take people to the direction of Wild Wolf Valley and stay there!" Li Mobai said.

"Understood Captain Li!" After finishing speaking, Ma Xiaokun hurriedly said to the soldiers behind him, "Go, bring the ammunition to Captain Li!"


In a battle, you really don't know when it will happen or when it will end, unless one party feels that the battle is not good for them!
Most of the time, you don't know why there is such a battle. If the time can be restarted, then many bad things can be avoided.

No one has ever thought about whether such a thing is right or wrong, but since it happened, one must face it calmly.

Ma Xiaokun led his men to stand guard in Wild Wolf Valley, but the gunshots only happened in Panlongpo, which made him feel that the battle was only there, and they might not be able to help much by guarding here.

However, he couldn't leave here without authorization.

He asked people to go to Panlongpo to see the situation, and if there was any danger in Panlongpo, he would go directly there.

However, the gunshots were only there, and it was the same after waiting for half an hour.

Li Mobai knew that these village bandits were very cunning. Many of them came over, and although many of them were killed, they would still rush here as usual.

Seeing that the ammunition ran out, he understood that the village bandits wanted to have a hand-to-hand fight with them, well, since they wanted to fight, let's do it hand-to-hand!
After finishing speaking, Li Mobai ordered, "Everyone, bayonet me!"

"Hua Hua Hua" mounted the bayonet.

Li Mobai put a few grenades in his hands.

"In order to kill these village bandits as much as possible, when they get close, give them a taste of this grenade!" Li Mobai said.


Just after finishing speaking, another group of village bandits ran over. Without saying a word, they fired at the checkpoint indiscriminately.

However, they were not fired back, so these village bandits felt strange, so what are they waiting for?Just rush over!
After speaking, they ran to the gate of the city.

At a certain distance, Li Mobai threw a grenade, and then several grenades fell from the checkpoint, "Boom!"



The sound of the explosion directly tore the skin and flesh of those village bandits.

Jiang Ying clenched his fists, "These Eighth Route Army seem to be stubbornly resisting, maybe they don't have many bullets in their hands!" After finishing speaking, he said, "Take out the mortar and blow it up for me!"

After finishing speaking, several mortars came out and aimed at the checkpoint!
Li Mobai took a look, "No, this village bandit actually has such a good thing!"

Quickly said, "Hit, hit the mortar!"

After finishing speaking, gunshots rang out, and the mortar was hit, but for Jiang Ying, this was just right, the mortar can scare them and make the Eighth Route Army feel nervous, which is also very good!

Just put the mortar within the sight of the Eighth Route Army, and the bullets fired like this. Well, I will fight again when you stop the gunfire!

(End of this chapter)

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