Chapter 2639
The battle was still going on, but Ma Xiaokun couldn't wait any longer, he suddenly realized that if he didn't do something, Pan Longpo would definitely be consumed to death.

But how to support has become the biggest problem.

At this time, a militiaman said, "Commander Ma, Panlongpo's terrain is limited. If we go to the checkpoint, we won't be able to let us go. I think we can start from Wild Wolf Valley, then bypass Panlongpo, and defend the city. Li Tuan Zhang attacked back and forth, which will definitely make those village bandits fearful!"

Ma Xiaokun nodded, "That's right!" However, he didn't dare to take it lightly. He hurriedly sent a person to investigate ahead, and after he found that there was nothing wrong, he led his people to detour to Panlongpo to look carefully. After surveying the terrain, Ma Xiaokun felt that it was time. He let some people defend, while the other went straight up the mountain to fight the village bandits.

Jiang Ying on the other side, after several trials, he believes that the Eighth Route Army has no bullets now, and they will take the Panlongpo checkpoint very smoothly after mortar bombing. At that time, the two people in the village will It is their hinterland. As long as they continue to defend Panlongpo and Wild Wolf Valley, they can then attack the Eighth Route Army's Anning County.This is a good thing.

Li Mobai was also ready for hand-to-hand combat. He didn't understand that those village bandits must have been instructed by someone, otherwise, they would be so cunning?

Anyway, as long as you can defeat those village bandits, that's fine!

As soon as I thought about this, I found that the village bandits appeared again. At this time, they came out and aimed their mortars at the checkpoint of Panlongpo. At this time, Li Mobai was startled, and hurriedly said, "Hurry down!"

After finishing speaking, a shell came over!
Li Mobai and others can only jump directly from the checkpoint!
Fortunately, this jump was in time. The old checkpoints could withstand such a critical blow. Suddenly, the stone was blown to pieces!


The blown turned head fell from the sky, like a rain of stones, Li Mobai didn't dare to delay for another half a minute, and immediately shouted, "Everyone rush out and fight hand-to-hand with the village bandits!"

After finishing speaking, they arrived at the gate of the checkpoint facing the artillery fire. Li Mobai panted, "Don't panic, everyone, let's see what the village bandits are going to do from here?"

After finishing speaking, I heard the sound of village bandits running over from outside!

Seeing that all the Eighth Route Army on the checkpoint had jumped down, Jiang Ying became happy, "It seems that the Eighth Route Army really has nothing left. Listen to me, everyone. The Eighth Route Army has already retreated. We quickly occupied this place and completely wiped out the Eighth Route Army! "

After finishing speaking, those village bandits yelled, and then rushed towards the checkpoint!
Li Mobai understands that if they want to completely defeat them, they must have strong support, and at this time, they are the only ones they can rely on!

Not long after, many people suddenly ran over from behind. These people were militiamen. They held sickles and hoes in their hands and looked at Li Mobai!
Just when the checkpoint was broken, those militiamen rushed over without hesitation!

Li Mobai immediately shouted, "Kill!"

They wielded bayonets and fought with the village bandits. Jiang Ying never thought that the Eighth Route Army did not retreat, and they were about to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

It was too late to change to the bayonet, and the guns of the village bandits who fought at close quarters could no longer play a role.

However, if you take a closer look, many peasants rushed over from the checkpoint, holding sickles and hoes in their hands. With so many people, the village bandits were so frightened that they retreated!

Jiang Ying shouted, "Don't retreat, hit me!"

However, the Eighth Route Army that rushed out was braver than they imagined. Although they had run out of ammunition and food, they were still brave.

Seeing that these village bandits were about to collapse, Jiang Ying had no choice but to give an order to retreat. Anyway, if they retreated and organized another attack, they might be able to take this place smoothly.

However, when they were retreating, they were blocked by Ma Xiaokun again!

"Call me!" Ma Xiaokun ordered, "Bang bang bang!"

When the bullets hit those village bandits, Jiang Ying didn't dare to imagine that the Eighth Route Army would take the initiative to attack, but this was not an option, so he could only bite the bullet and shout, "Come on, break out!"

The bullets were intertwined. In the cold air, the bullets shot at each other's bodies. Only life and death is the king's way. Jiang Ying pushed the village bandits in front, and then shot at Ma Xiaokun and others.

Panlongpo, this is indeed a ramp. Faced with so many village bandits, Ma Xiaokun shot at them without hesitation. Killing one more would mean less trouble, "Boom!"


At this time, the fighting power of the village bandits has increased a lot. If they want to survive, they can only rush desperately!

Soon, the village bandits rushed to Ma Xiaokun and the others and started fighting, but they didn't dare to fight too much. After all, there was still the Eighth Route Army behind them, so retreating was the kingly way.

How could Ma Xiaokun tolerate the village bandits running away like this?

He chased after Jiang Ying, and then fought him!

When Jiang Ying saw that she was being stalked, no matter what, she had to rush out!

Then facing Ma Xiaokun's gun butt, Jiang Ying raised her foot and kicked Ma Xiaokun in the abdomen, kicking him to the ground.

When Ma Xiaokun stood up and wanted to chase, he heard Li Mobai shout, "Don't chase!"

That's right, they didn't dare to chase anymore. As long as they chased down and reached an open place, Jiang Ying organized another attack, and they would definitely lose even more!

After their village bandits had finished retreating, Ma Xiaokun hurried over and asked, "Captain Li, are you alright?"

Li Mobai nodded, "I, I'm fine, let people retreat quickly, I think we need to redeploy!"

"it is good!"

After speaking, they returned with their people.

When he arrived at Yehu Village, Li Mobai said unequivocally, "I think we are in a crisis now, and it is impossible to stay here any longer. Xiaokun, follow my orders and take people with us. Let's retreat to Nanning County !"

"Captain Li, retreat?" Ma Xiaokun was surprised, "How can we retreat? Aren't we doing well now?"

Yang Fei's order is to let him guard here, not to retreat, even if he retreats, there are still so many ordinary people, what should these ordinary people do?
"Xiaokun, I know, this is embarrassing for you, but look, this checkpoint is no longer defendable, besides, our ammunition is simply not enough to support us to fight again!" Li Mobai said.

When they went back, Li Mobai asked Ma Xiaokun to organize the villagers to retreat temporarily, and the retreat location was transferred to a village near Anning County. As for the final outcome, it was up to Wang Wei and Li Jiguang to make a decision.

In fact, most of the villagers in Yehu Village and Xinjiang Village were unwilling to leave. After Ma Xiaokun's persuasion, everyone reluctantly agreed.

Ma Xiaokun told everyone, "When the village bandits are completely wiped out, everyone will be able to return to their villages!"

They didn't fail, it was just a strategic shift!

Besides Yang Fei, he asked Zhao Qifa to lead people to quickly support Gwangju, and everyone dared not stop along the way.

Finally, after running for several hours, I finally arrived at the east gate of Gwangju City before sunset.

The Eighth Route Army soldiers in the city were so excited when they saw Yang Fei!
"Hurry up and tell the battalion commander, and say that the regimental commander has brought people here!"

The soldiers hurriedly opened the city gate, and let Yang Fei and others in.

After letting it in, Yang Fei asked, "Where's the thin monkey man?"

"Report to the head of the regiment, the battalion commander is now at the west gate, there are many bandits surrounded!"

"Okay, I got it!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei shouted, "Zhao Qifa, take someone with you and follow me!"

The group of them went directly to the direction of Dongcheng Gate.

On the way, he met the thin monkey. When the thin monkey saw Yang Fei, he was so excited that he went over and hugged Yang Fei!
Yang Fei quickly pushed him away, "Stop talking nonsense, tell me, what's going on now?"

"Captain, this bandit really doesn't know what he wants to do. There are more than 1000 bandits outside. They just surrounded them and set up the artillery. But now they don't fight, which makes us very tangled Ah!" said the thin monkey.

"Go, go up and have a look!" Then, under the leadership of the thin monkey, Yang Fei went up to the tower, and after a look, it was true, the bandits were mighty, although the sun was down now, but the afterglow was shining down, Shining on those bandits, the slanted shadows looked daunting, let alone so many people!

"What is this bandit waiting for?" Yang Fei murmured.

"Captain, are they waiting for the person who gave the last order?" The thin monkey asked again.

"You mean..." Yang Fei understood, he had heard from Zhao Si that many bandits had joined forces, so naturally there was this leader, but who is this bandit leader?Are you really waiting for him?

"Commander, I'm worried that we won't be able to defend the city gate. At that time, we will have to fight in the streets. I have made a comprehensive deployment. If the city gate is broken, we will all enter the designated position and fight with the bandits. We are not Never fought in street fighting!" said the thin monkey.

"War is easy, but there are so many bandits, and their origins are clear. If we really want to fight, I'm afraid it will be a series of vicious battles!" Yang Fei finished speaking and looked at him, "By the way, you are in Guangzhou, what's the matter?"

"No!" Skinny Monkey said hurriedly, "I just arrived today, and I met the bandits face to face. We also fought with them, but it was just a small-scale battle. After that, there was no more fighting. They just surrounded themselves like this." Many people come over!"

"That's right, with such a small number of people, it's not bad to be able to defend the city!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he asked, "Is there a topographic map of Guangzhou?"

"No, I haven't had time to search yet!" The thin monkey said truthfully.

"Okay, the fight hasn't started yet. I'll have people search Gwangju first to see if there is anything that can be brought over directly. These bandits are not friendly!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei said to Han Qing, " Han Qing, hurry up and tell Zhao Qifa, let him go to the county government to look for it, see if there is a map of the county, and send it to me if he finds one. I said!"

"Good sir!" After finishing speaking, Han Qing left.

"Team leader!" Shouhou said suddenly, "When it comes to things that are wrong, there are many. There are almost no people in this county. At least, we haven't found anyone yet. Tell me, could this be a dead city?" What about the city?"

"No one? This is Gwangju. Rumor has it that there is a huge wealth hidden here. No one? How is this possible?" Yang Fei wrote incredulously.

"Head, we also found out that we found some food by accident in the county town. I let the brothers eat some. From this, I think that the people in Guangzhou have disappeared, and they are probably dead! Otherwise, these people The food will not be taken away!" said the thin monkey.

"No matter what, the situation in Gwangju is more urgent now, Shouhou, you boy, guard this place, and I will personally lead people to search Gwangju City!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, Captain, then be careful!" said the thin monkey.

Yang Fei led a dozen people to search the villages in Guangzhou City. Compared with the gold and silver treasures, Yang Fei valued that this place used to be a transfer station for devils to return to Japan. There should be no people here. On the contrary, the people here There should be more people.Turning around from Dongcheng, there are many shops, and some butchers hang fresh pork, which means that the people here should not have disappeared for a long time. In a room, Yang Fei went to see two or three quilts on the tea table, The tea leaves inside were even floating on the water, and the temperature of the teacup slowly dropped. Where did these people go in such a short time?
These questions made Yang Fei feel that these people should be hiding in the air-raid shelter. Only such an explanation can convince everyone.

Not only that, Yang Fei walked around for a long time, and many places seemed to be empty just now.

How big an air-raid shelter should be so that everyone can enter?
At this moment, Zhao Qifa ran over, "Leader!"

Yang Fei was startled, then turned his head, Zhao Qifa took a map over, "Head, this is a city map found in the county government! Take a look!"

Yang Fei quickly took it over, and the places marked on it were relatively famous places, the seat of the BR county government, such as a hospital, such as a school, but there was no sign of an air-raid shelter on it, which meant that, as Yang Fei imagined just now, Maybe it's all wrong!

Zhao Qifa looked at Yang Fei and asked, "Head, what are you thinking? What do you want this city map for?"

"There is no one in Guangzhou County. This is not right. Quickly check where people are. Even if they are dead, there is always a place to die. This Guangzhou looks glamorous, but I don't want to see dirty behind the scenes! "Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" After speaking, Zhao Qifa left.

Yang Fei wiped his forehead and found a trace of cold sweat on his forehead. When Zhao Qifa called for the report just now, he was really startled.At this time, he saw a soldier running over, "Regimental Commander!"


The soldier shouted, and then said, "Commander, that bandit seems to be attacking!"

After hearing this, Yang Fei quickened his pace, and when he got to the tower, he found that many torches had been lit below, "Head, look, they lit the torches, and they seemed to be moving towards us!"

The thin monkey said.

"Don't be nervous!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he picked up the binoculars and watched, "They are indeed moving here. It seems that they are going to attack!"

"Strong attack?" The thin monkey was a little confused, "Why do you want to attack by force?"

"They have to come in!" Yang Fei said, "Guangzhou City is rumored to hide huge wealth!"

"Wealth?" The thin monkey asked in surprise, "I just heard what you said about wealth, and I didn't take it seriously. With so many bandits looking at this place, it seems that this place is really not simple!"

"So, here is a sweet pastry!" Yang Fei said.

"They have artillery, Captain, why don't they use artillery?" The thin monkey pointed and asked.

"Cannon?" Yang Fei smiled when he heard this, he knew why the bandits didn't use cannon.

The reason is very simple, Yang Fei said, "They have artillery, but do they have shells?"

As soon as the words came out, the thin monkey touched his head, "Yes, I understand!"

This is about the situation at that time. Back when they shot the devils together, Lin Zhonghu asked Yang Fei if he could divide up the weapons. Yang Fei agreed, but he secretly asked people to hide the artillery shells. So much so that the shells of those artillery pieces were not fired.

"Let's see how they fight. During the enemy's occupation, Guangzhou City was widened and heightened, so it may not be so easy for them to attack!" Yang Fei smiled. , "I'm afraid these bandits don't understand why the city of Guangzhou is so high?"

"Leader, how to solve it?" asked the thin monkey.

"Come over and fight. They surrounded you just now and didn't fight. Maybe they wanted to break through your psychological defense. However, it's not so easy for them to come again at this time! They also missed the best time to attack. Send an order to tell Soldiers, as long as they enter our attack range, we will fight directly!"


The appraisal Yang Fei mentioned, he knew, was the reason why the bandits gathered at the west city gate, maybe that was the reason.

The bandits are attacking very slowly. After so long, if they don't take down Gwangju, they may not be able to spend the night tonight. What's more, there are so many of them, what to eat, use, and drink. How to solve these things?

Not much to say, just said that the bandits attacked a certain distance, stopped suddenly, and opened a small path among the crowd. Several people came from the small path and shouted at the Guangzhou City Tower, "The Eighth Route Army upstairs, please!" Your officers speak up!"

"Leader, I want to talk to you!" the thin monkey asked.

"Damn, let's fight the war, what are you shouting? How can there be so many words to talk to them!" Even so, Yang Fei stood up, "I am Yang Fei, your leader, if you want to ask anything, just ask !"

At this time, a familiar voice came over, "Brother Yang, do you know who I am?"

Who else, Yang Fei is very familiar with, "Hey, hey, aren't you the head of Lin Zhong Hu Lin? What's the matter? Want to find me to catch up with the past and drink tea?"

Lin Zhonghu chuckled, "You don't have to drink tea, and you don't have to reminisce about the old days. I just want to tell you that we've been outside for a long time and want to go to the city to warm up for a while. It's convenient for you. We people don't make it difficult for you! "

"Coincidentally, there are no charcoal basins or firewood in the city. Our Eighth Route Army is also freezing on the towers. I think you should chop some firewood outside and light it up to warm up for a while!" Yang Fei put his hands on the crenel and replied with a smile road.

"Yang Fei, did you see that there are so many of us, and only a few of you, can you beat us?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"Oh, there are too many people. There are not one thousand but eight hundred, right? In this city, there is not much food and firewood, let alone come in and let you drink tea!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Don't toast and not eat fine wine, Yang Fei, I think we helped you in the past, do you really want to monopolize Guangzhou City?" Lin Zhonghu looked at Yang Fei covetously.

"Exclusive? You misunderstood. This is the world of the people. Of course, it is the people's Guangzhou City, not the Guangzhou City of our Eighth Route Army. Linda is the head of the family. You should understand that the consistent purpose of our Eighth Route Army is to serve the people wholeheartedly!" Yang Fei said.

The thin monkey said on the side, "Leader, why don't I shoot and kill that forest tiger?"

"Don't be impulsive, Lin Zhonghu shouldn't be a bad person. At least during the time we dealt with him, this guy really helped us. Now, if we kill him, I'm afraid they really attack the city, and you won't be able to handle it!" Yang Fei said.

Lin Zhonghu under the city shouted coldly, "Okay, Yang Fei, Captain Yang, you really married a wife and forgot your mother, don't you remember what you said? What you get is divided equally?"

"Master Lin, you haven't learned our Marxism-Leninism, have you?" Talking about this with Yang Fei now, I'm afraid it's really too difficult. If you want to cut Yang Fei's flesh, it may be harder than going to heaven .

Lin Zhonghu was obviously very angry, "Yang Fei, then bear the consequences!"

"Master Lin, it's easy to leave, don't send it off!" Yang Fei smiled.

Lin Zhonghu receded, and the crowd began to talk. Yang Fei didn't care what they said, what they cared about was what should they do now?
The thin monkey looked at Yang Fei, "Leader, next, what do you think this bandit will do?"

"Can't fight!" Yang Fei said, "If these bandits attack by force, even if they take down the city, they can't all come in. Think about it, these bandits are composed of several parts, who is responsible Sacrifice? Who is responsible for the robbery? You can’t say for sure about these things, no one wants their brother to die, but you can’t avoid it if you attack the city, and in my opinion, they will retreat tonight.”

"Really?" asked the thin monkey.

"Eighty to ninety percent sure, but the probability is the opposite. Maybe, eighty to ninety percent sure they will attack the city!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay," said the thin monkey, "Leader, then go down and find a room first, and then rest for the night. I'll call you if you need anything!"

(End of this chapter)

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