Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2640 An Acquaintance Visits

Chapter 2640 An Acquaintance Visits
At this time, no one knows what will happen to them next.

Yang Fei and Han Qing just found a sheltered place under the city, and some soldiers burned firewood to find some food in the city, especially the pork they had been coveting for a long time.It is their dream to be able to eat meat.

A soldier brought a bowl of braised pork and a few steamed buns. Yang Fei and Han Qing ate together. A small wind blew in from outside the door, making the wooden door creak.

"Damn it, where will the people in this city go?" Yang Fei didn't quite understand.

"Sir!" Han Qing said.

"Oh? What do you think?" Yang Fei asked.

"Sir, they should all be hiding, or there are still devils here, and the number of devils should not be too many." Han Qing said.

"You mean there are devils, devils caught all the people and imprisoned them, but where can they be imprisoned?" Yang Fei asked again.

"Sir, if there is really huge wealth hidden in this Guangzhou City, the people in the city should know a little bit. In order to hide the whereabouts of these wealth, the devils may do something, kill them all one by one, or kill them all. Lock it up," Han Qing said.

"It seems to make sense, but this Guangzhou City is not too big, where is the place that can hide so many people?" Yang Fei looked at Han Qing and asked again.

"Sir, don't forget, since it is possible to hide so much wealth, it is possible to hide so many people!" Han Qing said.

"You mean, wealth and people are together?" Yang Fei asked.

Suddenly, Yang Fei suddenly realized that it must be so.Now they can find the people in the city as long as they find the location of the wealth!

The reason why the people in the city disappeared was because they knew the news of the treasure.

However, the city is so big, where is the treasure hidden?
Han Qing nodded, "If I'm not wrong, it should be like this, Captain, I'm afraid it's not easy to find wealth in places we can see, and wealth may be hidden in places we can't see!"

"Han Qing, just speak carefully, where do you think this wealth is hidden?" Yang Fei asked.

"Underground!" Han Qing pointed to the ground and said.

"Underground?" Yang Fei looked at Han Qing suspiciously, "You said underground is underground?"

"Sir, you forgot that when you looked at the map of the city, the date was written on it," Han Qing said.

"I know, what's the difference?" Yang Fei asked again.

"There is still a line of small characters under the date!" Han Qing said, "It says 'urban construction plan', sir, which also means that this county has undergone construction!"

Although Yang Fei wanted to refute, these words are indeed a bit strange. According to the date, it should be the map of the first half of the year, but it means that this map was printed in the first half of the year!

"Sir, when we went from the west to the east just now, I found that the roads in the county town have been repaired, smooth and tidy, and there is nothing else except snow." Han Qing said.

"What are you going to say?" Yang Fei asked.

"I think that although Gwangju City is not big, it shouldn't be difficult to build a huge underground storage room in order to hide people's eyes and ears!" Han Qing said.

As soon as Yang Fei rubbed his hands, what the **** Han Qing said was right, if he were, he would probably do the same!

But at this moment, someone knocked on the door suddenly. The door was ajar, and it opened with a push. However, the knocking sound was very unusual.

Han Qing stood up quickly, and Yang Fei shouted, "Come in!"

The door opened, and a man in black came in. Yang Fei was shocked, Han Qing immediately made a move, and handed over to the man in black, "Stop!"

The man in black took off his mask and saw that it was Akiko.

Yang Fei quickly stood up, "Brother Mingzi?"

Mingzi raised his hands in a bow, "Headmaster Yang, are you here all right?"

"Hahaha!" Yang Fei laughed, "The walls of Guangzhou City are high, but they can't stop you! Brother Mingzi, I'm fine, sit down!"

Sitting down, Mingzi's eyes saw the braised pork, and his mouth was watering. Yang Fei picked it up directly, "Eat it!"

Akiko started to eat the steamed buns.

Han Qing is also very strange, what is this name doing here in the dark of night, but Han Qing is not afraid of Ming Zi in front of him, even if his kung fu is very high, Han Qing is capable of protecting Yang Fei.

But obviously, Ming Zi didn't come to take Yang Fei's life.

When Ming Zi pulled a bowl of braised pork to the inside, the steamed buns were firmly stuffed in.

Yang Fei asked Han Qing to bring Mingzi a bowl of water, and Mingzi took the water again and drank it in a few sips.

After he finished eating, he saw Yang Fei, "Teacher Yang!"

|"Brother Mingzi, tell me, what do you want from me?" Yang Fei asked.

"Captain Yang, I came to you to beg you to send troops to rescue our elder brother!" Ming Zi said.

"Oh? Tell me, what do you mean?" Yang Fei asked.

"Teacher Yang, not long ago, our eldest brother received a letter, which clearly stated some requests, which probably means to form a bandit alliance army!" , but the huge wealth is hidden, it was left by the devils at that time, the devils were beaten away, and the wealth was left here. Originally, our elder brother was not interested in this, and the place where the flies were staring, of course our elder brother would not Participate, but, our eldest brother can't refuse the requests one after another, so we have to agree!"

Mingzi breathed a sigh of relief, "It was only when we all gathered together that we realized that this was a huge trap. In Beihai, all the bandits, no matter how big they were, wanted to get involved. There were thousands of people. Not only that, bandits, national Army, even your Eighth Route Army knew about this, and the capture of Guangzhou has become an inevitable thing, but no one knows exactly where the wealth is. For this reason, on the way here, what we know is that many people opened In the melee of guns, everyone wants to enter Gwangju as the first step."

"Wealth? I just heard about it, but do you know where the wealth is?" Yang Fei asked.

"If we knew, we would never have participated in it," Ming Zi said, and then said, "Brother asked me to inquire about it, and I didn't know it. It turns out that this is a scheme!"

"Trick?" Yang Fei asked.

"This is the devil's plan!" Ming Zi continued, "The devil just wants the various forces in the North Sea to fight in chaos, and finally reap the benefits of the fisherman!"

"Oh? Then?" Yang Fei asked.

"When we merged with other villages, they elected our eldest brother as the leader. After all, we have the largest number of people, and our combat effectiveness is also the strongest. However, when we were completely joined together, we discovered that the forces penetrated each other. , and became an organization for robbing people in various cottages, most of our people were deceived by money and became people from other cottages, so that up to now, there are only a few dozen people in our Heishuizhai, Captain Yang!"

"But, what do you say so much, what does it have to do with me?" Yang Fei asked.

"Of course it has something to do with it!" Ming Zi said, "We want to withdraw and let them bite dogs. Anyway, in the end, no one will gain anything! This is a plan to wipe out the entire army! This is a devil plan!"

"Devil, who is it?" Yang Fei asked again.

"I heard that they came from the Kanto region of the Wa Kingdom. A group of them collected their forces in Beihai and wanted to reoccupy Beihai! I didn't find out the specific name!" Mingzi said.

"So that's it!" Yang Fei said, "Then how do we fight? How do we save?"

"Teacher Yang, tonight, at twelve o'clock, we will arrive directly at the gate of our city on the mountain in the north. When that time comes, please let us in, please let us in!" Mingzi said.

As soon as Yang Fei heard this, his heart began to beat. Did Yang Fei have a hundred drafts in his mind? However, Lin Zhonghu's behavior, Yang Fei felt credible, but this matter has become another one that people dare not think about. Things to believe in.

Seeing Yang Fei's embarrassment, Mingzi said, "Teacher Yang, please believe us, our eldest brother is not interested in any kind of wealth, and now in the bandit coalition, some people even block the spies on three sides and spies on four sides, and they steal from each other." Get information!"

"Mingzi, how can I trust you?" Yang Fei looked at him.

"When we came here, our eldest brother said that you are a kind and righteous person. We don't talk about the relationship in the past. Just saying that I am here now is enough to explain everything!" Mingzi said.

Han Qing looked at Ming Zi, and then at Yang Fei, "Sir, do you agree for now?"

Yang Fei frowned. He didn't understand why Han Qing said that. Here, it's really not his turn to speak.

"Thank you, Commander Yang!" Ming Zi quickly bowed and said.

"..." Yang Fei had nothing else to say.

After Mingzi left, Yang Fei pointed at Han Qing, "What are you talking about? What does it mean when their people come in?"

"Head, I think they know where the wealth is!" Han Qing said.

"Mingzi said it, but he didn't know! This is the devil's scheme!" Yang Fei said.

"Sir, whether it's a conspiracy or not, this Gwangju has become a place of the Four World Wars. It's not a hypothesis, but a fact. When the facts are all over, if you still don't admit it, you are confused!" Han Qing Said.

"Treasure? This is simply nonsense!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei asked again, "Han Qing, do you think you really have wealth?"

"Really!" Han Qing said, "at least my intuition is that this Guangzhou City is not like other places. Here, it is the only way for devils to go to the country of Wa. Pass here and go directly to the port. The transit here station, it becomes the confluence of wealth.”

"Okay," Yang Fei said, "If they come, you follow them, wherever they go, you follow!"

"Yes!" Han Qing said.

"Call Zhao Qifa, I need to find him!" Yang Fei said.

As soon as Han Qing arrived at the door, Zhao Qifa came by himself. As soon as he entered the door, he said, "Commander, good news!"

Yang Fei looked at him, "Come in, talk!"

Zhao Qifa sat down and said directly, "We found a person, and this person is from this county!"

"Oh? Good news, hurry up and call in!" Yang Fei said.

When people came in, Yang Fei found that the people who came in were a little depressed, and even looked a little mentally ill.

After he came in, he looked around and hid aside in fear.

Looking at this person, Yang Fei asked, "Is this the person you found?"

"Head, this is the only person we found!" Zhao Qifa said, and after speaking, he asked the person, "What did you find in Guangzhou?"

The man suddenly looked at Yang Fei mysteriously, "There is a gun, there is a gun!" After speaking, he raised one hand and pointed at Yang Fei, "Boom!"

"Haha, boom!"

After speaking, the man laughed again, "We have money, a lot of money!" After speaking, he folded his hands together, "So much, really, so much!"

Yang Fei looked at him, "Treasure? So much?"

The man ran up to him, "Yes, so many!"

"Where is it?" Yang Fei asked again.

"In..." The man ran to Zhao Qifa again, "Hey, in a dark place, there is light, there is light!" After finishing speaking, the man came to Yang Fei's side again, "There is water!"

Yang Fei really couldn't hear clearly, what news could he get from this man, he said quickly, "It's really strange, what exactly does this mean?"

Zhao Qifa also shook his head, "I don't know, Captain, what should I do with this person?"

"You have someone responsible for watching him, don't let him run around!" After finishing speaking, he also said, "Lin Zhonghu will bring people here at twelve o'clock tonight, and then, you can lay an ambush for me, if he dares If you do something bad, kill me directly! No mercy!"

"Lin Zhonghu is coming? What is he doing here?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"I don't know the specifics, but I think they probably know about the treasure, enlightenment, it's up to you!" Yang Fei asked,

"Head, don't worry, it's fine if they come in and don't do anything, but if they do something, I won't be polite!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Okay, remember, don't let Lin Zhonghu touch him, this guy is outspoken, maybe he can say something!" Yang Fei said.

"Head, don't worry, I promise, he won't say a word to Lin Zhonghu!" After speaking, Zhao Qifa took him out.

Han Qing looked at Yang Fei, "Head, what news did you get from that person just now?"

"Just a few words, what news can I get?" Yang Fei asked.

"Leader, if my guess is correct, maybe this wealth is in the city. You have to imagine, treasure, light, water. Where are these things?" Han Qing asked.

"There are so many places here, light and water, a dark place, could it be that it's in a secret room?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's possible, but, head, you can rest assured to talk to Lin Zhonghu. I'll go find the treasure!" Han Qing said.

"Can you find it?" Yang Fei asked.

"If you can't find it, it's up to fate! Lin Zhonghu can't find it! These things don't belong to us, they belong to the country and the people!" After saying that, Han Qing went out!
In other words, this matter is settled like this, even Yang Fei doesn't know whether Lin Zhonghu is really in trouble, or if he really wants these wealth.However, Yang Fei believes that everything is worthy of his conscience, favors must be paid back, and wealth must be guarded.

At 11:30 that night, Yang Fei was smoking a cigarette and looked at the mountains in the distance. The dots of fire seemed to tell him that they were bound to go to the city to share the treasure. His eyes looked to the north, but there was no light at all. , Lin Zhonghu wanted to come, but he didn't dare to light the fire. When the strong wind blew, Yang Fei pulled his hat down a little, then casually put the cigarette butt on the ground, and breathed into his hand.

Han Qing was afraid that something would happen to him after leaving Yang Fei for too long, so he found him early.

Yang Fei glanced at him, "Han Qing, how are you? Did you find it?"

Han Qing shook his head, "No, there are too few clues. I wonder if it is on some mountain? And there is a cave or something?"

"Forget it, we can't find it, and the bandits will definitely not be able to find it either. Let's ignore that and watch Lin Zhonghu carefully for a while. We can't guess what they're thinking!"

"Sir, don't worry!" Han Qing said, "I think Lin Zhonghu should know more about this matter than us, and he should be more informed than us."

"I'm afraid that he has better news than us. When the time comes, you say he found the treasure, shall I let him take it?"

Yang Fei shook his head.

"Sir, don't talk about anything else, just talk about Lin Zhonghu. If he was really greedy for money, I'm afraid he wouldn't have saved us in the first place!" Han Qing said.

"I hope it's what you think. I don't want to have any conflicts with Lin Zhonghu at this time. There are so many bandits out there. If we want to completely convince them, we have to have Lin Zhonghu in charge. After all, this guy is the bandit leader!" Yang Fei said.

"Got it sir!"

Time passed quickly, and even the thin monkey was watching Lin Zhonghu's movements on the city wall. According to the agreement, Lin Zhonghu should arrive at this time, but Lin Zhonghu didn't show up for a long time, which made him a little anxious.

At this moment, there was a sudden "Boom!", and gunshots rang out!

The thin monkey hurriedly listened to the sound, and found that it was coming from the north. Afterwards, there were more and more gunshots. Even the bandits in the west were ready to move when they heard the gunshots. Jump and gather to the north!

Yang Fei quickly went up the tower, looked at the thin monkey and asked, "Where did the gunshot come from?"

"Leader, to the north, I'm afraid Lin Zhonghu and the others will come over and be discovered by the rest of the bandits!" Shouhou said.

"Keep an eye on me, no matter what, let them in first! Then the bandits behind, hit me directly!" Yang Fei ordered.

"Yes!" The thin monkey said quickly.

Soon, viewed from the northern mountain, the torches held by the bandits formed a moving fire dragon, and the bullets passed through the woodland, "swish!" and shot forward.

I really didn't expect that Lin Zhonghu's strategy would be betrayed at the most critical moment. Hearing that Lin Zhonghu was going to enter the city and defect to the Eighth Route Army, some brothers quit. Didn't this cut off their money?
Therefore, they gathered quietly and watched the time approaching twelve o'clock. Not long after Lin Zhonghu led his men down the mountain, they were attacked by other bandits.

After Mingzi broke, let Lin Zhonghu approach Guangzhou City with his caring brother. The dark mountain road can only see the white snow field. Mingzi took a pistol and shot all the bullets, and he threw it on the ground. Mingzi, the marksmanship is accurate , his own skills are also good, and he is not afraid of them coming to fight one by one, but if he really fights with bare hands, he may be surrounded by bandits. At that time, it will be difficult for him to figure it out!
"Mingzi, hurry up and follow!" Lin Zhonghu shouted.

"Hey!" Ming Zi agreed, and took out the two grenades on his back!
Seeing the figure appear, he pulled the string directly and threw it towards the bandits!

"Boom! 0"

An explosion was enough for Mingzi to retreat successfully!

Just when Lin Zhonghu arrived at the gate of the city, he shouted to the soldiers on the tower, "Brother Yang, open the gate!" The thin monkey on the tower heard the voice and said, "Wait a minute!"

After finishing speaking, he said to Yang Fei, "Leader, Lin Zhonghu is under the city gate!"

"Then open the door! We can't count our words!" After speaking, the city gate opened.




The screams of the bandits came from the top of the mountain. Their screams sounded a little scary. The thin monkey stared at the tower, afraid of any accidents!
Fortunately, when Lin Zhonghu and others came in, the city gate was quickly closed.

Lin Zhonghu hurriedly said, "Wait, Mingzi hasn't come in yet!"

However, looking at those flames approaching, the thin monkey felt a little helpless, and Yang Fei also felt that this matter was a little difficult, "Master Lin, where is brother Mingzi? When did you come in? Look, those bandits rushed over!"

"Wait a moment, wait a moment!" Lin Zhonghu shouted.

Mingzi's speed is very fast. After blasting a few bandits, he hurriedly chased Lin Zhonghu, but the distance was not too close!

Just when Yang Fei couldn't wait, Ming Zi slipped through the city gate.

A few soldiers hurriedly closed the gate of the city tightly!

Thin Monkey, the bandit who rushed to the front of the city gate, was not polite, and directly ordered to fight back.

After firing a round of bullets, those bandits retreated obediently!
Lin Zhonghu looked back at Yang Fei, "Brother Yang, thank you!"

"Brother Lin, are you the one who challenged me today?" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, yes, I have no choice but to negotiate with you!" Lin Zhonghu said.

Yang Fei smiled, "Since...Brother Lin has come to my site, of course I will treat you well!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei said to Han Qing, "Han Qing, hurry up and clean up for Brother Lin!" The good room is ready, let the brothers have a good rest!"


Yang Fei specifically emphasized that this is my territory, which means that Lin Zhonghu is just living under someone else's fence. How could Lin Zhonghu not understand what Yang Fei meant, and he didn't say anything, just doing as he pleases.

After entering the room, Yang Fei saw that Lin Zhonghu had obvious bruises on his face, and it was obviously inconvenient for him to sit down.

From the looks of it, Lin Zhonghu hasn't been doing very well these days.

Although Yang Fei could see it, he didn't say anything.

It was Lin Zhonghu, who took the hot tea handed over by Yang Fei, and drank it in one gulp, "Brother Yang, don't worry, after tonight, I will leave tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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