Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2641 Lin Zhonghu's departure

Chapter 2641 Lin Zhonghu's departure
Hearing this, Yang Fei was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Master Lin, don't rush to leave when you come here, I seems inconvenient for you!"

Lin Zhonghu looked up at him, "Brother Yang, did you see it?"

"What's the matter with the bruises on the face of someone as bold as you, Master Lin?" Yang Fei asked.

Lin Zhonghu didn't want to mention it, and Ming Zi on the side was also reluctant to talk about it.

Obviously, there must be some trouble between them, and Ming Zi didn't even mention it when he came here at night.

Seeing that they didn't say anything, Yang Fei could only laugh, "Forget it, if Lin Da's family doesn't want to talk, I won't ask, but if Lin Da's family is willing, let's stay in the light for now!"

Ming Zi drank a bowl of water, "Teacher Yang, can you really take us in?"

"What do you mean, what is shelter?" Yang Fei shook his head, "As long as you are willing, you can join our Eighth Route Army, and I am willing too!"

Yang Fei's purpose is very clear, he is to minimize the greatest risk.

Ming Zi is not talking, this decision is not something he can say, Lin Zhonghu looked at Yang Fei, "Brother Yang, do you know one thing?"

Yang Fei looked up at him, feeling a little mysterious, "I don't know what Master Lin is talking about?"

"The devil has returned to Beihai!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"This...Brother Mingzi said it once, but I really don't know the specifics!" Yang Fei said.

"Since Mingzi said it, I'll say something else. The main purpose of the devils' visit this time is to return to Beihai. I heard that they have sent the most elite people here. When the time comes, I'm afraid we will all suffer!" Lin Zhonghu said, "Right now, the rumor that there is wealth hidden in Guangzhou City has made people in the entire Beihai eager to move. Who doesn't want to have huge wealth, but I, Lin Zhonghu, are not interested in this matter of winning more than porridge! In just a few days, Earth-shaking changes have taken place in this North Sea. On the surface, it is calm, but behind it, it is turbulent. Brother Yang, don’t blame me for speaking directly. In the hands of their devils!"

"Having said that, you don't want to own such wealth if you are the head of Lin Da?" Yang Fei asked.

"These wealth all belong to Beihai. Naturally, they have to be returned to the common people. To be honest, I want to tell you that in the end, the devils will land in the harbor. We must guard the harbor. This is the biggest thing!" Lin Zhonghu said, "So It is true that Gwangju has wealth, but the seaport is what we must value!"

"It makes sense. Once the devils land in the harbor, it means that they will enter Beihai smoothly, and then their goal will be to attack Gwangju directly!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes, so, I see this reality clearly, and wanting to escape from those so-called bandit alliances, what bandit alliances, it's simply a black-and-white trick!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"So, you have suffered a lot from the Bandit Alliance!" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

Lin Zhonghu nodded, "Yes, that's true, black eats black, and finally the devils are happy!" Lin Zhonghu said, "As far as I know, when we defeated Yoshikawa in the decisive battle, the devil's elite had already entered Beihai, but, Their power is relatively small!"

"No matter what, since Beihai is our Beihai, we can't let the devils come back!" Yang Fei said, "What does Brother Lin want to do next?"

Yang Fei asked.

"Replenish your energy, find time, and fight the devils!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"It seems that Brother Lin wants to leave!" Yang Fei asked. ,
"Yes, I took the liberty to come here today. I just don't want to participate in any wealth disputes. Brother Yang, don't think too much. I, Lin Zhonghu, am not a mercenary person, and your people don't be wary of me!" Lin Zhonghu had a good insight when he entered the city gate. Thoroughly, it is normal for Yang Fei to be on guard against her, but it also made Lin Zhonghu a little disappointed.

He wanted to clarify the brotherhood and let Yang Fei rest assured of his purpose.

This made Yang Fei feel that he was not a human being inside and out. He laughed and tried not to let him see his embarrassment. Yang Fei said, "Brother Lin, I'm sorry, the current situation is really complicated! I have to Prepare for the worst!" After finishing speaking, he whispered again, "You should understand that not only are there traitors among you, there will also be traitors in the Eighth Route Army!"

"I understand!" Lin Zhonghu said, "To be honest, I'm leaving Gwangju this time to go to the seaport. Although I have few people and guns, I'm keeping an eye on the movements of the devils. Once there is news about them, I will let people Come and tell you!"

"Brother Lin, I'm being narrow-minded!" Yang Fei raised a bowl of water and drank it in one gulp.

"Brother Yang, don't talk about outsiders, you dare to let me in today, it shows that you also value love and righteousness, and I, Lin Zhonghu, are very grateful." After finishing speaking, Lin Zhonghu also picked up the tea bowl and drank it in one gulp.

On the second day, Lin Zhonghu was determined to leave, but Yang Fei couldn't stay. The situation here was more complicated, and he didn't want to be distracted by Lin Zhonghu's presence. Before leaving, Yang Fei asked Han Qing to prepare for them in the city. I bought some food and took it with me on the road, which was an explanation for them.

Watching them go, Han Qing said, "Sir, what are you thinking?"

"The hero among the tigers in the forest, I really want him to join our Eighth Route Army!" Yang Fei smiled, "However, this is somewhat impossible, his ambition may be different from ours, I hope that the road we will take in the future will be the same !"

"Sir, what Lin Zhonghu said is correct, the seaport is the most important link! It is probably the most suitable for him to go to the seaport!" Han Qing said.

"Okay!" Yang Fei took a deep breath, "Okay, okay! Let's not talk about this, Han Qing, you can look in the city again today, if there is any clue of the treasure, we must find the treasure as soon as possible, These treasures cannot fall into the hands of devils, nor can they fall into the hands of bandits!"

At this time, Skinny Monkey ran over, "Captain, the bandits have retreated!"

"Withdrawn?" Yang Fei asked, "They finally withdrew!"

"Leader, what should we do next?" asked the thin monkey.

"I suddenly forgot, how is Yehu Village now?" Yang Fei asked.

"Xiao Kun is guarding there. It should be fine. Besides, when we left, we greeted the brigade commander. If we think about it, the brigade commander will send someone to guard it!" said the thin monkey. ,
Yang Fei nodded, "No matter what, send a report to the brigade commander and ask!"

"Yes," said the thin monkey, "I'll go right away!"

Li Mobai took the villagers and temporarily settled them in a village near Anning County, and then arrived at the county with Ma Xiaokun and reported the situation to Li Jiguang and Wang Wei.

Li Jiguang agreed with Li Mobai to do so, and said, "Although we won the battle, there was no trace of the village bandits. Therefore, your decision to transfer is correct!"

Li Mobai asked, "Brigade Commander, these village bandits don't look like simple village bandits. Although I heard last time that they might be from the national army, why do I feel like devils?"

Li Jiguang looked at him, "Devil?"

"Yes, from the battle with them, I found that they have the spirit of ghosts when they fight. Although they speak our words, they are still not right!" Li Mobai said.

"Speaking of which, I also find it strange!" Ma Xiaokun also said, "Brigade Commander, thanks to Commander Li who arrived in time this time, otherwise, I would have been made dumplings by the devils! When they were guarding Taniguchi, they fell down Gasoline, it is conceivable that it is either devils or the national army! However, I also believe that there are more devils!"

"Your guesses are not unreasonable. I also received telegrams from Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai. They said that the security of the county where they live is a big problem now. They even found a telegraph machine in the city. Those bullies even have the support of devils." " Li Jiguang said, "It seems that the devils want to make a comeback, but we have to hold on tightly, we must not give them a chance!"

"Brigade Commander, now that we have occupied the counties around Anning County, and our base area is gradually expanding, when will the headquarters give us some support?" Li Mobai asked.

"I'm also asking about this, but from yesterday to today, the headquarters has not given us a reply, but we can't worry about this matter!" Li Jiguang said, "Even if the devils want to make a comeback, they won't be able to do it for a while. It will have a big impact on us, but these security issues, or others, have read as big issues!"

"Well, brigade commander, that's good, I'll take people with me, and now beware of the direction of Yehu Village!" He said, and he was about to leave.

"Mobai, wait!" As he spoke, Li Jiguang said, "Be careful in everything. I heard that many places in Beihai are in chaos, and the bandits are all heading towards Gwangju. What's going on there?"

Li Mobai didn't know what was going on.

"Brigade Commander, don't worry, isn't Yang Fei already captured over there? Come to think of it, they will have a solution!" Li Jiguang said.

"Okay, I hope so!" After Li Jiguang finished speaking, Li Mobai left.

Wang Wei looked at him, "Brigade Commander, why do the bandits go to Guangzhou?"

"Yang Fei hasn't received a letter, maybe he's on his way!" After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang looked at the map, "Guangzhou City, the seaport!"

He circled dots on the map, thinking about something specifically.

At this time, the telegraph operator suddenly came over, "Brigadier, telegram!"

As soon as Li Jiguang heard the telegram, he hurried out, took it over to have a look, and found that it was from Yang Fei, he felt some comfort in his heart.

But at the end, Li Jiguang understood why the bandits wanted to go to Guangzhou!
"Political commissar, look!" Li Jiguang then sent the telegram to Wang Wei.

Wang Wei took it over and took a look, "I'm afraid we will be the last to know about this?"

"There seems to be a lot of wealth in Guangzhou City!" Li Jiguang said.

"In the telegram, Yang Fei didn't say the exact amount of the treasure. I'm afraid he hasn't found it yet!" Wang Wei said, "However, where the bandits keep gathering, I'm afraid Gwangju is in danger!"

"Can Yang Fei stand it?" Li Jiguang asked himself.

"Yang Fei also said in the telegram that Lin Zhonghu is also in the bandit alliance, but they reached an agreement with Yang Fei this morning, and they went to the harbor!" Wang Wei said.

"Lin Zhonghu has not changed. I think the information Yang Fei got is roughly the same as our inference, so the seaport has become a top priority!" Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, do we want to quickly capture the harbor? That's where the devil landed. He can directly enter the North Sea, and then press on to Gwangju!" Wang Wei said.

"In this way, pass on my order, order Hu Dahai to lead people, go to the harbor quickly, and report the devil's movements to us in detail. In addition, as for Wu County, let Xi Xiang rush to manage it first!" Li Jiguang said .

"Yes, I will send a report to Hu Dahai myself now!" After speaking, Shen Wanxi went directly to the telegraph machine.

Everything is developing in a bad direction. The one-acre three-point land where the Eighth Route Army is located seems to be peaceful, but who knows where the next game will develop?

"The devils are here, and their vanguard must have entered Beihai. At that time, there will be another bloody storm!" Li Jiguang sat down, writing and drawing on the map.

When Wang Wei came over, "Brigade Commander, I have already sent a telegram to Hu Dahai!"

"Okay, this matter, we have to hurry up!" Li Jiguang said.

Just after finishing speaking, the telegraph operator came over again, "Brigade Commander, there is a telegram!"

Wang Wei hurried over and took the telegram in his hand.

Then look, "Good news!

After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang looked at him, "What's wrong?"

"The headquarters replied, saying that a company has been sent to Beihai. This company has been battle-tested and will be very helpful to our army building!" Wang Wei said.

"This is great, really great!" Li Jiguang took the telegram and read it again.

"The telegram said that the company commander is Zhu Qunfang, and he will arrive in Anning County in about ten days!" Wang Wei said.

"Ten days is very fast, when the time comes, let Xiaokun pick it up!" Li Jiguang said.

"Good brigade commander!" Wang Wei sat down, "Now, our current difficult problem has been solved, and the conscription work is still proceeding in an orderly manner. If an integrated brigade establishes a foothold in Beihai, we won't be afraid of the harassment of devils anymore! "

"One brigade is not enough," Li Jiguang looked down at the map, "I want Beihai to bloom everywhere, and there are Eighth Route Army soldiers everywhere!"

"Then we must vigorously develop the militia to defend our homeland!" Wang Wei said, "This move will definitely be effective!"

Li Jiguang smiled, "Call Yang Fei and tell him that Gwangju City must be well protected. In addition, let them find the treasure and take good care of it. These are the property of the people!"

"Brigade Commander, I'm going right away!" Wang Wei smiled and left.



On the snowy field, a devil in a yellow military coat was holding a saber and facing another devil.

They looked at each other, and then another round of attacks began.



After several rounds of sparring, they looked at each other, "Mr. Siyuan, this saber technique is not bad!"

"Tanabe-kun, you laughed!"

The two men who spoke were the two devils left behind in Beihai. When Yang Fei and the others completely defeated the devils, they were defending in Gwangju. The people evacuated, and when they evacuated, all the people in Gwangju City were driven to the underground waterway of Gwangju City.

And all the entrances and exits are closed.

In this way, even if they are not starved to death, they will be frozen to death.

The two of them set off from Gwangju City with a small team of devils, retreated to a mountain not far from the harbor, and called Waguo to report everything about Beihai.

They also believed that the imperial army would make a comeback.

Siyuan smiled, "In a while, we have to grab some food. No matter how fast the Eighth Route Army moves, it may not be possible to come here in a short time,"

Tanabe also smiled, "As long as Beihai has us, it will also have the interests of the Great Wa Kingdom!"

However, what they were waiting for was indeed a bad fact. A devil ran over, "Captain Siyuan, in the fishing village, we encountered strong resistance from the villagers! We lost a soldier!"

"Baga!" Siyuan stood up angrily, and he asked, "How dare the villagers resist?"

"Captain Siyuan, our soldiers are now surrounded by those fishermen!" the devil shouted.

"Come on, let's go and have a look, we have guns, what are we afraid of?" Tanabe said.

With the team, they arrived at the fishing village. The fishing village didn't look very big, and it was all covered by heavy snow. There didn't seem to be many people in this village.

However, when they arrived at the fishing village, they realized that the fishing village was not small, and many of their soldiers were surrounded by villagers!

"Baga! These Chinese people dare to insult our soldiers of the Great Japanese Empire. Today, let them taste our strength!" After speaking, Siyuan took out his pistol and prepared to shoot.

Tian Bian hurriedly stopped him, "Mr. Siyuan, I'm afraid that your gunshot will be heard by the Eighth Route Army nearby who are planning to make mistakes. When the time comes, we will be the ones who will look ugly!"

"Don't give them any color, they don't know how powerful our Great Japanese Empire is!" Siyuan said angrily.

"We not only have guns, but also knives. Why don't we kill a hundred people?" Tanabe asked with a smile.

When Na Siyuan heard this, he immediately became interested, "I lost to you in the sword competition just now, but you don't want to win me in the sword fight!" Saying that, Siyuan took out the saber directly and pointed at the fishermen. went!
Tanabe did not show weakness, he also took out his saber and waved it over!
The fishermen took spear hooks and beat those devils, but Tian Bian and Siyuan who rushed over suddenly did not give them any preparation to fight back!


"I'm alone! Tanabe-kun, come on!" After speaking, Siyuan brandished another knife.

Na Siyuan smiled.

Tanabe shook his head, "I'll give you ten, but you can't beat me!"



The two murderous monsters started the match, and the fishermen who reacted rushed towards them!
Who is not bloody!

However, it is obvious that the two guys are better at kung fu. Although the fisherman's spear hook is long, it is indeed made of wood. "Crash!" The spear hook fell to the ground, Tian Bian grinned, and slashed left and right, leaving several ordinary fishermen dead on the spot.

"Not bad!" Siyuan smiled, holding the saber and waving it again!

When the remaining devils saw their captain coming, they immediately hacked and killed them.

"Stop me all!"

Tian Bian shouted, "Leave these people to us. Be a witness and see who will kill 100 people first!"


The devils raised their guns and shouted loudly.



No one would give in, he killed one, and Siyuan quickly killed a pair.

Both of their bodies were covered with blood, and the saber was covered with thick blood, making it sticky.But, they won't stop there!


Siyuan began to hold the handle of the knife with both hands, and even showed no mercy to those unarmed old people and children.

Seeing the horror of the devils, many people started to run up the mountain!
Tian Bian shouted, "Go, chase them back to us, without them, who knows if there will be a hundred people!"

Hearing Tian Bian's order, the devils began to chase the fleeing fishermen.

"I fought with you!"

A young lad stabbed towards the edge of the field with a spear hook!
That Tian Bian cut off the spear hook directly with a saber, and stabbed through it with one knife!
The young man hurried to resist, but the sharp saber still pierced his heart, and a ball of bright red blood spurted out, directly smearing Tian Bian's face.

He tasted it deep in the mountain, "It's delicious, it's really delicious!"


He laughed, and then started a new slaughter.

Those devils drove all the women and children who were about to escape, and surrounded the fishermen like sheep herders.

The child cried in fright, and the woman covered the child's eyes.

The men stood in front of the woman, using their chests to resist the ferocity of the devil, "Tear!"



Tian Bian shouted happily, "Mr. Siyuan, I have already killed eighty people!"

Siyuan over there heard, "What? You are two more than me! It seems that I must catch up!"

After finishing speaking, Siyuan waved the saber more quickly, and waved it wantonly in the crowd. He seemed to be practicing bayonet fighting, the more he cut, the more excited he was!
The cries and howls made them more and more excited!
"Give up their house!"

Tanabe yelled!

As soon as the torch came out, it was thrown directly on their hut!

All of a sudden, the flames burst into flames, making it even more bone-piercing in the cold winter!
In order to protect women and children, even if the men were stabbed in the chest with a bayonet, they still held the devil's saber tightly with both hands.

"Baga, Lu!" Siyuan yelled loudly, kicking him aside!


Hehe, in the eyes of these two beasts, Tian Bian and Siyuan, where is there any morality?Where is the law of the king?
Who stipulated that they must be sympathetic?

On the battlefield, anyone can become their enemy, so they don't think there is anything wrong with killing a few Chinese people. This is not a simple war, and it contains more unknown and disgusting things , Devil, they are afraid that they have gone to the [-]th floor of hell, even the King of Hades can't take them in!

(End of this chapter)

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