Chapter 2642 I am
Two ghosts, Tanabe and Siyuan, slaughtered nearly 200 people in the fishing village. They laughed wantonly, and the ghost soldiers onlookers laughed. Said, "Haha, this matter is easy to solve. Let me tell you Mr. Siyuan, we will go west today, and there is another village. I think, how about trying it again at that time?"

Na Siyuan laughed, showing his big yellow teeth, "Okay, it's a deal!"

After finishing speaking, Tanabe immediately ordered, "Quickly search the fishing village, if there is anything to eat, take it all away!"

For a while, the devils began to sweep every corner of the fishing village, even the few puppies that were just born, they fell to the ground and died, and then threw them into a bag.

At this time, Hu Dahai heard gunshots not far away, and he frowned. Although there was only one gunshot, he didn't get any news that there were devils or any armed forces in the vicinity. Just to be on the safe side , he immediately led the people, | "Go, follow me, and go to the fishing village ahead!"

The gunshots were unusual.

When Hu Dahai arrived near the fishing village, he saw the sky full of fire, and the soldiers in front of the investigation immediately ran back, "Commander Hu, the devil is ahead!"

"Devil? How many people?" Hu Dahai asked immediately.

"There are more than 20 devils!" The soldier finished, "I...I also met..."

The soldier stammered a little nervously.

Hu Dahai immediately asked, "Say, hurry up, what's the matter?"

"They seem to have massacred the entire village!" After the soldier finished speaking, Hu Dahai frowned, "This shit, can you see clearly?"

"It's clear, there are a lot of corpses on the ground!"

"Damn it!" After finishing speaking, Hu Dahai took out his pistol and loaded the bullet directly.

"Let's go, these dozens of devils seem to be tired of living!" After speaking, Hu Dahai rushed towards the fishing village. ,

The soldiers behind him also followed Hu Dahai in.when they just entered.

Chickens are flying and dogs are jumping, thick smoke is billowing, it is horrible before my eyes!

The broken walls and ruins also seemed to record the cruelty of the devils. The snow water flowing on the ground was mixed with blood, making it look like a hell on earth. At this moment, a devil saw Hu Dahai approaching and roared, "Baga Yalu! There is the Eighth Route Army!"

As soon as these words came out, Hu Dahai didn't want to give the devil a chance to speak, so he directly raised his gun and shot at the devil with a "boom!"

When the devil fell to the ground, Hu Dahai rushed in directly. Those devils who were still sneaking around seemed to be stunned, but soon, they regained their senses, "Kill!"

Tanabe and Siyuan did not expect that the Eighth Route Army was nearby, and they immediately ordered people to attack on the spot!
"Damn it, let you act recklessly, let you be human!" Hu Dahai shouted, "Wait a minute, capture those two guys alive, I will kill them myself!"


The bullets were staggered. Originally, the devils had been hungry for several days, but their combat effectiveness had also dropped drastically. When they encountered the Eighth Route Army, they were just ordinary attacks.

After a short time, dozens of devils staggered and fell down. Tian Bian saw that the situation was not good, so he took two steps back, "Mr. Siyuan, the Eighth Route Army is very powerful, let's retreat quickly!"

"Yes, retreat!"

After speaking, Siyuan and Tian Bian started to run up the mountain.

Hu Dahai didn't dare to give them a chance to live, so he aimed directly, a bullet hit Tian Bian's knee, and the blood flowed out thickly, and he fell to the ground, covering his knee with his hands, "Baga! "

Seeing this, Siyuan didn't dare to stay, so he could only run away by himself!

Hu Dahai stood up and aimed his pistol again! "Boom!" came again.

This sound hit Siyuan directly on the shoulder blade, causing his body to suffer death-like pain!

Hu Dahai put a pistol on his waist, and then ordered, "Leave the others to you, and I will deal with those two guys!"

Soon, the Eighth Route Army's offensive had gained the upper hand, and those devils who were still excited all raised their guns and surrendered.

To the very center of the fishing village.

The soldiers tied up all the devils who surrendered, and Tian Bian and Si Yuan were also escorted to Hu Dahai's side.

"You killed so many civilians?"


With a slap, Siyuan became dizzy.

"You are so fierce, why are you still caught by us?"


With a slap on Tian Bian's face, five bright red finger prints were immediately displayed.

"Do you think it's appropriate not to take your lives?"


Hu Dahai slapped Siyuan on the other side of the face again.

"Dog, I'm so mad!"


The other side of Tian Bian's face was also hit hard, and five red finger prints appeared!
Hu Dahai stared at them firmly!

Tanabe smiled, "Kill me, anyway, I'm worth it, killing so many Chinese people, it's a pleasure!"


Hu Dahai slapped him again, this slap exhausted all his strength.

Tanabe was thrown directly to the ground by this slap.

"Are you awesome? So awesome?"

After finishing speaking, Hu Dahai still couldn't help but chop off one foot heavily, and then stepped on his face.

Tanabe felt out of breath.

"You can't kill us!" Siyuan said hastily, trembling, looking at Hu Dahai in fear.

"What else did you say? I'm here, I'm going to kill you bastards!" After Hu Dahai finished speaking, he punched Siyuan directly in the face.

Na Siyuan's nose was bled all of a sudden, his body became unstable, and he also fell to the ground!

"You have no right to talk anymore, but I can't let you live a good life." After finishing speaking, Hu Dahai immediately ordered, "Go, hang him up for me, hang him at the entrance of the village, let him take a good look, where is this place?" !” Hu Dahai said.


After finishing speaking, the soldiers went over, and everyone who was filled with righteous indignation slapped Tanabe and Siyuan, and they lost consciousness completely so alive!
Hu Dahai watched in person. After hanging the two people up, Hu Dahai went back directly to watch the devils who surrendered!
"And you, tell me, how do you want to die?" Hu Dahai said coldly.

"Don't care about us, it was Siyuan and Tianbian who killed him!" The devils were terrified, the weather was freezing, so if they were hung up like this, they would die soon!They don't want to die, it's not easy to survive the war!

"Hahaha, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard!" After Hu Dahai finished speaking, he shouted directly, "Go, tie them all together, then take off their clothes, and they are still at the beach!"


After finishing speaking, the soldiers went over, tied them all with a rope, and after taking off their coats, the cold wind got in all at once!
"If you want to kill, kill it! Don't torture us!" the devil said viciously.

"Bullets are precious, I will not be confused about this matter, you are not worthy of using bullets to destroy them!" Hu Dahai said.

They rushed up, and then all rushed to the beach, Haifeng blew wantonly, making them tremble all over.

A soldier slowly approached Hu Dahai's side, "Battle Commander, this..."

"What do you want to say?" Hu Dahai asked.

"Doing this, isn't it a bit..."

Before the soldier finished speaking, Hu Dahai said, "It's not cruel at all, and it doesn't compromise at all. To deal with devils, we can only deal with them in the same way. Here, I have the final say, how to kill They, I have the final say! No one knows, unless one of you tells the brigade commander! Otherwise, I will be fine!"


The wind blows from the sea, blowing that disgusting and unpleasant smell of the sea, this smell of the sea, and so many ghosts!
Hu Dahai asked people to bury all the villagers on the mountain. Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, "Folks, we are late. If we came 10 minutes earlier, I am afraid that you will be fine. Today, I promise you, devil The debts owed to you, I will let them pay back thousands of times, this is not a joke, I am here to promise you, I will not show mercy when I see devils!"

After finishing speaking, Hu Dahai bowed to the villagers, and then left without looking back.

After many years of reproduction, the fishing village has a scale of more than 200 people. However, within a day, they were all killed. How can life be happy, and why should death be bothered?
With the people, Hu Dahai went directly to the harbor.

The seaport is the only ice-free port in the North Sea. Due to the circulation, the fishery is also very developed. As an ice-free port, it used to be a place where devils and Russian devils competed. Although the devils won in the end, the seaport was still preserved. There are many western buildings, churches, and temples. When Hu Dahai really arrived at the harbor, he really understood how good it is here.

Although most of the devils have left, there are still people who do business. They travel from south to north, and the completion of the harbor also makes them successful.

However, there are also businessmen from the Japanese country here. Seeing the businessmen from the Japanese country, Hu Dahai was not polite, directly confiscated all their property, and then drove them all away!

On the land of China, you are exploiting the interests of the people of China, this is impossible!
Not only that, Hu Dahai also ordered that the seaport is the seaport of Huaxia, and anyone who dares to insult and kill Huaxia people in the seaport will be shot!

Just as he stabilized his position, Lin Zhonghu arrived!
It was not surprising to see Hu Dahai of Lin Zhonghu. When he came, Li Jiguang told him that Lin Zhonghu would go!
However, this is all he can understand. He has to be on guard against what happened to Lin Zhonghu.

"Brother Hu!" Lin Zhonghu said hello with cupped hands.

"Master Lin, long time no see!" Hu Dahai also cupped his hands and said hello.

"Unexpectedly, you have already arrived at the harbor." Lin Zhonghu smiled.

"Master Lin, you are here too, I feel that the harbor is saved!" Hu Dahai said.

"Oh?" Lin Zhonghu looked at him, "Is there help?"

"I know that you are here to guard against devils. The reason why our brigade commander asked me to come here is also because of my experience of sailing a boat. He wanted me to come and see what this harbor looks like. However, I have driven away all the ghost merchants here, and it is fine to keep our Huaxia merchants!" Hu Dahai said.

"We don't care about other things. I can't ignore the matter of beating devils!" Lin Zhonghu finished speaking, and then looked at him, "So, brother Hu can sail?"

"Hehe, it's not that I haven't driven the devil's iron boat, and I've used the devil's iron boat to beat the devil!" Hu Dahai said.

"If you say that, I will give you a generous gift!" Lin Zhonghu smiled.

"Great gift?" Hu Dahai looked at him, "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple. I found an iron boat and went up to have a look. It was full of everything. I'm afraid the devils didn't have time to blow it up!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Oh? Where is it?" Hu Dahai asked quickly.

"It's on the north side of the harbor, Tianyi Warehouse Wharf!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Haha, thank you!" Hu Dahai said. "You are the head of Lin Da, but I don't have any gifts for you, but don't worry, I will kill some devils for you!"

"It's so good!" Lin Zhonghu said.

After finishing speaking, Lin Zhonghu asked softly, "The harbor is surrounded by the sea on three sides. Our two families are so small that we might not be able to defend it if we encounter devils. Brother Hu, do you have any tactics?"

Hu Dahai said, "If the devils are coming, the navy must be active. If they find that we are stationed here, the shelling is certain. How can the few of us beat the devil's iron boat? We can only wait for them to come ashore, and then fight them in the street. , can hold them back, that's all!"

"That's right. Now, I only have dozens of brothers. If I can't help you with a big deal, you can tell me a little favor!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Since you call me brother, the head of Linda, I, Hu Dahai, also regard you as my brother. I have never tried to persuade you to beat devils. No matter how they come, I will do it directly!" Hu Dahai said.

"There are many people in the seaport, and the personnel situation is also complicated. I suggest that we should not be too far apart, and we can support each other!" Lin Zhonghu said,

"Naturally!" Hu Dahai said.

After Lin Zhonghu bid farewell to Hu Dahai, Hu Dahai couldn't wait to go to Tianyi Warehouse Wharf. When he got there, he found a devil's iron boat.

Needless to say, Hu Dahai ran directly up to the iron boat, took a rough look, and then nodded, "Yes, this iron boat seems to be in good condition, if it can be started, that would be great! "

After thinking about it, he went directly to the cockpit. Relying on his previous memory, Hu Dahai began to figure out the iron ship.

However, at this time, he realized that this iron boat seemed to be different from the one he drove before. As for so many buttons on it, he had never seen it before!
However, he doesn't care, as long as he is given enough time, this guy should be the same as driving!

Jiang Ying's failure directly caused him to be scolded by Lao Hei!
"Baga! Jiang Ying, you really disappointed me. You didn't take down dozens of Balu!" Old Hei said.

"The Eighth Route Army is too cunning. If it weren't for the Eighth Route Army behind me, I should have taken Panlongpo, and soon after, I would have taken Xinjiang Village. Why did I lose so badly!" Jiang Ying lowered her head and said "Please also give me new instructions, I want revenge!"

"Okay, listen, from now on, don't be too obsessed with the matter of Yehu Village. The structure is too small, and it is easy to mislead you into it. Now, you immediately accept the bandit alliance army, and then form a new team , the name, I have already thought of it for you, it is called Xinjun!" Old Hei said leisurely.

"New Army?" Jiang Ying didn't understand, "But, they are all bandits. We are called the New Army, right?"

"Misleading the Eighth Route Army, making them think that they are fighting against the empire, and making them fearful! Don't forget your original intention, here, I am your direct leader, and you are loyal to the Great Wa Kingdom!" Old Hei said with his hands behind his back. with him.

"I see, I will not forget the cultivation of the Great Japanese Empire, please rest assured, I will not live up to your expectations of me!" Jiang Ying said.

"Okay, I won't say much. After you accept the bandit alliance army, the first thing you do is to attack the seaport first. I heard that the Eighth Route Army has already occupied the seaport. If we want to return to Beihai, we must go through The seaport, the combatants are directly shipped from the south!" said Old Hei.

"Understood!" Jiang Ying lowered her head and said.

"It's good to understand. If you perform well, I will make you the commander-in-chief of Beihai, and take full charge of all actions in Beihai. Don't let down the trust of the empire!" After Lao Hei finished speaking, he slowly turned his head. Come, he put a hand on Jiang Ying's shoulder. "You are a talent, a talent cultivated by our Great Japanese Empire. You also grew up in the Empire. Everything in your family and everything you want can only be given to you by the Empire!"

"Understood!" Jiang Ying said.

"However, don't worry about it in the future, try to speak Chinese language, and let the Eighth Route Army see through our purpose!" Just after saying this, Lao Hei said, "But, don't forget about the Guangzhou incident!"

"I know that Gwangju has supplies that we didn't have time to evacuate at the beginning of our retreat. Gwangju City, after I take down the harbor, I will definitely attack Gwangju first!" Jiang Ying said.

"Don't worry about Guangzhou. You can also listen to my news when attacking the seaport. According to our new information, the Eighth Route Army will send a company's backbone to Beihai. We need to do something about this, so that we can easily win greater victories!" After Lao Hei finished speaking, he looked at the sky, "The weather is not good, it's going to snow, the winter in Beihai is too long, but this Beihai is indeed our strategic throat, take Beihai, remember, remember!"

"I understand, don't worry, I will definitely take Beihai, then I will leave now to form a new army!" Jiang Ying stood up after finishing speaking.


Lao Hei took out several medicine bottles from his body, "You can use these things!"

Jiang Ying looked, and then he looked at Lao Hei again, "This is..."

"This is a new drug that the empire has just researched. We gave it a nice name, called Sakura Burial. This drug is easy to dissolve in water, and once you get it, you will become addicted. If you rely on this, you will be very addicted." Good to control people!" After Lao Hei finished speaking, Jiang Ying's face changed slightly, he just raised his head, Lao Hei said, "I know what you want to say, don't worry, he will be fine, don't worry Already!"

"Thank you, thank you!" Jiang Ying said.

"Okay, there's not much to say, you go quickly, and when the new army is formed and the city of Liao is occupied, it will defend the harbor! Jiang Ying, Commander Jiang, I'm leaving!" As he said, Lao Hei disappeared gone.

Jiang Ying went over and took the bottle, trembling slightly in her heart.

He really wanted to crush these bottles, but he couldn't. For him who lived in Kyoto since he was a child, he already regarded Kyoto as his hometown, but his father told him more than once that Huaxia It's his hometown. He speaks Japanese, eats sushi, and sees cherry blossoms every spring. He doesn't understand why his hometown is far away in China?
The angry university was admitted to the Kyoto Infantry Academy. In a few years, his subjects were excellent every time, which made him very proud. However, when the dean gave awards to the best people at graduation, he was not there. name.

In a fit of anger, he went directly to the dean, and the dean said to him directly, "You are a Chinese, how can the Chinese be the best? Blame your country if you want to blame it, blame yours if you want to blame it." parents!"

He went home and found his parents, who said, "You are a Chinese, and this cannot be changed!"

"But, I was born in Kyoto and grew up in Kyoto. I..."

He didn't know what to say, his father touched his head, "Son, look around, which country thinks highly of Huaxia now? You have to do something for Huaxia!"

"You're not in Kyoto, so what have you done?" Jiang Ying's question made his father laugh, and his mother slowly came over, "Over the years, your father has been donating money and goods to Huaxia. Although we We didn't go to the battlefield in person, but we did what we could!"

He looked at his father in shock. From being familiar to being unfamiliar, at this moment, "No one has ever felt that his country is the most shameful. It is never shameful to say that he is a Chinese. On the contrary, we have a long history. , we have civilized ancestors, we are the best people in this world, they look down on you, you have to look down on yourself!"

Jiang Ying nodded, "I'm going to Huaxia!"

His father nodded, "A man should be like this!"

However, this matter was soon known by the high-level officials in Kyoto. They made things difficult for Jiang Ying everywhere, and even contaminated his father with drugs, making his father's life worse than death.

All kinds of high-pressure policies forced Jiang Ying to succumb. If he wanted to go to China, he would fight for the Great Japanese Empire!

In this way, Jiang Ying was sent to China and Beihai.

Only in this way can they guarantee that their family will survive!
Thinking of all the past, Jiang Ying looked at the drug in front of her angrily, okay, I hope I can take Beihai, and you let my father go!

He stood up and went out, when a gust of wind blew, he rolled up the collar of the windbreaker without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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