Chapter 2645
Qin Dazhu's words made the land snake feel a little bit bitter, he really didn't understand, why are those gangsters so easy to fight?Did they really come to give him Qin Dazhu experience?
However, he really didn't dare to say anything more, so he hurriedly stood here and waited together.

After Qin Dazhu said what he said, his heart skipped a beat, as if he understood that what he said was a bit serious.

However, as the eldest brother, he felt that he was already very merciful, and that he didn't ransack all his family members, which was the greatest gift to him.

It is said that the tiger climbing the wall went out, and he said to Li Mingchao aloofly, "Okay, the elder brother has allowed the two of you to go to see him, but you can't bring anyone in, otherwise, it will be hard for me to be a man! "

Li Mingchao glanced at Bai Dalong, "Okay, okay, it doesn't matter, as long as I can see His Majesty, I can do whatever I want!"

When Bai Dalong followed them, he gave the people behind him a wink, and then they started to move quietly.

After entering Liaocheng, everyone felt that their strength was beginning to grow, and no one could resist Qin Dazhu's attack.They are perfect, they are invincible.

At this moment, Bai Dalong suddenly clutched his stomach, "Ouch!"

The wall climbing tiger turned to look at him, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"Boss, my stomach hurts badly, and my head started to hurt, can I have someone bring me some medicine?" Bai Dalong asked.

"Okay, okay, hurry up!" The wall-climbing tiger said quickly.

Bai Dalong went out the door, and then whistled. Not long after, he heard the sound of horseshoes outside, and came running over with a "da da da".

The soldiers on the tower yelled at the wall-climbing tiger, "Brother, there is a team coming from outside!"

Bai Dalong hurriedly said to Climbing Wall Tiger, "That's the one who brought me the medicine! The one who gave me the medicine!"

"Don't be nervous, that's my brother too," the wall-climbing tiger instructed.

The soldiers on the tower no longer paid attention to this matter,

After a while, Bai Dalong hurried over, someone brought in some herbs and a package, "Bastard!"

I only heard Bai Dalong cursed, and then put the package on the ground, "Put this thing here, and return this thing!" After saying that, Bai Dalong took off the gun from his body and put it into the package, " How can you bring a gun to meet His Majesty?"

After saying this, Li Mingchao hurried over and put the gun in, "You're right, you're right!"

Then, Bai Dalong stuffed the package towards the gate of the city, and walked up to the wall-climbing tiger, "Brother, let's go!"

"Okay, let's count your facts. When you meet His Majesty, you really can't bring a gun. From now on, you will be your own people, so you won't be so cautious!" After the wall climbing tiger finished speaking, he took them to the so-called forbidden palace.

When he saw Qin Dazhu, Qin Dazhu wanted to be happy, he got off the dragon chair himself, and then looked at the two of them, "That's right, the two of them are like dragons and phoenixes at first sight, the official positions of Lingjiang Captain and Cavalier Captain let you do it!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" After finishing speaking, the two pretended to kneel down.

"What's your name?" Qin Dazhu asked.

Bai Dalong quickly replied, "The little one is called Bai Dalong!"

"Okay, good name. I need a white dragon like you to protect me. How about you? What's your name?" Qin Dazhu looked at Li Mingchao and asked after finishing speaking.

"The young one is called Li Mingchao!" Li Mingchao introduced.

"Good name, I must have an innocent person like you to assist me. Joining the two of you will definitely increase our strength. In addition, my Northern Expedition is approaching. When we attack Shencheng, we must also mention it." It's on the agenda!" Qin Dazhu said.

"Your Majesty, Qian Hailong has already taken people to the harbor to suppress the bandits, is our strategy now to send troops to Shencheng?" asked the Land Snake.

"That's right, the seaport is nothing to worry about, and Shencheng is our top priority." After finishing speaking, Qin Dazhu looked at the tiger climbing the wall, "General Pingbei, now that the big battle is imminent, I order you to lead Li Mingchao, Bai Dalong and the others. General, attack Shencheng, then we will move the capital to Shencheng, I will let the three of you do all of this, how about it?"

"The last general obeys!" The wall-climbing tiger said hastily.

"Your Majesty, my troops really need to rest and recuperate. They have been outside the city for several days, and the number of injuries and sickness has increased greatly. I am afraid that it is not suitable for the exhaustion of boats and cars. Can you let them enter the city, and then march into Shencheng in three days? ?” Li Mingchao asked.

When the land snake heard it, it was really deceitful, and then hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, there is a village outside the city called Lianghu Village. Lianghu Village can be amended by them. Since ancient times, apart from our forbidden army, the city can't send troops outside the city. Come in, please Your Majesty let the two generals station in Lianghu Village, we can attack Shencheng in three days!"

The ground snake lowered its head and quietly looked at Bai Dalong and Li Mingchao!
Qin Dazhu thought about it, yes, they can give money if they want to repair it, but there is no precedent for personnel wanting to come in, so he said, "That's right, you two generals, you can let personnel enter Lianghu Village to be stationed in a while. , I’ll send someone to deliver food to you!”

Bai Dalong wanted to scold people, but he was not worried that his people would not be able to get in. Maybe, after ten minutes, this city of Liao had already been occupied by them!
"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Li Mingchao said quickly.

"Okay, you two have worked hard, come and clean up the two generals!" Qin Dazhu said.


After a while, several graceful women came in with some food, the smell was tangy, Bai Dalong had never eaten so well outside, this time, he wanted to let go of the food!
Li Mingchao was naturally very happy, who wouldn't want to have a good meal?
Put the things down, and then the fine wine is brought up.

"Come on, two generals, let's have a drink together!" Qin Dazhu raised his glass and said.

The two also raised their wine glasses, "Thank you, my emperor!"

Then drink it up.

"Your Majesty, then I will let go and eat. I have never eaten such delicious food outside. Today, with Your Majesty Ron, I really want to have a good meal!" Bai Dalong finished speaking, He picked up the big piece of meat and started to chew it.

Seeing this, Qin Dazhu was very happy, thinking to himself, "This is really an idiot, there are such people, why worry about them?"

Thinking of this, Qin Dazhu laughed, "Eat, eat!"

Li Mingchao also began to eat a lot.If there is meat to eat, if you don’t eat it, you don’t eat it for nothing!

At this moment, a "Boom!" was heard suddenly.The wine Qin Dazhu picked up fell to the ground with a "crack"!
The voice was not far away. With meat in his mouth, Bai Dalong raised his head to look at Qin Dazhu, and then at the wall-climbing tiger, "Brother, what's wrong?"

"Yeah, brother, what's the matter?" Li Mingchao also asked.

Qin Dazhu frowned, "Tiger climbing the wall, go and see, what happened outside?"

"Your Majesty, I'm going right away!" After finishing speaking, the wall-climbing tiger came out.

At this time, the ground snake suddenly stood up and walked up to Bai Dalong, "General, come, have a drink!"

Bai Dalong raised the wine glass in his hand and didn't even stand up. The land snake was very annoyed. It was obvious that he didn't give him face. After drinking, the land snake laughed, "General, don't pretend, you Should know what happened!"

Bai Dalong raised his head and looked at him, "Who are you? How dare you speak like that to General Ben!"

"I am the minister of military aircraft, who do you think I am?" the angry land snake roared.

"All right, all right!" Qin Dazhu shouted hastily, "They just came here, so it's justifiable not to know!"

The land snake turned to look at Qin Dazhu, "Your Majesty, don't be fooled by them. They have a total of 1000 people. Could it be that they just surrendered? Think about it carefully, there is no way to explain it!"

"That's because the wall-climbing tiger subdued them all!" Qin Dazhu asked.

"Is this possible?" the land snake asked, "What kind of ability does the wall-climbing tiger have, you don't know? Hmm? How could he beat the two of them?"

"Presumptuous, maybe the wall-climbing tiger is more powerful than these two idiots?" As soon as the words came out, the meat in Bai Dalong's mouth fell out of his mouth, and the **** actually said that!

Li Mingchao swallowed the meat in his mouth, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Qin Dazhu suddenly felt that it was really embarrassing for him to say what was in his heart just now, but the land snake really didn't know what to do, this guy wanted to die!

"The wall-climbing tiger has a whole body of flesh, how many people can he beat?" The ground snake refused to let go.

"Come on, take down the land snake!" Qin Dazhu was angry!Very serious consequences!
"You don't need them, I'll do it!" As he said, Bai Dalong wiped his oily hands on his body, "Land snake, what kind of devil, it's too ugly, what's the matter, you are also a snake, how dare you compare with me as a dragon? Come on, I'll let you see how strong I am, Bai Dalong!"

The ground snake took out a pistol from his waist angrily, "What's the matter, you want to die?"

"Looking for death? I mean ground snake. Here, you hide a pistol. It seems that you have evil intentions!" Bai Dalong said.

"Die!" The ground snake glared at him, the bullet was about to go out.

At this moment, Bai Dalong walked over quietly, "If you are capable, shoot and kill me. In this Golden Luan Hall, you dare to shoot?"

"Yeah, you can't shoot!" Li Mingchao was still eating meat regardless.

"You two moths," the ground snake roared, "let me see what you are capable of!"

"Boom!" Only a gunshot was heard, "Crack!" I heard the sound of bones breaking.

All of a sudden, Qin Dazhu's tangled heart rose to his throat.

The bullet hit the roof, and some dust leaked out.

Looking again, he saw that the land snake's wrist was broken by Bai Dalong, and he looked at Bai Dalong in pain.

Qin Dazhu saw that this was not bad, this Bai Dalong's skill is so powerful!
At this time, he realized that the wall-climbing tiger is not so powerful, is it?However, the wall-climbing tiger really subdued them. What's going on?Is it really as the land snake said?
Thinking of this, Qin Dazhu hurriedly said, "Okay, Bai Dalong, stop, don't kill anyone!"

However, Bai Dalong didn't listen to him, "Who did you say was going to die just now?"

The ground snake was stunned, he took a step back, and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Kill you!" Bai Dalong roared.

Qin Dazhu hurriedly got down from the dragon chair, "It's okay, it's okay, don't really kill people!"

Li Mingchao hurried over and grabbed Qin Dazhu, "Oh, Your Majesty, don't worry. Bai Dalong has a sense of proportion!"

The ground snake swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Okay,"

The facts are already in front of our eyes, which one of them is sincere, still can't tell?However, at this moment, they have clearly recognized that Bai Dalong and the others are definitely not good people!
"You don't listen to me anymore?" Qin Dazhu shouted with his hands behind his back.

"Listen, wait!" Bai Dalong rubbed his hands, "Wait until I kill the land snake!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Dalong kicked the land snake in the chest. When was the land snake beaten like this?

I saw him fly a few meters away, hit the wall and then fell to the ground.

He struggled in pain, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing blood, is that okay?Qin Dazhu hurried over, "How is it, is there anything wrong?"

"You are so confused!" said the land snake, "Your throne is lost!"

"Ah?" Qin Dazhu looked at him in surprise, "No way?"

"No? Hehe, they are so powerful, the wall-climbing tiger has never beaten them, maybe the wall-climbing tiger has already rebelled." The ground snake said.

Qin Dazhu stood up, "Come on! Come on!"

A few soldiers came in from the door, "Go, catch Bai Dalong and Li Mingchao!"


After finishing speaking, several soldiers quickly surrounded the two of them!

"Your Majesty, you have been bewitched. We have a lot of people, but..." Bai Dalong said halfway, and then rushed over, his arms spread out, and several soldiers went down, "But my strength is not bad. !"

Seeing such a situation, Qin Dazhu backed away in surprise!

When he got to the door, he didn't even think about it, what were he waiting for if he didn't run?Their fox tails have leaked out, let's go on like this!But the game is really over!
Thinking of this, Qin Dazhu turned around and ran away!

However, he used a lot of energy, and he always felt that someone was pulling him. When he turned around, he found that Li Mingchao was pulling his clothes!

He wanted to die already!

"What are you going to do?" Qin Dazhu yelled, "You are regicides, you will kill everyone!"

"Man's family copying? Okay, you go and find me my man's family. I've been lonely and helpless all my life, and I really haven't seen what kind of man's family is!" Li Mingchao dragged Qin Dazhu into the door and grabbed him. Push it to the ground, and he and the ground snake will stay together!
At this moment, the wall-climbing tiger came running over, and saw no one else, only heard, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, run quickly, run quickly, the bandits have already entered the city gate, run quickly!"

Hearing this, no one's heart is uncomfortable.

Qin Dazhu scolded the wall-climbing tiger several times in his heart, this bastard led wolves into the house, and now he still doesn't realize it!

When Climbing the Wall Tiger entered the room and saw Qin Dazhu lying on the ground, he hurried over, helped Qin Dazhu up, and was about to run, but he turned his head and said to Bai Dalong, "You two, hurry up and organize people to deal with the bandits. I will escort His Majesty out of the city immediately!"

Just when he had just run a few steps, he suddenly realized that Bai Dalong and Li Mingchao were standing there motionless.

He stopped suddenly, then turned around, "You..."

"Okay, okay!" Bai Dalong said, "How can this matter be so complicated!"

Li Mingchao also laughed, "This play is over. What kind of big brother, what kind of majesty, I have never seen the second brother on the ground where I am. Do you say you are the big brother or the big brother? Such a shabby big brother?"

"What are you going to do?" The wall-crawler pulled Qin Dazhu behind him, "Bai Dalong, don't be impulsive!"

At this moment, a "slap" slap hit the wall-climbing tiger on the face!
An angry Qin Dazhu kicked him to the ground.

"Damn it, why are you talking to the two generals!" Qin Dazhu roared.After yelling, he looked at Bai Dalong and the other two people, "You two generals, I will call you General Fubo, now hurry up and get rid of the evil people around me, including this wall-crawler!"

"Okay, stop acting!" Bai Dalong walked up to Qin Dazhu, and gently patted his face with his hands, "This daydream should have woken up long ago! Don't you know?"

"What exactly are you going to do? Tell me what you want to do!" Qin Dazhu asked.

"You are of no use to us anymore! Haha, our purpose is to enter the city, and this is our purpose!" After finishing speaking, Li Mingchao said, "We are the new army, how can there be any Da Luo gods, Don't lie to yourself!"

"The new army..." Qin Dazhu was startled when he heard this.

"Tell me, what did you do before? Tell me, you can be exempted from punishment!" Li Mingchao said.

At this time, Qin Dazhu is still hiding something, and said quickly, "Several military lords, we used to... used to serve the devils. We are members of the Liaocheng security regiment. When we saw the devils leave, we wanted to play home." Play at home!"

"Oh, from the security team!" Li Mingchao nodded.

The Land Snake and the Wall-Climbing Tiger also quickly knelt down, "We are all members of the security team, but..." They swallowed, and looked nervously at Li Mingchao and Bai Dalong, "We...have never hurt the common people!"

"Hahaha!" Li Mingchao got up. "Look at scaring you!"

Bai Dalong also knew that although they played such a trick, what he wanted was that he had so many people in his hands, so he hurriedly said, "Okay, join us!"

"Okay!" Qin Dazhu said quickly.

"How many people are there in total? Check it out!" Li Mingchao said.

"There is no need to count, we now have a total of 1000 people, but 26 people have followed Qian Hailong to fight the harbor!" Qin Dazhu said.

"Harbour?" Li Mingchao remembered that this harbor was fought by three or four columns, and it would be too embarrassing for a family to not know a family by then.Quickly said, "Hurry up and send someone to bring him back!"

"Yes yes yes!" Qin Dazhu said quickly.

At this time, a bandit suddenly ran in, "Captain, our men and horses have all occupied the tower, and the general attack wiped out more than 100 enemies, and the rest surrendered!"

"Okay!" Li Mingchao waved his hand, "Okay, the captives will be led by the wall-climbing tiger, as long as our combat objectives are achieved!"


Qin Dazhu already has something to do here, and the wall-climbing tiger has also found his own job, so there is only one land snake left. He looked at Bai Dalong and the others, not knowing how to speak, "Master Jun, what about me? What about me?"

Bai Dalong looked at him, "You? What are you? You are not even qualified to serve me a chamber pot!"

"Don't, I used to be a member of the security regiment, and I'm still the deputy commander, military lord, I need a job, please do me a favor!" The ground snake knelt down and begged.

"Haha!" Bai Dalong laughed, "Skinless guy, okay, since you want to find an errand, then pour the chamber pot for me later, okay?"

"Go, go, go!" The land snake doesn't care about 21 now, as long as it can survive, what else do you dislike?
"Okay, since this is the case, then you have to stand at the door all the time, and you can't come in without my order!" Bai Dalong roared.

"Yes!" The ground snake quickly stood up and stood at the door.

Liaocheng was finally won. For Bai Dalong and Li Mingchao, it was an explanation to Jiang Ying. They were able to take it without delay, which also showed their ability.

They didn't care about anything else, sat down on their seats again, and started eating meat.

Yang Fei led the people to the harbor quickly, and they had to be able to defend the harbor.First, they missed the harbor, and they had to retreat. Yang Fei didn't have time to see where they retreated, but they always understood that retreating again and again was an insult to them.

Yang Fei, who heard the sound of gunfire, quickly took out the map, "The sound came from the direction of Liaocheng. It seems that these bandits have already started a battle in Liaocheng. There are more than 1000 people. It is impossible for them to attack Liaocheng. It must be divided into two parts, and there is another part to hit the seaport. Starting from Liaocheng to fight the seaport, I am afraid they are already on the way. Liu Ji, quickly occupy the Jinfeng Bridge. Besides, the Jinfeng Bridge is a barrier leading to the seaport! "

"Yes!" After Liu Ji finished speaking, he led the people away.

Similarly, Hu Dahai also heard gunshots. He knew that if something happened to Liao City, their goal would be at the harbor. Without further ado, he led his people to East Hague, which is north of the harbor.

The reason why the harbor is an ice-free port is also a strategic location. It is because of the geographical location of the harbor. It is surrounded by the sea on three sides and mountains on the other side. Although it is not too high, at that time, as a strategic location, he Hu The sea still understands that they still have insufficient defense, but occupying the East Hague is a barrier to defend the entire harbor!

Further north in East Hague, there is also a Jinfeng Bridge. If you pass the Jinfeng Bridge, you must pass through East Hague!
Therefore, Hu Dahai made the second line of defense first, and then planned to blow up the bridge. Only in this way can the harbor be defended!
(End of this chapter)

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