Chapter 2646
Wu Liuzi and Zhang Heigou were cursing, it was freezing cold, what could they do?Going to attack the seaport, although they don't care about appreciation, it is bound to be able to fight, but they are angry, Wu Liuzi looked at Zhang Heigou, "Tell me, who is Jiang Ying? On the one hand, let us What kind of new army, on the other hand, let us cooperate with the devils!"

Zhang Heigou shook his head, "Who knows? It doesn't matter so much, let's talk about it after taking down the harbor. Have you ever seen that Jiang Ying, who is a bitch, has our handle. What kind of cherry blossom burial is simply poison!"

"Let's be careless. How can we trust them after we've been in the rivers and lakes for so long? Isn't this slapping ourselves in the face?" Wu Liuzi sighed.

"I heard that Bai Dalong was frustrated in his attack on Liaocheng, and he was beaten up by the Great Qin Empire. Haha, I laughed so hard. When is it time, the Great Qin Empire, who danced to the Great Immortal, dared to be so arrogant!" Zhang Heigou said .

"I've heard that too. In fact, I want to see how they got frustrated. It's so funny!" Wu Liuzi said.

"Have you seen the Jinfeng Bridge in front, after passing the Jinfeng Bridge, after passing the Jinfeng Bridge, it is really almost to the harbor. It is freezing cold, and we can have a good drink when we arrive at the harbor!" Zhang Heigou Cheer up.

"The relationship is good, hurry up, let people hurry up, we must pass quickly!" Wu Liuzi said.

The mighty 500 people speeded up, and if they wanted to enter the harbor at the earliest time, they had to arrive before dark today.

Hu Dahai, who was about to defend the Jinfeng Bridge, was also taken aback when he saw so many people coming, "Damn it, so many people!"

Lin Zhonghu rushed over after hearing the news, "Brother Hu, how is it going?"

"Look!" As he said, Hu Dahai pointed to the side of Jinfeng Bridge, "We must stop their attack now, I am afraid that Jinfeng Bridge will definitely not be able to defend!"

"Then it's in East Hague. We can almost hold it here!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Look, how arrogant those people are!" After speaking, Hu Haihai immediately picked up the binoculars and looked at it.

However, upon seeing this, he was stunned, "Damn it, do you know who is in front?" Hu Dahai looked at Lin Zhonghu and asked.

"Who?" After asking, Lin Zhonghu took a telescope to look, "It's strange, they are bandits. I saw Wu Liuzi, and Zhang Heigou!"

"What? Bandits?" Hu Dahai asked again, "Leader Lin, take a look again, the one with the flag, what is written on it?"

"What new army..." After reading slowly, Lin Zhonghu was even more surprised, "The bandit alliance army has become a new army in a blink of an eye. This change is a bit too big!"

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly said, "Brother Hu, how could these bandits be the new army!"

"The brigade commander sent me a telegram, saying that there is indeed a new army in Beihai. They are coming here, and they are probably doing it with bad intentions!"

"Do you dare to fight?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"This..." Now is the period of cooperation, who dares to shoot easily?

Their bottom line is still there, that is whoever fires the first shot!
They must not fire the first shot, otherwise, the international public opinion will be too big.

"Don't dare to fight? Okay, then I will fight! I want to see how capable those bandits are!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Headed by Lin Da, you don't have many people. If you look at those bandits, there are almost 500 people. This is a big number!"

"No matter what, I still have to fight them, but don't worry, I will never cause trouble for you. I have a grudge against them, and the grudge is very great. They are people, it is not a pity to die!" Lin Zhonghu was about to lead people Walk.

At this time, Hu Dahai suddenly saw that there was another force.Quickly stopped, "Wait!"

Lin Zhonghu stopped, "What's wrong?"

Hu Dahai held the binoculars and looked into the distance, "Haha, Mr. Lin is in charge, I came up with a good idea!"

"Good idea?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"Look over there, there is also a small group of troops coming from there, do you see it?" Hu Dahai asked, pointing there.

"I see, that's..." Lin Zhonghu asked.

"You forgot, they asked us to surrender and submit, and we disagreed, so they said they would wait and see with us. Forgot, Great Qin Empire!"

After Hu Dahai finished speaking, he laughed!
"If you say that, we're all doomed!" Lin Zhonghu sighed.

"No, Master Lin, if you want, I think you can send someone to talk to their leader and say, we are willing to surrender, but the prerequisite is that they must help us defeat this so-called new army! "Hu Dahai said. ,
"Yes, this is a great thing. Fortunately, they are here. Without them, we don't know what to do!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"As long as they are willing to fight, let's say that the harbor will be given away unconditionally, and all of us will obey the call of the Great Qin Empire!" Hu Dahai said.

"Good idea!" After finishing speaking, Lin Zhonghu called Mingzi who was beside him over, "Mingzi, you go over now, tell them exactly what brother Hu said just now, and see what they mean!"

"Good!" Ming Zi said.

"When the time comes, don't speak coldly, otherwise, they won't listen!" Lin Zhonghu instructed.

"Brother, don't worry, I know how to do it!" Ming Zi said and left.

Watching the new army start to cross the bridge, Hu Dahai began to feel a little nervous. Donghai Ya started the last defense. If they really wanted to come over, they would have to shoot.

As soon as I thought of this, a soldier ran over, "Battalion Commander, Battalion Commander, Commander Yang is here!"

"Captain Yang? Yang Fei?" Hu Dahai asked.

"Yeah, they are ten miles behind us, and they are rushing to us!"

"Just right!" Hu Dahai became happy, "It's saved, it's saved!"

When Lin Zhonghu heard that Yang Fei was coming, he was even more happy. Haigang, this is really a huge strategic location, and their defensive capabilities are really limited.

The arrival of Yang Fei might turn the situation here!
Just after thinking about this, Hu Dahai quickly said, "Hurry up and tell Commander Yang, let them come to East Hague and join us now, and say that Jinfeng Bridge has been occupied by the enemy!"


Saying that, the soldier ran away.

From a distance, seeing Ming Zi running towards Qian Hailong, what are they doing here?Although Hu Dahai didn't understand, what he understood was to win over!

Qian Hailong and his people are rushing to the Golden Phoenix Bridge. He knows that the Golden Phoenix Bridge is a good place. If the Golden Phoenix Bridge is guarded, the harbor will really become an independent kingdom.

At this time, a person suddenly ran over, "Prime Minister, Prime Minister, I found a spy!"

"Oh? Hurry up and bring it here!" Qian Hailong said hastily.

After bringing Ming Zi over, Qian Hailong asked, "Who are you?"

Mingzi pretended to be a little scared, and then said, "You are the prime minister of the Great Qin Empire?"

"I am, tell me. Who are you?" Qian Hailong asked.

"I'm from the front harbor, our boss asked me to talk to you!" Ming Zi said.

"Talk about something? Okay, then tell me!" Qian Hailong put his hands behind his back and looked at the messenger in front of him.

"Our eldest brother said that we are willing to surrender, willing to surrender!" Ming Zi said hastily.

Hearing this, Qian Hailong laughed, "This is intimidated by my large army, isn't it?"

"Prime Minister, don't make fun of us little ones. In fact, after your envoy left, our elder brother regretted not listening to you, but when our elder brother asked us to go to Liaocheng Then, as a result, we ran into a group of bandits who kidnapped our envoy and threatened us that if we dare to collude with the Great Qin Empire, we will die!"

Mingzi pretended to be a little sad, "However, our eldest brother was deeply inspired by the emperor's grace, so he had to send people there again, but he was caught by the bandits again. Now, those bandits became angry and sent people to attack the harbor. Now, They have passed the Golden Phoenix Bridge, and the harbor is at their fingertips!"

"Prime Minister, please save us!" Ming Zi knelt down, snot and tears slipped down together.

Qian Hailong nodded, "It seems that your eldest brother really wants to join us, don't worry, with us here, those gangsters are looking for death!" Qian Hailong said.

Mingzi kowtowed again, "Prime Minister, our eldest brother said that all of us will guard the East Sea. At that time, even if we are old and young, we must guard the harbor and submit to Daqin. Even if we are all dead, our souls Son, I also want to follow Daqin!"

Ming Zi's words made Qian Hailong almost want to cry, "Brothers, you go back first and tell your elder brothers, we will watch here, and when all the gangsters pass through, we will pass through the Golden Phoenix Bridge. The bandits are wiped out!"

"Yes yes yes!" Ming Zi said quickly.

"What else? How many people do you have now?" Qian Hailong asked.

"Two hundred!" Ming Zi said.

"Where's the other party?" Qian Hailong asked again.

"There are more than 500 opponents, we are worried that we will not be able to beat them!" Ming Zi cried.

"Okay, you go back first, as I said, we will definitely win this battle!" Qian Hailong said.

"Thank you Prime Minister, thank you Prime Minister, thank you Your Majesty!" Ming Zi ran away, watching Ming Zi run away, Qian Hailong nodded, "Let's set up more than 600 people and beat them more than 500 people, it shouldn't work questionable!"

Thinking of this, Qian Hailong hurriedly said, "Now everyone, go and occupy the Golden Phoenix Bridge first, and then wait for the opportunity to fight the bandits!"


After finishing speaking, Qian Hailong ran to Jinfeng Bridge with his people!
When Mingzi went back and told them about this, Lin Zhonghu and Hu Dahai gave a thumbs up, "Brother Hu, you are amazing!"

"Da Lin is in charge. In this matter, we have to say that we are lucky!" Hu Dahai said.

"In this way, we will attack back and forth! We will definitely be able to keep them out!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Yeah, God help me too! When Yang Fei comes, let's wait for the harvest!" Hu Dahai said.

Half an hour later, Yang Fei came with people, and when he saw Hu Dahai, Hu Dahai told them about their plan!

Yang Fei also nodded, "That's right, in this case, let them both lose, and we can take them all down!"

"It seems that you also agree with this idea, we are all waiting for them to fight!"

When Hu Dahai had just finished speaking, he heard gunshots.

Looking again, it turned out that Daqin was fighting with the gangsters.

When Wu Liuzi was about to go around East Hague to attack the harbor, someone poked his spine. Looking back, there were so many people behind him, and he broke out in a cold sweat from fright!
"Damn it, what's going on?" Wu Liuzi yelled.

Zhang Heigou took a closer look, "It... looks like we are surrounded!"

"Fight! Fight!" Wu Liuzi shouted, "We have to break through a line of defense and occupy the Jinfeng Bridge first. After we have no worries, let's fight the harbor again! Otherwise, it will be so painful!"

"That's right, let's hit Jinfeng Bridge!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Liuzi and Zhang Heigou began to give orders to turn around and attack Qian Hailong's troops!
The battle broke out between the two sides, and there were casualties on both sides.

Hu Dahai on the mountain became happy, "Yang Fei, look, they are biting!"

"Hit?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"Fight, such a good opportunity, what are you waiting for if you don't fight?" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei ordered, "Brothers, face those bandits and fight for me. Don't care about the bullets. If the bullets are gone, you can kill them from them." Search, life is gone, life is over!"

After speaking, gunshots rang out from East Hague again.

Liu Ji rushed down the mountain with his people, and only after Wu Liuzi realized it did he understand, "Damn it, are they cooperating?"

Zhang Heigou clapped his hands, "Fuck, we've been fooled!"

"Fight, fight Jinfeng Bridge, you must take Jinfeng Bridge and hold it, so you can deal with the Eighth Route Army!" After Wu Liuzi finished speaking, he quickly fired at Jinfeng Bridge.

"Da da da!"



This battle was almost a one-sided battle. Liu Ji led his men down the mountain, and no one was injured or injured, but the right group of bandits fled everywhere!

This kind of battle also gave Qian Hailong at the foot of the mountain hope. "Keep the Golden Phoenix Bridge, keep the Golden Phoenix Bridge!"

The battle at Jinfeng Bridge was an unequal battle from the very beginning. For the gangsters, this place became the final battleground, if it was the last place where they died!

Soldiers are deceitful. From the very beginning, it may not be good for the Eighth Route Army, but from now on, this battle is doomed, and victory will be on this side!
Liu Ji grew stronger and braver, and they had seen too few scenes of gangsters fleeing everywhere, and they collapsed as soon as they were beaten.

Yang Fei looked at it and laughed, "Hu Dahai, what are you waiting for. Harvest quickly!"

Like a round of sharp blades, Liu Ji's troops directly dispersed the troops of Wu Liuzi and Zhang Heigou. Their original will to fight suddenly collapsed at this moment!
Hu Dahai immediately showed his bayonet, "Comrades, go!"

The charge sounded, and the soldiers in East Hague, like a flood, set off from the mountain and rushed down the mountain all the way.

Wu Liuzi was still in shock. He never thought that the Eighth Route Army could fight so ferociously. He originally wanted to destroy the Jinfeng Bridge. Now it seems that they can't even kill more than a dozen people on the other side, let alone the Jinfeng Bridge.

"Retreat! Follow me!" Wu Liuzi dragged a few people casually, "Follow me!"

A few people surrounded Wu Liuzi and ran all the way west!

More people saw Wu Liuzi running away, so why fight?run chant!

Zhang Heigou rushed to the front, and just after exchanging fire with Qian Hailong, he found that his back was poked in the spine, "Hit, hit me!"

He just gave the order, and then he turned his head to see that the Eighth Route Army running down the mountain seemed to have more numbers than them, it was fatal!
This is not the main thing, the more important thing is that Wu Liuzi, the bastard, has already taken someone away!

Seeing this, Zhang Heigou scolded all Wu's six sons and eight generations of ancestors, "It's a bitch, it's really harmful!"

Scolding is scolding, running still has to run!

Their people and Qian Hailong had just exchanged fire.Both sides fired anxiously, and Wu Liuzi hurriedly ordered, "What are you fighting for? Run!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Heigou turned around and ran away, what are you waiting for if you don't run?That can't wait to die!

The main generals have all run away, what else should they do?
You can only run with Zhang Heigou.

Qian Hailong on the other side of Jinfeng Bridge saw that the bandits had all run away!He was overjoyed, and he immediately ordered, "Catch them, chase them ten miles away!"

Upon hearing this order, Qian Hailong's troops crossed the Jinfeng Bridge and ran towards that side.

An overwhelming victory, this was not a large-scale battle, but it was an extremely surprising battle. In the final result, the Eighth Route Army only injured three people, and they accidentally fell while running Yes, and the people who dived into the sea dragon only got on more than 20 people, and more than a dozen died!

In Qian Hailong's view, such a victory is already a marked battle.

Now that he had won, he had to fulfill his promise. He personally led people to the East Hague, and just halfway there, he was stopped by the Eighth Route Army, "What are you doing?"

Upon hearing the question, Qian Hailong turned his back, "You bastard, let your boss come out quickly, I am the prime minister of the Great Qin Empire!" Qian Hailong said angrily.

"Great Qin Empire, which Great Qin Empire?" The Eighth Route Army shouted again.

"Grandma has a leg, how many Great Qin Empires can there be? According to the agreement between us, you must now unconditionally accept the changes of the Great Qin Empire. I will tell my brother that it is still possible for you to become a captain!" Qian Hailong roared.

Hu Dahai laughed, "This guy really doesn't know how big the sky is, Lao Yang, you have a thick skin, you tell him!"

"Damn it, you came up with this idea, you made me lose face!" Yang Fei cursed.

"It doesn't matter, otherwise, your people will accept the adaptation!" Hu Dahai said.

"Fuck, I'm the head of the regiment, you're the battalion commander, of course you're the one to accept the adaptation!" Yang Fei said.

"I'm sorry, I'm not under your management. My team leader is Shen Wanxi. Unless Shen Wanxi asks me to accept the change, no one will let me go!" Hu Dahai was really thick-skinned by Yang Fei.

Yang Fei shook his head, "You motherfucker is thicker than me now, but don't forget, in the thick-skinned realm, I am the patriarch!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei grabbed Hu Dahai's collar, "Go not going?"

At this time, Lin Zhonghu came over, "Okay, I'll accept the adaptation!"

The two looked at Lin Zhonghu, "No, no, this is Lin Zhonghu's suggestion, let him go!"

"Yang Fei has a thick skin and let him go!" Hu Dahai and Yang Fei argued with each other!
"Forget it, let me go! I'll let Mingzi go first!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"That's fine!" Yang Fei and Hu Dahai said at the same time.

Lin Zhonghu opened his mouth round, "Sure enough, the thick-skinned patriarch, I admire him!"

Just as Mingzi was going down the mountain, Yang Fei said, "Mingzi, tell him when you go down, we accept the adaptation. But, let the prime minister come to the harbor! Let him personally accept our official position!"

Akiko didn't understand why he said that, but he still nodded, "OK!"

After Ming Zi left, Hu Dahai asked, "Old Yang, do you really want to accept the adaptation?"

"Nonsense, you can't see how many of them, so many of them, it would be great if they became ours!" Yang Fei said.

"I know what you mean, but I'll put my ugly words first. This plan was made by Lao Tzu. Even if they submit to us, they are still my Hu Dahai's people and have nothing to do with you!" Hu Dahai said arrogantly.

Damn, I dare not tell you.

In other words, Mingzi went down the mountain and saw Qian Hailong, and said to him, "Prime Minister, Prime Minister, thank you this time!"

"Stop talking nonsense, where is your boss? Let him come out to meet me!" Qian Hailong said.

"We were at the harbor, and he said he was hosting a banquet for everyone, and asked everyone to go to the harbor. The brothers just now didn't know what the elder brother meant, so please forgive me, Prime Minister!" Ming Zi said.

"Really?" He was dubious, but still decided to go to the harbor. After all, this was Qin Dazhu's intention.

He followed Akiko to the harbor.

But on the way, Ming Zi said, "Prime Minister, how about this, you and I can go, I see so many brothers, when the time comes, I will ask my brothers to bring food to everyone, after all, the harbor is small, There is no room for so many people, I heard that our eldest brother has prepared a beautiful girl for you, would you like to enjoy it?" Mingzi said quietly.

"Hahaha" Qian Hailong nodded, "It's really interesting! Okay, follow you!" After finishing speaking, he turned and looked at his brothers, "You wait here, I will come when I go! When the time comes, we Stationed at the harbor!"

Follow Mingzi to the harbor, and when they arrive at the harbor, Hu Dahai, Yang Feilin and Zhonghu entertain Qian Hailong.

Sure enough, I was right, a large table of dishes made Qian Hailong feel that he still has a lot of face!
He put his hands behind his back, and then looked at them, "Which of you is the leader here?"

Yang Fei pushed Hu Dahai, and Hu Dahai looked at Yang Fei, "You are the head of the regiment, you go!" After speaking, he pushed Yang Fei forward.

"I am, I am!" Yang Fei said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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