Chapter 2647
Chapter 2553

"Three-party forces? In a small seaport, there are actually three-party forces!" Qian Hailong asked with his hands behind his back, "Which three-party forces?"

"I, I am the commander of the first regiment of the Eighth Route Army, and this is the battalion commander of the second regiment. Also, this is Lin Zhonghu, the leader of Lin Da!" Yang Fei introduced.

"Where is this person? Which side is he from?" Qian Hailong asked.

Pointing to his name, and walking ahead, Lin Zhonghu came out suddenly, "It's mine, he's mine!"

"Anyway, since it's yours, would you like to join us?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"Yes!" Lin Zhonghu said quickly.

"Since you are willing, how many people do you have?" Qian Hailong asked, he understood that no matter what, it was a certainty that he would enter the harbor!

"Two people!" Lin Zhonghu said, "Just me and Mingzi!

Qian Hailong was stunned, he looked at Lin Zhonghu, and then at Dian Mingzi, "No, that's not what he said at the time, he said that you have 600 people, is it true?"

"600 people is the total number of our three parties!" Yang Fei said, "I will bring 500 people!"

"Yes, I still have 100 people!" Hu Dahai also said.

"Yes, the two of us!" Lin Zhonghu looked at Qian Hailong.

"This..." Qian Hailong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he forcibly endured it, and then asked, "Alright then, wait, let's talk about surrendering, I'm hungry, let's eat!"

As soon as Qian Hailong sat down, Yang Fei went over, "No, no, this matter, you should make it clear. If you don't make it clear, your matter will affect the harbor!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he pulled Qian Hailong up .

"Bastard!" Qian Hailong slapped the table, "No matter what, we have a large number of people, and I have four or five hundred people. Now, I want to take people into the harbor, and this is our land too!"

"No, no, no!" Yang Fei quickly shook his head, "That's not okay, how could your people come in, you will be a three-party force when you come in!"

"Didn't he submit to us? Aren't we just one party? This adds up to three parties!" Qian Hailong argued with reason.

"No, no, no, you misunderstood. What I mean is, the three of us signed an agreement at that time, and you joined, what's the matter?" Yang Fei shook his head, "No way!"

Qian Hailong heard that the other party was still unwilling to admit this fact, he looked at Lin Zhonghu, "Lin Zhonghu, would you like to join us?"

"Of course I do!" Lin Zhonghu said quickly.

"That's enough, if he joins us, his identity will naturally change!" Qian Hailong said.

"Since the identity has changed, then for sure, this agreement will become invalid. He belongs to your people, and your people are not in the harbor now, so now the harbor is the power of both of us!" Yang Fei nodded, " Okay, won't this matter be resolved like this? When the time comes, you will take Lin Zhonghu with you, won't that be the case?"

"You don't know what I mean?" Qian Hailong asked, "The forces, we will never withdraw, this is a death order!"

"Oh, this is so difficult!" Yang Fei bit his head.

"What's so difficult!" Qian Hailong continued, "The agreement, we just need to sign it again, just change Lin Zhonghu's name to one of yours. Why is such a simple thing so difficult?"

"Of course not!" Yang Fei said, "At that time, the three of us had disputes over the harbor, of course it was the three of us. Now, Lin Zhonghu joins you, of course he is willing to give up his influence here. This is also an indisputable fact. Why? What do you want? Come in? I don't agree!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he glanced at Hu Dahai, and Hu Dahai also hurriedly said, "That is, our two forces are balanced, so you'd better not come!"

Lin Zhonghu understood what Yang Fei and the others meant, and hurriedly said, "You see, in the final analysis, I have too few troops in the harbor to check and balance them. Once I have my own troops, I'm afraid it will be me The power of the family, in the end, it is our power, but unfortunately, there are only two of us!"

Qian Hailong looked at Yang Fei and Hu Dahai angrily, "Don't forget, I helped you just now!"

"No, you helped Lin Zhonghu!" Yang Fei said.

"You're talking nonsense!" Qian Hailong's high blood pressure almost made him angry.

"What? En? He's right. It's because he has only two people, and people in the harbor speak lightly. In fact, we are also afraid that he will be strong. When the time comes, we will retreat, which will be her family. However, the two of them can defend Can you live in the harbor? Isn't this a joke?" Yang Fei said with a smile, "It's impossible! If your people join in, that won't work either! We won't accept you!"

Looking at Yang Fei's appearance, Qian Hailong felt like a rascal, he really wanted to spit on him to death.

He turned to look at Lin Zhonghu, "If you were someone, would you be able to fight for your own power in the harbor?"

"Of course!" Lin Zhonghu said, "Of course I can, at least, my words have weight!" After finishing speaking, Lin Zhonghu walked up to Qian Hailong, "As far as I know, they are about to withdraw their defenses. Our family? Now they see that I have few people, so they just won’t leave! Just like a mangy dog!”

"Are they leaving?" Qian Hailong asked.

"It's time to walk in, just because I have few people!" After Lin Zhonghu finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at Yang Fei, "Don't worry, if you believe me, I will hurry to recruit soldiers and buy horses, but...the money and food are too little! However, In another year or two, I will have a scale of 500 people!"

"Nonsense!" Qian Hailong heard this, a year or two is really not worth it for a seaport!

After saying this, Qian Hailong had an idea in his mind. With his hands behind his back, he looked at Yang Fei with natural disdain, and then said proudly, "I brought four to five hundred people with me. Let Lin Zhonghu take the lead!"

"That's not okay, he's already surrendered to you!" Yang Fei said.

"Who said that, I didn't accept him!" After speaking, Qian Hailong gave Lin Zhonghu a wink.

"Yeah, he didn't accept me!" Lin Zhonghu said quickly.

"I don't believe it, you can really give him soldiers and horses. These days, only soldiers and horses have the right to speak!" Yang Fei said.

"Can I still lie to you?" Qian Hailong said, "Let's go, let's go out, and I will tell them personally that their eldest brother will be Lin Zhonghu in the future!"

"Really?" Hu Dahai asked quickly.

"I keep my word, and I never go back on my word!" Qian Hailong said.

When they arrived at East Hague, the 500 people were sitting on the ground resting. When they saw Qian Hailong, Qian Hailong shouted, "Get up, I'm announcing something important!"

Everyone who was sitting on the ground stood up, "Listen to me, from today onwards, you will follow Lin Zhonghu, the head of Lin Da, if you go against my wishes, you will be shot!"

Everyone began to whisper, but Qian Hailong added, "What? I can't speak well?"

"Why?" someone asked.

"Don't ask why, let me tell you, you don't understand, now you just need to remember, just follow the head of Lin Da!" Qian Hailong said.


"it is good!"

After finishing speaking, Qian Hailong called Lin Zhonghu aside, "Lin Zhonghu, I will give you the people, and you can seize the real power as soon as possible. The eldest brother is waiting for your good news in Liaocheng!"

"Don't worry, within two days at the earliest, I will definitely let them go around. Besides, with our ability, they will be scared to death!"

"I love to hear that. I'll be here in two days. We need to completely control the harbor!" Qian Hailong said. ,
"Okay, I got it!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"No no no!" Yang Fei said again, he looked at Qian Hailong, "You can't do this, unless you tell them that it doesn't matter if they like you, otherwise, we won't agree!"

"That's right, I don't agree. Why are there so many people for no reason? At that time, wouldn't I have no right to speak?" Hu Dahai also echoed.

Qian Hailong cast a glance at Yang Fei, and continued to say to the 500 people, "Listen, from now on, you and elder brother will have nothing to do with each other, and everything will be under the control of Da Lin, do you understand?"


Those people continued talking.

Yang Fei pretended to look at Hu Dahai, "We...we're afraid we won't be able to stay in the harbor for long, so hurry up and tell the brigade commander, let's retreat!"

Hearing Yang Fei's whisper, Qian Hailong chuckled, sure enough, a lot of people is strength!

"Okay, now, let the head of Linda lead you into the harbor, and when you enter the harbor, you will be completely finished, but..." Qian Hailong didn't dare to finish speaking, and then said, "Okay, Let Lin Da be in charge, let me tell you!"

"Brothers, from now on, you are my younger brother, Lin Zhonghu, and you must obey me for all orders!" Lin Zhonghu said.

In fact, many of them were Lin Zhonghu's people before, so naturally they didn't have any complaints.

Qian Hailong saw that the matter was settled, and he was happy in his heart.

"That's fine!" Yang Fei pretended to shrink back, "In this case, let's go have a drink!"

"Go, go eat and drink!"

After finishing speaking, a few of them went back, facing a table of dishes, everyone was happy, including Yang Fei. As for his purpose, he was naturally clear in his heart.

After exchanging cups and cups, after a few rounds, Qian Hailong drank too much, his head became dizzy, and he couldn't control his limbs.

Yang Fei smiled and looked at him, "Brother, you drank too much!"

"No, continue, today, I'm happy, drink a few more glasses, that's what I should!" Qian Hailong said.

"Okay, let's reconcile twice, let Lin Da take you back to your room to rest!" Yang Fei said.

"No, I have to go back. When I go back, I have to explain my military exploits to my elder brother!" After speaking, Qian Hailong stood up, staggered and fell to the ground.

Lin Zhonghu hurriedly sent two people to help him up, and then said, "Since my brother is going back to Liaocheng, you two should push into a cart and send my brother back safely!"


Qian Hailong smiled happily. Although his head was dizzy, he was not to mention how happy he was. He won the harbor directly without bloodshed. Although he had to wait for two days, he always felt that he was a real genius. Invest, let him go back, no one dares to yell at her!

The two helped Qian Hailong into the car, then covered him with a quilt and left.

When he left, everyone burst into laughter.

Lin Zhonghu stood up suddenly, "Brother Yang, this time, thank you very much!"

"Brother Lin, don't thank me, it's because you performed so well!" Yang Fei also laughed.

"This Qian Hailong really thinks he has subdued you, how ridiculous!" Hu Dahai laughed.

"In this way, we have more than 1000 people in the harbor. Brother Yang, brother Hu, this time, thank you for coming, and have a drink with me!"

After speaking, the three of them toasted together and drank it all in one gulp.

Accompanied by the sound of joy, they feel hearty!

At this time, it was icy and snowy outside, and the two pushed Qian Hailong towards Liaocheng.

At the same time, the wall-climbing tiger also dared to come here with a few people!

Although they heard the brief sound of gunfire, they thought that Qian Hailong and the Eighth Route Army had already exchanged fire, so they were not in a hurry and walked slowly towards the harbor.

However, at that moment, they met!

When the wall climbing tiger saw Qian Hailong, he immediately woke him up from the car, "Qian Hailong, Qian Hailong, wake up!"

Qian Hailong opened his eyes slightly, saw that it was a wall-climbing tiger, and then closed his eyes again, "Bastard, my own, my own!"

"My ass, your people have been wiped out long ago!" said the wall-climbing tiger.

"It's gone!" Qian Hailong finished speaking, then opened his eyes and sat up all of a sudden, "What did you say? What's gone?"

"Just today, the bandits have invaded Liao City, and we have all been captured!" said the wall-climbing tiger.

"How is this possible? How could it be wiped out so quickly? You run away quickly, why don't you run away? I'm still leading people to fight here, why don't you come over?" Qian Hailong asked.

"Hey, it's hard to say. At that time, I was also to blame... But let's not talk about it, the matter has come to this point, let's go back quickly!" Said, the wall-climbing tiger walked back alone.

"Stop!" Qian Hailong shouted.

The wall-climbing tiger stopped, and then looked back at him, "What do you mean? It means that the country is broken now? Is it really impossible to go back?"

"You can go back, brother... No, Qin Dazhu has now become an ordinary person of the gangsters, and the land snake is now punished to pour the chamber pot for them. I heard that you went to fight the seaport. Qin Dazhu asked me to notify you quickly and go back with illness. Accept their merger!" The wall crawler just finished speaking, and then asked in surprise, "Huh? Strange, you brought the person you brought? Why are there only these two people?"

Hearing this, Qian Hailong sobered up all of a sudden, he hurriedly asked to put him down, "Too bad, I have already sent my people into the harbor!"

"So, you have conquered the harbor?" asked the wall-climbing tiger.

"Almost," Qian Hailong said.

"Since we have been defeated, well, let's go back now and tell those bandits the good news, and then we will have a good life!" The wall-climbing tiger cheered up, "Give them a gift, this gift, very precious !"

"Okay, let's go quickly, hurry up!" After saying that, they hurried to Liaocheng.

When they arrived in Liaocheng, Qin Dazhu was waiting for them at the door.

His face was full of despondency, as if he had been shouted and beaten by everyone. He saw Qian Hailong, and asked quickly, "How? How? You brought someone back?"

Qian Hailong told Qin Dazhu about this, Qin Dazhu nodded, "So, the harbor is within easy reach, isn't it?"

"Yes!" Qian Hailong said.

The wall-climbing tiger also hurriedly said, "In this case, we have the possibility of doing it all over again!"

"Yes, yes, do it all over again, you must do it all over again!" Qin Dazhu finished speaking, then rolled his eyes, "This matter will be up to me later!"

After finishing speaking, they met Bai Dalong and Li Mingchao.

The two were sitting back and forth on the chairs, feeling the sense of accomplishment brought by the first deal.

Seeing that they will come, Li Mingchao smiled, "Oh, you are back!"

"A great deal, a great deal!" Qin Dazhu said directly.

"Good thing? What good thing?" Bai Dalong asked.

"The harbor is already in our hands!" Qin Dazhu said directly.

"The harbor is in our hands?" Bai Dalong and Li Mingchao glanced at each other. It stands to reason that Zhang Heigou and Wu Liuzi should attack it. How could it be in their hands?
Although a little suspicious, they continued, "In this case, then hurry up and take down the harbor. What are you doing here? Who is there?"

"Captain, he is my new recruit named Lin Zhonghu!" Qian Hailong said hastily.

"What?" Bai Dalong and Li Mingchao patted their sitting positions directly, "Lin Zhonghu?"

"That's right, I asked Lin Zhonghu to stay in the harbor with his people. If we want the harbor, we go directly there, and Lin Zhonghu will definitely give it to us!" Qian Hailong said.

Just when Bai Dalong was about to get mad, a younger brother suddenly ran in, "Captain, Captain, Captain Zhang and Captain Wu are here!"

"Are they here? Why are they here?" Bai Dalong asked.

"They... seem to have lost the battle and abandoned their armor!" Xiao Bing said.

"Let them in quickly!" Bai Dalong roared.

When Wu Liuzi and Zhang Heigou came in, Li Mingchao hurriedly asked, "Old Zhang, Old Wu, what's the matter with you?"

"Don't mention it, dog, we were going to attack the harbor quietly, but suddenly a group of stupid soldiers rushed out and surrounded us, causing us to lose our troops!" After Wu Liuzi finished speaking, he sat down directly and took his hand. Just a sip of a bowl of water.

"Who?" Bai Dalong asked quickly.

"How do you know that!" Wu Liuzi said.

Qian Hailong turned his head and realized that this person looked very familiar. After thinking about it again, he immediately understood, isn't this guy the guy he beat today?When he was running away, he saw it with his own eyes. When he thought of this, Qian Hailong's back felt cold.

After Zhang Heigou finished speaking, he glanced at Qian Hailong and the others standing there, and then frowned. He stood up suddenly and walked up to Qian Hailong, "Dog thing!" After finishing speaking, he grabbed Qian Hailong. Hai Long's collar, "It's you!"

Bai Dalong and Li Mingchao hurried down, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"What's the matter? It's this kid. I've seen him before. He led people to fight us and let the Eighth Route Army take advantage!" Wu Liuzi roared.

Bai Dalong instantly understood!

Li Mingchao also understood.

Qin Dazhu was kept in the dark, he didn't know what happened, but seeing them so angry, he hurriedly asked, "Captain, what's going on?"

"Slap!" A slap slapped Qin Dazhu's face, "Get out!"

Qin Dazhu staggered and fell to the ground, and then he quickly stood behind a few people.

A few pairs of eyes kept staring at Qian Hailong, and squatted on the ground with a bang, "I'm confused, I'm confused. I didn't understand at the time!"

How could Wu Liuzi let him go, he punched Qian Hailong in the face, instantly, Qian Hailong's nostrils bled, he wiped it, "Captain, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

"Wrong?" Wu Liuzi stared at him firmly, "It's fine if you're wrong?"

That's right, Wu Liuzi and Zhang Heigou went through the battle at Jinfeng Bridge. They were indeed lost troops. Moreover, there were countless casualties, and only 200 people came back. How could they not be sad and angry when they were more than half of the casualties?
"Bitch," Zhang Heigou also came over, "It really is you, you bastard, I want to beat you!

After finishing speaking, he punched Qian Hailong's face again, and Qian Hailong's stomach turned upside down, and he spit out the wine he had just drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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