Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2648 Hostage

Chapter 2648 Hostage
Chapter 2535 Let Qin Dazhu vouch for it
Seeing this, Qin Dazhu suddenly understood the whole story. The wall-climbing tiger didn't dare to speak, so Qin Dazhu had to come out. He pointed at Qianhailong on the ground and shouted, "Damn it, do you really want to kill me? !"

Qian Hailong never imagined that the people he hit were these people in front of him. If I had known today, I would have surrendered to the Eighth Route Army in the harbor!

But thinking about it, what can he do now?
"Qian Hailong, tell me so stupidly, did you do it?" Qin Dazhu asked, bending down and helping Qian Hailong's collar with both hands.

"Yes!" Qian Hailong nodded and said.

"It's knowing people and faces but not knowing, you're a bastard, you're going to kill us today!" Qin Dazhu beat his chest and stamped his feet in anger!
The land snake standing at the door laughed, and shouted in his heart, "I'm mad at you, you shit!"

"Don't say anything!" Wu Liuzi finally said, "A person like him can't be kept!"

"Yes, you can't stay!" Zhang Heigou also said quickly.

Upon hearing this, Qin Dazhu hurriedly said, "Captains, captains, I was also kept in the dark! Really, this matter has nothing to do with me!"

"Get out!" Zhang Heigou pushed Qin Dazhu aside.

Qin Dazhu was pushed to the corner, and felt inexplicably relieved. In this way, this matter really had nothing to do with him.

Qian Hailong woke up from the nightmare just now, "Captain Captain!"

Several people looked at him, "What? What did you say before you died?"

"Captains, listen to me. I know that I am damned and have done something wrong. However, I still have a chance to make up for it. After I make up for it, please feel free to kill or cut me up. Although I am a sea dragon, I am nothing Great hero, but I still have heroism!" Qian Hailong said immediately.

"What use value do you have!" Zhang Heigou snorted.

"That's right, one more of you is not too many, one less of you is quite a lot, there are many murder cases on my body!" Wu Liuzi said.

"Captains, I have already placed my people in the harbor!" Qian Hailong said.

"Damn it, I'd have forgotten it if you didn't tell me!" Zhang Heigou finished speaking, and looked back at them, "Tell me, now that Lin Zhonghu is in the harbor, it's a fucking difficult thing. With so many people wanting to take over the harbor, I'm afraid it won't be too easy!"

Bai Dalong nodded, "Yeah, I never thought that Lin Zhonghu would be in the harbor, and he actually colluded with the Eighth Route Army, God damn it!"

"Old Bai, don't think about it, just take someone there and do it!" Wu Liuzi said.

Li Mingchao shook his head and said, "Wait!" Then he looked at Qian Hailong, "Tell me, how many people are there in the harbor now?"

Qian Hailong knelt on the ground, then moved two steps forward, "I know this, I know this, plus the people I put in, there should be a thousand of them!"

"Damn it!" Zhang Heigou scolded, "The guy who has done more than failed!"

"However, don't worry, although I don't know that you have prejudices against Lin Zhonghu, but since I have subdued him, he will definitely listen to me! As long as I go and let them fight the Eighth Route Army, we will definitely win! At that time, Haigang It's ours!" Qianhailong Capital ohhhhh, "So, captains, don't worry, this matter has always been in our hands!"

Li Mingchao pulled several people aside, "This is not a serious matter!"

"They are all a thousand people, and it's not a bad thing. Listen to Qian Hailong's one-sided words. How much ability does he have to make Lin Zhonghu his younger brother? Isn't this a fairy tale? Several of us recommended him to be the leader, and he didn't even want to be the leader. If it wasn't forced by the situation, he wouldn't even talk to us, now, if he knows it's us, tell me, will he listen to us?" Zhang Heigou said.

"Don't think like this!" Li Mingchao said, "At least for now, Lin Zhonghu doesn't know we're here. If he knows, this matter will be difficult to deal with. Now that he doesn't know, it means that we still have room to maneuver!"

"Zhou Xuan? How to Zhou Xuan?" Wu Liuzi asked.

"For the time being, let's listen to Qian Hailong. As long as we enter the harbor and Jiang Ying's side, we will have an explanation, and even the burial of cherry blossoms will be given to us, so don't be impulsive. It is impossible to fight. The one in our hands There are only so many useful people!" Li Mingchao said.

"Do you really trust this Qianhailong? What if he betrays?" Bai Dalong asked.

"One sea-diving dragon is not enough to be our opponent. What if he succeeds? It doesn't matter if one more sea-diving dragon or one less sea-diving dragon. This is the bet. For us, it is beneficial and harmless for us to use a small to make a big fortune! "Li Mingchao said.

"Yes, yes!" Several people nodded, "That is indeed the truth!"

After finishing speaking, Li Mingchao looked at Qian Hailong, "You said that Lin Zhonghu is your little brother, well, you go now, if you don't get the harbor before tomorrow morning, be careful I will kill you, if you get it Harbor, and call it to us, we can restore your monarchy, and you can play however you want!"

Hearing this, Qian Hailong was about to speak when Qin Dazhu ran over, "Hurry up and agree, kid!"

Qian Hailong nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, I can do it, I can do it!"

"However, there are certain risks for you to go to the harbor!" Li Mingchao said.

"That's right, captain, it's risky for him to go, how about some of us accompany him?" Qin Dazhu asked.

After hearing Qin Dazhu's words, several people laughed, "Don't think about it, this kind of risk is for us, not for him, Qian Hailong, think it over, are you going?"

"Go, I will definitely go!" Qian Hailong had no choice now.

"Okay, that's good!" Li Mingchao finished, and then said, "Then you choose a guarantor. If you go and never return, or if you go to the enemy, this person will pay the price!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Dazhu took two steps back.

Qian Hailong looked at them, then turned to look at Qin Dazhu.

Qin Dazhu shouted angrily, "What do you want me to do? Well? You sent the man, and you want me to pay for your life. It's a good idea!"

Qian Hailong turned his head and looked at Li Mingchao, "Captain, why don't you let the wall-climbing tiger guarantee it!"

The wall-climbing tiger was stunned, and he wanted to cry, "I have no grievances with you, why do you want me to die?"

"No, he's not qualified!"

Li Mingchao shook his head.

"Earth Snake, is he the head office?" Qian Hailong asked again.

"No, neither can he!" Li Mingchao still shook his head.

"Forget it!" Li Mingchao said, "Let Qin Dazhu guarantee it!"

All of a sudden, Qin Dazhu was like five thunderbolts, it was like a bolt from the blue!
He looked at Li Mingchao dumbfounded, took two steps forward, and then stammered, "Captain, Qian Hailong has an 80-year-old mother in his hometown, and his old mother can guarantee it!"

(End of this chapter)

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