Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 265 The Eve of the Riot

Chapter 265 The Eve of the Riot
The thinking of the three of Zhao Shaojun is very simple. After all, the strength of the imperial army is obvious to all.

This point is an indisputable fact. After all, you see that China is so big, what about now?
There are too many places occupied by the imperial army, and the Chinese army can only retreat under the attack of the imperial army.

The Lingchuan in front of him was just an accident of the imperial army.

He thought three times, as long as he succeeds in completely defeating the Wolf Warriors in Lingchuan this time.

Then, the imperial army in Gaoping can come again and completely wipe out the Wolf Warriors. At that time, the three of them will be first-class heroes.

As for the hero, in the Lingchuan area, which was once again under the control of the imperial army, it can be said that he really became under one person and above ten thousand people.

It has to be said that the thoughts of the three of them are too taken for granted.

The three of them hadn't heard the news about the mass annihilation of devils in the battle that just happened a few days ago. If they knew, the three of them might not think so.

"Well, you did a good job."

Hearing the reports of the three, Su Yunuan immediately praised them with a smile.

"It seems that you are already fully confident. If this is the case, you will tell the landlords the time of action. The action will be three days later.

During these three days, they must become more familiar with the members of the Wolf Warriors, and at the same time, find out the terrain within the Wolf Warriors.

Fight for this time to completely wipe out the Wolf Warriors in every village. As long as you can wipe out all the troops in the villages of the Wolf Warriors, then these people in the county are nothing to worry about.

Also, as long as this plan is successful, the three of you will completely become the heroes of the Great RB Empire. At that time, there will be great rewards. "

While Su Yunuan gave the order, he settled the matter of the three people's credit.

Of course, credit must be based on the successful completion of the plan.

"Hi Yi!"

"Serve the imperial army, and die!"


The three Zhao Shaojun and others who heard Su Yunuan's words immediately became excited in their hearts.

At the same time, these three guys hurriedly got up, bowed and hid, and swore an oath of loyalty to the imperial army.

"Okay, you three go out first, I still have something to say to Miss Huizi."

When Mr. Wu saw the three people in front of him, who were constantly flattering, a look of disgust appeared in his eyes.

For stupid Chinese people, it is okay to use them, but once they have been in contact for a long time, they will be disgusting.

Because they talk too much, and they keep flattering. After a long time, everyone will be disgusted.

"Hi Yi!"

"Hi Yi!"


Hearing Mr. Wu's words, Zhao Shaojun bowed and hid, then turned and left.

The three of them dare not disobey Mr. Wu's orders. After all, Mr. Wu is their real boss.

The three of Zhao Shaojun left the room respectfully and closed the door.
Seeing the three leave, Mr. Wu's expression immediately changed, and he stared straight at Miss Huizi in front of him.

"Miss Huizi, the Empire issued a warning about your intelligence last time. Because of your information, a large number of warriors in the empire were killed. The Colonel and Your Excellency the General are very angry."

Mr. Wu told Su Yunuan, Miss Huizi, the news from the empire to Su Yunuan.

He criticized Miss Keiko on behalf of the Colonel and His Excellency the General.

"Hi Yi!"

Hearing Mr. Wu's tone, Su Yunan immediately bowed her head and said hello.

"However, Mr. Wu, my information is accurate."

Although she bowed her head and said hello, Su Yunuan still started to refute. After all, she knew in her heart that the information she sent must be fine.

"Hehe, Miss Keiko, I don't care if the information is true or not, I'm just conveying their dissatisfaction on behalf of the Colonel and Your Excellency the General.

Besides, with just one Chinese squadron and more than 200 Chinese troops, we can wipe out the imperial warriors of our three squadrons.

Also, can more than 200 Chinese people completely disrupt the Shuijiang area?
Miss Keiko, we are not children, we should not be so one-sided when looking at things. "

Mr. Wu looked at Su Yunuan with a smile, and expressed his thoughts.

At this moment, his heart was full of pleasure, after all, in front of Su Yunuan, he was just a subordinate.

However, now, he is talking to Su Yunuan on behalf of Da Zuo and His Excellency the General, and Miss Su Yunuan cannot resist.

It would be disrespectful to resist.


Su Yunuan still wanted to fight back, but when she thought of the army stationed outside the Wolf Warriors, she suddenly woke up.

The China Wolf Warriors that left in the county may have more than 200 people, the strength of a squadron.

But what about outside the county seat?

Now, after being reminded by Mr. Wu, Su Yunuan understood it all at once.

At the same time, in her heart, she gave Lei Zhan and the China Wolf Warriors the name of a cunning fox.

Thinking of her mistake, which caused a large number of imperial warriors to be broken, Su Yunuan felt very guilty.

She felt that she was ashamed of her father's cultivation.

Presumably, this matter has already spread, and the father will definitely lose face in the general's circle.

"Of course, Ms. Huizi, as long as this wolf slaughter plan is completed perfectly, then our credit is still great."

Mr. Wu looked at the silent Miss Huizi, and immediately began to enlighten.

He understood the matter very well. After all, there must be a limit to reprimanding people by name, otherwise, the effect would be completely opposite.

"Well, don't worry, Mr. Wu, I understand."

After Su Yunuan smiled, she said that she understood.

In the following time, after the two talked for a while, Su Yunan left the small courtyard under the respectful escort of Zhao Shaojun and the other three.


"Ouch, how can you do this, Ouch!"

In the forest training ground, at this time, it can be said that it is overcrowded.

A large number of beggars and hooligans were gathered here, offering delicious food and drink every day.

Of course, under the premise of good food and drink, they have a common task, which is to train, to train well.

As long as you want to eat, you have to train hard.

However, the training ground has been very quiet for the past two days, and the beggars and hooligans who have been training honestly.

Some of them started to make trouble today, clamoring, they are too tired from training, they don't want to train, they want to go back to the county.

The leaders among them are a few beggars and a large number of hooligans.

Of course, most of the beggars are still very obedient, they just watch quietly in place.

This group of people is very satisfied in their hearts. It is a great thing that they can learn skills while giving them food and drink.

However, the local hooligans among them will not be satisfied.

Two days ago, it was because no one took the lead, but today, if someone took the lead, they had to stand up and fight for their own chance to leave.



At this time, Lei Zhan in the county also received reports from soldiers.

The hooligans in training, led by a lame beggar, want to riot!
(End of this chapter)

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