Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 266 The Riot Begins

Chapter 266 The Riot Begins

In the county headquarters, Lei Zhan was looking at the map, thinking about the future development direction of the Wolf Warriors.


At this time, the report of soldiers came from outside.

Hearing the voice of the soldier, there was some anxiety and haste, Lei Zhan turned around, and put the pen in his hand on the table.

"Come in!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's order, the reporting soldier immediately ran in.

Seeing his expression, he was a little flustered.

The soldier ran into the office, saw Lei Zhan next to the desk with a flustered expression, and immediately calmed down.

When he saw Lei Zhan, he saw the backbone.

"Report to the leader, the beggars and hooligans in the training camp in the mountains want to riot, please go and have a look quickly."

The soldier came to the desk, and before he had time to salute Lei Zhan, he explained the situation directly.

"What! Against them!"

After Lei Zhan heard the soldier's report, anger immediately rose in his heart.

He didn't expect that this group of people would be so ignorant of flattery, offering delicious food and drink, and thinking of making trouble.

"Go, take a look!"

Lei Zhan picked up his belt and pistol, and led the soldiers outside.

In a special period, with special means, Lei Zhan decided that if things cannot be done, they have to be suppressed by force.

After all, if these people are not dealt with properly, they will be a huge hidden danger in the Lingchuan area.

Among the beggars, it's okay to say that the most troublesome ones are the group of local hooligans.

If they were released again, the consequences would definitely be unimaginable.

They will continue to do harm to the village and oppress the people.


Not long after, Lei Zhan drove a sidecar motorcycle and galloped towards the training ground in the mountain.


Mountain training ground.

At this time, the lame Liu San, with hundreds of hooligans behind him, looked at the soldiers with guns in front of him with malicious intentions.

Some time ago, they didn't dare to make trouble because they were unfamiliar with each other.

It's all right now, with the lame Liu San taking the lead, these local hooligans were immediately assembled and started to make trouble.

They want to leave here, they don't want to live this kind of life, they yearn for freedom, yearn for the happy life of spending time and drinking outside, looking for women.

They have been here for the past two days, but birds have faded out of their mouths.

At this moment, the forest training ground was surrounded by soldiers from the Wolf Warriors.

On the surrounding hillsides, at this time, light and heavy machine guns have been set up.

More than 500 soldiers scattered around these more than 2000 beggars and hooligans.

They are ready to prevent these uncertain people from suddenly rioting.

In fact, the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors at this time are very headache. These people in front of them may all be comrades-in-arms in the future.

Seeing them making trouble, you can't beat them, so let's scold them, who can scold these hooligans.

Therefore, the soldiers are very headache.

They were all hoping in their hearts that the group leader would come soon, because how to deal with the group of troublemakers in front of them still needed to be decided by the group leader.

"I said, why are you so stupid, little guy, get out of the way and let us go, we don't want to eat this bowl of rice anymore."

The cripple Liu San, with his head in front, glared at the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors, leading the way and shouting.

"That's right, let us go quickly, don't think that you can force us with a few guns."

"Right, damn it, I'm not easy to mess with..."


Under the leadership of the lame Liu San, the hooligans behind him started to shout loudly.

Among them, many hooligans and ruffians have already clenched their fists, ready to fight at any time, and took the opportunity to run away.

Hearing the yelling of the hooligans behind him, the cripple Liu San's eyes suddenly showed complacency.

He was very satisfied with the performance of these people behind him.

For the Eighth Route Army of China, he absolutely does not allow the plan to reorganize these people, because if the Eighth Route Army of China really succeeds.

Then these more than 2000 people are a great threat to their Gaoping RB Imperial Army.

Therefore, he will take the lead in making trouble, and, moreover, will launch a riot to completely destroy the plans of the Eighth Route Army of China.

The cripple Liu San knew very well in his heart that he also understood the policy of the Eighth Route Army, treating the captives kindly and being close to the common people.

Anyway, these Eighth Route Army soldiers in front of them would never shoot.

As long as everyone is mobilized to destroy the China Eighth Route plan and escape from here, there is still great hope.

"No, our regiment leader has an order. Your mission is to eat and train. None of you can leave here until the training is completed."

The soldiers also spoke loudly.

No matter what, they couldn't let the people in front of them go.


At this time, seeing the eighth-way fighter with a very tough attitude, the lame Liu San rolled his eyes, and he immediately took a step forward and came in front of the fighter.

And, in his mouth, he also started to curse.

"That's it, why!"


Seeing Liu San, the cripple who took the lead, take a step forward, the four or five hundred hooligans behind immediately stepped forward and started roaring loudly.

"Da da da da!"


Seeing the increasingly fierce scene, the soldiers behind, as a last resort, directly raised their light machine guns, pointed at the sky, and started firing warning shots.



Hearing the sudden gunshot, the hooligans all took a step back. At the same time, fear appeared in their eyes.

Who is not afraid of guns, bullets make a hole!

"Ouch, they beat someone!"

Suddenly, Liu San, the lame man who walked to one of the soldiers, screamed and squatted on the ground the moment the gunfire stopped.

The lame Liu San clutched his stomach, screaming and roaring.

"The Eighth Route Army bullied people, the Eighth Route Army bullied people!"


Seeing the lame Liu San's rascal, the soldier immediately became angry.

He didn't expect that the beggar in front of him would be such a rascal, and he would falsely accuse him even though he posted it himself and returned it.

"Why are you Eighth Route Army beating people? Ah!"

"Relying on the fact that you have guns, it's amazing...!"


At this moment, the lame Liu San completely ignited the passion in the heart of the local ruffian.

"Hey, I'm fighting for you, big guy, hurry up, brothers, they dare not shoot!"

At this moment, Liu San, the cripple, roared again and rushed towards the soldier.

And the hooligans behind him were very angry at first, and when they saw that the leader was beaten, they immediately rushed up, waving their fists.

Among them, that soldier was thrown to the ground by Liu San, and was immediately overwhelmed by the crowd.

"What are you doing!"


The soldiers who saw this scene turned pale with fright. They did not expect that things would turn into this scene.

"Da da da da...!"

The soldiers continued to fire warning shots.

However, it is of no use at all.

In an instant, the dozen or so soldiers in front were completely overwhelmed by the hooligans.

And the soldiers around, guarding the light and heavy machine guns at this time, have nothing to do, they can only watch anxiously.

They can't shoot!

At this moment, a black shadow flashed past.


Immediately afterwards, screams came from the crowd!

(End of this chapter)

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