Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 267 Forced Suppression

Chapter 267 Forced Suppression
For the riots in front of them and the beatings of their comrades in arms, the soldiers beside them with heavy and light machine guns could no longer bear it.

Their eyes were red and they were about to stand up.


However, in front of their eyes, at this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared, and immediately after that, there were screams from the crowd.

The other beggars who were watching from the side widened their eyes, trying to see what was going on.


The people among the hooligans in front of them were still screaming.

"It's the captain!"

At this time, the soldiers who were about to step forward saw clearly the figures fighting among the crowd.

It's their leader, Lei Zhan.

Seeing Lei Zhan coming, smiles finally appeared on the faces of the soldiers, and at the same time, they breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Lei Zhan comes, then their comrades will be fine.


That's right, Lei Zhan came, and Lei Zhan came with anger.

Especially when he saw his soldiers being beaten by the group of scourges in front of him, the anger in Lei Zhan's heart seemed to be doused with gasoline.

Can't stop anymore!


Lei Zhan jumped high and kicked directly into the crowd.

Once the trick worked, the gangsters who took the lead in the front were immediately kicked out by Lei Zhan's violence, and even the hooligans behind them were smashed to the ground a lot.

"it is good!"

Seeing the might of the regiment leader, the rest of the fighters cheered loudly and joined the battle group one after another.


Lei Zhan's moves were open and closed, and every hooligan who was hit by him fell to the ground, lying on the ground and screaming.

"Hurry up, all on!"

At this time, Liu San, the cripple, saw Lei Zhan coming, and immediately dropped the bloody soldier in his hands, stood up, and roared loudly.

Even though he was yelling, the lame Liu San still kicked the bloody soldier hard a few times.



The moment Lei Zhan heard the shouts from the crowd, he locked on to the crippled Liu San.

However, Lei Zhan didn't pay any attention to him at this time, but directly hammered and kicked the hooligans in front of him who had been pressing down on the soldiers.

Seeing the rescued soldier with blood on his face, Lei Zhan was really angry in his heart.

Lei Zhan didn't want to say anything to the group of scourges and scum in front of him.

It's this time, and I still don't want to go to the front to kill devils, and I'm still so selfish, launching a riot here.

"Since you want to fight, okay, I will accompany you!"

Lei Zhan let out a loud roar, and under the horrified gazes of the hooligans in front of him, he jumped up and punched the hooligans in front of him fiercely with his fist.


Lei Zhan's fist was like light and shadow, and the few hooligans in front of him all screamed and flew upside down.

Lei Zhan didn't know how strong he was at this time, anyway, after this punch, Lei Zhan felt that there was absolutely no problem in killing a person.

Thunder wars broke out.

The soldiers also broke out!
At the same time that Lei Zhan was fully showing his power, the eyes of the group of hooligans in front of him finally began to show fear.

They were scared because the guy in front of them was so fierce.

These companions in front of them don't even have a single enemy.

Also, not only the Eighth Route Army soldier who suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, but even the soldiers who were harmless to humans and animals and trained with them were so scary at this moment.

"Go up, go up!"

Seeing the hooligans with timid eyes, the cripple Liu San finally started to feel afraid.

He didn't expect that the guy in front of him was so powerful.

However, for the sake of the big RB empire, he is now going all out, and he is still clamoring and agitating crazily.

But it's useless, fear has already risen in the hearts of these rogues.

They're backing off, they don't want to face this violence.

Especially when they saw their companions who were knocked to the ground howling in misery, they felt extremely scared in their hearts.


Seeing the lame Liu San who was still shouting, Lei Zhan grabbed a thin guy next to him and lifted him up.

Turning around abruptly, facing the inspiring and clamoring lame Liu San, he directly threw the skinny ruffian who was screaming in his hand.

"Quick, quick...!"

The cripple Liu San, who was still shouting at this time, saw a black shadow flying towards him, looked up, saw that it was a person, immediately turned pale with fright, and wanted to avoid it.

But where can he hide among the crowded crowd.


Immediately afterwards, with the screams, the lame Liu San and the group of hooligans around him were immediately smashed to the ground.

While the others saw Lei Zhan of the Eighth Route Army like a god of war, they immediately felt that there was no hope of escape, one by one began to squat down slowly, and decided to surrender.

These guys who usually bully the weak and fear the hard in the county, just like this, as long as they meet someone stronger than them, they will immediately soften.

It is already a rule in their circle to obey the weak when encountering the strong.

"it is good!"

At this time, the beggars who were watching the battle immediately started to applaud loudly. They looked at Lei Zhan and the soldiers with admiration and admiration in their eyes.

They didn't expect that such an ordinary Eighth Route Army soldier would be so powerful.

At this moment, they had an idea in their hearts, that is, they also wanted to become such powerful fighters.




At this time, the soldiers also dealt with the few hooligans who were still standing on the ground.

Immediately, the soldiers hurried forward, with distressed expressions on their faces, and helped their comrades who were bleeding from the ground to their feet.

At this time, the lifted soldiers looked at Lei Zhan with guilt, they felt ashamed for Lei Zhan and the Wolf Warriors.

"It's okay, you guys are doing great!"

Seeing the eyes of the soldiers, Lei Zhan smiled and encouraged him.

In fact, what the soldiers did was not wrong, their fists must not be aimed at their compatriots unless it is absolutely necessary.

However, for the previous situation, what they did was a little lacking.

After all, these people in front of them are not ordinary people. Although there is no blood on their hands, they are hooligans after all. Some necessary lessons are still possible.


Several other soldiers supported their comrades whose noses were still bleeding, and the anger in their hearts rose even more.

They looked at the four or five hundred hooligans squatting on the ground with their heads covered, and they couldn't help but feel that the gun shot them down.

"Take them to deal with it."

Afterwards, these soldiers, with the wounded soldiers, rushed towards the county seat.


After the injured soldier left, Lei Zhan's face immediately turned cold. He turned around, his eyes were like knives, and he scanned the scum who squatted in front of him.

"Tie me up all of them, and if there are resisters, kill them on the spot!"

Lei Zhan's tone was like the twelfth lunar month in winter.

Hearing it in the ears of the ruffians, they immediately shuddered.

(End of this chapter)

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