Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 268 Little Devil and Lame Liu 3

Chapter 268 Little Devil and Lame Liu San

Hearing Lei Zhan's order, the soldiers immediately stepped forward, and one by one, they took off the hoodlum's shirts, used them as ropes, and tied them to the hoodlum's hands.

"What are you doing?"

At this time, Liu San, who was lame and somewhat honest, got up and squatted aside, but when he saw this scene, his eyes turned and he wanted to make trouble.

He immediately started provoking again.

"That's right, what are you doing?"


The rest of the local hooligans, who were more daring, also asked questions, and there were a few who had already started to resist.

The hooligans next to them, at this time, also sneaked up to observe the situation.

However, most of them still didn't move, just squatting obediently in place, waiting for punishment.

They knew very well in their hearts that the last Lei Zhan was the commander of the Eighth Route Army.

Judging from his behavior, he is a ruthless guy. It is better not to mess with this kind of person.

So, at this time, only a very small part started to clamor.

This part, at this time, has not yet recognized the situation.

"Don't touch me!"


At this time, these few bold local hooligans already wanted to start a fierce resistance.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this scene, Liu San, who was lame, immediately stopped talking. His goal had already been achieved, so he started to laugh out loud in his heart.

"Hmph! Hit me, hit me hard!"

Seeing these local hooligans who wanted to resist, Lei Zhan's eyes immediately exuded a strong killing intent.

For these things that oppress the people, Lei Zhan will not be merciless, it is okay to be trained and become a comrade-in-arms companion.

If he refuses to change after repeated admonitions and resists repeatedly, then don't blame Lei Zhan for being cruel.

After all, heavy codes are used in troubled times, and extraordinary measures must be imposed in extraordinary times.




Hearing Lei Zhan's order, the soldiers, who were already angry in their hearts, immediately threw the local ruffian who wanted to continue making trouble to the ground.

With one kick and one punch, there was no mercy.


In an instant, their screams echoed in the forest training ground.


At this moment, the hooligans, who were holding their heads aside and not resisting, suddenly felt lucky, and began to gloat in their hearts.

"Oh my god, the Eighth Route Army is beating people again, brothers, take a quick look, we can't just be beaten to death by them.

We can't live with them tied up, brothers. "

At this moment, Liu San, the cripple, moved into the dense crowd while lowering his head, and started to provoke again.


Hearing this voice again, Lei Zhan, who had a very unsightly complexion, turned cold again.

In fact, from the very beginning, Lei Zhan targeted Liu San, the cripple who had been clamoring.

In particular, according to the soldiers, the guy who took the lead at the beginning was the lame Liu San.

Therefore, Lei Zhan was only watching him secretly, Lei Zhan never thought that this guy would be so reckless at this moment.

Especially when he thought of this guy constantly making troubles, a bright light flashed in Lei Zhan's mind, and he thought of one thing.

Thinking of this, a look of ridicule suddenly appeared on Lei Zhan's face, and he strode towards the lame Liu San.

"Come on, guys."

The lame Liu San was still shouting.

However, he suddenly found that the local ruffians around him were starting to leave him, and after a while, they left him where he was.

Suddenly, a bad premonition rose in his heart.

"Call, why don't you call!"

Suddenly, the lame Liu San heard a voice behind him, and there was a strong murderous intent in this voice.

Sensing this murderous intent, Liu San, the cripple, trembled in his heart. However, considering that he is now a Chinese, and that he has lived in China for seven or eight years, the Eighth Route Army must not be able to see his identity. .

"Ah, sir, what are you talking about? I don't understand."

The crippled Liu San raised his head, looked at Lei Zhan, smiled obsequiously, and began to pretend to be stupid.

"Go away. Damn it!"


However, what responded to him was Lei Zhan's violent kick.


With a bang, Lei Zhan kicked the lame Liu San on the head.

The lame Liu San screamed and fell to the ground.

"Ah, ah. What are you doing? Don't think that you are the Eighth Route Army, you can beat people casually like this."

The lame Liu San got up on the ground, covered his injured and bleeding head, and started yelling.


Seeing the lame Liu San who was still retorting and provoking, Lei Zhan snorted coldly.

"Su Yunuan!"

Immediately afterwards, a name popped out of Lei Zhan's mouth.

After saying the name, Lei Zhan stared closely at the lame Liu San in front of him.


As Lei Zhan expected, after the lame Liu San heard the word Su Yunuan, his expression changed immediately, and his eyes suddenly shrank.

At this time, the cripple Liu San's heart was full of turbulent waves. Lei Zhan's three words completely broke the cripple Liu San's psychological defense.

"Su Yunuan, could it be that Miss Huizi has been exposed, no, it's impossible!"

The cripple Liu San yelled in his heart. He couldn't believe it. If Miss Huizi leaked it, then their wolf slaughter plan would fall short again.

And their big RB empire will suffer losses again.

At this time, everyone on the side was confused by Lei Zhan and the lame Liu San.

After Lei Zhan said three words, neither of them moved.

"Hmph, it really is you, little devil, die!"

Lei Zhan confirmed the identity of the cripple Liu San in front of him, and the murderous aura burst out from his body, he directly thrust his foot out, and attacked the cripple Liu San fiercely on the chest.

"how is this possible?"

"Is this guy a little devil?"


Everyone around couldn't believe it when they heard Lei Zhan's shout.

Especially the hooligans, they couldn't believe it even more, the person who led them to make trouble was actually a little devil.

Faced with Lei Zhan's sudden kick, a cruel smile appeared on Liu San's face.

At this moment, he knew in his heart that his identity could no longer be hidden.

"Haha, stupid Chinese people!"

The cripple Liu San smiled, he had already thought of a way out, which was kicked by Lei Zhan.

He took advantage of the situation to escape backwards. After all, he was not far from the mountains and forests. He could escape with just a few turns.

Because he is very confident in his own skills.

But, is that really the case, is it?

The lame Liu San crossed his arms, trying to resist Lei Zhan's kick, and escaped.


Lei Zhan's foot, and the crossed arms of Liu San, the cripple, came into contact with each other in an instant, and then.


Liu San, the cripple with a smile on his face, suddenly froze!
(End of this chapter)

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