Chapter 269
Lei Zhan's foot, and the crossed arms of Liu San, the cripple, came into contact with each other in an instant, and then.


The lame Liu San, who had a smile on his face, suddenly froze.

He underestimated the enemy!

After the lame Liu San made contact with Lei Zhan's foot, he immediately felt a violent force passing from his arms into his body.


Moreover, his crossed arms defense did not have the slightest effect.

His arms were directly kicked by Lei Zhan, and after a click, they came into contact with his chest.


Immediately afterwards, the lame Liu San, with a pale face, spit out a mouthful of blood, and flew backwards.


After landing, the lame Liu Sanyi vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, screamed, and lay flat on the ground like a dead dog.

Because his arms had been broken by Lei Zhan, he couldn't even get up now.

The lame Liu San could only pant and hum in pain.


Seeing the crippled Liu San who was groaning in pain and unable to get up, Lei Zhan snorted coldly.

This little devil is too presumptuous, you know, for melee combat, Lei Zhan really has never been afraid of anyone.

"it is good!"

The beggars who saw this scene immediately started to applaud loudly.

They looked at Lei Zhan with admiration in their eyes.

And the other local hooligans, after seeing this scene, did not dare to resist at all, and stayed where they were, waiting for the soldiers to bind them up.

Some hooligans even cooperated more, took off their shirts, and started to bind each other.

The soldiers who saw this scene immediately showed smiles on their faces.

"Hmph, what time has it come now? I really look down on you, and you are still fighting among yourself. What's more, you guys, under the instigation of little devils, injured our soldiers.

The country is in danger, the little devils have already hit the door, look at you, what are you doing!
Still not Chinese, and whether there is blood. "

Lei Zhan glared at these hooligans in front of him, and began to reprimand them.

This time, the hooligans who heard Lei Zhan's reprimand immediately lowered their heads with shame on their faces.

If it's a real infighting among one's own people, it's better, at least it's not so embarrassing.

However, now they are fighting internally under the instigation of the little devil.

Shame, this time, I can lose face to grandma's house.


At this time, the hooligans who heard Lei Zhan's words and felt guilty looked at the little devil lying on the ground screaming, the crippled Liu San, and murderous intent appeared in their hearts and eyes.

The hooligans are basically composed of simple-minded people with well-developed limbs. These people have blood that ordinary people don't have.

"Other things, I won't say much. If you are willing to follow me, stand up. If you don't, you can leave."

Lei Zhan made a decision at this time, those who are willing to stay, stay, and those who don't want to stay, all go away.

Of course, really let them go?This is impossible, Lei Zhan said this to test them.

Look at their attitude, how much it has changed.


"We do!"

"Yes, we would!"


At this time, before the hooligan squatting on the ground expressed his attitude, the beggars on the other side immediately began to express their attitude.

They shouted excitedly, wanting to stay.

"Shut up! What were you doing during the riot just now!"

Seeing this scene, Lei Zhan roared angrily.

Lei Zhan is actually satisfied with the unarmed beggars, but for future management, Lei Zhan must now set rules for these people.

Only in this way can they obey orders and fight devils after they go to the battlefield.


Hearing Lei Zhan's furious voice, these beggars suddenly looked resentful and dared not speak out.

After all, Lei Zhan's power is deeply in their hearts.


"There's me too!"


After the beggars were silent, the hooligans who were squatting on the ground began to stand up one by one.


Looking at these hooligans who stood up and showed their positions and attitudes, Lei Zhan nodded in satisfaction.

A bloody man needs stimulation.

"The leader is awesome!"


At this time, the soldiers watching from the side were full of admiration for Lei Zhan. They had to admire that such a difficult matter was solved after Lei Zhan arrived.

Besides, among so many people, a little devil was found out.

After a while, all the hooligans who were squatting on the ground stood up.

They want to follow Lei Zhan and become such powerful Eighth Route Army soldiers as Lei Zhan.

In fact, they also knew in their hearts that if the little devil hadn't provoked them, they would not have launched a riot, so they made a decision so quickly.

Of course, there were more than a dozen people among them, their eyes were hidden, and they stood up after seeing everyone around them stand up.

"Okay! Untie it."

Seeing that these people in front of him made the right decision, Lei Zhan immediately smiled with satisfaction.

As a person, you are not afraid that you will make a mistake. If you make a mistake, you must correct it. What you are most afraid of is that you will know your mistake and make a mistake, and make a mistake to the end!
Now, the group of people in front of him have made the truly correct choice, so Lei Zhan is happy for them in his heart.

"Sir, I want to report!"

"Sir, I want to report it too!"


At this time, the local hooligans who had been untied in advance immediately raised their hands and spoke to Lei Zhan.

And among these gangsters, the last dozen or so people who stood up changed their expressions instantly.

The hearts of these dozen people have already begun to be at a loss.

Seeing this, Lei Zhan nodded immediately. If there is a report, it is a good thing.

"Bagaya deer!"

"You're from China, your conscience is bad!"

At this time, when he heard the little devil who wanted to report, the lame Liu San yelled angrily from the side.

He didn't expect that this group of local ruffians in China would do such a thing and report the imperial warriors who were still hiding among them at this time.

The cripple Liu San was filled with anger.

However, the people present at this time did not pay any attention to this little devil, the lame Liu San.

"He, he, and he..."

"Yes, he is also..."


Ignoring the clamoring little devils, seeing Lei Zhan nodding his head, he immediately turned around, pointed to more than a dozen people with unusual expressions in the crowd, and began to identify them.


At this moment, the surrounding hooligans dispersed, and there were only a dozen "people" with livid faces and very angry faces left!
"Bagaya deer!"



(End of this chapter)

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