Chapter 270
At this moment, the little devil who was pointed out completely showed his original shape.

From their mouths, vicious curses began.


"You Chinese people, with conscience, are very bad!"


These dozen little devils have been hiding in China for several years, if it wasn't for their leader, the lame Liu San, who had an accident.

And they really won't be identified.

Of course, this is also their own fault, after all, it is the local hooligans they started to instigate.

Do not live by committing sins.

They want to die by themselves, who else can they wish for.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing being pointed out, some little devils were out of breath.

Lei Zhan immediately sneered, today is really a windfall, undercover agent, spy, spy.

If he hadn't been identified by the hooligans, Lei Zhan would not have recognized the dozen or so 'Chinese' in front of him.

Their true identities turned out to be little devils, which really surprised him today.


And the soldiers on the side all laughed at this time, the little devil appeared, they liked it,
The beggars on the other side widened their eyes at this time, and their hearts were full of doubts.

How these little devils who are usually high above the top can be dressed like beggars and hooligans, this is so shocking.

After all, they are just poor people who don't know the truth about it.

"You guys, work for me, warriors of the empire, you can only die in battle, hurry up!"

At this moment, limp Liu San, who was lying on the back and unable to struggle, began to shout orders.

He wants his subordinates to kill before they die, and dedicate their lives to the spirit of Bushido and His Majesty the Emperor.

"Kill the chicken!"



At this moment, the dozen or so little devils who heard the order immediately started to yell, and with a vicious look, they attacked the surrounding hooligans.

"Crack it!"



No one expected this scene, including Lei Zhan.

At this moment of contact, apart from seeing the local hooligans who escaped unhappily, there were eight or nine people dead on the spot.

The skills of these dozen or so little devils are very good. Anyway, ordinary local hooligans are no match at all.

Seeing the sudden death, in the hands of the little devil, the companions who were not an all-in-one enemy, and the remaining hooligans, fear suddenly rose in their hearts.

After all, they were used to bullying the weak and fearing the strong, especially now that they saw such a ferocious little devil, they felt scared in their hearts.

The hooligans started one after another and retreated quickly.

"Ha ha!"


"Cowardly Chinese people!"


And the little devils in the back, when they saw the hoodlums running away, they laughed out of disdain.

In their hearts, they look down on the Chinese people very much, because, in their hearts, the people of the empire on which the sun never sets are the real warriors.

And China is just their hunting ground.

Seeing the cowardly Chinese people running away in all directions completely aroused the excitement in the hearts of the little devils.


At this time, Lei Zhan saw the sudden scene in front of him, and the murderous intent in his heart suddenly burst out. He took a step forward, charged up a punch, and bombarded the little devil who was rushing forward.

"Oh shit!"


The soldiers who saw this scene cursed in a low voice, and quickly rushed towards the little devils with a murderous look on their faces.

On one side, the beggars who were a little nervous, after seeing the horror of the four people, saw the Eighth Route Army soldiers make a move, and their hearts immediately settled down.

"Ha ha!"

At this time, the little devil in front of Lei Zhan looked at Lei Zhan who was attacking him, with a disdainful smile on his face.

He looked down on Chinese people.

This little devil also packed up his punch and charged towards Lei Zhan.

The little devil's face was ferocious, and he even predicted in his heart what would happen to the Chinese man in front of him.


Two punches meet.


The little devil's face changed drastically in an instant, and after his arm clicked, he immediately let out a scream.


For melee combat, Lei Zhan has never been afraid. He doesn't know how much his strength has increased after getting the Tyrant Tiger Blood Wolf Strength.


After the little devil screamed and retreated, Lei Zhan, like a lion, turned around suddenly, roared, and punched the little devil's chest that hadn't reacted yet, and bombarded him away.


This little devil couldn't react at all when he saw Lei Zhan attacking his chest again.

He could only watch helplessly, watching Lei Zhan's fist hit his chest fiercely.


After Lei Zhan's punch hit the little devil's chest, there was a dull sound.



Immediately afterwards, several voices came, the little devil's face was like gold paper, and while spitting blood, his body floated backwards.


After the little devil fell to the ground, he spit out a few more mouthfuls of blood mixed with pieces of internal organs, and then died unwillingly.

"it is good!"

At this time, the beggars and hooligans started to applaud loudly after reacting in shock.

Their hearts were excited, and they felt that they had found their way in the future.

They must train well, follow the Eighth Route fighters in front of them, learn their skills, and strive to become stronger and able to kill devils.

At this moment, they already had a heroic dream in their hearts.


The screams of the little devil kept coming.

The performance of the soldiers was good. After all, Lei Zhan passed on the strength of the Tyrannosaurus Tiger Blood Wolf after he obtained it.

After obtaining this tactic, the melee combat ability and physique of the soldiers were greatly enhanced.

The little devils in front of him are not opponents at all.


Lei Zhan's figure kept flickering, and all the little devils attacked by him fell to the ground and began to howl miserably.


In a moment, Lei Zhan and the soldiers ended the battle, and only the howling little devil was left on the ground.

"it is good!"

The people on the side started to applaud loudly again.

At this time, everyone present looked at Lei Zhan and the soldiers with admiration and envy.

"Bagaya Road!"


At this time, Liu San, the little devil and cripple, started yelling loudly again after hearing the miserable howling of his companion.

However, Lei Zhan and the soldiers at this time simply ignored the little devil Liu San.

"My compatriots, I don't care what you were doing before, from today on, you, start a new life, follow me in thunder warfare, train to fight devils, protect the people, and serve the country.

And starting today, you officially bid farewell to your previous identities.

Next is the team entry ceremony, the dozen or so little devils in front of you, you can handle it yourself. "

Lei Zhan, striking while the iron is hot, expressed his decision.

(End of this chapter)

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