Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2654 A Great Victory

Chapter 2654 A Great Victory
In this way, 300 more people were added to the original base, making a total of 500 people. Under the leadership of Qian Hailong, the team of hundreds of people headed towards the harbor.

On the way, Wu Liuzi looked at Qian Hailong and said with a smile, "You finally have some conscience. When you take the harbor, you and your commander can enjoy life in peace!"

"Thank you Captain, thank you Captain!" Qian Hailong said.

"If this is a trick, you will die without a place to bury!" Wu Liuzi showed a treacherous smile. ,
"How could it be, how could it be! If you betray you, you will be struck by lightning!" Qian Hailong said in a hurry. ,
"Forgive me, you don't dare!" Zhang Heigou laughed loudly, "How dare you frame us for such a guy who is afraid of death? Think about where you will go, hahaha!"

"Yes, yes, yes! How dare I!" Qian Hailong finished speaking, and then looked at the crowd behind him, "Captain, let everyone hurry up, Lin Zhonghu is watching them, we must hurry to the harbor, I am worried that something will happen !"

"You're right!" Wu Liuzi said, "Let's go, let's speed up!" After speaking, he ordered these gangsters to hurry to the harbor!
When they arrived at Jinfeng Bridge, Wu Liuzi and Zhang Heigou glanced at each other, "It's this damn Jinfeng Bridge again, Heigou, do you think you can't pass it?"

"Pass, why not?" Zhang Heigou said, and then his eyes looked at Qian Hailong, "You, you go first!"

Qian Hailong glanced at them, "Captain, you can rest assured that I will go there?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Zhang Heigou yelled loudly, "If you are told to go over, just go over there, what's the point?"

"Okay, okay, then I'll go!" After finishing speaking, Qian Hailong went onto the bridge. The wind on the bridge was strong, but Qian Hailong had to obey their wishes. Among all the actions here, Qian Hailong was an important part .

After Qian Hailong crossed the bridge, he waved to Wu Liuzi and the others, "Captain, I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Wu Liuzi looked at Zhang Heigou, "Then... let's live!"

"As soon as I saw the Golden Phoenix Bridge, my heart trembled. Tell me, is this true? Are we taking too much risk?" Zhang Heigou also asked.

"Whether it's a risk or not, we'll know in the past! Does this kid have a heart? We don't know, but the sound of gunfire just now is real, shouldn't it be fake?" Wu Liuzi asked.

"That's right, but I'm still a little worried. After all, we're done here!" Zhang Heigou rode on his horse after finishing speaking, "Let's go, let's talk about it in the past!"

The two of them led the troops to cross the Jinfeng Bridge.

When they got on the bridge, they could only hear the sound of "thump thump thump". There is still time to retreat!"

"You're right!" After finishing speaking, Zhang Heigou ordered, "Leave a hundred people and stay here. It's best to check the surrounding area. If there are enemies here, kill them immediately! If not , just stick to the Golden Phoenix Bridge!"

And just like that, 100 remained, and the rest of them headed for the harbour!

With someone guarding them, Zhang Heigou and Wu Liuzi felt extremely safe.

Along the only road, Wu Liuzi and Zhang Heigou went to Donghaiya. Donghaiya is a small mountain, but it is densely wooded and suitable for hiding!

"Black Dog, look at East Hague. If I guard East Hague, I will definitely set up an ambush here. How many people come here, how many people I can kill. Look, along this circle of East Hague, my five Do you believe that 600 people can kill 1000 people?" Wu Liuzi asked.

"Yes, East Hague is a good place, protecting the harbor, so the harbor is not afraid of attacks from Liao City! Besides, there is Jinfeng Bridge!"

Zhang Heigou also said, "So, when we enter the harbor, it becomes a natural barrier!"

"If there is an iron ship coming from the sea, it will be difficult for us to defend!" Wu Liuzi said.

"Haha, don't forget, we have arrived at the harbor. The harbor has nothing to do with us. Don't forget, the devil will come. I don't know when, but I always think it will be soon!" Zhang Heigou Said.

"That's right, it should be. As long as the devils come, we won't be afraid of the Eighth Route Army. I have been defeated by the Eighth Route Army three times! Thinking about it makes me angry!" Wu Liuzi said.

"What are they doing in charge of the ball? Didn't I say that the head of the Eighth Route Army was arrested? At that time, you can do whatever you want!" Zhang Heigou smiled.

"Yes, I just want to kill that regiment leader for revenge!" Wu Liuzi said.

As soon as they finished speaking, they walked on the top of the mountain in East Hague. Just when Wu Liuzi wanted to take a big breath of this beautiful air, suddenly, he felt a chill on his back. When he turned around, he found a gun top Follow him!
"You son of a bitch, who are you?" Wu Liuzi was not afraid either.

"Hehe, death is imminent, what are you thinking about?" It was Liu Ji who spoke!

"You!" Wu Liuzi looked at the other party in surprise, and then asked, "You son of a bitch, come and take him down!"

After a while, some people came running, and they pointed their guns at Liu Ji, but Liu Ji burst out laughing, he waved his hand, and all of a sudden, there were more guns around Donghai Hague, all of them were aimed at them!Because the mountain road in Donghaiya is relatively narrow and there are not many people on the top of the mountain, Wu Liuzi's forehead was chilled, and he began to feel a little nervous. He suddenly saw that Zhang Heigou beside him had his head on his head and dared not speak!
"Who are you guys? Do you know who I am?" Wu Liuzi roared.

"Aren't you the new puppet army? I killed you!" Liu Ji said.

"Haha, dog, how dare you..." Before Wu Liuzi could yell at him, he was slapped on the face with a "slap".

Wu Liuzi looked at Qian Hailong beside him, and saw Qian Hailong looking at him viciously, "Male Gobi! How did you talk to me just now?" After finishing speaking, Qian Hailong slapped him on the face again.

This reversal came too fast, like a tornado!

Wu Liuzi wanted to say something, but Liu Ji yelled, "Stop talking, today is your death day!"

Then, Wu Liuzi and Zhang Heigou's guns were robbed all at once!All of a sudden, the gangsters who went up the mountain surrendered one after another!

This is not according to the script, Wu Liuzi will not accept it, what is going on!
Soon, all 400 people in East Hague were captured!Moreover, no one was spared!

The 100 people at Jinfeng Bridge were not spared either, and Hu Dahai was not a vegetarian. When they were sitting at Jinfeng Bridge, they were all taken away by Hu Dahai!
Simple, rough, this is his style!

After Wu Liuzi and Zhang Heigou stayed in the tent, Yang Fei looked at them, "Oh, oh, nice to meet, nice to meet, we meet again!"

This simple greeting made Wu Liuzi and Zhang Heigou itch with hatred.

"I recognize you!" Zhang Heigou roared.

"Recognize me? Of course, I'm your old friend. We met. Although we met once, although I don't remember you, but since you know me, well, tell me, why are you against me? ?” Yang Fei asked.

"Of course I'm going against you, do you know that what we want is the gold and silver treasures of Gwangju, but you robbed Gwangju City, saying that it's too far away, and the nearest one, because you didn't enter Gwangju City , we will be..." Zhang Heigou didn't finish, Wu Liuzi hurriedly stopped him, "Okay, okay, don't talk about it, since we are in your hands, tell me, what do you want to do?"

"Hey, interesting, interesting, but the people in my hands have never died unjustly, they all deserved their crimes, well, I will start to convict you!"

However, Yang Fei was unhurried, "But, I have something to say, if you behave well, I can let you live!"


Hearing this, the two of them also had some small surprises in their hearts.

"If you don't want to live, it doesn't matter. As for me, I won't convict you, just pull them out and shoot them!" Yang Fei waved his hand, and Liu Ji immediately went to pull people away.

The two quickly said, "No, no, since there is a chance of survival, why don't we?"

"But, you were obviously prejudiced against me just now, didn't you want to kill me?" Yang Fei looked at them with a smile, then stood up, and walked in front of them.

"Hehehe! How dare you!" Wu Liuzi said, "You are our great benefactor. Besides, you rewarded us with a lot of weapons and ammunition for our one-sided meeting. Without your weapons and ammunition, We have suffered from the devils!"

"Devils? You mean devils?" Yang Fei became interested. "I heard gossip that you voted for devils. Is this... true?"

"Ouch!" Zhang Heigou said hurriedly, "Oiyo, don't be joking, you said it just now, what you heard is gossip!"

"No, no, no, although it's gossip, it's not groundless, right? Tell me!"

"Captain Yang, you can't say that, how dare we vote for the devils?" Wu Liuzi also said hastily.

"Since this is the case, I have nothing to say, Liu Ji, go, die!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, Liu Ji immediately dragged everyone.

"Don't tell me!" Wu Liuzi said, "If you ask me anything, I will definitely answer it!"

"Then let's talk about it, let's vote for the devil!" Yang Fei sat down and took a sip of tea leisurely.

"What does this have to do with devils?" Zhang Heigou also asked.

"It's better to die, Liu Ji!" Yang Fei roared again.

This time, Liu Ji dragged him away, "Let's go!"

"Don't!" Yang Fei said, "I haven't finished talking about the devil, why can't I kill him?"

"Haven't we said this yet?" Wu Liuzi saw that the situation was not good, and Yang Fei might really want to kill them.

"Then tell me, do you have any contact with the devil? Who is behind the scenes? Also, why did you come to Liaocheng from Guangzhou? Why did you attack my harbor?" Why is Yang Fei angry?

"This..." Zhang Heigou was a little embarrassed.

"Since you are in trouble, let's kill you first, you say!" Yang Fei looked at Wu Liuzi.

Wu Liuzi looked at Yang Fei and swallowed.

"What's the matter?" Yang Fei asked, "Don't you want to say? Well..."

Before Yang Fei could finish speaking, Wu Liuzi said, "I'll say it, I'll say it!"

"Okay, then I will listen carefully and see what you think!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he poured another cup of tea.

"Head Yang, it is indeed true. We recently had an immediate boss named Jiang Ying! This guy is amazing. He made us all poisoned by the poison called Sakura Burial, and let us follow him!" Wu Liuzi said.

"Well, then what? I want to hear about the devil!" Yang Fei asked.

"We have changed from a bandit alliance to a new puppet army. It is a new puppet army in name, but in fact..." Wu Liuzi stopped talking, but Yang Fei also understood.

"Okay, I see, it's still the devil's leader, that is, Jiang Ying is also a devil?" Yang Fei asked.

"It doesn't sound like the accent, but it looks like us Chinese people. I'm still puzzled. A Chinese person who is so close to devils is a traitor!" Wu Liuzi said more and more vigorously.

"By the way, there is one more thing!" After speaking, Wu Liuzi said, "Do you know what is about to happen?"

"I want to hear, what else I don't know!" Yang Fei said.

"In the near future, the harbor..."

Before Wu Liuzi could finish speaking, there was a sound of "whoosh", and a dart flew in, directly sealing Wu Liuzi's throat!

Seeing this situation, Yang Fei immediately stepped forward to watch, and the soldiers quickly surrounded Yang Fei.

"Who?" Yang Fei roared.

Liu Ji rushed out with his people, but he didn't even see a black shadow.

Yang Fei turned his head again, "Hurry up, protect that guy!" After finishing speaking, several soldiers surrounded Zhang Heigou!
Zhang Heigou's eyes widened in surprise. He understood that Jiang Ying must have been responsible for Wu Liuzi being killed this time!
Only Jiang Ying can do it.

He was sweating profusely!
But at this moment, the suet lamp in the room suddenly went out!
Several soldiers quickly surrounded Yang Fei and even hugged him!
When Liu Ji ran back and turned on the lamp, "Why did the lamp suddenly go out?"

At this moment, they looked back, Zhang Heigou's eyes were wide open, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding!

"The dog is falling!" Yang Fei frowned, "It seems that we are going to encounter a big problem. Since this devil dares to come now, we still can't catch him. It seems that he has some skills!"

Liu Ji hurriedly asked, "Leader, what should we do next?"

"Hurry up, digest the people they brought, let Lin Zhonghu come over, and bring these bandits with him, he has a way to make these bandits obey!"

"Where are these two guys?" Liu Ji asked again.

"Buried!" Yang Fei said lightly.

"Also, hurry up and order Han Qing to come, knowing that Han Qing has the ability to deal with this devil!" Yang Fei finished, "Okay, don't surround me, that devil killed these two people, it should be the purpose, If he wanted to kill me, I would have died long ago, there is no need for you to surround me!"

The fighters dispersed.

At this moment, Hu Dahai ran in, "Old Yang, we have caught all of the hundred bandits in Jinfengqiao!"

"Okay, I got it!" Yang Fei said lightly.

"Old Yang, what's the matter with you? Why do you feel that you are not very interested? We captured five hundred of them, and five hundred of them!" Hu Dahai was a little surprised!
"If there's nothing wrong, you can step back, I'm upset now!" Yang Fei said.

Hu Dahai frowned, "Old Yang, you..."

After finishing speaking, Hu Dahai left without looking back!

After thinking about it, Yang Fei still told Li Jiguang about it.

Li Jiguang also hurriedly called him back and asked him to transfer Han Qing by his side to protect his safety. In addition, he also told Yang Fei one thing, "Also, I heard that the company sent by the headquarters can travel by water. harbor!"

This is a big deal, Yang Fei thought, the harbor must be guarded, at least, people must be picked up before the devils occupy the harbor.

On the second day, Han Qing had already arrived.

Lin Zhonghu also stepped up to practice with the 500 people captured yesterday!
In total, there are 500 people in the harbor. For Yang Fei, there are so many people, he is really enough!

Han Qing looked at Yang Fei, "Sir, there are still such powerful masters in this world, sir!"

"That's right, this guy is powerful. He killed Wu Liuzi and Zhang Heigou in an invisible place. These two guys died very quickly!" Yang Fei said.

"Sir, I will definitely be by your side, and I will never leave you!" Han Qing said.

"Well, I'm afraid that the direction of Liaocheng will not be stable at that time, and when we receive the people sent by the headquarters, we should care more about their whereabouts!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" Han Qing said.

At this moment, a soldier ran in, "Commander, good news, good news!"

The head of the group took a look, and then asked, "Say, say, what's good?"

"Captain Hu, Commander Hu started that iron boat!" the soldier shouted excitedly,
"Yes? It's so powerful, let's go and have a look!" After speaking, Yang Fei stood up, "Let's go and have a look!"

When they got there, sure enough, they saw the iron boat moving.

Black smoke billowed from his head, and he started beeping.Yang Fei clapped his hands, "This old Hu is interesting!"

When Yang Fei and the others approached, the boat slowly stopped, "Lao Yang, come up, come up, get on board!"

Yang Fei, Liu Ji and the others hurried up. To be honest, Yang Fei had never been on this boat. In Yang Fei's opinion, this boat was a sacred object, and it was precious!Yang Fei didn't dare touch it.

Hu Dahai said, "Old Yang, do you know how I started it?"

"I don't know!" Yang Fei said.

"It was Lin Zhonghu who told me. He said that it is very likely that the iron ship is out of fuel. I searched all over the harbor, and I really found it! Here, you see, twist the direction key, and the shell will aim at the port. Direction! Look at this again, come on, don’t be afraid, this is going forward!” Hu Dahai demonstrated to Yang Fei.

"Haha, Lao Hu, I didn't expect you to be a bit of a scumbag, and you didn't disappoint me!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei looked at him, "Why don't I talk to the brigade commander and let you be one of my friends?" How about the battalion commander?" Yang Fei asked with a smile.

"Damn it, Yang Fei is gone. You don't want me to be kind. Seeing me sail this iron boat, you want me to be the captain, don't you?" Hu Dahai glanced at Yang Fei.

"Haha, don't be too stingy, kid, tell you, you've burnt incense to be my battalion commander, haha!" Yang Fei patted Hu Dahai on the shoulder.

"Stop talking about this matter!" Hu Dahai said, "Also, our brothers are clear about the accounts, so many people are captured, there must be a part of me, or should we split? "

"Old Hu, look, what's in front? It seems to be snowing heavily!" Yang Fei said.

Hu Dahai looked back, "Isn't it snowing all the time?"

Looking back at Yang Fei, he found that Yang Fei had already arrived on the deck!
"Damn it, when it comes to this matter, just run away. It's useless to run away. I must win at least 300 people! These 300 people are my bottom line!" Hu Dahai murmured.

At this time, Liao City was enveloped in a dense atmosphere.

Li Mingchao and Bai Dalong, who were still arrogant back then, are kneeling now. ,
Jiang Ying was sitting on the dragon chair, someone brought tea, and he took a sip.

"What you have done is really powerful. Not to mention the loss of soldiers and generals, it is really useless if you haven't even taken back a seaport!" Jiang Ying said angrily.

"Commander, please don't worry, I will immediately organize troops to counterattack the harbor!" Li Mingchao hurried.

"Forget it. Your abilities are limited. As far as the harbor is concerned, you have done your best. Don't think about the harbor for now. Wait until a group of important people arrive and they are safe, so you can move out!" Jiang Ying said.


"There is one more important thing, whoever reveals that you have taken refuge in the imperial army will die!" Jiang Ying's tone was heavy, as if she was talking big.Besides, it's not like they haven't seen how powerful Jiang Ying is!
"Yes, what the commander said is true!" Li Mingchao felt a little depressed.

"The matter of the imperial army is the matter of all of you. Don't take it for granted. What should be kept secret and what should be done, just do it yourself!" After Jiang Ying finished speaking, she got off the dragon chair, " Taking advantage of these few days, I still have something to do, you better stay put here, wait until I take Shen Cheng down, we will talk about this matter later, understand?"

"Got it!" Li Mingchao and Bai Dalong said quickly.

After speaking, Jiang Ying left, and many people who came followed Jiang Ying.

As soon as they left, Li Mingchao went limp and sat on the ground.

Bai Dalong hurried over, "He left and didn't leave us a cherry blossom funeral! How should we live during this time?"

"Okay, don't even think about it, we didn't kill us, that's already given us enough chances, so Zhang Heigou and Wu Liuzi are dead!"

"Dead..." Li Mingchao shook his head, "It seems that this is a game! Call Qin Dazhu in!"

All of a sudden, Qin Dazhu was called in, and several people stared at him covetously, "Qin Dazhu, you son of a bitch, Qian Hailong is indeed a traitor!"

(End of this chapter)

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