Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2655 I promise you

Chapter 2655 I promise you
Qin Dazhu himself knew that he was going to have something to do, and he wanted to take the opportunity to run away, but he was pulled back at the city gate. No, the liquidation began as soon as Jiang Ying left.

Hearing Li Mingchao's words, Qin Dazhu sat slumped on the ground with dull eyes.

Bai Dalong also came over, they were like two giants, surrounding him, he was the helpless orphan.

He curled up and began to tremble.

"Slap" slapped him across the face.

"Qin Dazhu, this is the person you trust? Qian Hailong is a liar!" Bai Dalong roared.

"Ah?" Qin Dazhu was horrified, he knew that it was over for him now!

The land snake standing at the door seemed to be the same as a normal person, and he also understood that it was someone else who died, not himself.

The so-called brotherhood is not worth mentioning in front of each other's important lives.

Bai Dalong looked at him, "Our brothers are suffering, and you can't be safe and sound. Let me tell you, today is your death day!"

Qin Dazhu shook his head, "Captain, Captain, the one who betrayed you, but Qian Hailong, has nothing to do with me!"

"You are his guarantee!" Bai Dalong said, "So if he can't find it, I will kill you!"

"Captain, don't kill me, don't kill me, give me some time, I'll find Qian Hailong for you!" Qin Dazhu said.

"Hehe, you're playing tricks in front of me. If you're gone, can I still catch you?" Li Mingchao slapped Qin Dazhu's face with a slap. !"

"Captain, captain, I..." Qin Dazhu couldn't say anything now, what could he say?Could it be that he said that he was not willing to be the guarantee at all?

This is obviously impossible!

Bai Dalong looked at him, but he was unwilling to let him die like this, otherwise, what would his face be?
Thinking of this, Bai Dalong looked at him, and then said a few words in his ear, Li Mingchao nodded, "You're right!"

Although Jiang Ying told them not to use troops on the harbor at will when he left, he started the bully tactics, no matter how you fight, we won't go out, but he didn't say that we can't harass!

That being the case, Li Mingchao and the others are much simpler!
Bai Dalong walked to the door, said a few words to the ground snake, and then came in again!

Qin Dazhu didn't know what they were discussing, but he could feel in his heart that something bad was coming!

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the land snake to come in with people.

When he came in, Qin Dazhu found that the people who came in were his wife and children!
Although the woman in front of him is unfaithful to him, but after sleeping together for so many years, she still has feelings. This child is talking about his own, but those eyebrows are just like a little Qin Dazhu!

He doesn't even admit it!
The woman came in and nervously protected the child in front of her, while the child was so frightened that he crawled into his mother's arms!
Seeing Qin Dazhu on the ground, the woman frowned.

"What are you going to do?" Qin Dazhu shouted loudly.

"You also said just now, you find a way to kill Qian Hailong for me, just bring me the head, when you come, when will I let your mother-in-law and children go, if you dare to run, they will only Dead end!" Bai Dalong threatened.

This trick came again, Qin Dazhu never imagined that they would do this, and he began to have some resentment in his heart, "Don't mess around, my wife doesn't know anything, and my son doesn't know anything either!" Qin Dazhu roared.

"It doesn't matter if I don't know, I told him, didn't you know?" Bai Dalong said, and when he came to the woman, the woman in her 30s didn't look as enchanting as the women in the city, but this woman looked , can be considered pretty, I don't know what method Qin Dazhu used to get this woman.

"She's so beautiful, how could she have the heart to follow such a wretch?" Bai Dalong asked.

After finishing speaking, he gently hooked his chin with his hand, "how is it?"

"Don't touch her, don't you just want me to kill Qian Hailong? I'll just go, don't touch my woman!" Qin Dazhu swallowed.

His son turned his head gently, and then looked at him, "Dad..."

Qin Dazhu suddenly burst into tears. In the past few days, he has gone from surprise to horror. There is really no way to live this day. Every day is worse than every day. He wants to die in the past, but he can't die. It's not because he still has a wife and children. He didn't dare to die at all, he didn't have that kind of courage!

Hearing his son call him, Qin Dazhu wiped away his tears, "Xiao Zhu, listen to your mother, you know? Dad goes out for a trip, and he will come back after a trip!"

Then, Qin Dazhu stood up, "Two captains, two captains, I beg you not to touch my wife and children, please!"

"Get out!" Li Mingchao shouted.

When he went out, the ground snake looked at him with a smile. Since Bai Dalong and the others came in, although the ground snake was the first to be beaten, but now it is said that the good one belongs to him. After all, he stood outside and did not what risk.

"Hey, Commander, where are you going?" the land snake said in a strange way.

Qin Dazhu looked back at him, "One day, you will laugh at me like me? Haha, I'm afraid you are not qualified yet!"

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to come back. If you don't come back tonight, I'm afraid my sister-in-law has become someone else's daughter-in-law, and your son will have to change his surname. Oh, listen, it makes people sad, listen to it. It makes people cry."

The land snake leaned against the wall and boasted, and then said, "So, those who know the current affairs are heroes, don't always think that you are some kind of commander, look now, your captain is the first to rebel, you go alone Killing Qian Hailong is simply letting you die!"

In fact, what the land snake said was right, he was close to death when he went there, and there was no chance of surviving, which was very, very low, let alone coming back to protect her wife and children.

Qin Dazhu ignored him. When he walked to the gate of the city, he turned his head and glanced. This Liaocheng was very familiar and strange to him. He never thought that he would use such an attitude and gesture. leave.

Think about it, or, his commander's dream is just a child's play house, and once the play house is over, it will return to real life.Huang Liang's dream is enough!

His lonely figure went directly to the southern harbor. He actually didn't know how to assassinate Qian Hailong. It can be said that he didn't even have a gun in his hand, let alone a gun, he didn't even have a knife!

No matter what others say, he knows in his heart that although he has difficulties now, no one will forgive him.

What Qin Dazhu didn't know was that as soon as he left, his inhuman wife attached herself to Bai Dalong's body with her delicate body. As for what he did, only the people in Liaocheng would know!


Most of those who returned to real life from the story did not live very well, and there are many people who cannot accept this reality.

When Qin Dazhu arrived at the harbor, although he didn't encounter any inquiries from the Eighth Route Army, it was still very difficult to meet Qian Hailong in the harbor!

Although the Eighth Route Army did not know him, his former soldiers did.

Soon, Liu Ji knew that Qin Dazhu had come to the harbor, and he didn't know exactly what to do.

With his order, the soldiers immediately took Qin Dazhu down.

No matter how he breaks free, it is impossible to break free!

Bringing him to Yang Fei, Yang Fei laughed, "Why, Commander, should I salute?"

If so, Qin Dazhu stared at Yang Fei, "If you want to salute, you can salute, if you don't, let me sit down and have a sip of tea!"

"Hey?" Yang Fei looked at him, "I don't know if it's true integrity or fake integrity! Since you want to sit down, then sit down!"

After speaking, he sat down, and Yang Fei poured him a bowl of tea and said, "Come on, drink tea!"

Qin Dazhu directly picked up the teacup, and drank it in one gulp.

Yang Fei poured him another bowl, "Come, drink!"

This time, Qin Dazhu didn't drink, he looked at Yang Fei, "It seems that you are the biggest official here, aren't you?"

"In a sense, you can say that!" Yang Fei said.

"In this case, can you do me a favor?" Qin Dazhu asked directly, he didn't care if there was any abruptness.

"Oh? Then why do you think I will help you?" Yang Fei asked curiously.

"You help me find Qian Hailong, and if he comes, I will kill him with my own hands. Then, I will help you open the gate of Liao City, and you can kill all the new troops!" In his eyes, as long as it is beneficial, , the Eighth Route Army should do the same.

In fact, when Yang Fei heard this, why didn't his eyes glow with gold?As long as this so-called new army is wiped out, the affairs of Gwangju will be over!The wealth of Guangzhou belongs to the Eighth Route Army.This is a good thing!

However, the prerequisite is to kill Qian Hailong, which... is a bit troublesome!
"Why should I trust you?" Yang Fei asked.

"Depending on it, I still have a certain influence in Liao City!" Qin Dazhu said this himself, and he didn't quite believe it. His influence might have ended if he won the king and defeated the bandit!
"In this matter, you are not authentic at all!" Yang Fei said directly, "Why do you want to kill Qian Hailong?"

"Rely on him to join the enemy!" After Qin Dazhu said this, he quickly changed his words, "Rely on him to harm me a lot!"

"Come on, don't you just want revenge? Originally, I caught you bastard, and I killed it if I killed it, but I didn't hit Liaocheng by accident. You go, I don't want Liaocheng either!" Yang Fei waved his hand Said.

"There aren't many people in Liao City right now, you can just kill them if you go now!" Qin Dazhu said.

Yang Fei knows that Liaocheng is a good place. If you go north, you can directly reach Shencheng, the largest city in Beihai. It is a big city integrating economy, education, and politics. It has a large population and sufficient soldiers. However, the Eighth Route Army There is no ability and power to get involved in that place, maybe that place has been occupied long ago.

Speaking of Liaocheng, this place is a big city on the plain, with no danger around it, and the only river, which is not considered a big river. Liaocheng can be regarded as a city with developed agriculture. There is a price to pay.

However, the seaport is different. As long as Jinfeng Bridge and Donghai Ya are guarded, the pressure from Liaocheng can be guarded. What they lack most and are most uncomfortable is the power at sea!

The navy is lacking, and more fishing boats go out to sea to fish.

Therefore, if they had the chance, they could take down Liaocheng, but if they took down Liaocheng, they would have to face the pressure from Shencheng!
Although the two cities are far apart, the threat of Liao City is obvious to all.

As for exchanging Qian Hailong, Yang Fei is unwilling, although Qian Hailong is useless to him now, but Qian Hailong at least has filial piety.

Seeing Yang Fei remain unmoved, Qin Dazhu knew that there was nothing he could do!
"Then you kill me!" Qin Dazhu said coldly.

"Kill you? Why? I don't kill people lightly!" Yang Fei smiled and pointed to the tea bowl, "Drink tea!"

"I have nowhere to go. If I don't kill Qian Hailong today, Bai Dalong will kill my wife and children!" Since there is no way to change the situation, Qin Dazhu will have nothing to hide in the future.

"It stands to reason that if you say this, I will help you, but I have no reason to kill Qian Hailong, Qin Dazhu, you have been a commander, why? The life of your wife and children is life, but the life of Qian Hailong is not life. ?” Yang Fei asked sternly.

Qian Hailong stood up, "Okay, I don't need your help!"

He turned to leave, but Liu Ji stopped him suddenly.

"You are a dangerous element, in my opinion, we should control you first!" Yang Fei said.

Liu Ji directly put Qin Dazhu down, and then shouted, "Tie it up!"

Several soldiers came over and tied up Qin Dazhu.

After taking him away, Liu Ji asked, "Head, are you really not going to attack Liaocheng?"

"Liaocheng? I've never paid much attention to it. The seaport is a strategically important place, while Liaocheng is the site of the Fourth World War. You have to decide which one is more important!" Yang Fei said. "However, what you need to understand is that at least there is no need to fight in Liaocheng now, and we will talk about it in the spring of next year!"

Liu Ji nodded, "Alright leader, I understand!"

After leaving, Yang Fei drank a bowl of tea by himself, "Liaocheng, what a Liaocheng!"

At this time, on the sea, there was a small boat floating.

Thirty people were sitting in the tent of the boat, and a bearded man said, "This time we are in the harbor, you should know what we are going to do, remember, no matter what, the thirty of us must be together, According to the order of the empire, it is thirty of us who control the situation here!"

The rest of the people kept saying yes!

"The seaport will not be peaceful, and Anning County is the main place for us to go!" The bearded man continued, "Beihai will soon be our Beihai! I won't talk about using people! You all understand that pretending to be the Eighth Route Army Special commissioner, everything is focused on the mission of the empire!"

"Hi Yi!"

"Hi Yi!"

Hearing what this guy said, the rest of the people on board bowed their heads and expressed their understanding.


"Da da da!"

Gunshots came from the sea!
Yang Fei frowned suddenly, "What's the situation?"

Liu Ji ran in quickly, "Commander, suddenly a few ships were found on the sea!"

"Oh?" Yang Fei frowned, "How could this happen? Let's go and have a look!"

When he arrived at the pier, Yang Fei saw with his own eyes that there was a boat in front of him, the stern of the boat was already on fire, and behind the wooden boat was a tricky iron boat. The iron boat was obviously very fast!

Seeing this, Yang Fei immediately said to Liu Ji, "Hurry up and tell Hu Dahai to drive his iron boat out. I saw that our iron boat is bigger than the one behind them. I'm worried. The wooden boat ahead is most likely sent by the organization!"

"Yes!" After speaking, Liu Ji ran to find Hu Dahai.

When Hu Dahai received Yang Fei's order, he didn't dare to be negligent, and he drove the iron boat not far away!
Yang Fei held the binoculars, "I really hope nothing will happen. Once something happens, it's our responsibility!"

After a while, a soldier suddenly came over, "Head, Han Qing is here!"

"Oh? Just right, call him over!" Yang Fei said.

Han Qing hurried over and said, "Sir, I'm here!"

Yang Fei signaled her not to speak first, and looked ahead with the binoculars!Han Qing stood behind Yang Fei in an orderly manner.

Seeing Hu Dahai's iron boat pass by, the iron boat behind the wooden boat turned around and left!
As for what it meant, Yang Fei didn't know.

However, the fire burning on the wooden boat is an indisputable fact.

When Hu Dahai passed by, let down the rope, and put all the people on the boat on the boat, he turned around and came back!

At this time, Yang Fei looked at Han Qing, "You have worked hard all the way, go drink some tea first!"


After Han Qing finished speaking, he left.

Yang Fei was waiting at the pier.

After a while, the iron boat approached slowly, and then stopped. On the mast, Yang Fei saw that it was a man in the Eighth Route Army uniform, and he was relieved slowly!

When they came down, Yang Fei went over to greet them.

After getting down, the bearded man at the head stretched out his hand, "Hello, comrade!"

"Hello, comrade!"

After inquiring about each other, Yang Fei thought that they were the ones to wait for.Unexpectedly, not long after the information was obtained, the person was connected.

Received a relatively large room, they all sat down.

"My name is Yang Fei, and I'm the head of our brigade! This is Hu Dahai, Commander Hu, and this is Liu Ji, Commander Liu! Also, this is Lin Zhonghu, the leader of Lin Da!" Yang Fei one by one introduce.

"Hello, comrades. You have worked hard. This time, we came here with the main purpose of taking over Beihai. The current situation in Beihai is actually very serious. It is so serious that bandits are rampant and bullies are everywhere! There are also devils who are slow Slowly infiltrate into the North Sea! My name is Gong Han!" Gong Han finished speaking, and then began to introduce, "This is Mrs. Ji, and this is Jing Bai!"

Then, Gong Han continued, "According to the order, we must see Li Jiguang as soon as possible, Brigadier Li, we have important information to tell him!"

Hearing this, Yang Fei hurriedly said, "Comrades, why don't you drink some tea first, and I'll send a telegram to the brigade commander first!"

"Alright, along the way, I was really scared, but after a while, I have to ask you to take us to meet the brigade commander!" Gong Han said.

"Of course there is no problem with this!" Yang Fei said.

After drinking tea for them, Yang Fei sent a telegram to Li Jiguang, saying that he had connected them.

Not long after, Li Jiguang called back, saying that Yang Fei would personally escort them back!
Yang Fei knew what Li Jiguang meant. Since there are new comrades from the Eighth Route Army, it is essential to hold a meeting. At that time, Li Mobai, Shen Wanxi and others will also join in!
Yang Fei handed over the things here to Liu Ji and Hu Dahai, and he took a hundred soldiers to escort them to Anning County.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Gong Han and other 30 people had a brief meal and then drank tea, and Yang Fei took them to Anning County.

Yang Fei knew him well, and took out a cigarette to Gong Han, "I don't know what you are here this time, mainly for what?"

Gong Han rejected Yang Fei's cigarette, "This meeting is really very important. It is so important that when will we be able to take over Beihai and when will we be able to fully control the situation in Beihai? Captain Yang, I have heard of you, you You are brave in battle, and you have always defeated devils by surprise, and Gongmou really admires your determination and hard work!"

"Hey, it's rumored outside that the ability to fight devils is still learned from devils, learning from barbarians to control barbarians. Hey, Lao Yang, I have never been afraid of them, because I know what the devil's strategy is!" Yang Fei Said. ,
"So, our army has a very powerful regiment commander, haha, with your courage, you must hold a study session in the whole army, so that everyone can learn from it!"

From Gong Han's tone, Yang Fei knew that this guy said it in a leadership tone, which he didn't like, but, after all, he was his comrade, there must be such a person, right?
When they were safely escorted to Anning County, it was already 08:30 in the evening. Li Jiguang estimated that the time had already arrived at the gate of the county with Wang Wei and waited. There were also Li Mobai and Shen Wanxi present!

After receiving Gong Han and other Eighth Route Army soldiers, Li Jiguang immediately asked them to go back first. After a simple meal, Gong Han suggested that a meeting of more than one regiment be held!
Yang Fei had already guessed, so he called Shen Wanxi, Li Mobai and others over early!

As for what meeting to hold, what to say specifically!None of them know.

It's just that Gong Han waited for the four of them to sit down and started talking!

"Brigade Commander Li, the boss admires your ability very much. It is a great courage and courage to reshuffle Beihai in a short period of time. However, the situation facing Beihai is very serious. We all know that now , Beihai is full of bandits, they have occupied the county seat and established themselves as kings, they are no longer occupying the top of the mountain, and other spheres of influence are gradually stepping in, the big cake of Beihai, I am afraid it will be divided up! There are also devils Power, as far as I know, they are ready to move now, just want to make a comeback!

"According to the requirements of the general headquarters, this time, the headquarters sent 30 of us here with only one purpose. First, to set up a temporary Beihai headquarters to unify and lead the operations of the troops. Second, to occupy the enemy-occupied counties in Beihai as soon as possible! "

(End of this chapter)

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