Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2656 Purpose

Chapter 2656 Purpose
After hearing this, Yang Fei suddenly understood, what kind of temporary committee, isn't this here to head the house?Looking at Li Jiguang again, Li Jiguang is still taking notes. What's the point of taking notes?

Yang Fei squeezed the pen in his hand, and looked at what Gong Han said.

"The preparations for this interim committee have also been approved and reviewed by the headquarters, and have also given guidance based on the actual situation of our brigade. Next, I will announce the decision!"

After Gong Han finished speaking, he stood up by himself, "For the overall planning and deployment of Beihai, to speed up the construction of Beihai as soon as possible, and to guard against various reactionary forces in Beihai, I will appoint Comrade Gong Han as the head of the interim committee to lead the work of Beihai in a unified way." , Appointed Comrade Ji Tai as the commander of the first war zone to coordinate military affairs in Beihai, appointed Comrade Jing Bai as the commander of the World War II zone to coordinate the construction of Beihai and material preparations. Comrade Li Jiguang was appointed as the brigade commander of the first war zone. In addition, Yang Fei, Li Mobai, and Shen Wanxi , Hu Dahai, formed their respective soldiers as regiment commanders, Yang Fei and Li Mobai as regiment commanders of the First War Zone, believed that Wang Wei was the brigade commander of the World War II zone, Shen Wanxi, and Hu Dahai were the regiment commanders of the World War II zone.”

After reading the letter of appointment, Gong Han put down the letter of appointment.

Yang Fei, Li Mobai and the others all frowned, this is too damn unbelievable, so to speak, their immediate bosses will change in the future, this kind of change is what Yang Fei doesn't want to see, especially the other People don't want to see it!

However, Li Jiguang and Wang Wei started applauding!

Yang Fei looked at Gong Han angrily. He had long felt that the person coming from Gong Han was not kind, but he didn't expect that he would do such a shameless thing!Li Mobai had no choice but to applaud along with him, and Shen Wanxi also applauded pretendingly!

Yang Fei couldn't hold back anymore, he suddenly stood up and pointed at Gong Han's nose and asked, "What the hell do you mean by this? What you mean is that it's up to a few of you to decide here now?"

Gong Han looked at Yang Fei, "Commander Yang, this is not what we mean, but the decision of the general headquarters!"

"Don't use it to fool me, I'm afraid you have some ulterior motive for coming this time?" Yang Fei asked.

"Captain Yang, what do you mean?" Gong Han asked angrily.

"It's your first war zone, the second war zone, you want to separate us, right?" Yang Fei looked at him, his eyes were wide and round, and looked a little scary.

"Yang Fei, since you dare to think so, I will dismiss you now!" Gong Han also shouted loudly.

"Just withdraw, I'm afraid you won't make it!" Yang Fei slapped the table, which immediately shook a few times.

"Mr. Gong, Mrs. Gong, Yang Fei didn't mean that!" Li Jiguang said quickly.

"He didn't mean that, what did he mean? Since you doubt me, then send a power to the headquarters to see if they mean it!" Gong Han also slapped the table, just came here, Gong Han also had to show a little wrist Come!

Yang Fei sneered, "Hehe, do you think I dare not dare?" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he walked directly to the telegraph operator, "You, send a report to the boss, just saying that a group of bandits have come, see if it is a man named Gong Cold, bearded, rude and unqualified guy!"

"You!" Hearing Yang Fei say that to himself, Gong Han must have been a little angry, but soon, he sank down, "Okay, hello! If it wasn't for me, I'd get out immediately!"

The telegram "Dididi" was sent out, and Yang Fei walked over slowly, "My surname is Gong, listen up, whether you are or not, I will never listen to you, it's not up to you here. What? Our brigade commander, Li Jiguang, has been the brigade commander for many years, and now two policemen are airborne, what? Is this trying to overwhelm us?"

Yang Fei is not afraid of them!
"You have to know, what are you slandering?" Gong Han's face was flushed with anger!

Jing Bai and Ji Tai didn't say anything.

Not long after, a telegram came, "Commander Yang, your telegram!"

Yang Fei took it over, glanced at it, he was stunned, it actually said Gong Han, and the names of Jing Bai and Ji Tai were also written on it.

Could it be true?
Seeing the change in Yang Fei's face, Gong Han smiled triumphantly, "What about Captain Yang, did I lie to you? Did I lie to you?"

Yang Fei looked ugly, and he threw the telegram on the table.

"Okay, if you don't know, it's not a crime. I don't care about you. Now, Beihai still needs a regiment leader like you!" Gong Han continued, "Brigade Commander Li, you have to understand the party's good intentions. We are here, not to seize power, but for the situation in Beihai! Before coming, the boss personally explained to me that we are a military team in the important city of Beihai. Of course, this is not my decision alone. Our The party is still very democratic!" After finishing speaking, Gong Han continued, "This time the military team is composed of five people, namely Gong Han, Jing Bai, Ji Tai, Li Jiguang, and Wang Wei! Of course, the military The decision must be agreed by more than half of the people!"

Hearing this, Yang Fei felt his teeth itch with hatred. Who doesn't know, if things go on like this, the three of them will have the final say on military operations sooner or later!This is not democracy, this is dictatorship!
Immediately afterwards, Gong Han said, "Just now, the war zones we mentioned didn't mean that everyone should be separated, but that they have different tasks. The first war zone is mainly responsible for military affairs, and the second war zone is mainly responsible for logistics. Only when the division of labor is clear can we be able to fight in Beihai Victory!"

Li Jiguang looked at him, and then asked, "Mr. Gong, there are two regiments for this logistical work. Are there too many people? Or, one regiment is responsible for the logistics work, and the remaining one is handed over to us. How about that?" Sample?"

Gong Han shook his head, "Brigade Commander Li, logistics and military are closely related, and there is no difference between important and unimportant. You should understand this. I have a background in logistics. I have worked in logistics for seven or eight years. I want to be a Understand what logistics needs, if you are short of people, hurry up and recruit troops before it's too late!"

Li Jiguang is not talking.

"Okay, from now on, I will take a new look at the entire brigade headquarters, which is also the meaning of the organization. The [-] people I brought will be the top priority of the agency work in the future. Therefore, those who are currently working in the agency Personnel, handover!" Gong Han continued!
After the meeting, Yang Fei came to the door, and he pulled Li Jiguang aside, "Brigade Commander, there is...a problem!"

"Yang Fei, I know what you want to say, but we still have to respect the decision from above, don't we?" Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, I've seen a change of leadership, but I've never seen such a change of leadership!" Yang Fei shook his head, "Today, he should be ignored at sea and let him be beaten to death!"

"Don't say that!" Li Jiguang said, "Anyway, he's also a new recruit!"

"Bullshit!" Yang Fei roared!
At this time, Li Mobai also came over, "Brigade Commander, what Yang Fei said is correct. The boss's order is important, but I have never done it like this before. It will chill our hearts!"

"Mobai, you say that too?" Li Jiguang looked at him.

"Brigade Commander, how many years have we been doing revolutionary work, we are not afraid of ups and downs, but tonight's meeting is a completely random meeting. In the future, in Beihai, I am afraid that this day will become faster. !” Li Mobai said.

"No nonsense!" Li Jiguang interrupted quickly!
Wang Wei came out, saw them together, and came over, followed by Shen Wanxi behind him!

After coming over, Shen Wanxi hurriedly said, "Brigade Commander, Political Commissar, what the hell is this bastard, this is simply a big fool!"

Shen Wanxi spoke more directly, Yang Fei patted him on the shoulder, "This time, I will give you a high regard!"

Wang Wei looked at them, "Hey, since this is what the boss wants, let's go according to what the boss wants, what I'm worried about is..." Wang Wei didn't finish speaking, shaking his head, "Forget it, let's take one step at a time! It's all about work!"

"Political commissar, that Gong Han, just say that when he came, what is his resume? Afraid of crossing snow-capped mountains, or walking across grass?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Don't discuss this anymore, go back!" Wang Wei said.

Li Jiguang and Wang Wei walked side by side. Their former combat headquarters is now owned by Gong Han. To be precise, it is owned by Gong Han and the other three. There are new faces, even the telegraph operators have changed their people!

Yang Fei couldn't get out of his breath, "Damn it! Who the hell is this Gong Han?"

That night, the stars that could be seen suddenly became blurred again, not only that, but the wind was strong again!
By the next day, the snowflakes were scattered all over the ground again, and the soldiers outside were sitting and clearing the snow!

Yang Fei who just woke up was told that there will be a meeting at nine o'clock!
Yang Fei ate, exercised, and then slowly went to the headquarters!
After he left, he was the only one left!
Yang Fei sat down, Gong Han glanced at the time, "Captain Yang, this time concept is very strong, he entered the arena with the second hand pressed!"

Yang Fei didn't want to talk to him, so he didn't give him any face at all!
"Okay, we had a meeting yesterday and focused on the appointment of the headquarters. Now, according to the timing and situation in Beihai, we will make a more advanced military deployment!" After Gong Han finished speaking, he looked at his notebook. do things.

"Let's not talk about the World War II area. The logistics work must be carried out under the unified leadership of Mr. Jing Bai. Brigadier Wang Wei, you must actively cooperate with him! The comrades of our two regiments must also actively cooperate , to ensure basic supplies for our comrades on the front line!" After finishing speaking, Gong Han began to talk about the First War Zone.

After all, it is a military theater, so Gong Han wrote a lot on paper, "According to our current military deployment, the station currently occupies six counties and one seaport, but the distribution of troops is uneven!"

Yang Fei could feel this sentence immediately, this guy doesn't know much about fighting at first glance, what is uneven distribution of troops?

After finishing speaking, Gong Han looked at Mrs. Ji, "Mrs. Ji, what good advice do you have? After all, you are the one in charge of the military!"

Mrs. Ji nodded, "***, I studied the situation of our disregarded deployment last night. According to the current deployment of troops, I think it is probably accurate. The harbor should indeed be heavily guarded. According to our Information, there are nearly 500 new puppet troops in Liaocheng ahead, and they are what we have to guard against!" After finishing speaking, Ji Tai said, "In addition, although there are not many troops in Wuxian, Fenzhou, and Guangzhou, they are , is still in the process of conscription, but when Shen Wanxi, commander of the World War II zone, withdrew his troops in Huozhou and Linjiang County, there was nothing there! This is a matter that must be resolved!"

As soon as Mrs. Ji finished speaking, Shen Wanxi said, "Otherwise, I suggest that the World War II zone be formed in Huozhou or Linjiang County for the time being. First, we can strengthen the defense work in the south of Anning County. Second, we can also give Brigadier Li has some time to recruit troops!"

There is no doubt that Shen Wanxi is right!

However, Gong Han shook his head, "I still have to listen to Mrs. Jing Bai's opinion on this matter!"

Jing Bai raised his head, "Although I don't want to be in Huozhou, but so far, I have to do so!"

Yang Fei wanted to laugh when he heard that, this Gong Han is really a two hundred and five, why, he doesn't understand anything, and he still acts as a prostitute?Could it be that he went through the back door?
Just after thinking about this, Gong Han looked at Yang Fei!
Yang Fei knew that this guy must have no good intentions.

Sure enough, Gong Han said, "By the way, Commander Yang, when I was in the harbor, I saw that your army was strong, and there were almost 2000 or [-] of you! Hurry up and transfer your troops to Huozhou or Linjiang County, it shouldn't be too much trouble." Is it difficult?"

Sure enough, Yang Fei knew what this guy meant!
"Oh, I'm so sorry, you know, not only we are stationed at the harbor, but Lin Zhonghu and Lin Da's family are also stationed there, and Lin Zhonghu has more than 1000 people! We only have 500 people !" Yang Fei shook his head, wanting to see what Gong Han should do.

"Ah?" Gong Han was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "By the way, I also want to ask you, how can there be bandits in the ranks of the Eighth Route Army. It seems that you have known each other for a long time!"

Facing his questioning.Yang Fei seemed indifferent, "The establishment of a revolutionary united front is the call from above. We can ask Lin Zhonghu to help us. Could it be that there is something wrong?"

"Bandits are hunting dogs. I trust Lin Zhonghu, but does Lin Zhonghu trust you?" Gong Han asked.

"Please don't worry about this!" Yang Fei said, "Think about it carefully, what should you do next! Don't keep doubting the allies who helped you!"

"Yang Fei, why do you keep fighting against me?"

"Against you?" Yang Fei sneered, "Dear Gong, please use your fat brain to think about why I am opposing you, because what you say is not so unpleasant!"

Gong Han took a deep breath, "Forget it, this way, Yang Fei, you and Lin Zhonghu borrow troops and ask him to lend you five hundred troops temporarily, and you have to arrange them in Huozhou and Linjiang County!"

"Don't worry about this matter, I will take care of it myself!" Yang Fei continued.

Gong Han's face changed quickly, and he tried to restrain himself as much as possible.

"Next, let Mrs. Ji talk about our plan!" After finishing speaking, Gong Han looked at Mrs. Ji.

Mrs. Ji nodded, "According to our current situation, it is difficult to attack other counties, but this is not absolute. We can surround the cities from the countryside, develop and strengthen the rural team, and actively organize the construction of the militia. In addition, the seaport On the one hand, I think it is absolutely possible to take down Liaocheng first, because Liaocheng has a large population and fertile land, and when the autumn harvest tomorrow, I think it is completely possible to supply our Eighth Route Army with food!"

"I think it's okay too!" Gong Han nodded, and then looked at Yang Fei, but he didn't dare to look at Yang Fei. Li Jiguang wanted to speak, but Gong Han said, "In this case, Mrs. Ji, Then just let go and do it!"


It was Yang Fei who spoke again!
Yang Fei leaned against the back of the chair and looked at them reluctantly!

Regarding this matter, he didn't think about it over and over again. It didn't matter whether he could defeat Liaocheng. What was important was what was the strategic significance of defeating Liaocheng?
Since it doesn't make sense, why fight?
"Yang Fei, what do you want to do?" Gong Han was really angry this time!
"Okay, let me tell you!" Yang Fei stood up, "First, you keep saying that you have set up a military team, five of you, huh? When it comes to war, why do you just say one sentence, and that's the decision? Second, I have thought about ten thousand times whether I can fight Liaocheng, but I can't, and there is no need to fight!"

Gong coldly clenched his fist, and then looked at him angrily, but what Yang Fei said was correct, they did set up a military team, and they did not discuss it with Li Jiguang and others.

Gong Han held his breath, "Yang Fei reminded you right, it was my fault, but what we said just now should be regarded as a proposal, then, let's discuss it!"

After finishing speaking, Gong Han wiped the sweat from his forehead. He thought it would be easy to control them here, after all, they were obedient, but what people didn't expect was that this Yang Fei was a thorn!And mainly to stab him alone!

This made him a little angry!
However, Yang Fei didn't care about it at this time. Yang Fei knew that no matter how they discussed, the result of the final vote was to fight!
Sure enough, Gong Han asked five members of the military team to raise their hands, but only three of them raised their hands!

Li Jiguang said, "Mr. Gong, there is no point in taking this Liao City!"

Wang Wei also said, "Yes, Mrs. Gong, isn't it a strategic issue when we fight?"

"Two brigade commanders, please respect the decision of the military team!" Gong Han said.

Li Jiguang and Wang Wei endured it, but what can they do with Gong Han?
Yang Fei couldn't sit still, he stood up, and Gong Han shouted, "Sit down, you are not qualified to discuss military affairs here!"

"I said the surname is Gong, are you so afraid of me?" Yang Fei asked.

"I'm afraid of you? Why should I be afraid of you?" Gong Han looked at Yang Fei and asked.

"Haha, I laughed so hard!" Yang Fei said, "What kind of nonsense military team, what do you do, just go, I won't listen to you!"

"Yang Fei, you are presumptuous!" Gong Han stood up immediately after finishing speaking.Ji Tai also stood up, "Yang Fei, you are bold!
"I'm bold? Listen carefully, you're here, what have you done? Even something as important as war, pretend to discuss it, and then raise your hands? Isn't this obvious bullying? There are only two of us, you guys Three people, what? Is this still bullying us?" Yang Fei slapped the table.

"Nonsense!" Gong Han roared. ,
"You don't deserve it!" Yang Fei licked his lips and held his head up, "Gong, you haven't fought a war, what kind of bastard are you! What do you know? And you, Mrs. Ji, what do you know? En? Come on, tell me, what is the benefit of taking Liaocheng?" Yang Fei pointed to Mrs. Ji and asked.

"There is no respect!" Ji Tai shouted, "Liaocheng has a large population and fertile land! Taking this city means that next year we will be completely self-reliant!"

"Wrong, big mistake!" Yang Fei said, "The countryside surrounds the city. Our grain production in the countryside is enough for our Eighth Route Army so far. We have a broad mass base in the countryside. As for Liaocheng, the Fourth World War If you take down the land, you have to be able to defend it, even a seaport is difficult, let alone a Liaocheng! Could it be that if you take Liaocheng, you want to attack Shencheng?"

Yang Fei's words were like thorns, which made Ji Tai and Gong Han feel uncomfortable!

What happened to this Yang Fei?
"Why? Can't you fight Liaocheng?" Mrs. Ji really didn't believe this!

"Hehe, if you want to fight Liaocheng, first of all, you must have a certain scale of combat power!" Yang Fei said, "From Liaocheng to Shencheng, the straight-line distance is 150 kilometers! This distance is not far or close, but this Among them, how many mountains and rivers are there? How many bandits are there? How many forces are there? Do you know?" Yang Fei sneered.

"Hehe, you mean, you know. Then tell me?" Hearing Yang Fei's question, Gong Han thought, and made things difficult for him.

"If you want to know, I can tell you that there are 78 mountains, and there are 57 rivers that pass through, including the seasonal rivers. There are two gangs of bandits in them. In addition, devils and bandits from all walks of life are in Among them, you want to fight for some power, don't say that you want to take down Shencheng now, I am afraid that if your level gives you two legions, you may not have the strength!" Yang Fei sneered!
Just after he finished speaking, Gong Han's expression changed slightly. He really didn't expect that Yang Fei knew!

"Okay!" Shen Wanxi knew the gap between himself and Yang Fei, but Shen Wanxi felt inferior to such a gap!
Li Mobai also applauded. The reason why Yang Fei is Yang Fei, and why Yang Fei won the battle, is probably more due to this aspect!

Both Li Jiguang and Wang Wei cast appreciative glances at Yang Fei!
Still Yang Fei, still Yang Fei!
Ji Tai sat down slowly. Is this the Yang Fei they understood when fighting the Imperial Japanese Army?
(End of this chapter)

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