Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2657 The Last Hope

Chapter 2657 The Last Hope
I thought that they in Beihai should be a bunch of bumpkins who don't understand anything, but why do these people seem to be experts in war?

Yang Fei held back his anger, sat down, and watched how the so-called three leaders stepped down!

Suddenly Gong Han laughed, "Okay, okay!" He took the lead in applauding, "I'm really happy to have such powerful people in our camp, our career in Beihai will definitely be successful!"

However, he didn't think so in his heart. The more capable Yang Fei was, the greater the threat to their imperial army of the Great Japanese Empire. Therefore, for the cause of the empire, Yang Fei must be taken down.

Yang Fei really didn't expect that Gong Han's attitude would change so quickly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Mrs. Ji quickly replied, "I didn't expect, Commander Yang, to have such a good memory! I admire you!"

That Jing Bai didn't dare to say anything, he looked at Yang Fei with a smile, his expressions became so kind, there must be some kind of deceit inside!
As for whether to fight Liaocheng, there is no conclusion on this!
In short, the meeting ended, and they didn't get much information!

Shen Wanxi and others ran over, "Lao Yang, yes, you can tell the bandits between Liaocheng and Shencheng clearly, awesome!"

Li Mobai also cupped his hands, "Yang Fei, look after you!"

Yang Fei smiled wryly, then continued to walk forward, slandering in his heart, "Could it be that I want to tell you what I made up?"

However, soon, not only some problems appeared between their senior leaders, but also between Yang Fei and the others!

One day, Yang Fei received an order at the seaport. According to the order, they were asked to form a military team.

As soon as Yang Fei saw these four words, he threw the bullshit telegram away!

Wasn't it obvious nonsense?

What about the city?

The telegram also requested that several battalion commanders set up a military team as much as possible, and that he was not mentioned as the commander at all, and that’s all. How should I fight?Do you want to go to your respective troops?

Thinking of this, Yang Fei just didn't understand, a military team above is enough, why do you want to get this thing below, after all, they have to be stationed in different places, do they really need to fight several battalion commanders and then gather together for a meeting?
Isn't this bullshit?
After receiving the order, Li Mobai, Shen Wanxi, and Hu Dahai also received such an order!

Yang Fei was so angry that he made such a thing indiscriminately!

Li Mobai and Shen Wanxi also scratched their heads, "Is this fucking true?"

At this time, Lin Zhonghu happened to have something to do with Yang Fei. Seeing Yang Fei frowning, he quickly asked, "Brother Yang, what are you doing?"

Yang Fei shook his head. He didn't want to tell Lin Zhonghu that there was a problem with the troops. Maybe Gong Han and the others had good intentions, but he didn't consider their actual situation at all!
"Master Lin, what do you need from me?" Yang Fei asked.

"There is indeed something wrong!" After finishing speaking, Lin Zhonghu said, "The captive bandits, after these days of training, they have a certain fighting level, but their ideology is not firm, I think, you want to Don't teach them a lesson?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to do this class thing, haha!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, Lin Da is in charge, there are so many people, you should share some! "Yang Fei said.

"No, no, actually, before coming here, I want to tell you one more thing!" Lin Zhonghu said at this time,

"Master Lin, if you have anything to say, I've never seen you talk like this!" Yang Fei said,
"A few days ago, I wanted to collect some former brothers who still have a stockade on the mountain, but the news I got is that most of them have gone down the mountain, some have joined the new puppet army, and some are still occupying territory. Thinking, if we go up the mountain to become bandits again, I'm afraid there will be too many enemies!"

Looking at him, Yang Fei felt a little strange that Lin Zhonghu would tell him this!

Then, Lin Zhonghu said, "So, after discussing with Mingzi and others, why don't we join your Eighth Route Army! What do you think?"

Hearing this, Yang Fei was of course happy, this is a matter of icing on the cake, how could he not agree!

"Master Lin, if you think so, I must be very happy. If you want to come, I, Yang Fei, will be even happier!" Yang Fei said.

"So, you agree?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"Of course I agree!" Yang Fei said, but then, he was a little embarrassed. Lin Zhonghu looked at it and leaned forward, "Brother Yang, is there any embarrassment?"

"Hey!" Yang Fei said hey, unable to explain the depression in his heart, but he still said, "That's right, there are a lot of wrong things now, there is some kind of military team, not to mention random command, even I don’t have the minimum military qualities, I’m worried that if you join now, it will persecute you!” Yang Fei confessed.

Lin Zhonghu's face suddenly changed, "So, Brigadier Li Jiguang and Li are not your officers anymore?"

Yang Fei nodded.

"How could this be?" Lin Zhonghu wanted to seek refuge because of this. If it wasn't Li Jiguang, who else would he care about?

"Leader Lin, let me tell you something, okay?" Yang Fei said, "Since you want to join us, of course we will support it with both hands, but the current situation is not optimistic. I think you can only join now. Join secretly, don't let Gong Han and the others know!"

"What does Brother Yang mean?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"Join the Eighth Route Army, and then take people away from here. As long as you leave here, you will be fine. Find a way to attack a county, and then develop it, wait for the opportunity!" Yang Fei said.

Lin Zhonghu nodded, "Okay, then I will only talk to you about this matter, then I will be the Eighth Route Army from now on!"

"Okay, when the time comes, I will explain the situation to the brigade commander, I believe he will understand!" Yang Fei said.

"Good!" Lin Zhonghu said. "Brother Yang, the people from my place..."

"Take them all away! To the outside world, you claim to be the commander of the Fifth Regiment of the Eighth Route Army." Yang Fei instructed.

"Okay!" After saying that, Lin Zhonghu led the people away!
Watching them leave, Yang Fei felt a little hope in his heart, "This is hope. They are the last hope of the Beihai Eighth Route Army. In case they are ruined by Gong Han and the others, there is this last straw!"

He came back to his senses, looked at the telegrams on the ground that had been torn up by himself, and then urgently called for several of his battalion commanders!
The weather outside is sometimes good and sometimes bad, I don't know if God is throwing a temper tantrum, always, it's cloudy and sunny, which makes Yang Fei feel a little annoyed inexplicably!
Liu Ji, Shouhou and Zhao Qifa, the three battalion commanders came and sat down.

Yang Fei looked at them, feeling a little embarrassed by the battalion commanders.

He didn't speak for a long time, which made the thin monkey feel a little nervous, "Head, what's the matter? Tell me!"

"Okay, let me say!" Yang Fei said, standing up, "The brigade headquarters sent a telegram, saying that we need a military team in our city!"

"Military team?" Zhao Qifa asked, "Didn't the headquarters already set up a so-called military team? We have a military team in the city here, isn't this a bit unnecessary?"

"Yes, Commander, since there is a military team at the headquarters, we just follow their orders, why do we need to have this military team ourselves? Could it be that our conclusion is different from that of the headquarters, so we don't have to listen to it. ?” asked the thin monkey.

"This is the meaning of the brigade headquarters. No, it should be called the division headquarters now. This order is necessary and must be carried out. Now, let me talk about it. We happen to have three battalion commanders. The three of you, give I just set up this military team, Zhao Qifa, as the leader of this team, you can discuss any military matters yourself!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he sat down and lit a cigarette to smoke!
The three looked at each other, "Commander, what about you? The three of us are a military team, what about you?"

"I'm nothing, your rights are greater than mine, that's what the telegram means!" Yang Fei continued.

"Greater than you? In terms of fighting, we are not as good as you. Why set up this useless military team?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"I have to live with my face!" Yang Fei said, "In the future, if there is any war, you can discuss it, and I will just lead the troops to fight!"

"This... Head, isn't this nonsense? We three cobblers are no match for you, Zhuge Liang. What do you think we set up him for?" Immediately, he slapped the table, "Is it that cold-blooded man?" Nonsense?"

When Gong Han and the others came, the troops suddenly felt as if they were about to disintegrate, and the cohesion suddenly became loose from the person who was airborne.

"I think you are messing around," Yang Fei said that Gong Han is not good in front of them, he is not good, but the brigade commander didn't say anything, so he can only think that Gong Han is still a good person!It's just that this good guy is too eager to express himself!
Liu Ji immediately misunderstood his attitude just now, "Leader, this is nonsense in itself!" Even after Liu Ji apologized, he still said, "Look, you are the leader, and the few of us are the military team , For example, we decide to attack Liaocheng, and then tell you, who do you order? You order us again? Isn’t this taking off your pants and farting—isn’t it superfluous?”

"Liu Ji is right!" Zhao Qifa said, "To put it bluntly, it is to weaken the power of the regiment leader. It can be seen from this battle!"

"That's right, so the headquarters wants to weaken our leader's rights? Leader, don't worry, I'll go to the headquarters to file a complaint!" After the thin monkey finished speaking, he stood up and wanted to leave.

"Sit down for me!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he tapped on the table with his hand.

"It's okay. Anyway, I've been fighting for so many years, and I'm tired of it. The life of killing people is not perfect. While I'm free, I might as well marry a beautiful wife and have someone to warm the bed. This life is good!" Yang Fei smiled. , "This is a holiday from the headquarters, I'm too happy to be happy!"

"Head, are you willing to be in the second line?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"Why don't you want to! It's just that if it's early, I'll go fishing at the port, go to the beach to enjoy the breeze, and see which girl is not married yet, so I will quickly preconceive it, hey, then marry, give birth My son, hehe! Be happy!" Yang Fei leaned against the back of the chair, "That's the deal, you three, lead me well, the meaning of the headquarters is very clear, you understand?"

"Head, this is not enough in itself. I am guarding Wu County, he is guarding Gwangju, and there is a seaport. How do we fight? There is going to be a war, and the three of us have an emergency meeting?" Zhao Qifa shook his head.

"Otherwise, what should we do? Think about it, we want to fight devils in the final analysis. There are relatively few devils in Beihai now, but they might infiltrate at some point!" Yang Fei continued. "So, don't be distracted!"

"Team leader! But..." Before Zhao Qifa could finish speaking, Yang Fei interrupted, "Needless to say, we have nothing to do with their headquarters' decision! Say, what can I do?"

Several battalion commanders bowed their heads and did not speak. They knew that Yang Fei was not a person greedy for power, but he was not allowed to fight. out of sight!
Yang Fei's disappointment did not show on his face, he must be very depressed in his heart!

Liu Ji and Shouhou looked at each other, "This battalion commander, I am wrong!"

After finishing speaking, the two threw their hats on the table, "Without you, the leader, the two of us are nothing. You should know how much we are. Although you have been training us for so many years, but , We were dumbfounded when we were really in trouble. We can’t fight this battle. I’m used to taking orders from you. This time, let me make decisions. Isn’t this just letting Zhang Fei embroider? It’s hard to say, this It's simply a disregard for human life!"

"Say it again, boy?" Yang Fei looked at Liu Ji, who turned his head, "Regimental Commander, without you, this Battalion Commander has no energy to do. Why don't you quit the Eighth Route Army now? I feel like I'm going up the mountain to be a bandit." Better than this!"

Yang Fei's tiger eyes kept staring at him, "How are you kid, you want to be a bandit!"

"Liu Ji is right!" Shouhou also said, "You are kind to us, and we are willing to listen to you, but it is absolutely impossible for us to make decisions! Leader, this is invisible to you. Persecution, I want to find the brigade commander and let the brigade commander decide!"

Yang Fei grabbed the thin monkey by the collar and pushed him on the seat, "Sit down for me, if you want to be a bandit, do you believe that I will kill you now? And those who want to complain to the brigade commander, To tell you the truth, if you go now, you may not even find the brigade commander, and even sue the brigade commander. The brigade commander has been taken away. Hehe, think about it, should you seize the right now, or give it up voluntarily! It's an art!"

Yang Fei looked at them and laughed!
Zhao Qifa nodded, he immediately understood what Yang Fei meant!
I really didn't expect that Yang Fei could think of this level!

But Liu Ji and Shouhou didn't understand that they were single-minded, and Yang Fei was no longer a regiment leader with real power, and they were even more lackluster as battalion commanders.

Thinking of this, Liu Ji said directly, "Okay, we're wrong!"

When the thin monkey heard this, he immediately said, "I don't deserve anything!"

"The dog is falling!" Yang Fei's eyes widened, he really wanted to hit someone!

But Zhao Qifa quickly stood up, "Okay, okay!" He stopped the two battalion commanders, "This meeting is over, let's go first, let's go first!"

Yang Fei sat down angrily, saw them leaving, and spat on the ground, "What kind of heads, these fools!"

After leaving the door, Liu Ji and Shouhou got a little angry, "Old Zhao, why didn't you express your opinion just now, even if we take people to the mountains to fall grass and become bandits, we can't take this anger for nothing!"

"Yes," Shouhou said, "It stands to reason that no matter what, we should go to the headquarters to find the brigade commander and ask the brigade commander what is going on!"

"You two really don't have brains!" Zhao Qifa said.

"What do you mean?" The two didn't understand!
"This is still not clear? Think about it carefully, what the leader said later!" Zhao Qifa looked at them.

They shook their heads, they had long forgotten what Yang Fei was talking about.

"Aren't you stupid? Think about it, what is it that can make the regiment leader lose the command power?" Zhao Qifa earnestly said, "This involves many aspects. Since the regiment leader has no command power, how many of us are still If it doesn't get involved, what should I do?"

"Look for the brigade commander to comment!" said the thin monkey.

"Could it be possible, quit?" Liu Ji looked at Zhao Qifa!
"You guys are so unteachable!" Zhao Qifa said, "Shouldn't we hold on to the military power in our hands? Once the command power in our hands is gone, we will really become lonely at that time! Not only Only the head of the regiment, the brigade commander and the others can't save them!"

Having said that, the two of them suddenly realized. "So, we are still very important!"

"Of course, now they are commanding the guns. Wherever they tell us to fight, we will fight. We have to be obedient. Now, since they have decided to let us set up this military team, no matter what, we set it up, that's all. As for the war at that time, you won't let the head of the team join us? We can discuss whether we can fight or not!" Zhao Qifa said.

"You mean, why didn't I think of this?" Liu Ji scratched his head.

"Okay, now that we understand what we have to do, we can help the head of the regiment get the command. Otherwise, we will lose the command. It will be emptied!"

Zhao Qifa told the pros and cons of it, and the two of them took it for granted!

When the words made sense, they understood, so when they returned to their residences, they firmly grasped the rights in their hands, and they also put in a lot of effort in ideological education!
Soon, the military teams of the regiment headquarters in the city were all set up.

Both Li Mobai and Shen Wanxi have become lonely!
In private, Shen Wanxi found Li Mobai, and the two poured bitter water on each other, and when it came to their hatred, the two directly suggested that they go find Yang Fei!
Hu Dahai had just come over, and when his head was still unclear, he was only named as a regiment leader, so he followed them to the harbor again!

They had nothing to do, but when they arrived at the harbor, they were told that Yang Fei was fishing!

When the three found Yang Fei, Yang Fei was sitting by the sea. The waves rushed over, and the splashed snow froth suddenly condensed into ice!

"Old Yang, can you catch fish?" Shen Wanxi asked.

Yang Fei didn't speak, and continued fishing. "Stop pretending, you kid must still be entangled with us! Isn't it?" Hu Dahai asked.

"Stop talking, I'm fishing, and when I catch a fish, I'll treat you to grilled fish!" Yang Fei continued fishing without looking back.

Li Mobai smiled, then sat down, blowing the biting cold wind, but he didn't even feel a little cold.

"Hey!" Shen Wanxi shook his head, "Yang Fei is absolutely stupid! He's actually fishing, and he doesn't want to think about the way forward!"

Hu Dahai nodded, "That's right, there's nothing you can do, head of the nominal team!"

After a while, the fishing rod moved, and Yang Fei immediately put away the fishing rod, and a three-jin-big fish was caught!

Yang Fei smiled and put the fish into a bucket.Continue to throw the hook into the sea again.

At this time, Yang Fei turned around, "You guys are so bored, you actually came to find me!"

Seeing that Yang Fei had spoken, Shen Wanxi hurried over, "Old Yang, do you know why our command authority was taken away?"

"What does it matter to me?" Yang Fei said.

"Why don't you care about your business? Last time, you made a big fuss at the headquarters, and we followed suit. That Gong Han didn't give us the right to argue at all, so keep it in your heart!" Shen Wanxi said, "In the final analysis, It was you kid who implicated us!"

"Even if it wasn't because of you, we wouldn't lose command!" Hu Dahai said.

"Damn it, everything has to do with me! Why doesn't Li Mobai say this?" Yang Fei glanced at them.

"If you want to help but have nothing to do, you will be ashamed of the sage!" Li Mobai read a poem, "Yang Fei, can you bear it in your heart if you have nothing to do like this?"

"I'm fishing. After two days, I'm going to marry a beautiful woman. When the time comes, I'll treat you to a drink, but don't forget to give a gift!" Yang Fei looked at them, "I have too many things to do You can't imagine it!"

When the three of them heard this, they burst out laughing, "Yang Fei, you are like this, what kind of beautiful lady do you want to marry? When you meet Meijiao, no one will agree to it!"

The three of them laughed at Yang Fei one by one. It stands to reason that this is not a mockery, but a joke.

Yang Fei didn't take it seriously, "It's just that you can't see what you want to help, it's just that you can't see it yet, it's just that it's not time to use us, Lao Li, you are too worried, Lao Yang, I don't care about others, But I have to say a few words about you, you can think about everything, this is not a bad thing, you are a scholar, you can read books, read newspapers, and when you are free, you can punch , don’t act like you’re bitter and bitter all day long, it’s not good, it’s really not good!”

Li Mobai was a little stunned, this Yang Fei actually understood what it meant to "be able to help others without a boat, but to be a shameful sage", is this still the same Yang Fei from before?I'm afraid it has already been reborn!

(End of this chapter)

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