Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2659 Next Step Planning

Chapter 2659 Next Steps

This victory, it can be said, made Ji Tai win something for nothing. Although he was a little petty, but after winning this victory, he always felt that it was inseparable from his presence at the scene. What is it called?This is called pro-conquest!
Anyway, this victory is very beneficial to their plan for the Great Japanese Empire this time.

In his opinion, this is the first step for the elite fighters of the Japanese Empire to break into the Eighth Route Army here.

Afterwards, Zhao Qifa swooped down with the soldiers and beat up Bai Dalong and those who didn't have time to retreat, and became their captives!
After fighting normally, they only injured a dozen or so.

And Yang Fei's here is more like a crushing, Li Mingchao received the order to ambush, and cut off their retreat when no one is there. Yang Fei's indiscriminate bombing caused countless casualties.

The militiamen in Huiying Village heard the voice and surrounded the woods with people. Li Mingchao rushed out of the woods desperately, and then turned back to Liao City!
The fright along the way was tantamount to making him turn around at the gate of hell.

When Desheng came back, Mrs. Ji looked at Yang Fei, "Look, even if you don't go, you still have to win. What do you think is this called?"

Yang Fei ignored him, said a few words to Zhao Qifa, and then went back home.Seeing Yang Fei's rude attitude, Mrs. Ji was very angry.

When he returned to Anning County, he told Gong Han everything about this place!

Victory is important, but Yang Fei is indeed a thorn in the side. If he is here, he will have a way of fighting, then the meaning of their existence will be gone!

At the very least, if Yang Fei is here, it will delay their plans of the imperial army of the Great Japanese Empire.

You know, they have paid a lot for this step, intercepting and killing the real Eighth Route Army special commissioner and disguising them.

Sure enough, they received a telegram, in which they cursed at them, saying that they would let the Eighth Route Army suffer losses, but in the end, they abandoned their helmets and abandoned their armor, and the ambush they agreed to became a counter-ambush, a unilateral victory , making Jiang Ying slap the table angrily, "Dog, it seems that these people cannot be trusted!"

Immediately afterwards, Gong Han asked the telegraph operator to send a telegram to Jiang Ying, saying that they must establish a certain prestige in the Eighth Route Army, and only in this prestige can they win the final victory for the Imperial Japanese Army.

Jiang Ying endured it, and he had no choice but to bear it.

When Gong Han gave the telegram to Ji Tai, Ji Tai saw it and sweated profusely, "The commander said just now, we did something wrong!"

"Is there any way to do this? The Eighth Route Army has complicated personnel here. After a long time, the people at Yang Fei's place still don't listen to us. We have to solve this matter as soon as possible. Otherwise, the commander will not be able to explain it." Gong Han finished speaking , sit down by yourself. ,

"It's easy to handle. I'll find a way to transfer Yang Fei from the position of commander!" Tai Ji said.

"To lead them, you must have a sense of art. If you evacuate directly, then they will mutiny, which is not what we think!" Gong Han said.

"Don't worry, I know, isn't the Eighth Route Army willing to fight guerrillas? Well, I will let Yang Fei take dozens of people to fight guerrillas. I will personally command the soldiers there. I don't believe it. Those soldiers will follow Yang Fei go." Ji Tai said.

"This is a good thing, let Yang Fei go to fight guerrillas and keep him away from the harbor. As far as we know, in a few days, the empire's warships will arrive. By then, this world will not be ours. ?” Gong Han said proudly.

"Is the warship from the empire coming in a few days?" Ji Tai looked at Gong Han and asked.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Gong Han looked at him, and found that there was something strange in Ji Tai's eyes.

"Since this is the case, I think we should not directly interfere with Yang Fei. Tell me, can the harbor hold the imperial warships?" Tai Ji asked.

"It's definitely impossible. Think about it, the harbor is just a harbor. When we came, we didn't find any iron ships in the harbor. The harbor will be lost!" Gong Han said.

"That's fine, we don't care about Yang Fei. If Yang Fei loses the battle, won't we have a chance to dismiss him?" Ji Tai said with a smile.

"It makes sense. If this is the case, then well, I will order Shen Wanxi, Hu Dahai and Yang Fei to guard the harbor together. At that time, they will be withdrawn together!" Gong Han said, "When the time comes, control the troops. Yes, it is our people, the warships of the empire are everywhere, and the Eighth Route Army is almost finished!"

"Yes, the four regiment leaders were all withdrawn by him, or shot. Li Jiguang and Wang Wei no longer have real power. They can say, it's that Yang Fei, find a chance, and kill him!" Ji Tai said.

"Yes, that's it!" As he said that, Gong Han found the telegraph operator and transferred Li Mobai, Shen Wanxi, and Hu Dahai to the harbor. This is a good thing with multiple actions, how could these brothers be missing?

In addition, the date of the arrival of the devil's warship was also mentioned, so that they would not show up, which is very good.

When Shen Wanxi and the others received the telegram, they sighed secretly, "It seems that Gong Han and the others have made up their minds, and they must defend the harbor well!"

A few people arrived at the harbor with a small number of people. Yang Fei pondered over the telegram carefully, but he always felt that something was wrong. He only said to transfer a few regiment leaders, but not a single soldier was transferred. Unclear?

As soon as I thought of this, Li Mobai and others arrived.

As soon as the few people met, Shen Wanxi looked at Yang Fei, "Old Yang, what did I say, we met again!"

"Brothers, thank you for your hard work, but this is not a good thing!" Yang Fei said.

"Isn't it a good thing? He Gonghan asked us to guard the harbor. It seems that he really can't bring out decent people. The few of us, the benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see wisdom, can't guard this harbor?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Hey, old Shen, you are so poor, a bunch of commanders can beat the devil's iron boat? You don't even have hair, why fight the devil?" Yang Fei asked.

"This... let's not fight naval battles, only street battles!" Shen Wanxi suggested.

"The devils will not easily fight street battles with you. Let me tell you, when the iron boats of the devils come over, they must first carry out some bombing, and then they will land and fight when they are almost done. Look, how many people are there here? Not many, I guess, only the devil iron boat can be seen, and the few of us will become lonely ghosts!" Yang Fei said.

"Old Yang, don't forget, don't we have a family background? I can sail a boat!" Hu Dahai said.

"An iron boat is still called Jiadi, and we are too poor!" Yang Fei shook his head, "Don't think that the devil's boats are all wooden boats, it is impossible, if there is no accident, the sea outside is the devil's back garden Now, how to fight, we still have to find a way." Yang Fei looked at them, and then lit a cigarette by himself.

After their discussion, it is not wise to guard the harbor. If they want to win, they can only deal with the devils. Since what they want is the harbor, well, when the devils come to the harbor, they will fight against the devils and let them fight. taste the bitterness.

Li Mobai nodded, "It seems that this is the only way."

"Then do we need to report to Gong Han and the others?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"No need, if you report it, he will definitely say, don't retreat, just fight the devil directly, this is forcing us to die!" Yang Fei said.

"Then don't tell him!" Shen Wanxi said.

"A few of us have come out. Have you ever thought about what the brigade commander and the political commissar are doing now? The rights have been emptied, and what they need most now is us!" Yang Fei said.

"When we finish this battle, Yang Fei, let's withdraw?" Li Mobai said.

Even Yang Fei didn't expect that Li Mobai would say such words first, they looked at Li Mobai, and then Yang Fei asked, "Hehe, what do you mean by withdrawing?"

"I, Li Mobai, am not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, nor is I obsessed with power. I joined the army just to kill the enemy and serve the country. Now, the head of the regiment is not the head of the regiment, and the commander of the brigade is not the commander of the brigade. It seems that you lead the troops to fight. In fact, they have already been evacuated by several battalion commanders under him, and those battalion commanders report directly to Mrs. Ji if there is anything wrong. Obviously, we have reached the most critical time." Li Mobai said, "Climbing the snow mountain, passing When I was in the grassland, I was never afraid. I killed the devils and got a few holes in my body. I didn't say anything. All I needed was the trust given to me by the organization and the party. But it seems that it is a bit difficult now. "

"Lao Li, you are right, I agree with your idea," Hu Dahai said, "Brothers, we met once, it should be a fate, we are here today, I always feel that there is a kind of meeting I hate being late, come on, after drinking the water, let’s make a vow, not to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day!”

"Get lost!" Yang Fei cursed, "I still want to live a few more years, and you don't look like a long-lived person!"

"At least we are all of one mind!" Hu Dahai said.

"As long as there is one heart, it's fine. Don't have any sworn vows. We don't believe in this either." Shen Wanxi said. "Old Yang, then according to our arrangement, we should set up defenses around East Hague. No matter where they go, they must pass through East Hague!"

"Yes, but, apart from Donghai Ya, I suggest that they should be guarded in Tuanzitun and Miaozhaitun. The two villages are not far from each other. This is the passageway for them to go south. A large part of the reason why they are comfortable in these two villages is The terrain of the two people's villages is better. Others, I can't guarantee it!"

"Okay, the south, but the most important thing. Whether Anning County can be safe or not depends on us!" Hu Dahai said.

Regarding the situation of the several counties occupied by the Eighth Route Army, without exception, Gong Han gave Jiang Ying a copy. , in order to give the empire a stable rear, he has already taken down Shencheng. At that time, the devils stationed in Beihai Command will definitely be in Shencheng. Moreover, he has already thought about what to do when the time comes, the first thing to do , It is to restore the passage from Gwangju to the seaport, and then open up the main road to the gold mine.

This is a place that the empire has been thinking about, and he must get it right.

When he came to Liaocheng, Bai Dalong and Li Mingchao were ashamed and there was nothing they could do. Now, they have been in a mess for a long time, and they are too used to being scolded by Jiang Ying.

However, unexpectedly, Jiang Ying did not scold them this time, but continued to order, "In the next few days, you are going to the south of Linjiang County, Heitutun, where there is a security team to recruit them. I have already said hello, I dare not do anything, the number of personnel should not be too small, and, in the past two days, if you encounter the harassment of the Eighth Route Army, you should retreat and do not participate in the battle. Do you know?"

"Commander, don't worry, I have the confidence to fight the Eighth Route Army!" After Bai Dalong finished speaking, he always felt like a swordsman, and he was full of chivalry and courage in his heart.

Jiang Ying stared at him, "It don't want to listen to me?"

"No, no, absolutely not, I follow the command of the commander, how to fight, I listen to you!" Hu Dahai said.

"That's right, you have to listen to me!" Jiang Ying finished speaking and then said, "There is one more thing. After three days, take the initiative to fight Linjiang County. Just hit it, and you must fight it down!"

"Yes!" Li Mingchao and Bai Dalong nodded.

Bai Dalong and Li Mingchao finally watched Jiang Ying leave, and the stone in their hearts suddenly stopped, "He said, let's go to Heitutun, did you hear that?"

"I heard that, let's increase our manpower! I thought, let's take a few days off, don't we still want to fight Linjiang County? Save your energy, the trial will be ours!" Li Mingchao said.

According to Jiang Ying's prompt, they arrived at Heitutun soon. As soon as they went there, a member of the previous security team asked Li Mingchao to take over.

With so many people, Li Mingchao was very puzzled, how did this Jiang Ying do it?
He looked at Bai Dalong, who shook his head, "Why are you looking at me? I don't know either!"

But Li Mingchao seemed to have figured it out, "It seems that Jiang Ying's power in Beihai is not as simple as we thought, maybe this security team belongs to them!" So Li Mingchao thought in his heart, "In the future, I dare not disobey Jiang Ying , I am afraid that the invisible forces in Beihai will come out! And no matter what the Eighth Route Army is, I have to live, and only by living can there be hope."

On the outskirts of Anning County.

Li Jiguang stood on the top of the mountain, he looked into the distance, there was a vast expanse of whiteness, it seemed that he could not go to the end.

The guards around him stood by his side, afraid that something might happen.

"Brigadier, come down, let's go back!" The guard shouted.

Li Jiguang didn't seem to hear it, and the guard yelled again, "Brigade Commander, shall we go back?"

Li Jiguang glanced back at him, and then turned his head into the distance again. He really didn't understand, "Good Beihai, what's the matter now? It seems that he is sick, but when he is sick, he must be cured when he is sick? How can he be cured?" Cured?"

He sat down slowly, and the bitter wind blew his body. The guard went over in fear and grabbed a corner of Li Jiguang's clothes.

For Li Jiguang, he has seen this kind of thing a lot, and he has seen it more. As long as he needs it, his life can be handed over. However, he always has a sense of urgency that his ambition is unfulfilled. Just like the mountain he was standing on at this moment, crumbling.

He knew that the guards behind him were worried about him, and he understood better, what are they going to do?
At this moment, he thought of Wen Tianxiang who lived in Lingdingyang back then. Was his unfulfilled ambition the same as himself at this time?
He thought too much, but he still couldn't let it go.

Slowly, he sat down, and the guard behind him breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brigade Commander, don't scare me!" Xiao Li said with some fear.

"Xiao Li, I'm fine, don't worry, I'll sit here alone for a while, and you can sit for a while too!" Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, our army, I always feel weird." Xiao Li and Li Jiguang have been together for a long time, so he doesn't hide many things from Li Jiguang.

"You can tell me that, but when we go down, don't dare to say that!" Li Jiguang smiled.

"Hey, it's okay. Yesterday, the guard next to the palace found me and promised me a high official and rich salary. He wanted to ask you if you had done anything wrong before. When I heard this, I refused! You say, What exactly is this palace going to do? We used to be happy and happy, why did they disappear when they came?" Xiao Li sat down.Li Jiguang handed him a cigarette, Xiao Li smiled and took it.

"Brigade Commander, in my opinion, this palace should be fake. Think about it, our boss, Commander Xu, didn't have the airs like him before." Xiao Li shook his head, "I'll deal with this matter when I go back. check!"

"Xiao Li, don't be impulsive. It's not your turn to do this! He will naturally have the day when the truth comes out!" Li Jiguang said.

"God accepts him too slowly, I have to speed him up!" Xiao Li was filled with righteous indignation.

"Xiao Li, I know you, you can do anything, but this matter is very important to him, we can't take it for granted, of course, protecting ourselves is the most important thing." Li Jiguang exhorted .

Xiao Li nodded, but he was still a little angry. This kind of anger was the kind of grievance imposed on Li Jiguang by others. After so many years, he understood who Li Jiguang was. Give up, that kind of lofty revolutionary fighting spirit will not let him collapse easily.

However, Xiao Li always felt in his heart that he was going to do something.

However, he did not speak to Li Jiguang.

When we got down the mountain, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. Neither Li Jiguang nor Xiao Li had eaten.

In a certain corner, two figures were discussing something, and a man with slender eyes said, "After this is done, Gong will absolutely guarantee that you will be at least a team leader. Are you sure you did it?"

Another tall and thin man nodded, "I am willing to follow Chairman Gong. Gong is the great savior of Beihai!"

His slender eyes patted the tall and thin man's shoulder, "Xiao Li, you're smart, you should know that you only know a part of the important reason why our group came to Beihai this time, and you don't know the other part, so I don't mind telling you You just want to clear the truth, beat devils and bandits, this is necessary, and don't interfere with each other, so now you must find all kinds of evidence of Li Jiguang's crimes. When the time comes, once he falls, you will come up, you always You don’t want to be a bodyguard all the time, do you?”

Slender eyes are sugar-coated bullets. Xiao Li nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely find it. Tonight, I will write out all his crimes and leave them to you tomorrow!"

"That's right, but I can give you a few pointers." After finishing speaking, the slender eyes whispered next to Xiao Li's ear, "It's okay to write out the unwarranted charges, after all, I always want to let you He fell, what do you think?"

Xiao Li looked at him suddenly, "Unfounded charges?"

"You understand!" After finishing speaking, slender eyes patted Xiao Li's shoulder, "You should understand, what we are going to do now, you also understand, what are you going to do"

"Okay, I understand!" After Xiao Li finished speaking, he took out a stack of banknotes from his body with his slender eyes, "This is what Gong meant!"

"Gong is so rich!" Xiao Li laughed, "Following Li Jiguang, I have never seen so much money!"

"The good days are yet to come, Xiao Li, I am optimistic about you. From now on, you will be my comrade-in-arms on the same front. With this thing, even if you don't serve as a soldier, you can go home and marry a wife. The money will be enough for half your life." it took."

"I understand!" After Xiao Li finished speaking, he put the money in his pocket, then looked around and found that there was no one there, then smiled and looked at the slender eyes, "Then I'm leaving, and now I'm going to charge Li Jiguangan !"

"Good brother, let's go!"

After the figure left, he smiled slyly with his slender eyes, "Hehe, Li Jiguang is going to fall after all, and no one can save him. Even your old friends and hard-fated comrades in arms will not save you at this time. Whoever saves you means Get fired!"

At five o'clock in the afternoon that day, a very important event happened, which affected the entire brigade headquarters of the Eighth Route Army.

Wang Wei was accused!
The reason was that he once covered up Yang Fei's disobedience to command orders on the battlefield, and that Yang Fei did not withdraw from the party organization, and suddenly appeared in the brigade headquarters a year later and was charged with espionage.

What's even more exasperating is that Wang Wei didn't argue with such a statement. He also knew that no matter what he fought for, it would be of no avail in the end.

Wang Wei was imprisoned in a small black room, but the entire Anning County remained the same as before, without any twists and turns. However, everyone was talking about this matter, and behind Wang Wei's smiling face was a ferocious devil.

When Li Jiguang heard about this, he immediately found Wang Wei, but was told that no one should approach Wang Wei!
Li Jiguang angrily hit the two soldiers at the door, "Think about it carefully, don't you know what kind of person the political commissar has been for so many years?"

The two soldiers lowered their heads, they dare not speak.

Li Jiguang kicked the door open, and poured all his anger on the door where Wang Wei was imprisoned.

"Political commissar, you have been wronged!"

(End of this chapter)

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