Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2660 Report Letter

Chapter 2660 Report Letter

Wang Wei looked up and saw Li Jiguang, but he smiled.

Li Jiguang walked up to him slowly, then sat down, went to pour the water himself, and found that the teapot was empty.He yelled, "Go pour a jug of hot water!"

The soldiers at the door hurried in and left with the teapot.

The room was cold and there was not even a charcoal basin. Wang Wei's thin body still didn't show how pitiful he was, but his cheeks were flushed, which was obviously caused by the cold.

"Political commissar, as long as I, Li Jiguang, are here, I will keep you safe for a day. Once I am like you, don't blame my brother!" Li Jiguang was a little sad.

"Brigade commander, what are you talking about? I hope you will always take care of me. I understand my body. Even if they don't detain me, I can live to be 43 years old at most. On the day I was born, there was a fortune teller who counted me. I heard from my mother that it was a miracle that I was born with a weight of three pounds, and that I survived so many years of suffering, and I don’t care about the little bit of suffering!” After Wang Wei finished speaking, he put on his overcoat again .

"Political commissar, you are wronged!" Li Jiguang said.

"No grievance, no grievance," Wang Wei laughed.

"Tell me, who reported you?" Li Jiguang frowned like a man-eating leopard.

"Forget it, forget it, let's not pursue this matter!" Wang Wei said.

After a while, a soldier came in, put the kettle on the table, and then left by himself.

"I know it even if you don't tell me. I've heard that it's your guard, Xiao Wang, right? This little bastard actually stabbed him in the back and suffered so much suffering. Why can't he pass this test! "Li Jiguang slapped the table viciously, "I will go out later, and I will definitely let this guy explain to me clearly, who instigated it!"

"Okay, Brigadier, this matter is over, I have already seen it, this may be my fate!" Wang Wei said, "Do you know? I am 42 this year, and next year will be my deadline. Maybe it's life!"

"Fate? Political commissar, we are all materialists, how can there be any idealism? Don't deceive yourself!" Li Jiguang looked at and asked.

"Brigade Commander, after all these years, I've been able to get to this point thanks to your refusal to give up. You know exactly how much I have." Wang Wei said, "After leaving, don't trouble Xiao Wang. , he should also know what he did."

"You are my good political commissar. Your grievances are my grievances. I, Li Jiguang, are nothing else, but I am also a man. The sky in Beihai cannot always be covered with dark clouds. I want him to clear the clouds and see the sun." Li Jiguang said.

"Haha, you just said that we can't talk about idealism, but what you said just now..." Wang Wei shook his head, "In this way, it's okay, I have a lot of leisure here. I will make up for the sleep I have had."

Li Jiguang stood up, and a tear flowed from the corner of my eye, "Old Wang, your career has not yet succeeded, if you dare to be so negative, don't blame me for being merciless!"

After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang went out, went out, and shouted to the soldiers at the door, "What are you doing with your eyes? There is no hot water in it, please pour it for me in time. In such a cold day, make a charcoal basin. !"

After speaking, he left.

Wang Wei lowered his head alone, looking at the steaming kettle in front of him, he touched it with his hand, it was a little hot, he withdrew his hand, and then smiled, "Lao Li, Lao Li, no wonder you value Yang Fei so much , your kid's temper is exactly the same as his."


That night, Xiao Li was in his bedroom, holding a pen and paper. He bit the tip of the pen, but he couldn't write anything. If he was asked to write Li Jiguang's criminal evidence, how would he write it?
Is Gong Han here to make trouble, or to do work?

Thinking of this, he went out, "I want to see, what do you mean, drive everyone out of the headquarters, what the hell are you guys doing inside?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Li decided to go to the headquarters alone to have a look, maybe he could see something.

However, when he arrived at the entrance of the headquarters, he saw two soldiers standing at the entrance. It is now 09:30 in the evening. It stands to reason that Gong Han has already returned home to sleep, and there is no one inside. However, how to enter the headquarters? ?
Suddenly, he thought that before, there was no one at the back door of the headquarters, and there was a window open, if he could enter from there, there might be some unexpected gains.

Sure enough, when he turned to the back door, there was no one there, and the window was still open.

He looked around and found that there was no one, then he jumped on the window and went in through the window.

The headquarters in Anning County used to be the house of a rich family. During the Japanese occupation period, the devils took over the place and used it as the headquarters. When they settled in Anning, the wealthy family did not dare to ask for it, but only said that they had a house to live in. , Therefore, Li Jiguang and the others work here. Xiao Li is quite familiar with this place. He knows which road to walk, and even which wooden floor under his feet can make noise.

Entering through the window, Xiao Li went directly to Gong Han's office. Gong Han's office is in the master bedroom on the second floor. After he went up, he saw that the furnishings inside were the same as before, but there was some clutter. If before, Xiao Li will help Li Jiguang tidy up, but now he can't, he dare not move.

When he quietly entered Gong Han's office, and then opened the door, and the light from the road came in, he fumbled lightly.

On the table, there was obviously a document. He picked it up and saw that it was written in Japanese.

He couldn't read it, and he didn't understand why there was such a document here. Then, he rummaged through the table again. At this time, he actually found the report letter written by Wang Wei's guard, Xiao Wang. The above listed all kinds of wrong things about Wang Wei. In fact, he knew about it in the afternoon. However, when he thinks about it now, he feels a little chills on his back. How can such a trusted person do such a ridiculous thing?
At this time, Xiao Li saw a black box under the desk. This leather box was very valuable at first glance. He picked up the box and opened it. Suddenly, a bright command knife appeared in front of his eyes.

Below, there is another document, which is written in Chinese, which probably means to wish him a smooth job.

This palace cold is really interesting, Xiao Li shook his head and continued to search, the lights outside were sometimes bright and sometimes dim.

At this time, suddenly, a document in the upper right corner of the desk caught Xiao Li's eyes.

He picked it up and frowned all of a sudden, "Gong Gong Han from the Wa country?"

Thinking of this, he hurriedly put the document into his pocket, and when he just walked to the door, he didn't hear Gong Han's voice, "How about it, Xiao Li, are you sure you will bring Li Jiguang's criminal evidence over tomorrow?"

"Yes, he has already collected our money. At that time, if I can't get Li Jiguang's criminal evidence tomorrow, I will accuse Xiao Li of his source of income. At that time, he is slandering him as a spy of the enemy country. That's fine." Too much to do!" Said coldly with slender eyes.

"As long as you know, okay! You can handle this matter. I believe in you!" Gong Han said.


The footsteps were getting closer.

Xiao Li saw the window, then hurried over, opened the window, jumped on it, and then jumped downstairs.


The sound is huge!

Hearing the sound, Gong Han rushed in immediately, found the window was open, and immediately went to the bed, saw a figure running fast!

"Ba Ga, hurry up and find out who came to my office!" Gong Han said loudly.

Slender eyes quickly turned around and went downstairs.

After turning on the light, Gong Han found that his suitcase was on the table, and the documents on the table had also been read!

He slammed his fist on the table, "Baga, Lu, Baga, Lu!"

Xiao Li jumped off the building and twisted his ankle!

However, he still ran with a limp!

Li Jiguang's house was a little to the east of Anning County. At this time, he heard a voice behind him, which was the voice of soldiers chasing fugitives.

He hurriedly got into a pigsty, the two pigs inside took a look at Xiao Li, and then continued to sleep on their stomachs!

When the footsteps left, Xiao Li came out of the pigsty. He was still in shock, and after walking a few steps, his feet hurt unbearably!
Just as he was holding onto a tree, he heard someone calling him behind him!

"Little Li?"

Xiao Li looked back and found slender eyes staring at him.

Xiao Li immediately regained his senses, and quickly walked towards Slender Eyes, "What happened just now? Why did I see so many people running over? I was startled, and then I fell down!" After speaking, Xiao Li hurriedly asked , "By the way, I happen to have something to ask you, and I want to ask if your report letter can be the same as that written by Xiao Wang, and just write him to cover up Yang Fei?"

The slender eyes saw that Xiao Li's face didn't look a little different, so he said, "Is this what you're talking about? Okay, this is just right to write, and it can help Xiao Wang trip Wang Wei completely!"

"That's fine, I think, I'm almost done, I'll go back later, polish it, and add a few more." Xiao Li said.


After the slender eyes finished speaking, Xiao Li turned around and wanted to leave.

Just after taking two steps, the slender eyes asked, "Why did you appear in this place?"

Xiao Li's back was covered in cold sweat, he turned his head, and then said with a smile, "At first, I wanted to ask you if you could write like that first, but in the end, I was in a hurry to go to the latrine, so I searched nearby. Unexpectedly, so many soldiers came here , I was taken aback!"

"Really?" She asked looking at him with slender eyes.

"Of course, you still don't believe me? Well, I might as well tell you my opinion!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Li walked towards Slender Eyes again, "If you want to bring down Li Jiguang, you must first bring down Yang Fei waited for a few diehards, and when they collapsed, no one could speak to Li Jiguang. Also, not only did Yang Fei have problems, but Li Jiguang covered them up, like Shen Wanxi. Guang died, this matter was also covered by Li Jiguang, and Hu Dahai is also needed, this guy is not good at fighting, but he is very good at flattering, these problems should make it easy for Li Jiguang to fall?"

"That's true!" Slender Yang said.

"Then I'll go back and write it quickly. Tomorrow, I will personally send you my report letter!"


After the slender eyes finished speaking, Xiao Li turned around and left. However, he was not in a hurry, but looked back at him, "When Li Jiguang is brought down, are you sure you want me to be the head of the regiment?"

"I'm not lying to you!" Said the slender eyes.

"Okay, it's easy to handle. I'll buy you a drink when things are done!" After speaking, Xiao Li endured the pain and walked forward pretending to be calm!

Fortunately, the slender eyes did not follow.

When he arrived at Li Jiguang's residence, he immediately knocked on the door and entered. After entering the door, Xiao Li quickly said, "Brigade Commander, I discovered something very important!"

Li Jiguang looked at him, "What's wrong? Tell me!"

Xiao Li handed the document in his pocket to Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander, this is it," and then he whispered, "Gong Han is very likely to be from the Wa country!"

Li Jiguang frowned. He took the document and looked at it. It was so obvious that Gong Han was from the Wa country!

"How did you get it?" Li Jiguang asked.

"I went to the headquarters quietly just now, and found this document in Gong Han's office!" Xiao Li said.

"Brigade Commander, what should we do? The Eighth Route Army can't let the devils succeed here. When the time comes, it will be us and the common people who will suffer!" Xiao Li said urgently.

Li Jiguang knew that he had to make a decision on this matter as soon as possible. He looked at Xiao Li and said, "Xiao Li, so, if you go out now, go to the harbor quickly, find Yang Fei, tell Yang Fei about this, and quickly let Yang Fei Fei came here with soldiers, the biggest cancer is his cold palace!"

"Okay, brigade commander, then I'm leaving, you must be careful, Gong Han might be bad for you, we can be stable now, don't be too anxious!" Xiao Li instructed.

"Well, I got it!" Li Jiguang said, and then gave the document to Xiao Li, "Tell Yang Fei, I, Li Jiguang, are waiting for him!"

"Okay!" After speaking, Xiao Li opened the door and left immediately!
Li Jiguang also felt that this matter was really too urgent. At this moment, he gradually figured out why Gong Han came so abnormally.

It was confirmed that Gong Han was a Japanese person, and everything was confirmed.

He closed the door and sat on the bed, not knowing what to do for a long time.


The door opened, several soldiers broke in, and then the slender eyes shouted directly, "Come on, take Li Jiguang down!"

Li Jiguang knew that he was going to finish, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

Several soldiers went over, tied up Li Jiguang, and then escorted him to the headquarters.

At this moment, the weather is gloomy, and it seems to be snowing, let it fall, let it fall, the bigger the better!This world will be innocent in the end!

A figure was running, and he looked behind him from time to time, he was exhausted, his ankles were swollen to the point that his arms were thick, and he kept on stopping.



Xiao Li had no choice but to run desperately. He knew that he was the one who could save the Eighth Route Army. He wanted to make himself a hero, a hero who saved the Eighth Route Army!


The bullets came, but they didn't hit Xiao Li, and Xiao Li also knew that they were trying to scare him and want him to stop.

"Stop, or you'll shoot!"

All kinds of voices persuading him to surrender did not make Xiao Li flinch. He ran desperately, and when he looked back, those people were too close to him, only one or two hundred meters left!
"Stop, I'll give you three numbers!"



Xiao Li gritted his teeth tightly. He never knew that he could run for such a long time without panting. This has created a myth!


As soon as the sound ended, a bullet hit Xiao Li's leg!

Immediately, his whole body seemed to be under a lot of weight, and he fell to the ground at one end.

Soon, so many comrades who used to be themselves behind, ran over!
However, Xiao Li still looked at the harbor in the northeast corner, "Hurry up, give me a few more hours, I'm almost there!"

He kept talking, but his body was still crawling forward!

When the soldiers arrived in front of him, he still continued to crawl forward!

"Xiao Li, why are you bothering!"

"Xiao Li, what are you doing? Where are you going?"

asked the former warriors.

"Gong Han is from the Japanese country, you don't want to be the lackeys of the Japanese people!" Xiao Li didn't look at them, his cheeks were sweating, but his gaze was still very appreciative.

"Woman? Xiao Li, have you lost your mind?"

For those who don't understand, as long as he is a leader, he is a good person, as long as he admits that he is the Eighth Route Army, he is still a good person!
Xiao Li crawled forward, the snow was covered with his blood, it penetrated into the white snow, and a few bright flowers bloomed.

"Give me an hour, give me an hour!" Xiao Li kept shouting from the corner of his mouth.

"Go back, Li, are you going to the harbor?"

"Leave me alone, let me go!" Xiao Li clenched his teeth.

"Let him go, I'll see how far he can go!" Hearing the voice, it should be slender eyes!

High beams came on, showing a way out.

Those soldiers quickly get out of this way!
Xiao Li crawled slowly, and the car behind him followed slowly.

The slender eyes stared at Xiao Li on the ground without any sympathy.

"Go on, crawl, dogs only crawl!" Slender eyes turned to attack personally.

"Don't take care of me, don't take care of me!" Xiao Li grabbed the snow on the ground, he really had no strength!

However, he still squirmed, using the strength of his waist to support him to move forward.

Then, the car stopped, and the slender eyes stepped down and stepped on Xiao Li's back!

"Keep climbing!"

The veins in the corners of Xiao Li's eyes swelled. He tried all his strength, but he couldn't move!In front of his eyes, there is hope, how much he hopes now that Yang Fei can bring soldiers to kill these Japanese people!Then the Eighth Route Army was saved.

Slowly, Xiao Li's eyes became a blur, and his head was buried heavily in the snow.

The slender eyes on his back are not willing to let him go like this at all!
"He tied it up and it's still in the car!" Slender Eyes said.

Lifting him, putting him on the car, Slender Eyes started the car, made a U-turn, and went straight to Anning County!


A ball of flames, he was beating like a devil, twisting his body, wantonly trying to win the favor of others.

Through the flame, Xiao Li slowly opened his eyes.

He was tied up, and on the table in front of him, there were many knives, like various scalpels used by doctors, and a leather whip was hung on a wooden shelf on the right.

He instantly understood what this place was.

"Ha ha!"

A muffled laugh.

Xiao Li didn't look up, so he knew who it was!
"Xiao Li, Xiao Li, do you think I won't be able to bring you back after you leave? You think too much. In the end, you will still die by my hands! But don't worry, I won't Let you die now, I want you to see what will happen to you for deceiving me!" Said the slender eyes coldly.

"If you want to kill or cut, you can do whatever you want!" Xiao Li said.

"Haha, it's so funny, so you are still a hero?" Slender Eyes took the leather whip on the shelf, touched it with his hand, and said with a treacherous smile, "I want to see how you are in pain, you should be able to Made me smile."

Xiao Li didn't speak!

"Haha, haha!" The slender eyes smiled, raised the whip and hit Xiao Li!

A long mark suddenly appeared on his face.

"Does it hurt?"

Slender eyes looked at him with a smile.

"Something kills me!"

Facing Xiao Li's words, his slender eyes would not take it to heart at all, "You think so beautifully, how is it possible, don't worry, you are not going to betray me? I will ask Li Jiguang to come and see, the two of you are working together , is the cancer of the Eighth Route Army!"

"Shut up, you are from the Japanese country, and you still want to slander us!" Xiao Li looked at him.

At this moment, the slender eyes stopped talking. He should know that Xiao Li knew their details, but he didn't know whether Li Jiguang knew. Of course, he didn't mind Li Jiguang knowing about it. If Li Jiguang knew, That means, he can kill him right now!

After a while, several soldiers came with Li Jiguang.

This place was transformed into a prison by Gong Han and others, it looked decent, and there were so many instruments of torture that they didn't want to see it in detail.

When Yang Fei saw Xiao Li, his heart skipped a beat.

"Kill me if you have the ability!" Xiao Li roared!
Slender eyes looked at Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander Li, look, this is your bodyguard!"

"Excuse me, what happened to Xiao Li? Why did you arrest him?" Li Jiguang asked.

"You have to ask him about this, let him tell you!" Slender eyes looked at Xiao Li again.

Xiao Li looked at Li Jiguang, he shed tears, his heart should be even more uncomfortable, he was sorry, he did not complete the task Li Jiguang gave him, he was thinking, if his feet were not injured, would he be able to arrive soon What about the harbor?
"Tell your brigade commander what happened to you?" Slender Eyes asked.

Xiao Li laughed out loud, "Hahahaha!"

Suddenly, Xiao Li stopped and sang the Internationale, "Arise, slaves suffering from hunger and cold, arise, suffering people all over the world! The blood is already boiling..."

Li Jiguang's eyes were full of tears.

Slender Eyes gritted his teeth and raised his whip...

(End of this chapter)

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