Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2661 There are people coming from the harbor

Chapter 2661 There are people coming from the harbor

It's too cruel, let's briefly mention it for now. Li Jiguang witnessed Xiao Li's tragedy with his own eyes, and he swore that he would make them pay the price!
Besides, on the second day, the sky, which was originally sunny, suddenly became gloomy. Immediately afterwards, the heavy snow began to fall again. Yang Fei and others, who were used to Beihai's temper, didn't feel anything strange!
They don't know anything about Anning County, like people in the mountains, they are always a little closed.

By the way, Hu Dahai was talking, when he was going to eat hot pot at noon, Liu Ji ran over from a distance, and he pointed to the seaside panting, "Leader, leader, there is a situation at sea!"

"What's the situation, speak slowly!" Yang Fei asked quickly.

"Captain, several iron ships are coming from the sea!" Liu Ji said, "They are coming towards our harbor!"

"Go, go and see the situation!" After saying that, Yang Fei and others rushed to the seaside, took the telescope from Liu Ji's hand, and saw that it was really a tiny shadow floating from the sea, and Yang Fei took it Putting down the binoculars, he looked at them, "It seems that the devil will definitely arrive within an hour. Let's take people up to East Hague immediately. Withdraw and prepare to fight at any time!"

After finishing speaking, the whole regiment immediately ran to East Hague, and ambushed in the already completed fortifications. As for the people in the harbor, they have all been transferred to nearby villages or county towns.

This is an absolutely unexpected battle, this is the battle that Gong Han wants to wipe out Yang Fei and others.

However, Yang Fei doesn't believe in this evil, he always thinks that if he has a big fate, if he hits the devil, then it's good!
Sure enough, after more than half an hour, Yang Fei found that those iron boats were approaching, and their speed slowed down, and some even stopped!

Their cannons were aimed at the harbor, "Damn, everyone is well hidden, the devils seem to be attacking now!"

As soon as the words were finished, the muzzle was aimed at the harbor, and the shells hit the proposed port, and they burned into a raging fire, hitting the houses, and the rubble and wall bricks were blown away.

Hu Dahai gritted his teeth, "Yang Fei, you are right, this little devil is really here!"

"Hehe, they came just in time. Let's wait for them to land. Once they land, they will die!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, my machine gun is ready, little devil, come on!" Hu Dahai stared at the devil's iron boat not far away.

Shen Wanxi and Li Mobai led the people up to the highest point, where they watched the devil's movements. ,

To their surprise, not only the three or five iron boats at hand, but behind them, there were at least ten iron boats. These iron boats seemed to eat people with arrogance.

"Boom!" The shell landed at the foot of Yashan Mountain in the Eastern Sea, blasting out a huge crater. It was the first time that Hu Dahai and the others saw that the iron boat could be so unscrupulous.

The harbor is in a sea of ​​flames, and the raging fire has spread. In those days that I don't know, the tranquility here seems to be fake.



The tree trunk was blown in half and fell to the ground, and there was no one on the road.

After bombing for nearly half an hour, the bombing stopped.

Yang Fei held the pistol in his hand, "It looks like the devil is about to land! Everyone cheer up!"

After saying this, sure enough, the iron boats came slowly, and when they reached the sea, they stopped again, and the devils on the boat jumped into the sea, and then rushed to the shore.

Unexpectedly, there were as many as 100 devils on this ship, and the sea is now full of devils.

As if they had been trained for a long time, their speed was very fast. When they got ashore, they held their guns and ignited their last hope in front of the house that was not bombed.

It is not easy to build a village, but it is so easy to destroy a village.

Those devils did not rush forward in a hurry, but hid on the spot to be vigilant!
They didn't rush forward until the ten iron ships behind them came over!

The harbor where more than 1000 devils gathered made Yang Fei and others in a dilemma!

Hu Dahai became a little dull, "Old Yang, this damn devil came too fast, can we beat it?"

"If we can't fight, we will withdraw. As long as we have vitality, that's enough. Isn't it what we have always been good at fighting devils?" Yang Fei said.

"It's just a pity that this port, such a good port, was destroyed just like that!" Hu Dahai's fist hit the ground heavily.

Facing so many devils, Hu Dahai had never been so excited before. It had been a long time since he had shot the devils last time. This time, he wanted to do a good job!
At the foot of the mountain, they stopped again. At this time, dozens of dogs ran up behind them. Those dogs stared at the top of the mountain, and then barked.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

"Wang Wang..."

The devils exchanged winks, and then quickly adjusted their team. After a while, a few grenade launchers were quietly brought over, aimed at the top of the mountain and began to drop bombs.

Yang Fei saw that this little devil was so shrewd. He failed once, and his experience is increasing. If the devil takes the lead, the soldiers will suffer heavy losses. However, if we fight now, I'm afraid the devils will defend even harder and won't come to the mountain easily!
Therefore, Yang Fei ordered, "Only a small number of people will be left on the top of the mountain for the time being, Hu Dahai, you take the people to the back first!" After finishing speaking, he looked at Han Qing: "Go, tell Shen Wanxi and Li Mobai to hide them." , They are at the commanding heights! After a while, if the devils attack, it will be up to them!"

"Yes, sir!" After Han Qing finished speaking, he left quickly.

Hu Dahai didn't want to retreat, but Yang Fei told him to go, so he had to go.

At the back of the mountain, Hu Dahai was holding a machine gun, ready to fight at any time, cursing in his mouth, "Old Yang, are you afraid that I will take credit for it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a "boom!", and above his head, a shell flew over, sand, gravel, and dust bloomed all over the place at once!




Hu Dahai wiped the dust off his face, "Mother, what's going on?"

He looked back and saw Yang Fei hiding behind a tree, the firepower was so fierce that he didn't expect it!

At this time, a telegraph operator next to Hu Dahai suddenly said, "Gong is calling!"

Hu Dahai frowned, "What is Gong Han doing at this time?"

After finishing speaking, the telegraph operator said, "Gong said, the enemy is coming, let us quickly wipe out the enemy in the harbor!"

"Damn it!" Hu Dahai scolded, "This guy wants us to wipe it out quickly, and he doesn't look at the firepower of this little devil, I can't lift my head up!"

Even so, he still took the machine gun to the top of the mountain, and the shells were still like summer hail, smashing hard on the ground, and the feeling of blooming everywhere made Hu Dahai feel that he was risking his life.

When he came to Yang Fei, Hu Dahai said, "Gong Han called and asked us to wipe out the devils in the harbor.

Yang Fei's face didn't change much, but he turned his head quietly, "The devil's firepower is too fierce. After a while, the devil may come up. After they come up, we can't fight them head-on. Their fire support is too terrible." Now, let’s play guerrilla!”

"Guerrilla?" Hu Dahai asked, "Donghai Ya is only so big, and even guerrilla fighters can't use their skills. If you want me to say, it's better to obediently fight the enemy!"

"You think too much, look, there is not a good condition here, the devils come up, we fight for a while, then we have to withdraw, when the devils find our hiding place, their grenadiers will not be vegetarian! Hu Dahai, Look!" As he spoke, Yang Fei pointed to the west section of East Hague, "Hide there with someone, and I'll attract the devils there in a while!"

"Old Yang, you also said that the devil's firepower is fierce, teach me here, you go there!" Hu Dahai said.

"The situation is urgent, you go quickly. After a while, I will ask Liu Ji to attract the devils to the commanding heights in the east. We will use both methods. No matter what, the devils will have to bleed." Yang Fei shouted, "Go!"

Hu Dahai could only nod his head, "Okay, then I'll go!"

After finishing speaking, Hu Dahai took the people away!
"Liu Ji!" Yang Fei shouted.

Liu Ji came over, "Leader, tell me!"

"Listen to my order. After a while, you take people to the west mountain, where Hu Dahai is setting up an ambush, and I will take some people to the east. Once the fight is over, get out immediately and go to Wagang Village!" Yang Fei Said.

"Yes!" Liu Ji said immediately.

When the gunfire ended, the devils let go of the wolf dogs, and the dogs ran into the forest, heading straight for the Eighth Route Army!

Behind him, the devil with the number [-] headed towards the mountain to kill.

Yang Fei winked, and Liu Ji led the people to retreat a little to the west.

Then I heard Yang Fei fire a shot, and a vicious dog was knocked down! "Awwhhhhhhhh" screamed.

"Da da da!"


Gunshots rang out, and immediately, the firepower began to converge!
Sure enough, as Yang Fei thought, the devil's grenadier is not a vegetarian!
"Go, follow me, let's go to the east!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he led the people to the east!

But Liu Ji saw the grenade firing towards Yang Fei, so he quickly ordered, "Shoot, hit me!"

"Da da da!" The sound of gunfire blossomed on the devil at the foot of the mountain.

Immediately, thick smoke billowed everywhere, and flames filled the ground.

The devils rushing up the mountain were divided into two parts, one part chased towards Liu Ji, and the other part chased after Yang Fei.

Occupying the harbor is only a part of the devil, and if you want to successfully occupy the harbor, you must keep the harbor in a safe environment.

This is what the devil wants.

And if you want to be safe, East Hague must be safe. If East Hague is safe, the harbor will be safe, and the devil's troops will come in a steady stream!
When Yang Fei led his people to retreat to the east, the devil behind him stuck to him like a dog's skin plaster.

It made Yang Fei grit his teeth with hatred, "You retreat, you guys stay, let's beat this devil's arrogance together!"

After speaking, Yang Fei and the five people started to fight back on the spot!

"Da da da!"

The devil immediately hid, and started exchanging fire with the Eighth Route Army in the hiding place!
Yang Fei took out the grenade on his body, "Little devil, you are a dog skin plaster, and I am the glue that sticks you to death. Let's see, who can survive to the end!"

A few grenades were thrown out, "Boom!"

When the fire came out, the little devil hurriedly buried his head to avoid it!

With a wave of Yang Fei's hand, several soldiers retreated immediately!

Wait until Yang Fei and his people have just arrived at the high point in the east.

Shen Wanxi and Li Mobai had already made preparations. When the devil just showed up, the bullets of "da da da" unceremoniously shot towards their chests.

The little devil didn't expect that Yang Fei and the others would play tricks!They didn't rush, and picked up the grenadier again!

When Yang Fei saw it, he immediately shouted, "Quick, hit the bullet!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei aimed his pistol, and when the devil fired the shell, he hit a grenadier in an instant.


The Eighth Route Army soldiers on the high ground unceremoniously shot all the bullets they could hit, and the little devils they hit had to retreat for the time being!
Seeing this, Shen Wanxi immediately ran down, "Yang Fei, the devils have withdrawn!"

"Don't believe that the devils will withdraw, listen to my order, let's go down the mountain immediately and go to Wagang Village! Join Hu Dahai's troops and go!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei asked Shen Wanxi and Li Mobai to lead the others away first, and he was the last one!
Han Qing came over, "Sir, you go first, I'll be the last!"

"Do I need to look for you!" Yang Fei said, "It's just to beat a few devils. Look at the bottom of the mountain. The devils are going to the mountain to support them again. We have to take advantage of this time to retreat!"

"Let's go together!" Han Qing said.

"Fart. When will it be your turn to command me? Hurry up and get out with Li Mobai!" Yang Fei roared!

After Han Qing finished speaking, he also took out a rifle, "In terms of kung fu, you are not as good as me. Once you get into close combat for a while, I can still protect you!"

"You can't protect me, and both of us will die here in a while!" Yang Fei said.

At this time, as expected, they saw the devils rearranging their team again, and they began to come to the commanding heights to the west.

"Da da da!" Yang Fei picked up the machine gun and fired at the devil!

The snowflakes and the flames of the machine gun seemed incompatible. The originally cold barrel was already very hot. "Little devil, I will kill you!"

"Da da da!" Yang Fei kept firing with a machine gun, while Han Qing kept preparing bullets for Yang Fei.

The bullet casing was shot out and fell to the ground, and the bullet casing collided with the bullet casing, making a "dang dang dang" crisp sound.

Watching the little devil hide once, Yang Fei said, "Now, they have run at least a few hundred meters, Han Qing, let's retreat too!"

With that said, Han Qing picked up the machine gun and ran down the mountain with Yang Fei!

After running a few steps, Han Qing took out a few grenades, and jumped up with one body! , connected in front of several trees!

Yang Fei sighed secretly in his heart, "This kid is interesting!"

After they ran for 2 minutes, they heard a "boom!" behind them!
The speed of running down the mountain was extremely fast, but Yang Fei and Han Qing still did not catch up with Li Mobai and the others. It stands to reason that they should have gone to Wagang Village. It will not take long for him to rush to Wagang Village now. .

But after they ran for a long time, Yang Fei suddenly realized that they were going the wrong way!
This is terrible!

Yang Fei took out the map and looked at it, only to realize that this place is completely different from Wagang Village. When he was running just now, he didn't find anything wrong. What's going on now?
Thinking of this, Han Qing said, "Sir, don't worry, let's rush over now, it should work!"

"Okay, don't say anything, if you go the wrong way, you can go back, Han Qing, be careful!"

After finishing speaking, they headed west first, thinking to pass here, and then go south to reach Wagang Village.

However, at this moment, footsteps were suddenly heard from the woods!

Yang Fei thought, "Not good, did you meet a devil?"

They came up with whatever they wanted, and sure enough, more than a dozen devils sprang out from the woods. When they found Yang Fei, they were all excited as if they had met prey!
At this time, Han Qing stood in front of Yang Fei, "What do you want to do?"

"Are you the Eighth Route Army?" one of the devils asked.

"Hehe, there are only a dozen of you, and you still want to touch our head?" Han Qing snorted!
As soon as the other party heard that there was a regiment leader, they also burst out laughing.

Their guns were aimed at Han Qing and Yang Fei, and Han Qing threw the gun away, "Are you going to fight? Come on?"

Yang Fei was not nervous at all. He understood that Han Qing's monstrous kung fu was beyond the reach of ordinary people. Perhaps, in this world, few people could really beat him.

Seeing Han Qing throw away the gun, the devils put away the gun, and a fatter man came out, "Since you want to compete, well, I'd like to see how powerful your Eighth Route Army's bayonet is!"

"I don't need a bayonet to deal with you, my two hands are enough!" Han Qing looked at the devil with contempt!
The fat devil sneered, "Okay, you don't want weapons yourself, don't blame me for bullying the kids!"

"Don't talk nonsense, come on!" Just after Han Qing finished speaking, the devil stabbed Han Qing's heart with his bayonet. Not to mention, the little devil's bayonet was still very accurate, which made Yang Fei feel , It is not the same that devils have been trained.

However, when the fat devil stabbed at him, Han Qing dodged and dodged smoothly. The blade crossed Han Qing's chest and stabbed towards Yang Fei, only one centimeter away from Yang Fei's chest. Some cold sweat came out!

Seeing Han Qing dodging, the fat devil raised his kick and kicked towards Han Qing. Han Qing dodged again and ignored him at all!

Perhaps, during training, his bayonet kung fu was very good, but after arriving in Huaxia, their good show slowly began.

The fat and fat devil who was in a hurry couldn't believe it, his bayonet skills were already perfect, how could the person opposite him dodge his bayonet!

Don't believe it, absolutely don't believe it!

Thinking of this, the fat devil grinned, "Let's see if you can catch my knife!"

The sharp edge of the blade cut through the cold air, and it became a little scorching hot.

At this time, Han Qing was not dodging. Just now, he was just trying to provoke him and see what kind of real skills he had. Unexpectedly, this devil was so unconvinced.

I saw that wherever the blade passed, there was an arrogant arrogance!
However, Han Qing stretched out a hand and grabbed the bayonet directly!

The fat man stabbed vigorously, but Han Qing held the blade firmly!
"Ah!" The fat devil stabbed with all his strength, but Han Qing easily held the blade!

Suddenly, the bayonet broke into three pieces and fell to the ground.

"Monster!" The fat man couldn't believe it, why did his bayonet break?
"I kill you!"

As he said that, the fat man bumped into Han Qing with his fat body!

And Han Qing's body is not obese, and these days, he seems to have lost a lot of weight!

With a "boom", when it hit Han Qing, Han Qing took two steps back.

"I'll go, how come you weigh three hundred catties?" Han Qing asked panting.

"You underestimated me, 330 catties!" After finishing speaking, the fat man rushed over!
Han Qing gritted his teeth, "Fatty man, you want to kill me!"

After saying this, the devils around him burst into laughter.The scene in front of me was a bit funny, a fat man was chasing a thin man, which was obviously not a heavyweight competition.

However, at the next glance, they were all dumbfounded.

I saw that the fat devil made a leap, trying to pin down Han Qing.

However, Han Qing directly raised his immediate leg, stretched it, and kicked it directly, kicking the fat devil back abruptly.

The devil who was kicked back wanted to stand still, but his center of gravity was unstable, and he fell to the ground at once, and rolled over for several weeks.

Seeing that their own people were about to lose, those devils unceremoniously raised their guns again.

This time, their guns were aimed at Yang Fei, with a sinister smile on their faces.

"Hehe, this time, let's see where you go!"

"Wait!" Han Qing yelled, "You don't respect me too much, do you? I knocked everyone down, and you didn't point your guns at me. Why? Are you looking down on me?"

After saying this, those devils will not be fooled this time. This Han Qing is obviously the one who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. You have no choice but to take Yang Fei, but it is not difficult at all!
Yang Fei pursed his lips, "Hey, in this world, there are always some unexpected people appearing, for example, you want to kill me, but you don't have the guts, tell me, I am the head of the regiment , I know more secrets, you just killed me, how will your commander explain after you go back? Well? Think about it, are you going to kill me or tie me up?"

"Stop talking nonsense, it's the juncture, and you're still talking nonsense!" After speaking, a devil came over, holding a rope to tie Yang Fei up.

"Wait," Yang Fei frowned, "You are unprofessional, you can tie me with a rope, but you have to ask me if you need to tie a bow if you tie me up!"

"I'm convinced of you!" The devil looked at Yang Fei, "Do you want to tie a bow?"

Yang Fei shook his head, "If you don't fight, you girls will!"


Just as they were angry, Han Qing arrived behind them early, "Hehe, you are looking for death, and I will send you a ride if you are looking for death!"

(End of this chapter)

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